I am afraid to make the switch to controller but I would use this https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=71532
As the keyboard setup is sweet.
As the keyboard setup is sweet.
Those high bounties as a new player are amazing. I remember when I got mine, only a week ago, and I was able to get my Eagle which served me well until today. Definitely had me hooked from that first bounty.
It was probably best you cancelled that mission as I've YET to successfully complete any of those "find this guy in this system" missions. I think they're bugged.
Currently in my fitted out ASP and hit 22m and wondering if I should switch to a Type-7 or farm a bit more.
Also, when buying ships I heard that you pay a 10% fee for selling components and it's actually better to manually sell your components for 0% loss before switching your ship. I never noticed it until I compared how much 10% from my ASP actually is. Wonder if selling manually actually does a better job...
I use elitetradingtool.co.uk, as well as Slopey's BPC application. I had trouble finding Tea for a while as well!
I'm in Sorbago, there are two capital ship here. What the hell is happening?
I've a rank now [Outsider], for the emperor!
I don't know what is changed but ehi, this is....something!![]()
Literally all of the story is happening there.I'm in Sorbago, there are two capital ship here. What the hell is happening?
I've a rank now [Outsider], for the emperor!
I don't know what is changed but ehi, this is....something!![]()
After flying it around for a bit and doing a few trade runs with it I'm in love. I already have it upgraded to a Class D power converter and FSD, and it's kitted up to 84T cargo space. That's 20T less than my Type 6 had, but the Asp is running with shields and weapons, is both faster and more maneuverable than the Type 6 (it's actually comparable to a Cobra). The Asp has so much more flexibility in it's roles and customizing. I'm going to space truck with it a bit to earn some more upgrade money, I want a Deep Surface Scanner on it, a Refinery, a Mining Laser, and some better sensors. I'll probably do a bit of bounty hunting with it too just for fun. Then I'm picking a far off star and heading out. Haven't decided which direction yet, I'm either heading for the outer rim of the galaxy or jumping inward towards the center...
As much as I play and love this game.. I was sitting in the cockpit of my ship in a station this evening, looking around at the buildings and windows; Completely empty and sterile.. Not even a vague shape of a being in the control tower. Made me a little "sad". I hope they add some..life..to the expansions later, the game really needs it, or at least something simple when communicating like Frontier: Elite II had.
Also, when buying ships I heard that you pay a 10% fee for selling components and it's actually better to manually sell your components for 0% loss before switching your ship. I never noticed it until I compared how much 10% from my ASP actually is. Wonder if selling manually actually does a better job...
But man, it sounds like a B52 bomber or something, was really awesome. Definitely going to pick one up when I want to go exploring but as a trading vessel it doesn't make sense with fuel costs negating the slight increase in cargo. Although knowing I could turn and destroy most things that tried to interdict me was a nice feeling. Instead of being the space equivalent of a Sea Slug (not the cool looking poisonous kind).
YES, manually selling your modules before trading a ship in for another one is better. I've tried it both ways for comparison, and taking 10% value off of cheap modules instead of good ones when trading in can save you a LOT of credits, especially if you have some good upgrades on the ship.
Basically, if you sell modules before trading, then you never lose value on those modules. You more or less rent them, as long as you don't lose the ship due to not enough credits to cover your insurance (in case of death). It's why I don't hesitate to invest in upgrades if I can afford them. It's also why I have zero inhibition to exchange cargo racks for refinerys or weapons for mining lasers if the mood suits me. I can always switch back at zero net loss to me. This is also why I don't store any ships anywhere, I trade them in or sell them (after selling off the modules first) and move on to somewhere else in the galaxy. I consider that 10% loss on the ship price a "rental fee". And now that I have my Asp it is my primary ship that I will keep for the long haul. If I want to go combat dogfighting somewhere then I'll park the Asp and buy an Eagle or Vyper, kit them out, and dogfight to my hearts content (much cheaper buy back cost than my Asp). When I've had enough I'll sell the combat ship's modules, then sell the ship, hop back into my Asp and be on my way.
I don't want any stored ships anywhere, my credits are much more fluid, flexible, and valuable to me than random ships scattered across the galaxy.
Yeah, the Asp has a snarl sound to it that I love. Sounds like an angry WWII bomber or something, very distinctive. As for the fuel costs of the Asp I put a Class 3 fuel scoop in mine and gas is no longer an issue. It fills up very fast, fuel is free for me now, so I have zero problems with jumping ten times on a trade route.
And it's very nice being able to turn and destroy anything that interdicts me too! I was tired of running away in the Type 6.
Yeah, the Asp has a snarl sound to it that I love. Sounds like an angry WWII bomber or something, very distinctive. As for the fuel costs of the Asp I put a Class 3 fuel scoop in mine and gas is no longer an issue. It fills up very fast, fuel is free for me now, so I have zero problems with jumping ten times on a trade route.
I was thinking the same thing. It's one of those games that look so full of things to do on the surface, but as soon as you learn the basics, it becomes apparent how empty everything is. The game is still alright and with the Oculus Rift it looks amazing, but it feels too empty. All the stations look the same. All the billboards look the same. All you do is go around doing chores in space. I wish they had taken a lot more time to pack the game with details. I'm saying something like Mass Effect with tons of options and side stuff that reveals endless amounts of things about the world with new updates adding even more..
There's not a lot of tutorials in game like you'd be expecting, but there are some tutorial videos on their website and a whole lot of them on youtube.
Bounty hunting's hilarious. I made this vid last night for some buddies which shows one way to do it vs NPCs.
Maximize it, set it to 1080p60, and crank your sound.![]()
Wow theres zero challenge.![]()
Wow theres zero challenge.![]()
Nah, don't worry the combat can be plenty challenging.
Python NPC dicks will straight up aim to take you out with their fat ship in a collision, you got to dodge when you go for a run-by. Even sidewinders can be tough if you get lazy with the turns (if you don't divert power to engines for the thrusters when you need it, if you don't switch off flight assist and give it some reverse throttle to get a faster turn going, if you don't follow their movement and paths and judge appropriately etc).
Gimballed weapons make it easier to lock on but they do less damage and are pretty useless if the enemy has chaff. I combine a slightly weaker gimballed laser with a heavy fixed one. And two fixed fragment canons in a different firegroup for when their shields are down and I'm close.
In that video, yeah. Try this one on for size, it's a much more realistic look at PvP combat, and closer to what a good NPC can do to you.
In that video, yeah. Try this one on for size, it's a much more realistic look at PvP combat, and closer to what a good NPC can do to you.
Yeah, the Asp has a snarl sound to it that I love. Sounds like an angry WWII bomber or something, very distinctive. As for the fuel costs of the Asp I put a Class 3 fuel scoop in mine and gas is no longer an issue. It fills up very fast, fuel is free for me now, so I have zero problems with jumping ten times on a trade route.
And it's very nice being able to turn and destroy anything that interdicts me too! I was tired of running away in the Type 6.
So, I finally got the ASP. Holy shit this is the best ship to play with a Oculus. I really like the Lakon 6 but the ASP has an amazing canopy view. Its like being in a glass bubble.
Dont damage the hull, wow its expensive. I did 12% damage on the hull and was close to 30k. Gas is very pricy as I only have the B drive atm, but Im going to switch from the A2 scoop to the A3 and I should be good. The A2 doesnt cut it with a 32 ton tank.
Ive had an sidy, eagle, viper, cobra, and lakon 6. The ASP is by far my favorite. I highly recommend it if you can afford to run it.
I have 4.5 mil in the bank just need to grind to 10 mil to get the A frameshift, advanced and detail scanner.. and Im off to other side of the galaxy. I dont have any desire to grind to an anaconda or type 9. Maybe when I get back I might get the python.
Now I just have to grind my trade route for hours...![]()
In that video, yeah. Try this one on for size, it's a much more realistic look at PvP combat, and closer to what a good NPC can do to you.
I've found that, while chaff can be annoying while running someone down with gimballed weapons, it also gives them a chance to recharge (assuming you hold fire until you get a lock back). So once the chaff wears off, I tear into them even worse than before.
Does anyone know what advantage there is to buying better thrusters? Faster acceleration, higher top speed, etc?
Does anyone know what advantage there is to buying better thrusters? Faster acceleration, higher top speed, etc?
In that video, yeah. Try this one on for size, it's a much more realistic look at PvP combat, and closer to what a good NPC can do to you.
That's the Mouse cursor widget, he's using a mouse.Nice.
At 2:50 there is an arrow that guides you towards the enemy/target...is that just in supercruise? I don't remember ever seeing it before normally, I have to use the radar.
That's the Mouse cursor widget, he's using a mouse.
Is there a guide on the benefits you gain from switching off flight assist ?
Found some pretty good trade routes using Thrudd's tool. The trick is to make the long haul... don't stick with what the system normally imports and exports to. Go dozens of light years away, into a totally different economy, and prices are way different, lots more profit. Helps that my Cobra has an upgraded FSD, but this will make it faster to get my Type-6.
Found some pretty good trade routes using Thrudd's tool. The trick is to make the long haul... don't stick with what the system normally imports and exports to. Go dozens of light years away, into a totally different economy, and prices are way different, lots more profit. Helps that my Cobra has an upgraded FSD, but this will make it faster to get my Type-6.
NVM i found this video and i think it explains it well : http://youtu.be/WtD41MRibe4
Ok it explains FA off well, but he says that there is no real benefits from FA off and i see some people say the same things in the commentary... I also see angry people cause of the speed limits in FA off.
Good news smugglers & pirates, firing chaff actually disrupts scans.
Good news smugglers & pirates, firing chaff actually disrupts scans.
Game changer! This is awesome.Good news smugglers & pirates, firing chaff actually disrupts scans.
This is definitely awesome. I've been more and more eager to smuggle lately. Usually just run in cold. But now I want to run narcotics like it's no ones business.Game changer! This is awesome.
Huh, I've always just boosted inside stations when I've had stolen cargo loaded.
I've found that, while chaff can be annoying while running someone down with gimballed weapons, it also gives them a chance to recharge (assuming you hold fire until you get a lock back). So once the chaff wears off, I tear into them even worse than before.
Does anyone know what advantage there is to buying better thrusters? Faster acceleration, higher top speed, etc?
So guys, help me out here. Using http://elitetradingtool.co.uk/ I found a route to trade Narcotics. However, arriving in the station there's no option to sell the Narcotics :s Even though the site got updated 10 min ago. I'm confused.