With solar scheduled to hit "Plug and Play" levels of efficiency within a decade, technologies that transmit electricity through the air, and other molecular and nanotechnologies such as the NDB on the horizon.. NDB a infinitely self charging battery that uses molecular level nuclear decay at non harmful rates to allow instantaneous recharge... and the recent levitation of a 6 Centimeter Plate using only Light that can carry up to 10 milligrams of weight ... many of these technologies are far closer to realization than most may realize, particularly those who insist other such advanced technologies do not exist.
But lets all look at the pictures and try to decipher whether U.S. Military made 'Micro Jets' that actuate at far higher and superior frequencies than hobbyist turbines exist... and ignore that the inventor is now strangely
vested in U.S. Military affairs.
Also, thrusters are widely referred to as jets, and the voyager 1 rocket... utilizes 16 thruster engines as it main's rocket component.
The thrusters on a helicopter, are called jets - but are also known as thrusters. Or 'White Tip Jets'
The only legitimate argument to be made would have been, jets don't have turbines, but they do so thats not really a legitimate argument either and is in fact the main underscoring catalyst in which said instigator had relied on.
Here are the words 'Jet Thruster' utilized in the same word. I rest my case.
NOTAR - Wikipedia
NOTAR (no tail rotor) is a helicopter system which avoids the use of a tail rotor. It was developed by McDonnell Douglas Helicopter Systems (through their acquisition of Hughes Helicopters). The system uses a fan inside the tail boom to build a high volume of low-pressure air, which exits through two slots and creates a boundary layer flow of air along the tailboom utilizing the Coandă effect. The boundary layer changes the direction of airflow around the tailboom, creating thrust opposite the motion imparted to the fuselage by the torque effect of the main rotor. Directional yaw control is gained through a vented, rotating drum at the end of the tailboom, called the direct jet thruster. Advocates of NOTAR believe the system offers quieter and safer operation over a traditional tail rotor.[1]
Again, read a book and show me those electric micro jets.