Mac getting gimped because of OpenGL stuff. The Bone should be fine.Yeah but you have to remember XB1 is part of the equation. Hopefully nothing is gimped down the line to support it.
Mac getting gimped because of OpenGL stuff. The Bone should be fine.Yeah but you have to remember XB1 is part of the equation. Hopefully nothing is gimped down the line to support it.
Duke and Rear Admiral for the Corvette.
Sorry to come so late to the thread - but it is correct. We are planning to release 1.5 on Tuesday, on PC, Xbox and Mac.
Should the discount still be showing up for Horizons? The page still show the discount with the date and play it now information added but then the store doesn't give a discount.
Just got my Thrustmaster T-Flight HOTAS-X in, still waiting on the PS-eye cam and the head tracking clip. Anyone have any recommended controller setups? I found a page with a few but I'm lost as to which to choose.
and in case you're wondering i've been successfully flying with my 360 controller until now, and I'm using Voice Attack with the KICS3 module. I'm goin all in!
Yeah, the planets look much improved from before with this newest beta.
Also dumb question, does Horizons come out on Xbone when it comes out on PC or is it later?
Later. Pretty sure Xbox is x86, they need to make Horizons work on it.
Later. Pretty sure Xbox is x86, they need to make Horizons work on it.
Yup, certainly would have been strange to have 8GB of memory on 32bit x86.Yes Xbox One and PS4 are x86 64 (or x64) just like any modern Windows PC.
Going by this, both will need to play on low and have pretty decent (45ish) fps on planets, going by my experience.
I'm still trying to figure out if a 970 is worth buying for VR, given what FD has said.
All I'm saying is I went from 55-60 fps on ultra in 1.5 to about 10-15 while on planets in 2.0 with my 660ti.
It's ridiculous.
[UPDATE] We've discovered that there may be an issue with Geforce Experience's 'Auto-Optimize Your Game' feature and our Beta, which is actually causing a large drop in frame rates. We would not advise using this feature for Elite Dangerous at the moment. The problem is under investigation.
Wat. Are you saying a 280x is gonna get 45 fps on *low* settings on planets?
I could imagine planets with atmosphere and such would take a toll on your hardware but these barren empty planets? Even in stations I get 65 fps on Ultra on my 280x.
I mean the short devclip David Braben posted was a few months back was running on a 770, which is roughly equal to the 7970/280x
Fair enough, not like the game isn't already full of optimization issues like going from 140 to 60 FPS in supercruise on an Nvidia GPU (or dropping to 15 on AMD due to driver stuff)
Hope they can sort it out.
Perhaps that's your issue? Straight up dropping to 10-15 seems kind of insane
Hey all,
Thank you so much for your continued testing and support through the beta. It's looking great and the dev team have been hard at work on another update.
It's going live at 11am GMT and the test servers are likely to be down for roughly an hour and a half. Please do jump on in and give your feedback ahead of the full launch on Tuesday next week.
***UPDATE #1***
We're now expecting the server work to be completed by 3pm. More updates if as they happen.
Change log...
Fix a crash caused by a POI activating during a transition
Fixed multi-threading crash in physics
Fixed crash in mission manager
Fixed crash in terrain patch generation
Fix for missing texture errors in schematics
Fix missing component error if a player goes offline
OSX crash fix for activity incorrectly trying to load incorrect resources
Fix for starting with the keyboard and mouse control preset causing your throttle controls to go weird
Prevent server error if player tries to buy something they cannot afford
Fix a confirmed cause of players loading into the game up to a kilometer up or down from where they saved
Fix for turrets at illegal PoIs not being legal targets
Turn on main engines by defaultso that dying while landed doesn't respawn you with a disabled ship
Networked the direction of the buggy turret
Add anti ship weapons to match anti buggy weapons in certain POI scenes and appropriate trespass zones
Improved surface details by adding more bump from the normals close up and reducing tiling at distance due to the alpha not being faded out at the same time as the normal
Fixed deep space POIs spawning incorrect POIs
Improve flattening on some deep space POIs
Fix disappearing blue circle for POIs
Fixed skimmers at illegal POIs not having bounties
Attacking settlement generators now counts as Assault, and triggers settlement aggro
Scanning private data links now counts as Major Trespass (up from minor, so now a bounty instead of a fine), and triggers settlement aggro
Updated additional POIs to be visible from the ship and adjusting their radar radius size
Made some of the smaller POIs only visible in the buggy
Don’t render no fly zones on the scanner if you’re in the SRV
When evaluating the terrain for flatness when spawning POIs handle the case when one of the ray casts hits an edge of a triangle and goes through the mesh without hitting it
Adjusted the radar circle offset so that POIs are less likely to be spawned towards the centre
Fixed bounties claimed stat incrementing twice as often as it should be
Fixed redeeming all vouchers for a faction instead of just combat bonds
Fixed some Commodity names in the market trend local news articles
Fixed longitude and latitude using the wrong time to establish location
Rebalance LOD stream priorities to help with some streaming issues
Add support for vacant ship death, and for parking a buggy without a parent ship. Landed ship is now killable except during the vehicle swap process, when it can be damaged but not killed
Fade POIs from the radar down based on altitude so that they're at full opacity at 2.25km altitude and transparent at 2.00km
Fixed issue with launching audio
Reduce the scale size to trigger the cockpit/vehicle Role popup to reduce the frequency of unintentionally opening it
Fixed Refinery Panel to show correct strings at the correct time
Updated SRV cargo panels dividers to be more consistent
Fixed focus issue when going to external / internal / role panel while an inbox message is opened
Brought back the cross hair for scooping
Check to see if we have disconnected from edserver before checking to see if we have permission to be close to a planet
Surface material fix for patchiness
Prevent tiny planets from having a combination of basins, large scale deformation, europa linae, rifts and craters which add up to a depth greater than the radius of the planet itself
Building LOD fixes
Building collision fixes
Fixed hitman chatter table
Fixed cargo items in the cargo merge panel not using loc strings
Mission text fixes
Updated tutorial video names and descriptions
Prevent the attempted parsing of $; on data links when scanned info is empty string
Head of Community Management
FYI, for you folks jumping in for the first time with Horizons, you can play right now!
"Yes that's right. With only 1 week left to go till launch we've decided to allow Horizons pre-orders the chance to get in and play season 1 while they wait. "
You keep your progress, do it!I should wait but its killing me, would you happen to know if you get to keep the progress or it works the same way beta works?
I should wait but its killing me, would you happen to know if you get to keep the progress or it works the same way beta works?
I thought you already owned Elite? I could have sworn I've seen you participate in this thread.
i do, but i took a break before horizons and i usually dont participate in beta's cause of the progress loss, downloading it tonight tho, super excited.
Just felt the need to post this again. I love seeing stuff like this from the game. Have yet to experience this myself but still trying and hoping I get lucky.
Federation and Imperial capital ships jumping into a battle in a high intensity conflict zone.
Further out than that, and you'll be spending too much time just flying around trying to find anything at all. You really should concentrate on saving up for the Advanced scanner, pop a whole system at once. And yes, there can be worthwhile stuff further out, especially if it's a binary system.. that other star 100K light-seconds away might have an Earth-like around it. Or maybe it's a very large hot star, and its habitable zone is actually out of reach of the Basic scanner. And things like black holes and neutron stars tend to be pretty far out and won't be picked up by anything except the Advanced scanner.When canning systems is it worth looking more than 1,000 or 2,000 light seconds away from the star (assuming it's main-sequence)? What I've seen in this game, Space Engine, and Cosmos has taught me (I think) that most of what's at that range of heat is ice worlds and whatnot. I guess I could run into a Titan-style world or something. Mind you I still only have the basic discovery scanner.
Oh, that message was for those who don't own the vanilla game but preordered Horizons. They can now play vanilla 1.4 until Horizons 2.0 is released on Tuesday. Beta progress will not contribute to your live account.
Hi everyone,
As you can imagine its been a busy week here with the run up to the Horizons and 1.5 update releases. The team has been pushing hard to get as many tweaks and changes into the game as they can. The results of which has been the substantial beta update we released earlier in the week and another is expected today. Once again Id like to thank everyone for their feedback it has been phenomenal! While we cant always respond we do review the feedback and where we agree that a change needs to be made we will do so.
A good example of this was the visibility of POIs from your ship. The original intention was that your ship scanners give you an approximate location for a POI, which you would then track down with the SRVs wave scanner. Obviously this has a continuity issue in that some of the POIs you would expect to be visible. In this case we agreed with the feedback that the continuity/persistence issue outweighed the impetus to use the SRV, so weve changed this in the build earlier this week.
Naturally every action has an opposite reaction and this change has made finding the POIs much too easy and so destabilising the gameplay around POIs. As I write this were looking into ways to ameliorate this, so well have some further tweaks to balance this in a later build.
Progress has been really good, and as you may have seen, elsewhere, we are releasing next week. Were now focusing on stability issues and any high priority issues that come up. You can still keep the feedback coming though as we still have the rest of the season to go for further tweaks and changes as well as new content and features both for Horizons and updating Season One.
Putting on my story hat for a moment the sharp eyed amongst you have noticed a story in GalNet about The Missing. In brief The Missing is an encompassing term for everyone who has disappeared without trace in deep space. This includes colonists on the ancient generation ships, lost colonies, disappeared scientific expeditions and a host of others. Some will know from our timeline that many thousands of generation ships left the safety of Earth beginning in the 24th century onwards, and headed out into what was then largely unknown with just some data from probes to guide them. The process was completely unregulated, and many were not as well prepared as they should have been. In those days when faster-than-light communication didnt exist, many of these potential settlers faced terrible risks alone, travelling thousands of light years into the black, not unlike the wagon trains that set out across continental US in the 18th and 19th centuries before them. Not all were successful at founding new worlds. Most were not. Some managed to return with tails of their adventures. Some were lost in deep space, the dead hulk of their ship carrying on an almost endless trajectory ever deeper into space. Others managed to land and survived for many decades before being overtaken by some local disaster. Some may still be alive, just restricted to low power light speed communications, or no comms at all, as their equipment has failed over the centuries in between. We say they have disappeared without trace, but just maybe some will find some traces of them that are still out there
The plight of The Missing is just one of the things that will become more prominent over the coming year and the Commanders of the Pilots Federation will be pivotal in solving these mysteries. You can expect more news on this soon!
The new dev update is worth a read!
Intrigued to see what becomes of the generation ships. It would be so cool, if they were to add some hidden, derelict generation ship out there in the void. It would be even cooler, if we could board them in season 3 and fight the remaining survivors turned space zombies. Or get missions from some surviving and secluded hippie community ona huge ship wreck. Get us more onion head!![]()
It definitely sounds interesting (like most of their ideas) but it's just going to end up on their nebulous "want to do" list.
Which is quiet extensive:
- Thargoids
- Other alien races
- More capital ship usage
- NPC multicrew
- Godlike powers for DDF membes?
- More station variety
- Asteroid Bases
- Active Volcanism on planets
- Meteors
- ...
And those are just some standout points I remember, that aren't considered specific season feautres (like space legs and most likely atmospheric planets). On the other hand, I trust Frontier more to actually tackle the points of their list at some point than I trust CIG to give us civil space line game mechanics in the coming three years.
But Elite seems healthy enough, especially if they can incerase the player base with Horizons. It may not be the next update or the next year, but I think the likelyhood is good we'll eventually see those points implemented.
Mostly the same for me. I've found a few ship wrecks with some canisters and that's about it, but mostly I land in the blue circle and drive around and find nothing but minerals.I'm totally not understanding POIs in the beta. Every time I get a blue radar marker, I don't see anything on the ground, and if I head out in the SRV, all I ever find are minerals.
Further out than that, and you'll be spending too much time just flying around trying to find anything at all. You really should concentrate on saving up for the Advanced scanner, pop a whole system at once. And yes, there can be worthwhile stuff further out, especially if it's a binary system.. that other star 100K light-seconds away might have an Earth-like around it. Or maybe it's a very large hot star, and its habitable zone is actually out of reach of the Basic scanner. And things like black holes and neutron stars tend to be pretty far out and won't be picked up by anything except the Advanced scanner.
Fixed deep space POIs spawning incorrect POIs
Intrigued to see what becomes of the generation ships. It would be so cool, if they were to add some hidden, derelict generation ship out there in the void. It would be even cooler, if we could board them in season 3 and fight the remaining survivors turned space zombies. Or get missions from some surviving and secluded hippie community ona huge ship wreck. Get us more onion head!![]()
Or to find lost colonies with special... things. Who knows. I like those ideas!
Just felt the need to post this again. I love seeing stuff like this from the game. Have yet to experience this myself but still trying and hoping I get lucky.
Federation and Imperial capital ships jumping into a battle in a high intensity conflict zone.
The military ranks is something we want to revisit at a later stage. I'd like to see them become more like a career.
You're a tough nut to crack, DrBo42.
Right pic looks a thousand times better to me, largely because the detail helps define the scale. I agree, some of the details almost look like an oversharpened image, but I'd take it 8 days a week over the left.