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Emma Stone playing an Asian-American in 'Aloha' is bizarre as fuck.

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If this is a Latina, then I guess Emma Stone can play an Asian:

If this is a Latina, then I guess Emma Stone can play an Asian:


Situations aren't even remotely similar. Hispanic isn't a race, and there is a huge variety in the ethnic backgrounds of hispanic people. Some of whom like the one you post are almost completely European in ancestry. This doesn't translate at all when you talk about other races.
Noomi Rapace isn't part Asian.
Yeah but she looks more mixed-Asian than Emma Stone does.

That's if we're going by looks, not if they're actually so IRL regardless of looks. Like for example some people wouldn't think Giancarlo Esposito is half-Italian, yet he is.


I think that Emma Stone is probably the only major white actress who could look vaguely Eurasian, but the casting is still bizarre. Why can't they just find a half-Asian woman? I'm sure there are plenty Eurasian actresses who could do the role well.

Seriously? She really doesn't have any of the common facial structure, let alone her complexion or coloring.
Hmm, is it part of the story at all? I might be able to buy it if her heritage is supposed to be a surprise or the story is some how about not looking the way people expect you to. Otherwise, yeah....

Also, all you people that had no idea Keanu Reeves was Asian at all are weird and make me think you have some kind of exaggerated or overly specific idea of what Asian/Pacific people look like. Also, his name is freakin' Keanu for crying out loud.


Have her be adopted and yet she fully embraces her family's culture.

That already opens up the film to all sorts of interesting themes that I'm willing to bet aren't there.


I just fixed that for you.

You're welcome Rothman.

She could have at least dyed her hair black and wore brown contacts. Those are considered dominant traits when it comes to genetics.
Like my wife is asian and I'm white and we're totally expecting our baby to have black hair and brown eyes like her when he's born in August. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

I thought this too, but, my daughter has light brown hair and hazel eyes, and my wife is Japanese, while I am white but have dark brown hair and brown eyes. Go figure.. (my mom has bright blue eyes, if that can explain anything)

The Adder

Holywood white-washes the fuck out of Asian Americans. It's astounding. Like "if you're not practicing ancient martial arts then GTFO. And if you are, GTFO, we want Asian Asians."


Holywood white-washes the fuck out of Asian Americans. It's astounding. Like "if you're not practicing ancient martial arts then GTFO. And if you are, GTFO, we want Asian Asians."

IT / nerd / hacker
hot Asian woman
kung fu dude

Only ones allowed


contribute something
Seriously? She really doesn't have any of the common facial structure, let alone her complexion or coloring.

I was just thinking about her appearance in comparison to Eurasian people I know personally. Emma Stone looks very different from most white women, and in my opinion her eyes, cheekbones, and jawline are similar to that of some Eurasian people.

But that being said, this is still really bad casting.
Have her be adopted and yet she fully embraces her family's culture.

That already opens up the film to all sorts of interesting themes that I'm willing to bet aren't there.


I just fixed that for you.

You're welcome Rothman.


It's funny you've made a Cameron Crowe film MORE Cameron Crowe than Cameron Crowe.

The quick plot synopsis:

While revisiting the site of his greatest career triumph, a military contractor (Bradley Cooper) unexpectedly falls for the hard-nosed Air Force watchdog (Emma Stone) assigned to him while simultaneously reconnecting with his ex (Rachel McAdams).

GTFO. I'd have a very hard time believing Emma Stone made it through basic.
I've seen the billboards for this and thought Emma Stone looked cute (as I always do), but had no idea she was playing an Asian or Hawaiian person.


Looking for meaning in GAF
IT / nerd / hacker
hot Asian woman
kung fu dude

Only ones allowed

Pretty much. A few more stereotypes that would commonly be cast as asian:

short, annoying loud guy
old hermit weirdo/sage
assistant scientist to the top hot blonde scientist


If this is a Latina, then I guess Emma Stone can play an Asian:


Was Emma Stone born in Hawai the same way Alexis Bedel had argentinean parents?

Christ. And thats the thing, she doesnt play hispanics characters last time I checked. Just because some of use look pretty white doesnt mean that all interpretation of latinos in movies should follow the same pattern under that excuse, but whatever, this movie failed, just like Exodus and im sure that movie of Egyptian Gods will fail too, with Gerard Butler as Set, Jaime Lannister as Horus and Geoffrey Rush as Ra, I cant wait to hear the excuse people will use to defend that one. "Oh, they are Gods so they can look any way they want" "Why does the Gods that brown people praise cant be white? Jesus was white too! Stop being so racist"

Meanwhile Furious 7 breaks 1.5 Billions and a samoan from Canada is leading the box office.


Paper or plastic?
I'm not surprised in the least. It is times like these where I'm not sure if America influences Hollywood or vice versa. What does it say about a country or industry when you resort to ridiculous casting choices like this on a regular basis because you automatically assume "well, audiences just won't relate any other way!"? PoC have been watching white actors for decades and while we have always pushed for more inclusion, the insistence of white protagonists alone has rarely put us off of a movie, except in cases such as these (white washing).
Are you kidding? seriously?
cause I'm dying here LMAO

in what movie she did played the role of a latina

Real Life isn't a film. Her parents grew up in South America. She's from Houston, Texas.

I'd reason that there are quite a few Latino/Latina people in those areas.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
It's so fucking gross how Hollywood acts like Asians don't exist. But when it comes time to appropriate Asian culture, they white wash the fuck out of it. Smfh

they gotta know kung fu

it wouldn't a problem if Tilda Swinton was casted
roll eyes


Real Life isn't a film. Her parents grew up in South America. She's from Houston, Texas.

I'd reason that there are quite a few Latino/Latina people in those areas.

yeah I get it, no need for telling me that three time Gaf (&)

isn't she the actress who played the lead role in Gilmore Girls? can't remember her name but since that show ended.. her movies a total flop


The picture in the OP kills me. It's the perfect picture for this fuckery.

I mean...


Is that just a still shot put into a wonderful new context, or did she actually make that face for a bad bad reason in the movie?
I'm not surprised in the least. It is times like these where I'm not sure if America influences Hollywood or vice versa. What does it say about a country or industry when you resort to ridiculous casting choices like this on a regular basis because you automatically assume "well, audiences just won't relate any other way!"? PoC have been watching white actors for decades and while we have always pushed for more inclusion, the insistence of white protagonists alone has rarely put us off of a movie, except in cases such as these (white washing).

Well, perhaps we'll see that change a bit in the future. I think the huge success of a movie like Furious 7 in the international market with its multiracial ensemble cast might convince executives in Hollywood that hiring non-white actors to be not such a risky deal. Will likely be a slow process though.


Guys, with the Alexis Bledel thing I was saying that stereotypes don't define a person's background, not that being Hispanic/Latino is the same as being Asian or anything like that. "You don't look black/Asian/etc. enough" is just as harmful as "You don't look white enough", IMO.


The picture in the OP kills me. It's the perfect picture for this fuckery.

I mean...


Is that just a still shot put into a wonderful new context, or did she actually make that face for a bad bad reason in the movie?

She always laughs like that but i wouldn't be surprised they are using it to push a lil believability


The picture in the OP kills me. It's the perfect picture for this fuckery.

I mean...


Is that just a still shot put into a wonderful new context, or did she actually make that face for a bad bad reason in the movie?

are you kidding me. She's just SMILING.

How this is not apparent for you is pretty disturbing.

Guys, with the Alexis Bledel thing I was saying that stereotypes don't define a person's background, not that being Hispanic/Latino is the same as being Asian or anything like that. "You don't look black/Asian/etc. enough" is just as harmful as "You don't look white enough", IMO.

Yes but that doesn't make any sense within the context here. It's one thing to tell a biraial person that they don't look asian or white enough, but what's wrong with saying that someone who isn't asian at all that they aren't asian?

I'm not surprised in the least. It is times like these where I'm not sure if America influences Hollywood or vice versa. What does it say about a country or industry when you resort to ridiculous casting choices like this on a regular basis because you automatically assume "well, audiences just won't relate any other way!"? PoC have been watching white actors for decades and while we have always pushed for more inclusion, the insistence of white protagonists alone has rarely put us off of a movie, except in cases such as these (white washing).

We'll it's not like POC have a choice. It's either put up with white protagonist or don't watch TV/movies at all.


she portrays Allison Ng: an aggressively peppy Air Force fighter pilot of Chinese-Hawaiian-Swedish decent who falls for an existentially angst-y military contractor played by Bradley Cooper.
Good lord.


Have her be adopted and yet she fully embraces her family's culture.

That already opens up the film to all sorts of interesting themes that I'm willing to bet aren't there.


I just fixed that for you.

You're welcome Rothman.


Rothman's so bad he retroactively effs up movies in Sony's pipeline before he was even hired.

Tagline for Spider-Man reboot-reboot: "Amazing Spider-Man wasn't so bad now, was it?"


are you kidding me. She's just SMILING.

How this is not apparent for you is pretty disturbing.


Quoting my own post, note the bold.

Is that just a still shot put into a wonderful new context, or did she actually make that face for a bad bad reason in the movie?

Why the second part? Well, I wouldn't put it past Hollywood to make an insensitive and tone-deaf joke about Asians in a movie. Crazy, I know. It's more tongue-in-cheek ridiculing than actually thinking they had her make a goofy ass racial caricature facial expression in the movie, but there's always the small chance it happens.


It is a bit irritating to see people make a fuss about that. I am mixed and dont look a DAMN THING like people would expect. "oh youre mixed, i dont see it", neither do i.

So by saying mixed ethnicity has to look a certain way is a bit insulting.


Blue eyes, blonde hair, tall and narrow nose, distinct caucasian eye shape and eyelid folds?

If she were even the great grandchild of an mixed race conception a hundred years ago, it's highly unlikely that anyone would have that kind of hereditary consistency of features.

The only way I'd believe it is if they told me that her ancestors came to China as Protestant missionaries in the mid-1800's, had children, who then migrated to Hawaii in their lifetimes, had kids, and then for the next hundred+ years only reproduced with Caucasians.

This is 50 years of inter-racial mingling:

I'm now anti race mixing because it apparently gives everyone demon eyes
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