She’s a liar but also find it hilarious that some very high level sophisticated people got caught up in all this (thinking about FTX too). So like at what point do we hold these people accountable for not doing proper due diligence? She sold a lie and they bought it because she looked enthusiastic/energetic? Fake it till you make it is ingrained in this tech generation, you can’t be surprised. These extremely wealthy people are given the generous use of public tax dollars to fight their mistakes out in court. Fuck em
Right from the beginning it was fishy as hell.
You got all these giant medical companies doing blood tests their own way and some university student in her dorm makes a gadget a fraction of the size, way cheaper, and can somehow analyze for a ton more diseases and whatever.
If that isn't a snake oil salesman banging on your door what is?
Even stupider is that the company scammed customers by sending their fake gadget of blood to established medical companies to do the test and then send back pretending it was Theranos branded products doing the work. Or maybe they didn't even do that. They just sent Theranos paperwork saying the results and passed those results to people.
Unless Holmes and that CEO boyfriend of hers did all the backdoor shipping and receiving, where are all the fucks who handled all the admin and shipping of Theranos fakes to whichever real medical company did the work? Surely they knew some dumb shit was going on. Arent people supposed to be accountable in life if they see a crime happening and dont report it?