Probably not. The big problem with R11 is thatI'm also thinking about starting Remember 11, but I'm not so sure if I should. Earlier in the thread it is mentioned that there isn't a 'mindfuck' level twist on the end. But in Ever 17 I liked thetwist way more than the wholeTsugumi being Hokota's and Sara's motherthing. Will I enjoy Remember 11?Blick Winkel and the 4th Dimension/3th Eye
it throws you a couple of cliffhangers at the end and stops there. It's like Ever17 without the Coco route.
You can, however
figure some stuff out through the TIPS and extras, but the game itself never tells you what happens, and even the team that translated the game says there's nothing left.
R11 is still an interesting ride while it lasts, but don't expect it to be on the same level as Ever17.