He has long had a reputation for wanting employees at his companies to bring concerns directly to him bypassing intervening layers of management so this is not anything new to him.
Isn't this something that should be fixed? if he doesn't have faith in middle management they shouldn't be there.
With a boss like Elon, you don't need unions.
I've had a CEO like this and this has its downsides as well. It gives an image that he doesn't trust the management.
I've had a CEO like this and this has its downsides as well. It gives an image that he doesn't trust the management.
Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.Whistleblowers are heroes.
Just stating logic / sentiment that I see quite often when Snowden is discussed. Also why so many applaud Manning, she stuck around to be caught (yes, caught) and be held responsible for her doings.
She is hero where Snowden is traitorous piece of shit.
Maybe he shouldn't?
I was at a company with a great CEO who came in with a lot of good ideas, but he was impossible to get to because the middle management which consisted of foot soldiers who had stuck around for a number years was now being toxic at middle management and stifling communication. No leadership or management skills, unprofessionalism (making employees cry, yelling at them). it's the most insane thing I have ever been apart of.
I know call centers and service centers are not famous for being the best place to work, but this was truly extreme. And I feel bad for the CEO, because he was new and seemed inspiring and sincere. I wanted to tell the guy that these 4 middle level managements are toxic and damaging to 100+ employees well being and that its not a good idea to make leaders out of people just because they talked into a telephone for 7 years.
Managing skills takes something more than what you can learn in business school. There is an art and a level of awareness, finesse and compassion you have as someone who has an afinity to get the best out of people as well as dealing with employees special needs. It's hard to teach, and even more difficult to track and measure. And that is why most people would give up a pay rise if they could get a new manager/boss.
Poor leadership is a stable of many sectors of the workplace and in many industries. I'm not sure Musk is a great leader. Or Steve Jobs or Larry Page, or other succesful entreupreneurs. It's one thing to be someone who can make a vision happen and who has a lot of succces and renown, and it's an entirely different thing to be a great leader who can make people better. Better at being them, better at their job and making all of them better together.
If you've ever had a great boss you know the power of it. You know how it feels like to want to walk through fire for a bosses vision because you connect with the goals and the mission and the project. It stops being about the money, but becomes about trying to achieve something, and that can create meaning and purpose in ways that no normal job can. It's a powerful feeling.
I wish we talked about it a lot more, what it means to have a great boss and being around great people like that.
I don't know what it is with tech companies and this weird ass hero worship that happens but there it is. I believe musk is a good person and walks the talk, but management in these companies never adhered quite to what the CEO wants. I've experienced this first hand.
if he really cared about the well being of his employees he wouldn't have tried to stop them from unionizing
Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
Which is a decision to be made by workers, not the people benefiting from their labor.Unions can cause as much harm as they can good. Just because you don't want a union in your company doesn't mean you are intent on exploiting your employees.
And just to be clear: I support the right of everyone to form a union and hope the laws of the US support and protect that right going forward. I just don't think unions are the right fit for every workplace.
Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
Which is a decision to be made by workers, not the people benefiting from their labor.
Wow, what an impressive piece of PR.
Well, Snowden is a criminal. Musk is the CEO of one of the most important and interesting companies out there. His products help to push all the other car companies to keep up in the race for electric cars and solar power.
Musk is also singlehandedly keeping our hopes of being a multi-planet species alive with SpaceX. As the government space programs lose funding and decrease in viability. Private space exploration (right now led by Musk) is the best chance we have at actually going to Mars. Our government is not going to take us to Mars (because it is too costly), but private companies will.
Both the email and the gaf post.
And what's wrong with my avatar?Together with your avatar I hope this is sarcasm.
Please be sarcasm.
With a boss like Elon, you don't need unions.
And what's wrong with my avatar?
A Russian agent? Have I been living under a rock?Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
A Russian agent? Have I been living under a rock?
Look I just want the facts. Everything I do is for the motherla...my country.that sounds like something a russian spy would say 🤔
Notice the position of the flag. An American flag flying upside down is a "signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property".Nothing wrong, it just seems a bit comical to say someone is a foreign agent when evidence suggest otherwise, while having the American flag in their avatar.
I've seen a bunch of those "patriots" on various platforms.
Notice the position of the flag. An American flag flying upside down is a "signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property".
I added that the day after Trump got elected and it'll stay until he and his conspirators are out of government.
That's, uh, something new.Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
I can understand management and even workers not wanting a national union presence, but every business should have an internal union shop. There are systemic employee issues that should not have to be handled on a per-employee basis, by the employee themselves.Unions can cause as much harm as they can good. Just because you don't want a union in your company doesn't mean you are intent on exploiting your employees.
And just to be clear: I support the right of everyone to form a union and hope the laws of the US support and protect that right going forward. I just don't think unions are the right fit for every workplace.
His American flag is upside-down; he's protesting, though I haven't heard his particular Snowden criticism before now.Nothing wrong, it just seems a bit comical to say someone is a foreign agent when evidence suggest otherwise, while having the American flag in their avatar.
I've seen a bunch of those "patriots" on various platforms.
Good on him.
Edit: just reading another article about him firing a woman who accused the company of sexual harassment today, and it seems like this is just classic PR damage control.
Isn't his goal to automate almost the entire manufacturing process?
I think his goal is to automate all manufacturing processes, everywhere.
Read the book on Musk by Ashlee Vance. There are multiple people in the book who said Musk does this all the time. This isn't some PR piece.
Corporate Culture is set from the top down. If the CEO is hands on, the next level down takes their queues from him and so on down the line.
If you've ever worked at a company where the upper management is super competitive and political, you will see that trickle down the ranks. It absolutely sucks.
If you've ever worked at a company where the upper management are workaholics and take work calls 24 hrs a day (Musk's companies probably are like this), the same behavior becomes expected of the people further down the chain.
Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
What's any of that have to do with the CEO wanting people to bypass middle management? If the CEO does not put trust in them, there is something wrong, and they should be replaced. I mean if the CEO does not put trust in them, I don't think the people the manager is responsible for trust them either.
He demands the absolute maximum from his employees. Your life basically becomes working for him, at least thats what it seems.
That mind sound bad, however, he is probably the same, if not even more extreme, so it's not like he is this lazy fat CEO doing nothing all day exploiting his workforce. He probably works more than any of his employees and sleeps less.
Considering that he does this to save us from ourselves, I really can't be mad about it.
It's probably too much to expect people to read an actual book before going in Internet forums and posting their hot takes of the day. I mean just look at half the posts on this thread. I'm not surprised at all by some of the responses.
I know a guy who knows a guy who works at SpaceX. Word is when Elon comes in, it's like the movie Devil Wears Prada, where everyone scrambles to look busy to not draw the attention of Elon. Dude is intense as fuck, and if he gets a hint that someone isn't dedicated or isn't up to his standards, they're gone.
Yeah because we're supposed to be blown away by a minor bit of company PR.
You only believe it's a minor bit of PR if you're literally ignorant about the person sending the email and his actual history.
I'm well aware of who he is and his history and yet again, am I supposed to be impressed? It seems like a whole lot of nothing except to say,"He's with you"
Well Snowden is a Russian agent who was tasked with and succeeded in stealing classified information to destabilize the United States. So no, not a whistleblower.
He went from hero to piece of shit traitor who deserves to be shot behind the shed when he didn't stick around to be thrown into pitch black pit.
So you're saying a normal CEO would take a report of an injury of a line worker directly from the worker and then go down to the factory floor and try working that job himself to see if there are issues that need addressing? Because I never heard of any CEO who would do this besides Elon Musk.