I know it's a lot to do, but I highly suggest investing into the base-building quests to get a basic farm set up. Getting the fungus, cactus, and mordite up will get you liquid explosives that are 1million each sold. Cargo slots are borked now anyway, so attempting to do true trader style isn't possible, really.I guess I'm just fairly averse to grind. I think I'm poorer than most people who have been playing since launch simply because I don't want to spend an hour of my gaming time shooting rocks or tending to literal farms. In Pathfinder I was trying to force myself to mine rocks in order to buy a freighter and finally burnt out. Maybe in 1.3 with the trading improvements it might be possible to make money in early game without farming rocks, but it just doesn't seem like it would be worth it for me to do all that over.
Having a 40+ slot ship right away sounds a bit insane, and almost overpowered. I'm still rocking my C-class 19 slot fighter, though it feels inadequate now. The biggest cost/grind was not the ship itself, but all the weapon and warp upgrades I installed. I'll be sad to sell this sweet BSG Viper. The ole gal got me through a lot of scrapes.
You can do the new story content without starting over. But you'll have to do the base building quests over again, I think because some of the recipes they give you have changed. And those are a bit glitched when using an existing save. If you do continue with your current save and already have a base, be sure to redo the base quests on your existing base or it will break things.
I know it's a lot to do, but I highly suggest investing into the base-building quests to get a basic farm set up. Getting the fungus, cactus, and mordite up will get you liquid explosives that are 1million each sold. Cargo slots are borked now anyway, so attempting to do true trader style isn't possible, really.
Cool planet! Never seen anything like that.
Here is my current green house. 100 plants so far.
How do I take cool pics on Steam of the crazy shit I find? F12 pics are lame looking.
I got it from the Armorer a fair bit into the questline.Where is hazmat gloves locked under now? Found a great planet and all the best stuff is locked behind no gloves and a nearby planet with Lazer lock
Waypoints clogging up the HUD has always been an issue, and one that I can't wrap my head around HG's indifference for. I love the game a lot, even before 1.3 but it's a change that would drastically improve my experience playing.Yeah, this waypoint bug is still super irritating, it's activly getting in the way of navigation now.
I setup my first and only base on a planet in creative mode back when the Foundation update came out. I went exploring for quite a while and then decided to return to it though the teleport on one of the space stations. When I returned however, the planet is totally different and I don't recognise it at all. Can planets drastically change?
Are you saying when you continued your save in 1.3, your base planet hadn't changed, but you went out and came back to a different planet? 1.3 did regenerate all the planets in order to improve the terrain and add new biomes, so that's expected to happen, but it should've happened the first time you saw it in 1.3.
Above is the planet I adopted, and with good reason I wished to return to.
This is what I came home to.
Correction. I know now, it was after Pathfinder that I started a creative game file. A week or so in I found a planet I liked and made home in one of the bases. I didn't modify it, I just moved in and made connection through a space station teleport. Like Bilbo Baggins, I then went on an adventure and travelled quit a bit, at random just looking for other lush planets. Then I got bored and dropped the game for a month or two.
I picked it up again earlier this week to see what's new and wasn't finding anything exciting. So tonight I thought I'd take a teleport back to the only base I've ever chosen. What I was returned to I've never seen before. I took screenshots I'll try and get off my Pro.
Yup, this happened to everyone. Because the universe is procedurally generated, when HG change the algorithms to improve or add things, they have to press the reset button on the whole thing. Because all the algorithms are interrelated, they've said that changing color palettes etc. can have big knock-on effects. And because they added new biomes to the game, they probably just completely changed the distribution of biomes.
My verdant, chill home world is now a toxic hellhole. But that's okay because I know there's better ones to find out there, and the improvements to the terrain and the new biomes were completely worth it.
When you move your base, some of the material gets wasted yeah? How do you know which material you miss out on? I have a hundred active plants etc, I don't want to lose a thing :lol
Speaking of which, can I free up some complexity in my base by deleting my npc stations once their quests are done? I can't interact with either of them anyway.
Outside of difficulty, does playing on Survival offer anything unique?
Thanks, that's a clever idea! Now to find a suitable planet..Yeah get rid of the npcs. For the base move the way to go is to leave a beacon at your new site and go back to the old one and delete everything manually and store things either in the storage boxes or your ship/suit. Especially your crops. You will lose so much otherwise. When I moved a base the lazy way I only got enough materials back to replant 1/3 of my old farm at the new base.
Plant a signal booster (dpad up) and search for 2-3 drop pods. The early inv slots are relatively cheap iirc. Then repeat if needed.i'm only about 8 hours in. i have just under 1m units. i'm heading towards an atlas station right now. just going with the flow and seeing what happens. desperately need more inventory space though.
Outside of difficulty, does playing on Survival offer anything unique?
If you get shot down in space in Survival you crash land on a planet and have to go trekking across the surface to find your ship. Also, graves aren't a thing. With that said, I tend to just reload my save...
Other than that it's just a bigger resource grind, and stuff dies more damage. Still prefer it though.
Also, is there a "trick" to finding the last species on a planet? I have been at 7/8 for what feels like forever on my current location and it's pissing me off.
I heard if you hit R3 on the ps4 it will remove it. Havent had the chance to test it out myself though.
Also, is there a "trick" to finding the last species on a planet? I have been at 7/8 for what feels like forever on my current location and it's pissing me off.
No trick but some tips.
Check the caves.
Water species will spawn in a puddle sometimes so if the planet has even a tiny amount of water showing it probably spawns life.
Check the high ground. Mega fauna seems to like it up there plus it seems to make the birds spawn in more often if you are higher up.
Mostly search in daylight. Far higher spawn rate.
I finally found the last creature on my pre-1.3 base planet last night. I had seen it briefly back in Foundation when flying in boost mode, but couldn't find it when I came back. Last night I was in the buggy exocraft and got about 6 minutes away from my base and there it was, a giant floating crab thing.
So my tip would be to use the higher-speed exocraft to cover more terrain.
How do I build an exocraft????
I wish there was a way to better map out a planet as you discover it, and see what points you've been to already and what hasnt been visited.
Unless there's something I missed?
Not really. There are some automated units you can plug onto resource deposits, but they have low holding and require you to locate and interface with them to collect. They are pretty pricey resource wise as well.At any point am I able to automate resource collection? NMS noob here.
The ๖ۜBronx;246337832 said:Waypoints clogging up the HUD has always been an issue, and one that I can't wrap my head around HG's indifference for. I love the game a lot, even before 1.3 but it's a change that would drastically improve my experience playing.
I hear they're apparently marked when you scan stuff, not sure whether that's by the actual scanner or analyzing structures, although they seem to just show up, resolution scaled way the fuck up, and don't go away until you exit the game or the system you're occupying, where the process will just repeat itself, and they stack like crazy, for practically every structure you look I ended up, I end up with like 4 or 5 of them onscreen within a half hour, at which point I basically just quit.
I think I'll patiently wait on a bug fix for this one.
Still trying to decide if I'm going to start again or continue my save game from launch on normal mode. The thing I'm worried about if I don't start again is if I will miss out on any part of the new story. It seems my current save game only has the Atlas part of the story where as my new save game on survival has the Awakenings part of the story. Is this normal and will I miss out on parts of the story mode if I continue my normal save game from launch?
This whole update (despite bugs) has been a massive success for the game in more ways than one. I am glad this is the case. But there is also one thing worrying me.
Resets. In order to significantly improve terrain generation in the future, we can certainly expect it will require further universe reseeding. While I doubt they would do it immediately next update, it presents a real question - how often will it happen?
I think everyone here would like nothing more than the game to continue improving. However, this game is not just about discovery and travel. It's also about documentation and leaving a small imprint of yourself in a large universe. If there is constantly a danger of reseting the seed at some set intervals (no matter what improvements it brings), doesn't that impact the gameplay and the "drive" a huge amount? Especially for HUBs! Imagine, coming together, spending a huge amount of time and effort to document and claim a small part of the galaxy and then have it all wiped after half a year or a year.
I am not sure how I would solve such a dilemma in HG's place.