We just got through several major media networks reporting that joe rogan eats horse paste.I wouldn't be too sure of that. A news agency isn't going to go up against the richest man in the world with a libelous story and face being crushed out of existence in the courts. If the story lacked veracity Musk would have done more than denied it - he'd be on his way to court. It's not like he ever shies away from a public feud when he feels or knows he's in the right.
Aside from that:
Well, notice that he is not denying it.
He then denied it.
If the story lacked veracity Musk would have done more than denied it
Is it possible that anything he does from this point will be evidence to you that he's guilty? If he sues the paper, he's against the free press. If he sues his accuser, he's a monster trying to silence this women. If he says nothing, silence speaks louder than words. Is there honestly some right way to respond to this that you'd support, aside from an admission of guilt because you've already made up your mind?
Instead, consider my approach. Not believing the accusation, but also not considering it false either, because I don't know. Even better when you use that approach with both people who support your worldview, and people who have the complete opposite of your worldview. You don't have to pick a side in situations like this, and standing up for people you dislike or don't agree with gives you credibility when it comes time to defend someone you do agree with.
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