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Enemies you hate?


Out of all the games you play, what monsters/enemies do you hate the most? Are they way to hard, take forever to kill, or just plain cheesy?

For me it is the Undead Stygian Doll, from Diablo 2:


These guys would be utterly insignificant, with low hit points, if it were not for their high damage explosion on death and the fact that they move at roughly the speed of a hypersonic missile. If you are lucky, you can hear their rattle as they run in, and quickly position yourself to deal with them- but often by the time you realize that they are there, they already are right next to you. If you happen to be using area affect or auto-aim attacks, this means that there is a good chance you'll kill one and take the massive explosive damage before you can respond.

It's also very frustrating that your merc has trouble following you through doors, but a pack of these suckers can chase you through the entire Durance lvl 2 unerringly.



I think anyone who played EQ can attest to how annoying these things were to lower level players passing through Oasis.


The color-shifting Metroids in Metroid Prime. Very annoying and tedious, especially during the last part of the game. And they split too. :(

Also, enemies in general that regenerate.


The Medusa heads in Castlevania. Such an easy pattern yet they always knock me off the platforms.
The lil alien doodz with the shied

Flood Sucide Bomber

I hate the flood

The Blue swat team guys in later levels of Far Cry were damn annoying and hard to kill

Trigens from Far Cry, especially those with the rocket launcher

Other enemies I hate
Shadow monsters in Ico (the big ones that could fly)
The clown mech vehicle that appears in Dark Cloud 2
The Weapons from Final Fantasy VII

Fucking Head Crab from Half Life. Easy to kill from a distance but would scare the crap out of you quite often jumping out from no where at your face.
Kiriku said:
The color-shifting Metroids in Metroid Prime. Very annoying and tedious, especially during the last part of the game. And they split too. :(

Also, enemies in general that regenerate.

They were pretty damn annoying too.


Perfect Dark... i had a hell of a time with those tiny invisible crawling things on the alien ship. And it took long enough to get that far on the level that i just stopped playing the game.


SolidSnakex said:

Haha. I love Del Sabers. They are the coolest enemies in the game!

As for most annoying, right now I think I'll just second the Castlevania medusa head nomination. UGH.
Someone already said it, but I have yet to be as annoyed with an enemy as I was with those fucking cliffracers.

Other enemies that annoyed me include those bouncing exploding slime monsters in the first Quake and those propeller-head bots from the original Mega Man.


Zombiebots from Metal Arms is the one that is annoying me the most right now.

BTW what an underrated and amazing game!



Some of you guys are just too good with this thing, i think it needs to be tweaked a little(my solution, making it take 1-2 secs for you to raise the sight to your eye).


Hand guys from Zelda games.

Eagles/bats in ANY side scrolling platformer. (notably Ninja Gaiden)

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
robot said:
The Medusa heads in Castlevania. Such an easy pattern yet they always knock me off the platforms.

those fucking medusa heads! those were the cause of some controller throwing back in the day :p


EakeLarth said:

CPU version of Kung Lao. Fricken throw you from sweeping distance.
Yeah no shit after playing Midway Arcede treasures 2 I realized how cheap the cpu plays ......all Melenna and Katana do is freakin throw you .......horrible.... oh and why the hell can't you never land Sub Zero's Ice ball thing or Scorpions spear.......horrible
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