Yeah! I really like it. I like it more than Spotify I think....
Not directly emo (or emo at all haha), but this happened last night.
Very sad to see Bane go but they went out with a super set for two hours...complete madness and all the bands were amazing and so stoked to be there.
Saw Modern Baseball Friday in Cincinnati. Think I enjoyed Joyce Manor's set more, but Mobo were still great. Wish they played more of Brendan's side from their new album, but still a great show.
Holy cow was the crowd annoying, though. My wife is pregnant so we ponied up for the VIP section of the venue so she could sit if she needed to (funnily enough the only other people there was another couple that was pregnant). We went down on the floor for about 1/4th of Mobo's set and all around us people were just staring at their phones scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat whatever.
Granted near the stage everyone was really into it as I would have expected.
Maybe I'm just old but lord it was frustrating and distracting.
Not directly emo (or emo at all haha), but this happened last night.
Very sad to see Bane go but they went out with a super set for two hours...complete madness and all the bands were amazing and so stoked to be there.
Goodness finally shipped! Hopefully I will have the vinyl in my hands soon!
I initially only heard of Title Fight through their Hyperview album. So Shed was pretty jarring lol
aww man i came to post this
little over halfway through my first listen and i adore this
did Ceremony play any early stuff? not a big fan of anything they've done since Rohnert Park, wish they'd go back to that powerviolence shit. so good. i saw them with Titus Andronicus 2 years ago and the whole crowd was there for Titus and i'm pretty sure none of them knew who Ceremony was so it was like culture shock when they ended their set with the Ruined EP.
I want a picture of it framed!
aww man i came to post this
little over halfway through my first listen and i adore this
Goodness, Holy Ghost, Cardinal (#10), and the Dream is Over (4!) all made Stereogum's Top 50 Albums of the year so far.
It's super fucking good!
I'm liking how they're doing new stuff while keeping it 100% pop-punk. Like Paid In Brains is weird and I wasn't sure about at first but...yeah it's rad as hell
They played Promised Land at Fest so I'd already had time for it to grow on me. It's radconversely, i loved paid in brains on first listen. only song i'm kinda iffy on right now is promised land but i'm sure it'll grow on me. the whole album is kinda weird af for a pop punk album but dammit it's so great
Yo jhonny moving back to Houston this weekend. Any good shows coming up in the next while?
Cheers dude I didn't know about that, just ordered now! Always been put off by the mental prices of the original releases
Holy shit The Promise played that Bane gig? didn't even know they were back together haha
Yeah man, think they are playing limited good too, so much energy
Awesome man, listened to Believer on the way to work this morning off the back of that post, haven't heard it in years! I still have that and My True Love on CD somewhere, and a small size jumper that probably doesn't fit anymore haha
At this point I've accepted that their time as a band is coming to an end. Just give me that last album!!
So glad I got to see them this year before they hang it up for good.
clicked this thread by accident: crazy to see the bane flyer, that's a great lineup and one i would have blown a load over when i was younger. i dropped out of hardcore (still edge though) a long time ago now, but bane were my favourite band from about 17-21 and i thankfully got to see them in 2005 during the height of my fandom. coincidentally i also saw title fight last year on a whim and they weren't bad, although i much prefer turnover.
edit: are any of the promise even vsxe anymore? i knew buske sold out years ago.
I know it's not emo but just read some dude said he teared up during one of the new blink songs and I don't even know how that's possible. I feel I listened to a different record from everyone else.
I love Tom so I guess you can take my opinion of new Blink with a grain of salt.
I tried to like it but man it is just bad. California is Feldman going for the radio so hard and it feels so uninspired. It really misses Tom. For some reason GAF is weirdly so against Tom. Most other places are coming around that this album is kinda fun at best but they are realizing how much Tom meant to Blink.
I like AVA more anyway than Blink. I feel like I am one of the few. Idk why but Angels & Airwaves just clicks with me.
This is fucking ridiculous :lol