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English Translated Japanese Visual Novel/ADV Thread

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I've been constantly thinking to myself 'how the eff can I only be halfway through the third episode - so much stuff has happened already'.

Napalm_Freak - I have no bloody idea how you were able to read any of the episodes in 3-4 hours, it's been taking ~20 per episode for me. Might be because of the voices.

Anyways, the game controls really nicely with joy2key, setting face buttons to enter key and triggers to autoplay works wonders. Autoplay works nicely with voiced over lines, but is way too slow for non-voiced ones, which you can just forward with the face buttons.

Way better to just sit in a comfy chair with the gamepad than hunching over keyboard. :)
I've been constantly thinking to myself 'how the eff can I only be halfway through the third episode - so much stuff has happened already'.

Napalm_Freak - I have no bloody idea how you were able to read any of the episodes in 3-4 hours, it's been taking ~20 per episode for me. Might be because of the voices.

Anyways, the game controls really nicely with joy2key, setting face buttons to enter key and triggers to autoplay works wonders. Autoplay works nicely with voiced over lines, but is way too slow for non-voiced ones, which you can just forward with the face buttons.

Way better to just sit in a comfy chair with the gamepad than hunching over keyboard. :)
I certainly didnt do them that fast :lol. If I said that I lied.

The only thing I remember is underestimating the time that it takes for ep1 murders to start since it feels much shorter in retrospect.


I know next to nothing about Higurashi besides that it's supposed to be scary, and that I'm not good with scary, but... well I was fine with C;H's descriptions and Saya's visuals, so I thought I can manage with VNs, but apparently sound is my weak point. That SFX in the first couple of minutes really caught me off guard. Don't laugh but I'm kinda shivering right now from that, haha. I.. I may be a bit in over my head here.

I hope I'll be able to bail in time if it ever goes too far. The kind of vibe I'm getting from that beginning is that every single character in this is loony.

edit: nothing is happening, was i worried for no reasono no no no non ononononononooooo no no no no no


Well that was a nice surprise.

Found that I owned a copy of Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos from an old Groupees bundle. Installed it. played it, and I love it.

It's not an English localization of a Japanese VN, but some of you guys might like it if you haven't played it yet.
How exactly was episode 5 the best episode?

It certainly moved a bit faster than all the previous episodes, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing seeing as barley anything was solved.

Aren't the last 4 episodes supposed to be the "answer" episodes? Ending an "answer" ending with
a cliffhanger was like a big middle finger to those thought they'd get some real answers.

Was I supposed to believe at any point that the person on the phone with Natsuhi wasn't Battler? Dude sounded almost exactly like him, the only thing that didn't give it completely away was his laugh.

The addition of the "perfect detective", while a nice change at first, quickly turned into a convenient plot device for the witches to impose more dumb rules. Also, Battler becoming a sorcerer? Dumb. Why give the main character that kind of power? He's going to be as powerful as Beatrice in the next episode.

I would go on about how I didn't really enjoy this episode, but I'd rather not. Umineko better step it's game up, otherwise it'll go down as the worst VN I've played so far. Granted, I've only played 2 others xD


Obviously didn't read the spoilers, but aren't Umineko's last four episodes named core episodes, or at least specifically not answer episodes? For a reason, I imagine
Currently replaying VLR ( i already platiniumed the game on release ) but i felt like playing it from scratch ...

It's very silly how everything seme obvious , when you know about the twists in advances yet i was unable to pick them when i was playing the first time.

All those dio & phi subtle reactions , Zero 3rd pokes during the talks

I'm replaying the game and i'm loving it :)
If you didnt like 5 you probably will hate 6.

I'll edit my impressions why 5 is my favourite soon.
I think I'll just set my expectations extremely low. I was plesently surprised with the 3rd episode, so maybe try can make that same magic happen again.

As long as everything makes sense in the end and if I were to go back and re-read 1-4 and go "OOOOHHHHH! That's why he/she did that!" Then I'll be happy.
How exactly was episode 5 the best episode?


You want to see me struggle? Well here I gooooooooo!!!

-Episode 5 is the best paced episode. It has the similar slow start that most (if not all?) episodes have but I think the exposition of
building up Natsuhi as the main character for the game
has the best payoff of all the episodes that follow the typical structure and I'm glad it's there. For example in episode 2 and 6 it just goes on for soooo fuckin long without it really needing to be and the payoff on the main story of 2
George x Shannon and Kanon x Jessica
basically has no real payoff on that episode when looked at as a standalone tale. And that is one of the reasons why I like 5 so much. It works really well as a standalone episode and a fun story in the world of Umineko while giving a few hints towards the main mystery, wether you see them or not.

-The setup for episode 5 is fresh and interesting and in a silly way clever.
The human side are actually the ''real villains'' this time and the third element (mystery) introduced in addition to Battlers ''anti-fantasy'' and Beatrices fantasy has such a fun way of shaping and interpreting the story. Bernkastels crew fights dirty by turning the tale into a stereotypical mystery novel and forces Knox decalogue and a mystery genre superdetective into the rules. And while at first it seems they are playing as kind of antiheroes they turn into the most despicable villains you wouldn't quite expect from the start. Basically instead of trying to find the real human culprit they are just trying to frame an innocent woman to beat Beatrice. That is just so evil and the fact it actually works makes it so entertaining to watch. One of the biggest flaws actually in EP 5 I think is Virgilia guaranteeing Natsuhi not being the culprit. I actually think the tale would have been even better if it actually was left as a real catbox and have the episode ending being Erikas truth being as ''true'' as Battlers and it being just Battlers own willpower and trust that pushed him foreward. Long story short EP 5 was a fresh twist in the tale that in many ways was similar in the episodes 2-4.

-The mood. It just builds up so well. At first it feels like another Umineko story but it slowly creeps to you just how dark the whole ordeal slowly turns into and it just doesn't let go. Ep 5 might be one of the most mean spirited things I have read and I just love that stuff. And the finale
is just so good to finally see Battler and the demons put stop to the bad guys at the very last moment. Happy ending to the ridicilously malicious plot just makes you smile. Also EP5 while having some crazy stuff going on is actually surprisingly down the earth when it comes to the gameboard. Closest one to the EP 1 definately.

-The characters, old and new, are interesting to see how they act and shape the story.
Natsuhi was one of the most ''meh'' characters so far. Even tho she actually got quite important role back in EP 1 she felt as one of those characters that were more in the backround. They don't rewrite the character at all and they still manage to make her really likeable and sympathetic in the story (tho the villains being total assholes certainly help). It was good to see one of the more non-insane adult characters to get some spotlight.

Erika is really fun villain doing her thing. I like when she fights dirty, gets the upper hand and then gets super salty when she gets what's coming to her. Just a fun, fun villain to see both succeed and fail. She might not have much of a character outside of being a red herring for Rika but... she is just so fun.

Dlanor is another one of those ''bro'' characters like Ronove that I just like. She is fighting with the bad guys but at the same time helps Battler with her and her underlings giving hints on how to tackle the mysteries. And as a proxy helps the readers too! I bet Ronald Knox (get it, Dlanor is Ronald backwards huehue) didn't expect him to be put in a mystery story as a loli :lol. Well, technically he is supposedly Dlanors father but you know what I mean! Oh Japan...

Battler is at his best in episode 5. I was expecting the study riddle to have some ridicilous answer since it is Umineko... and he just says the most obvious theory there is that I couldn't even see it while it is right in front of me. And he is one of the few real good guys against a bunch of villains, you are rooting for him more than ever before. And by god that finale feels good when he kicks everybodys ass.

Other old characters have great moments too. Ronove and the demons kicking ass, Virgilia being a good supporting character, Beatrice being really likeable in this episode while still having her crazy personality, Bernkastel being just absolutely despicable and Lambda trolling every side there is not giving a shit.

-The new music is good. While every episode has something great to add EP5 definately delivers with numbers when it comes to the crazier over the top/epic music in the series. Just a number of new, fun tunes. Of course there are the more athmospheric tunes, one of them being one of my favourites: Discolour. Dat scene ;-;.

Well there are some random thoughts why EP5 was my favourite episode. I hope you can see my point of view. It's too bad you didn't like it but at least we seem to share the love for EP3 <3. I hope you can enjoy the last 3 if you choose to continue reading them. I have absolutely no idea what you will think of them but from what I am gathering you might quite enjoy ep 7. Not my favs but eh. Ep 8? I have no fuckin clue what you think of that one. Peoples thoughts on it seem to be all over the place. One funny thing about one of your complaints:
The phone call voice obviously wasn't voiced pre-patch so it was more of a mystery. They even try to explain that it might have been a womans voice but it is obviously done by a man that indeed sounds quite like Battler. They should have had some totally weird voice do it.

One additional note for you if you ever finish ep 7:
Even more weird concidering the baby isn't really Battler.

However there is one lil flaw in EP5 regarding to the whole overarching mystery that just nags at me. Spoilers for the whole series:
If supposedly Kanon and Shannon are the same person it feels weird that they still could exist as separate persons while Erika with his detective powers still intact are shown in the same room multiple times. This goes against the whole thing the detective powers are shown as. In that situation you'd definately expect the writer to avoid them being in the same room as Erika. One of the ways they could have avoided this is for the detective proclamation being done after the whole group has separated and rewrite the story so that type of stuff didn't happen. Oh well, maybe it's just me.


Finished episode 2 of Higurashi. Welp.
In the end, it's just one long, detailed creepy bedtime scare. I mean, things have reasons, but they sure seem like they're creepy just for the sake of being creepy.
So it turned out that I could deal with it fine, so it wasn't too bad, but um, it's not that good either.. I'm sure there's plenty of answers and twists left, but most of the answers so far haven't been that interesting aside from being spooky. I guess it would be cool for people who like these kinda things, but I was kinda hoping to find something even if I don't like 'em~ oh well.

So should I continue anyways, or is it more of this? I'm still open to it. And how is Umineko in this context?
So should I continue anyways, or is it more of this? I'm still open to it. And how is Umineko in this context?

With Umineko, you would need to prepare to not have almost any answers even by the 5th episode. I think 1 might have been answered. Maybe, but as many people have said, with Umineko, it's more about the journey than it is about the destination. Though a couple of pit stops here and there wouldn't hurt.
Technically you should have all the information you need to solve everything by the end of EP4.

That's easy to say in retrospect, but when new concepts get thrown into the mix along with extra rules, characters, and elements, it's difficult to discern what is and isn't relevant over the 40+ hours it took to get there.

Also Napalm, the reason you like the episode is the reason I don't like the episode. xD

While I'm fine with
Natsuhi taking the blame
as well as it's vastly improved pacing, I still find myself only considering it "alright" in comparison to the everything I've played in the game thus far. I mean, it's alright if I'm just pitting episodes 1-5 against each other, but it is not good enough to stand up on it's own and just be a good story in itself. Sure it might be a step up from 2 & 4 but if I were to compare it to any random chapter of Ever 17 or heck Fate/stay night's original or UBW paths, it'd be inferior in almost every way.

One thing I have to praise the writers for is creating genuinely hateable characters. The game has them in spades. Maybe that's another reason I didn't have much fun with this episode.
Beatrice was pretty much comatose through all of it. Didn't Lambdadelta say that the "kill me, please" was all an act? I despise what Beato turned into in this episode. Yes, there are new villains in town, but does that automatically mean that the story is suddenly unable to have more than 1 evil witch/girl at a time (excluding Lambdadelta & Bernkastel)

The addition of the Knox rules threw me for a loop because it seemed like something they decided to throw in because it wasn't complicated enough. I'd have been fine with it had it been introduced earlier, but no. It waits until the 5th game to come into play. That's like having a basketball game and at half time having the ref announce "Oh yeah, btw, dunks were worth 4 points." Like crap dude, had I known that in the first place, I could have planned accordingly.

Hoo boy don't even get me started on the
cliched way Battler comes back. I've seen more original comebacks in the Pokemon movie. Battler lost, I get that, it's happened before, but last time he just moped around for a while and got over it. But this time he....? Dies from having his logic destroyed? That's. F*cking. Dumb. But I could forgive all that, ALL OF IT, if it wasn't for one thing. Battler's new found Game Master ability: The Golden Truth. A truth that is sometimes superior to the Red Truth but sometimes inferior to the Red Truth. THAT'S. FU*CKING. STUPID!

I get how you had to make this his great comeback, but come on (completely uninformed opinion incoming) it seems like that is going to give him a bit too much power. I like my heroes/heroines to be "beatable" flawed, the underdog. Maybe I'm wrong and I'll get a Goku vs Freiza situation where you think there's no way the villain can stack up but it turns out they had something else up their sleeve.

I don't have high hopes for Episode 6, but I'm thinking 7 & 8 may be more my style, so I'll suffer through it. But now that I have set my expectations low, I hope I can at least enjoy it somewhat.

In conclusion: episode 5 is <good>, but only when compared to the more boring episodes. Otherwise, episode 5 is <meh>


Currently at the beginning of Umi EP4 myself, so those spoiler walls are really scary. What if one of you guys accidentally doesn't close one of the tags? What then? &#12504;&#12477;&#12391;&#12418;&#22107;&#12435;&#12391;&#27515;&#12435;&#12376;&#12419;&#12360;&#12400;&#12353;?


Rolling Girl
That's easy to say in retrospect, but when new concepts get thrown into the mix along with extra rules, characters, and elements, it's difficult to discern what is and isn't relevant over the 40+ hours it took to get it.
Well I've been going through the games add they came out and purple solved the identity of Beato and the common end game before EP4 came out. EP3's circumstances are pretty much a freebie considering the end game TIPS.
Well I've been going through the games add they came out and purple solved the identity of Beato and the common end game before EP4 came out. EP3's circumstances are pretty much a freebie considering the end game TIPS.
Understandable. Having time to speculate in between episodes makes all the difference though. If I stopped for a while, I'm certain I'd be able to figure some things out before the end, but I'm playing them in succession with almost no speculation in between.


With Umineko, you would need to prepare to not have almost any answers even by the 5th episode. I think 1 might have been answered. Maybe, but as many people have said, with Umineko, it's more about the journey than it is about the destination. Though a couple of pit stops here and there wouldn't hurt.
I don't mind any of that, I meant like, if the story is worth it in spite of the creepy stuff, rather than in addition to it (when someone doesn't like that stuff). Because with Higurashi so far it.. kind of... isn't. It feels like there's no reason to read it besides having a story for the bonfire (for the first 2 episodes at least).


Poet Centuriate
I recently installed If My Heart Had Wings (&#12371;&#12398;&#22823;&#31354;&#12395;&#12289;&#32764;&#12434;&#12402;&#12429;&#12370;&#12390;; Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete) and preceded to also apply a fan-done patch because the publisher, MoeNovel, decided to release the English version heavily censored and poorly translated...but the patch is giving me a lot of errors and screwing up early on. I'll have to check if the un-patched version also does this but I'll eventually have to get the patch to work because I'm not gonna play the censored mess.

Oh well, I have the Clannad VN for now, lol.


I recently installed If My Heart Had Wings (&#12371;&#12398;&#22823;&#31354;&#12395;&#12289;&#32764;&#12434;&#12402;&#12429;&#12370;&#12390;; Kono Oozora ni, Tsubasa wo Hirogete) and preceded to also apply a fan-done patch because the publisher, MoeNovel, decided to release the English version heavily censored and poorly translated...but the patch is giving me a lot of errors and screwing up early on. I'll have to check if the un-patched version also does this but I'll eventually have to get the patch to work because I'm not gonna play the censored mess.

Oh well, I have the Clannad VN for now, lol.

You need to put your machine in JP locale in order for the patch to work. Also, the page of the patch has a small troubleshooting section. Try it if you can't figure out what's wrong.

I kinda forgot about this lol. Hopefully the improved patch will be released soon. The only reason why I haven't read this one yet.


Poet Centuriate
You need to put your machine in JP locale in order for the patch to work. Also, the page of the patch has a small troubleshooting section. Try it if you can't figure out what's wrong.

I kinda forgot about this lol. Hopefully the improved patch will be released soon. The only reason why I haven't read this one yet.

I'll try that. Does it need to stay in JP in order for me to play after I patch it? E.G., do I need to switch it back to JP locale whenever I want to play?
I don't mind any of that, I meant like, if the story is worth it in spite of the creepy stuff, rather than in addition to it (when someone doesn't like that stuff). Because with Higurashi so far it.. kind of... isn't. It feels like there's no reason to read it besides having a story for the bonfire (for the first 2 episodes at least).
As I've only seen the Higurashi anime, I'm not entirely sure if I'm qualified to answer, but from what I saw, yea it pays off. It has a satasfying ending. Once questions start getting answered, that's when the When They Cry games start to pick up steam.


I'll try that. Does it need to stay in JP in order for me to play after I patch it? E.G., do I need to switch it back to JP locale whenever I want to play?

You need to stay in JP locale while you run the game.

Honestly, it's not really a big deal; I used to leave my laptop with those settings at all times, even when I wasn't reading anything, and it poses no problems whatsoever (maybe the odd installation program will appear at first in Japanese when you run it, but other than that, nothing will change)


As I've only seen the Higurashi anime, I'm not entirely sure if I'm qualified to answer, but from what I saw, yea it pays off. It has a satasfying ending. Once questions start getting answered, that's when the When They Cry games start to pick up steam.

This is accurate for the visual novel i think. Higurashi starts very slow and builds up the mystery for the first 4 episodes, then actually starts explaining things for the latter 4 episodes, and it just gets better and better as it goes, eventually leading to a satisfying conclusion.

Umineko builds up the mystery for 4 episodes, then builds up even more mystery for another 4 episodes with small explanations sprinkled here and there, eventually coming to some kind of conclusion, but leaving too much open and unanswered.
I really should look into the earlier Uchikoshi VNs but I'm still having doubts where to start. People seem to talk about Ever 17 a lot but apparently according to wiki it is the second game in the series and the series has 5 (!) games??? When did this happen. Wiki says 4 of them are in the same universe but does that mean they are direct sequels, semi sequels like VLR or just something really vague connections like Higu/Umi. Even so I'd always rather start at the first game when given the chance and play in order unless they like reeeeeeallly suuuck.

Also the names for the games in a series give Nomura a run for his money.
I really should look into the earlier Uchikoshi VNs but I'm still having doubts where to start. People seem to talk about Ever 17 a lot but apparently according to wiki it is the second game in the series and the series has 5 (!) games??? When did this happen. Wiki says 4 of them are in the same universe but does that mean they are direct sequels, semi sequels like VLR or just something really vague connections like Higu/Umi. Even so I'd always rather start at the first game when given the chance and play in order unless they like reeeeeeallly suuuck.

Also the names for the games in a series give Nomura a run for his money.
They are vague connections. If you play Ever17 without playing Remember 11 or Never 7, you won't miss much but an indirect reference every now and again. I played through Ever 17 and loved it. Even more so than VLR.

I think the Uchkoshi games are related to each other similarly to how Steins;Gate is related to Chaos;Head and Robotics;Notes. They all take place in the same world, but are all separate stories. None of them connect the way that 999 does to VLR.
i don't get how people say Umineko was too open ended, I came out pretty satisfied and there was more than enough explanations and hints to come to correct conclusions by yourself.

some unanswered stuff was purposefully left that way as part of the story.

Go read Remember 11 for an actual unanswered story.


Rolling Girl
i don't get how people say Umineko was too open ended, I came out pretty satisfied and all I was there was more than enough explanations and hints to come to correct conclusions by yourself.

some unanswered stuff was purposefully left that way as part of the story.

Go read Remember 11 for an actual unanswered story.

Well there was even that book that explained what exactly happened in each EP for the denser people.


Poet Centuriate
You need to stay in JP locale while you run the game.

Honestly, it's not really a big deal; I used to leave my laptop with those settings at all times, even when I wasn't reading anything, and it poses no problems whatsoever (maybe the odd installation program will appear at first in Japanese when you run it, but other than that, nothing will change)

Ah cool, thanks.


i don't get how people say Umineko was too open ended, I came out pretty satisfied and there was more than enough explanations and hints to come to correct conclusions by yourself.

some unanswered stuff was purposefully left that way as part of the story.

Go read Remember 11 for an actual unanswered story.

I couldn't disagree more. What you consider to be "correct conclusions" could just as easily be countered by other conclusions that different people have reached regarding a lot of things in the series, and since there's no official answers, you'll never know what's actually true. People are literally still speculating.

Remember11 has no conclusion for the characters because it ends on a cliffhanger, but it doesn't need one because unlike umineko it actually explains the nature of everything that's going on in the story before it ends.
I couldn't disagree more. What you consider to be "correct conclusions" could just as easily be countered by other conclusions that different people have reached regarding a lot of things in the series, and since there's no official answers, you'll never know what's actually true. People are literally still speculating.

Remember11 has no conclusion for the characters because it ends on a cliffhanger, but it doesn't need one because unlike umineko it actually explains the nature of everything that's going on in the story before it ends.

Is Umineko really THAT bad in terms of solid satasfying conclusions? It seems like it can go one of two ways, the logical way in which everything is explained. Or the Shrodinger's Cat box way that leaves it up to the player to interpret the meaning. If it's the latter, tell me now so I can quit.


Just finished 999 after 3 days of power-reading.

Was somewhat disappointed with the true ending,
my mind was blown when I thought was referring to the player, but it turned out to be Akane... meh
. I still enjoyed the experience, overall, however.


Is Umineko really THAT bad in terms of solid satasfying conclusions? It seems like it can go one of two ways, the logical way in which everything is explained. Or the Shrodinger's Cat box way that leaves it up to the player to interpret the meaning. If it's the latter, tell me now so I can quit.

It depends on what kinds of questions you have floating around in your head i think. Episode 7 in particular answered a lot that i really wanted to be answered in terms of the story (mainly concerning the pasts of some of the characters)

Overall though? Definitely the latter, although i would still recommend reading all of it. You might end up like it after all. Also, the music and atmosphere is amazing
It depends on what kinds of questions you have floating around in your head i think. Episode 7 in particular answered a lot that i really wanted to be answered in terms of the story (mainly concerning the pasts of some of the characters)

Overall though? Defnitely the latter, although i would still recommend reading all of it. You might end up like it after all
Hmm, there's that Episode 7 again. Alright you've convinced me. I'll power through. Now that I know what to expect, I won't get my hopes up and just enjoy(?) the rest of the ride.


This is accurate for the visual novel i think. Higurashi starts very slow and builds up the mystery for the first 4 episodes, then actually starts explaining things for the latter 4 episodes, and it just gets better and better as it goes, eventually leading to a satisfying conclusion.

Umineko builds up the mystery for 4 episodes, then builds up even more mystery for another 4 episodes with small explanations sprinkled here and there, eventually coming to some kind of conclusion, but leaving too much open and unanswered.

As I've only seen the Higurashi anime, I'm not entirely sure if I'm qualified to answer, but from what I saw, yea it pays off. It has a satasfying ending. Once questions start getting answered, that's when the When They Cry games start to pick up steam.
Hmm that's pretty surprising actually (unless InfiniteNine wants to refute), guess I'll continue! Not now, though, I'll try out a different VN in the meanwhile. G-Senjou looks cool.


Just finished 999 after 3 days of power-reading.

Was somewhat disappointed with the true ending,
my mind was blown when I thought was referring to the player, but it turned out to be Akane... meh
. I still enjoyed the experience, overall, however.

Have you read Ever17?

e: just out of curiosity


Umineko doesn't have any loose ends. Episode 5 is my favourite episode, because it was the time that I first realized this. Beware: Major spoilers for all of Umineko and Chiru.

As a reader, I followed the exact same path that Battler did. I struggled against the witch out of principle, denying her, despite the truth of her existence staring me in the face. I progressed in my anti-fantasy stance throughout episodes 1 - 4, and because I was finding more and more solutions, being stumped by fewer and fewer tricks, I thought that I was reaching a greater understanding, approaching the "one truth". I swung around the blue willy-nilly, shotgun-style, because I thought that I could reach the red through it. That the turth of humans could approach the truth of witches. But I was wrong. When episode 4 drew to a close, I, like Battler, had came at Beatrice with all I had, but failed to really pierce her heart.

Now enter episode 5. The tables have turned. Chessboard logic is taken to its extreme, by having the human side cast as villains, and the reader suddenly working together with Beatrice. And doing so using the very same tool that I had been employing all along - the truth of humans. Erika and Knox use their authority of mystery to crash red at Beatrice, and she counters with blue. It blew my mind at the time. "Wait a minute here. What's going on? This isn't the way things go." It meant that I had gravely misunderstood the ideas of "truth" that my entire reading had been based on. I felt betrayed and confused. I almost dropped the whole thing entirely, declared the game a sham. But I continued, stumbled along with Beatrice taking over my role, and eventually reached the episode's conclusion.
"And then, I... knew." Just as Battler did, I realized during the ??? the meaning of Umineko. In retrospect, it really was all too obvious. By episode 4 at the very latest, it was staring me straight in the face, via the Ange of 1998. In episode 5, Ten Wedges to Pierce Witches should have already made it clear. But once the ??? trial began, there absolutely couldn't be any doubt, because Battler said it explicitly in words. In the 6th game, Zepar and Furfur reinforce the idea again. In the 7th, Will's sword being white further symbolizes it perfectly. And in the episode 8, it returns to Ange, and Battler again spells it out. Having grasped the nature of Umineko, I became unable to understand things the way I had before. It sounds crazy, but it actually changed my entire outlook - on all fiction, and even in other areas of life.

Episode 5 is the strongest episode, because it executes the revelation that's been built up for four episodes prior.
One truth defines Umineko from that point on, all the way to the end of episode 8: That "one truth" does not exist.
To say that Umineko has loose ends is at once self-evidently true and fundamentally wrong.
The turth of humans is never absolute.

...Whew. That ended up being longer and more grand-sounding than I intended. But I don't know any other way to express it. I really like Seacats, and it's basically all thanks to episode 5. It's that great.


All i see is lots of subjective interpretations, and i've read several of those, just like yours, that all came to different conclusions. I guess that's kind of the point, and it's cool that you love the novel, but no work of fiction has loose ends if you just choose to disregard them or make up answers on your own.

Hmm that's pretty surprising actually (unless InfiniteNine wants to refute), guess I'll continue! Not now, though, I'll try out a different VN in the meanwhile. G-Senjou looks cool.

The final route of G-Senjou is amazing, so i would definitely recommend it


Umineko doesn't have any loose ends. Episode 5 is my favourite episode, because it was the time that I first realized this. Beware: Major spoilers for all of Umineko and Chiru.

As a reader, I followed the exact same path that Battler did. I struggled against the witch out of principle, denying her, despite the truth of her existence staring me in the face. I progressed in my anti-fantasy stance throughout episodes 1 - 4, and because I was finding more and more solutions, being stumped by fewer and fewer tricks, I thought that I was reaching a greater understanding, approaching the "one truth". I swung around the blue willy-nilly, shotgun-style, because I thought that I could reach the red through it. That the turth of humans could approach the truth of witches. But I was wrong. When episode 4 drew to a close, I, like Battler, had came at Beatrice with all I had, but failed to really pierce her heart.

Now enter episode 5. The tables have turned. Chessboard logic is taken to its extreme, by having the human side cast as villains, and the reader suddenly working together with Beatrice. And doing so using the very same tool that I had been employing all along - the truth of humans. Erika and Knox use their authority of mystery to crash red at Beatrice, and she counters with blue. It blew my mind at the time. "Wait a minute here. What's going on? This isn't the way things go." It meant that I had gravely misunderstood the ideas of "truth" that my entire reading had been based on. I felt betrayed and confused. I almost dropped the whole thing entirely, declared the game a sham. But I continued, stumbled along with Beatrice taking over my role, and eventually reached the episode's conclusion.
"And then, I... knew." Just as Battler did, I realized during the ??? the meaning of Umineko. In retrospect, it really was all too obvious. By episode 4 at the very latest, it was staring me straight in the face, via the Ange of 1998. In episode 5, Ten Wedges to Pierce Witches should have already made it clear. But once the ??? trial began, there absolutely couldn't be any doubt, because Battler said it explicitly in words. In the 6th game, Zepar and Furfur reinforce the idea again. In the 7th, Will's sword being white further symbolizes it perfectly. And in the episode 8, it returns to Ange, and Battler again spells it out. Having grasped the nature of Umineko, I became unable to understand things the way I had before. It sounds crazy, but it actually changed my entire outlook - on all fiction, and even in other areas of life.

Episode 5 is the strongest episode, because it executes the revelation that's been built up for four episodes prior.
One truth defines Umineko from that point on, all the way to the end of episode 8: That "one truth" does not exist.
To say that Umineko has loose ends is at once self-evidently true and fundamentally wrong.
The turth of humans is never absolute.

...Whew. That ended up being longer and more grand-sounding than I intended. But I don't know any other way to express it. I really like Seacats, and it's basically all thanks to episode 5. It's that great.

Have you played Ougon Musou Kyoku? It's hardly earth-shattering in its ramifications, but it has some great fan-service endings.


Poet Centuriate
You need to stay in JP locale while you run the game.

Honestly, it's not really a big deal; I used to leave my laptop with those settings at all times, even when I wasn't reading anything, and it poses no problems whatsoever (maybe the odd installation program will appear at first in Japanese when you run it, but other than that, nothing will change)

So I switched it, did all that again, and also when through added the fixed Rio.arc script (step #3) from the Fuwanovel thread and got the same errors again.

But I figured out that something is wrong with that new Rio.arc file, because I deleted, did it again but left it out and no more errors. Don't know what's up with that.


Personally I favor this intepretation of Umineko ending.
>Kyrie Eleison
>Lord, have mercy.
>The Lord

I think Kyrie was actually God, who in all His magnanimousness decided to put the unclean heathens from the Ushiromiya family into a test for redemption. Kyrie used His messengers, Maria and Yasu (it's a reference to Iesu - i.e. our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ) to deliver His message and to put forth the test. However, the Ushiromiyas, being a representation of all the sins, refused to listen to our Lord's merciful message, and thus, sadly, they had to be punished, and Rokkenjima became another Sodom and Gomorrah.

Not all of them were a lost case. There were 2 good sheep who deserved salvation. One of them was Eva. However, she had fallen prey of many sins, and thus, our Lord left her without her Adam. In addition, she had to atone for her sinful ways for the rest of her life. The other survivor was Battler, which would be a representation of Job. At the end, after seeing how the Lord - who all gives - took everything away from him, and accepted it, he was rewarded with a new life. And thus, Battler died, and Tohya was born. Together with his new partner, they write Christian stories to spread the word of our Lord.

As for Ange, she was viral marketing for hamburgers, nothing to see there.

This, my dear friends, is the truth behind Rokkenjima.

Alternatively, this is a pretty good ending too.


Finally got Muv Luv. Is worth finishing in one go? :p

Yeah, got luck passing the Lacrosse arc in one go.


Rolling Girl
PS3, PS2 only got Higurashi ported.

And they are definitely not ugly. Especially when compared to original assets (ugh).

Original assets express things much better and the redrawn ones are passable at best and underwhelming otherwise in comparison. (There are also less expressions in total.)
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