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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.

betweenthewheels said:
That's the first thing I noticed too.

my coworker blew up on me and said it's because i supposedly hate NT.

aside from the slightly altered face it looks like she just changed her wardrobe. i won't throw NT into the pit of 'Epic are be lazy character designs!' but it's pretty disappointing to see something so familiar in the wrong ways.

still crossing my fingers for the demo though. i enjoi my mind being changed.


Ok when the hell do the tooltips stop popping up? I'm on Chapter 5 now and the stupid thing still pops up every time I need to throw Trip up to a ledge. Yes, I realize what button to press now - it's been like 3 hours.


Is this game this generation's Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts?
Will get it when it's on sale.

I found it funny that the press say the game didn't have much promotion/marketing. I actually saw quite a bit ads and preview of this game. It's just that these same press didn't put much time to help spread this game at all.


seady said:
Is this game this generation's Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts?
Will get it when it's on sale.
Funny you say that, playing the demo gave me a little BGE vibe... Sucks that I have to wait until next week though. I ordered the collectors btw. as I get it for just 5€ more.
seady said:
Is this game this generation's Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts?
Will get it when it's on sale.

I found it funny that the press say the game didn't have much promotion/marketing. I actually saw quite a bit ads and preview of this game. It's just that these same press didn't put much time to help spread this game at all.
I played a few hours of this today, and while it's slightly better than I was anticipating, as far as I'm concerned it doesn't even come close to touching BG&E or Psychonauts. Does it change significantly as you progress? Because what I played started getting samey pretty fast. I did like the handful of larger enemies I encountered though.


jonnybryce said:
I'm just surprised you think it's story looks worse than usual. It actually seems superior to the norm and the trailer made me thing "holy shit - this looks epic." Different strokes, entitled opinions, etc. Just sayin'.

It's all about writing. In the trailer, all the story looked terrible and had awkward dialogue out the ass, but there's this one part I could not stop laughing at. It's where I got to thinking the games story is borderline self-parody...

...she's like "THERE MUST HAVE BEEN HUNDREDS LIVING HERE!" And the guy goes, completely deadpan, "NO. THOUSANDS!" I could not stop laughing. The delivery, the terribleness of the dialogue... it is just consistent with my opinion that all game stories are bad.

Now, i don't expect Enslaved to be different from any other game in that regard so I'm not holding it against it, it's just if someone tells me the story is its main appeal, I'm going to avoid that game, because well... game stories suck :lol

Anyway, let me bow out of this thread, I do no good here if I'm not going to buy it :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
seady said:
Is this game this generation's Beyond Good & Evil and Psychonauts?
Will get it when it's on sale.

I found it funny that the press say the game didn't have much promotion/marketing. I actually saw quite a bit ads and preview of this game. It's just that these same press didn't put much time to help spread this game at all.
For me it is.

It definitely has the kind of magic those games possessed.

It's hard to put a finger on why, but I'm actually feeling like this might end up becoming my favorite game of the year. I'm enjoying this WAY more than I had ever expected.

It does capture my attention in a way similar to BG&E. There's no doubt that having a capable side kick alongside the main character adds a great deal to such games. Like BG&E and ICO, they've completely escaped the "escort mission" trap here. You really don't spend much time worrying about Trip (outside of a few specific scenes) and she adds a whole lot to the story.

Speaking of story, I think this is another great example of the kind of story telling that really works in games. The overall plot seems fairly simple and mysterious even (as you really aren't told what is going on, rather, clued in at some points). The story which drives you forward is that of the characters you are spending game time with. The personal interaction and character development is the driving force here. Building up this relationship adds more gravity to some of the situations they may encounter. I'm really surprised at how natural the relationship really is. I also really appreciate how some of the game related elements are explained. The HUD, for instance, exists as a result of the slave head band and trips programming.

Speaking of head band related visuals...

Is that Andy Serkis showing up in those visions? It sure does look like it.

At the time of release it is always difficult to say which games may or may not become cult classics ala BG&E, but I feel this has a real shot at it.

Oh yes, I now have faith in their Devil May Cry game. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed DMC games in the past, but not one of them really stuck with me. I understand the uproar over the new game, but in all honesty, I feel that it may be a game which ends up appealing more to me than any previous entry in the series. Could be an amazing experience.


I just got back from picking up my pre-order. Soundtrack was broken and if they included the classic Monkey DLC code, I don't know where they hid it.

On the bright side the comic is pretty lengthy as these things go and I'm looking forward to playing it when I get access to my PS3 again, curse you PlayTV!


dark10x said:
Oh yes, I now have faith in their Devil May Cry game. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed DMC games in the past, but not one of them really stuck with me. I understand the uproar over the new game, but in all honesty, I feel that it may be a game which ends up appealing more to me than any previous entry in the series. Could be an amazing experience.

As long as Capcom has some people there directing the combat, I think DmC will turn out just fine, UE3 technical issues aside.


I'm seeing a lot of people like the game. What are your comments on the gameplay? I've heard lots of negative things about the demo gameplay...too simple platforming, shallow combat. Are these things that improve over the course of the game, or did you not get that impression from the demo either?


Amir0x said:
It's all about writing. In the trailer, all the story looked terrible and had awkward dialogue out the ass, but there's this one part I could not stop laughing at. It's where I got to thinking the games story is borderline self-parody...

...she's like "THERE MUST HAVE BEEN HUNDREDS LIVING HERE!" And the guy goes, completely deadpan, "NO. THOUSANDS!" I could not stop laughing. The delivery, the terribleness of the dialogue... it is just consistent with my opinion that all game stories are bad.

Now, i don't expect Enslaved to be different from any other game in that regard so I'm not holding it against it, it's just if someone tells me the story is its main appeal, I'm going to avoid that game, because well... game stories suck :lol

Anyway, let me bow out of this thread, I do no good here if I'm not going to buy it :p

Amir0x, I know you are famous for your ...quite polaric... comments, but this really made me laugh. That saying is perfectly fine in any movie or any book, and yes, it is good in a game also. Reason? They are saying that because time has passed, and they are in an age where people do not hang out in 20+ million big cities anymore. Surviving kinda destroys the urgeness to pass the fact that NY has hosted x millions at a time, not thousands. (By the way, the quote is bad also. Hundreds..more, thousands..maybe even more, etc)


dark10x said:
Oh yes, I now have faith in their Devil May Cry game. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed DMC games in the past, but not one of them really stuck with me. I understand the uproar over the new game, but in all honesty, I feel that it may be a game which ends up appealing more to me than any previous entry in the series. Could be an amazing experience.

I feel the same too. If they can fix the UE3 problems and if Capcom guides them with the combat mechanics, then it could turn out really great.

At the very least, it'll look great.


Nork unification denier
thcsquad said:
I'm seeing a lot of people like the game. What are your comments on the gameplay? I've heard lots of negative things about the demo gameplay...too simple platforming, shallow combat. Are these things that improve over the course of the game, or did you not get that impression from the demo either?

I'm up through Chapter 4 and have purchased nearly all the combat upgrades (things like evade, counterattack, super strong attack), and honestly, the best I can say is it's dull. There's no real challenge (I'm playing on hard), and I say that as a person who found Bayonetta difficult in terms of getting combos right (played that on Normal). It's just hit, hit, hit, evade, wide attack when you're getting crowded.

Platforming can best be described as relaxing. It's literally X-X-X and B occasionally to slide down on pipes. People have described the platforming as equivalent to PoP, which I think is a wild overestimate. Enslaved has no real challenges when it comes to platforming and PoP did. You can't fall off in Enslaved (literally - the game won't let you jump unless it wants you to jump), so there's no real threat of death. At least you could die in PoP if you messed up on timing, missed a jump or ran out of wall to run on. Enslaved has none of that (yet).

This is not to say it's a horrible game - it's actually a fun non-stressful platforming experience. Combat is pretty tedious though. I love the post-apocalyptic setting (though the story/dialog is a bit dumb), but I don't see how the game has earned the high "8" reviews its been getting. It feels more like a 7-ish game to me, and I'm beginning to suspect I should have waited until the price fell to the $20-30 range.

Voice acting is certainly great though. Can't say I really like the mix of
real-world images when Monkey picks up the floating masks - it's just too jarring a transition between game world images/models and real life people/things
. Also I've seen some bugs that indicate a lack of polish to me (playing on the 360): Monkey disappearing from some cut scenes and there was one place I had to go back to a previous checkpoint because Trip fell through a building and I couldn't call her to me to open a door. At least the checkpointing isn't frustrating. I can't stand games that punish you for failure by making you repeat long segments.

Haven't finished the game yet, so hopefully it gets more difficult.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
thcsquad said:
I'm seeing a lot of people like the game. What are your comments on the gameplay? I've heard lots of negative things about the demo gameplay...too simple platforming, shallow combat. Are these things that improve over the course of the game, or did you not get that impression from the demo either?
The combat and platforming are not particularly difficult (it's simplistic in a way similar to stuff like BG&E, really), but that doesn't mean it isn't still enjoyable.

Combat definitely ramps up, however, and begins to require some real effort at points. You don't exactly have a huge wealth of moves, but what you have is fun to use and the combat focuses more on crowd control and dodging attacks.

The game gives you a lot of information about the enemies in the surrounding area and challenges you to sneak past them as long as possible or at least get the drop on them. Mechs tend to be visible in a de-activated form (which actually adds to the atmosphere, I thought, and makes sense within the world). The head band modifications trip makes allows you to see player detection circles and laser sights from enemies. You always know what the enemy can and cannot see and it allows for some fun avoidance gameplay.

The platforming is very simplistic, however, but it feels enjoyable simply due to the types of environments you'll be moving through. There are timing bits in place, of course, where you have to quickly make each jump, but it's not really possible to MISS those jumps. That's what makes it so simple, I suppose.

What makes the game very BG&E like for me, gameplay wise, is how they mix and match a slew of gameplay concepts and present them in a very pure form. It's simple but effective.
dark10x said:
Oh yes, I now have faith in their Devil May Cry game. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed DMC games in the past, but not one of them really stuck with me. I understand the uproar over the new game, but in all honesty, I feel that it may be a game which ends up appealing more to me than any previous entry in the series. Could be an amazing experience.

while i agree with much of what you say (tho i'm not quite ready to rank enslaved up there with bg&e/psychonauts at this point (starting chapter 7), i maybe by the time i finish), there's no way my enjoyment of this game's convinced me that nt is ready to do a dmc reboot. at least no more than, say, my love of the ratchet & clank series has convince me that insomniac would be :) - waaay too much an apples/oranges thing...

unless, of course, you might actually enjoy a kinder/gentler (& less batshit crazy) dmc. which i definitely wouldn't...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
semiconscious said:
while i agree with much of what you say (tho i'm not quite ready to rank enslaved up there with bg&e/psychonauts at this point (starting chapter 7), i maybe by the time i finish), there's no way my enjoyment of this game's convinced me that nt is ready to do a dmc reboot. at least no more than, say, my love of the ratchet & clank series has convince me that insomniac would be :) - waaay too much an apples/oranges thing...

unless, of course, you might actually enjoy a kinder/gentler (& less batshit crazy) dmc. which i definitely wouldn't...
Well, my opinion comes from the basis that I don't really love any Devil May Cry game. I've had fun with them, but there is a lot I would change as well.

Fans, of course, have much more to worry about.
Finished the game last night. It may not be a 10 but it was a fun ride.
I may be in the minority but I loved the humor and the second half of the game was my favorite part.
Enough can not be said about the voice acting and facial animations. So good
I really hope gamers don't miss out on this.
I <3 Trip!
Just got to chapter 3 and I'm having a good time with it so far...

But will someone please tell me that the
dragonfly scanning scenes
stop at some point.


The Friendly Monster said:
You should be able skip them with the back/select button if you don't want to see them.

Ah, didn't even think to try and skip them. Thanks!

It just seemed like a odd design decision based on what I've read about the story telling aspect of the game. It really pulls me out.
FrostuTheNinja said:
Just got to chapter 3 and I'm having a good time with it so far...

But will someone please tell me that the
dragonfly scanning scenes
stop at some point.
You should be able skip them with the back/select button if you don't want to see them.


Nork unification denier
DaBuddaDa said:
As long as NT figures out how to make the game run at 60fps on UE3, I think everything will work out.

60FPS will mean nothing if the combat is as dull as it is in Enslaved. Capcom had better be keeping a very tight rein on NT in this department at the very least.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DaBuddaDa said:
As long as NT figures out how to make the game run at 60fps on UE3, I think everything will work out.
They won't.

I LOVE Enslaved, but even on 360, it does not hold 30 fps at all times. There are definitely dips. They could certainly step it up a bit for DMC, but I'm expecting a solid 30 fps at best.

60FPS will mean nothing if the combat is as dull as it is in Enslaved. Capcom had better be keeping a very tight rein on NT in this department at the very least.
The combat is not the focus of Enslaved.

I wouldn't say it's dull either. How far are you in the game?


Nork unification denier
dark10x said:
They won't.

I LOVE Enslaved, but even on 360, it does not hold 30 fps at all times. There are definitely dips. They could certainly step it up a bit for DMC, but I'm expecting a solid 30 fps at best.

The combat is not the focus of Enslaved.

I wouldn't say it's dull either. How far are you in the game?

Chapter 4 and yeah, it's dull. I have all combat upgrades save one. No, story is the focus of Enslaved. Which is fine, but it doesn't make for the most entertaining game.

EDIT: I do want to say I enjoy trying to find all the masks and orbs, but I'm one of those OCD people that likes running around collecting things. :lol


dark10x said:
The combat is not the focus of Enslaved.

Embrace yourself, because this sentence will break the system of everyone who tries to judge NT's skills of making a pure hack'n'slash based on Heavenly Sword / Enslaved.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
luxarific said:
Chapter 4 and yeah, it's dull. I have all combat upgrades save one. No, story is the focus of Enslaved. Which is fine, but it doesn't make for the most entertaining game.

EDIT: I do want to say I enjoy trying to find all the masks and orbs, but I'm one of those OCD people that likes running around collecting things. :lol
I can tell you that the combat does become significantly more interesting after chapter 7 or so. They mix up enemy types, throw in gun sentries, and force you to focus on crowd control. It's definitely much more interesting and requires actual thought rather than simply mashing your way through (at least on the hard difficulty).
Played the demo on ps3 and wasn't really that impressed to be honest...the intro was certainly action packed, but the somewhat messy performance, average animation and aliasing made it lack the pop of something like uncharted... I did like the interaction between the characters, and monkey seems like a likeable protagonist...I was, however, left with the impression that the game is somewhat bland....the world looks decent enough, but if they want the reclaimed world aesthetic, what better inspiration to look to than Nausicaa?

Anyway, I might give it at a later date...


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
V_Arnold said:
Embrace yourself, because this sentence will break the system of everyone who tries to judge NT's skills of making a pure hack'n'slash based on Heavenly Sword / Enslaved.
This is the third or fourth time I've seen you referencing people considering Enslaved a hack'n'slash (and thus dismissing it because it's clearly not) in this thread, and I honestly can't remember seeing a single person doing so. Can you please point out who did?


Jocchan said:
This is the third or fourth time I've seen you referencing people considering Enslaved a hack'n'slash (and thus dismissing it because it's clearly not) in this thread, and I honestly can't remember seeing a single person doing so. Can you please point out who did?

It was not happening in this thread. Those who made the assumption that just because Enslaved/HS is not primarly a hack'n'slash and therefore Ninja Theory's ability to create a game like that is lacking vs the optimists... that topic was brought up several times in the DMC announcement thread and the Enslaved demo thread, but to a certainly less extent.
dark10x said:
For me it is.

It does capture my attention in a way similar to BG&E. There's no doubt that having a capable side kick alongside the main character adds a great deal to such games. Like BG&E and ICO, they've completely escaped the "escort mission" trap here. You really don't spend much time worrying about Trip (outside of a few specific scenes) and she adds a whole lot to the story.

I agree with you on this one dark... totally and completely.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
.I was, however, left with the impression that the game is somewhat bland....the world looks decent enough, but if they want the reclaimed world aesthetic, what better inspiration to look to than Nausicaa?
Now THAT is completely off base. The game world is anything but bland. It's been one of the most pleasant surprises in a long time in that regard.

I absolutely love the world presented in this game. It's one of the best worlds I've seen in a game this year.

What makes you think it's bland?

Embrace yourself, because this sentence will break the system of everyone who tries to judge NT's skills of making a pure hack'n'slash based on Heavenly Sword / Enslaved.
Why are you associating Enslaved with "hack'n'slash"? I suppose if you consider Beyond Good & Evil and ICO to be hack'n'slash titles as well, your post might make sense.
the art direction and environment design in this game is absolutely fucking gorgeous.

and i rarely use stupid words like "gorgeous". currently on chapter 8, and the game has only gotten better with every chapter.

also, i hated trip in the demo (stupid girl) but i really like her now. she's capable but weak without being annoying or a burden.
also, for the segments where she's not with you, it really feels like you've lost something since you're unable to use her decoy trick or upgrade your stats.
This isn't a hack n slash at all.

Anyway I've finally begun. I think I'm still in chapter two. Quick thoughts:

-Game is seriously beautiful. When the game gets cinematic and shows scenery or enemies up ahead I gasp.
-The combination of the apocalyptic environments, greenery, mech enemies, technology and vibrant color works really well. It all compliments eachother and creates a cool look. I remember in Infamous...I loved the game but the enemies were annoying and they didn't really match the setting in any particular way. The mechs here look awesome and are fun to overcome.
-I like the way the HUD is actually implemented into the story.
-The story and dialogue so far has been awesome as the voice acting is superb
-Their facial animations floor me. He looks sarcastic or annoyed when he says sarcastic or agitated things. Damn.
-The collobaritve gameplay is a nice mechanic. The whole decoy thing is fun and a nice challenge.
-Platforming didn't surprise - automatic as hell.
-It feels really fresh and different.
-I have no idea what these red orbs do or why I need them.
-Framerate can be chuggy.

Also, I like the combat. Its a nice mix. You have evading, blocking, regular and strong attacks along with a charged stun attack and a wide attack. I haven't been able to simply button mash unless I'm only versing one standard mech, and even then they often block and force me to mix it up. The games platforming is subpar but the combat isn't offensive or disappointing for an action/adventure.

I love the way these characters interact with one another. Their relationship makes for cool dialogue and its delivered so well. This is a real treat so far. I want to live in this world.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
V_Arnold said:
It was not happening in this thread. Those who made the assumption that just because Enslaved/HS is not primarly a hack'n'slash and therefore Ninja Theory's ability to create a game like that is lacking vs the optimists... that topic was brought up several times in the DMC announcement thread and the Enslaved demo thread, but to a certainly less extent.
Well, I don't really remember anyone calling Enslaved a hack'n'slash (it would have been completely stupid, but please feel free to correct me if I missed it), maybe just Heavenly Sword, and I believe we can both agree a comparison between HS and DMC's gameplay isn't completely unjustified despite their obvious differences.
But let's assume for a moment someone was indeed so stupid to diss Enslaved as a bad hack'n'slash, something it's clearly not: would it be worth bringing this up multiple times in different threads, when it's just the opinion of someone who didn't understand the game? I'm asking because it sounds dangerously like a strawman argument retreaded ad nauseam to dismiss the opinion of the "haters", and even though I'm mostly lurking in this thread to read impressions I have to admit it's getting kinda tiresome.
I'm not saying this is your goal, of course, just voicing my opinion on the matter (and I'd be really glad to be wrong).


Neo Member
dark10x said:
360 version

PS3 version, based on the demo, is complete shit. Looks almost exactly the same, but runs at a lower framerate overall and tears like crazy. Feels like an older attempt at bringing UE3 to PS3 and a step below most other recent efforts.

360 version is generally very smooth, though still not perfect.

Truly, the 360 version looks and plays better than the PS3 one. But there is one thing in the 360 version that really annoys me (and i noticed the same thing in Batman Arkham Asylum): The game's cutscenes on the 360 demo, seem to be a tad more blurry when i compare them to the ones in the PS3 demo (where they look much crisper). And considering that this is a game where the story and the characters take the first role, i really dont like it (especially if you consider that the performance of the game on the PS3 is all over the place).


Just played through the first three chapters, all of my expectations have been met if not surpassed. There are some obvious flaws but none of them matter when it comes to my enjoyment so far. Feels very refreshing eventhough it doesn't really do anything new, maybe it's just the colors, I don't know.

Oh and to the guy a bit higher, you need the red orbs so Trip can upgrade Monkey's equipment.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ilias78 said:
Truly, the 360 version looks and plays better than the PS3 one. But there is one thing in the 360 version that really annoys me (and i noticed the same thing in Batman Arkham Asylum): The game's cutscenes on the 360 demo, seem to be a tad more blurry when i compare them to the ones in the PS3 demo (where they look much crisper). And considering that this is a game where the story and the characters take the first role, i really dont like it (especially if you consider that the performance of the game on the PS3 is all over the place).
Most of the cutscenes are realtime, though, so look better on 360. The videos are not well compressed, but they are extremely rare. I'm at chapter 8 and have only seen 2 actual videos used (once at the end of the demo and another time after chapter 6 or 7).
Adam J. said:
I went to two different K-Marts tonight looking for this and both of them didn't have it in stock.

The media sections at these stores were a joke. All of the newer games are stacked on top of each other in a glass case, in no particular order. Are all K-Marts this shitty, or is it just the ones in Indianapolis?
Most K-Marts my area didn't even receive it in stock.
oblo said:
Just played through the first three chapters, all of my expectations have been met if not surpassed. There are some obvious flaws but none of them matter when it comes to my enjoyment so far. Feels very refreshing eventhough it doesn't really do anything new, maybe it's just the colors, I don't know.

Oh and to the guy a bit higher, you need the red orbs so Trip can upgrade Monkey's equipment.

Yeah, thanks. That finally happened. I was wondering if I missed what they were for (at first I thought health, then figured whatever - obviously they're good so catch em all!) but they finally explained it.


Really liking the game, though the platforming is driving me bonkers. Context sensitive jumping is the stupidest thing ever.

I'm at a sequence in chapter 2 or 3 where there are some bonus orbs. To get to them, you have to climb on a series of crates and run across an elevated gap along a pipe. Then, once you have them, instead of letting you jump off the pipe, you have to run along the pipe again and climb down.

There have been several instances like this so far, and it's inane and really reminds you that you are, in fact, playing a video game.


Registered User
Got my game today and played through the first 4 Chapters. This game is great. So glad I bought it.
Roxas said:
This really is one of the best looking games i have played. Right up there with Uncharted 2. Gorgeous.
I disagree with the Uncharted 2 comparison. UC2's environments felt much more varied. Enslaved is a gorgeous game but the technical hiccups take it down a notch.

EXGN said:
Really liking the game, though the platforming is driving me bonkers. Context sensitive jumping is the stupidest thing ever.

I'm at a sequence in chapter 2 or 3 where there are some bonus orbs. To get to them, you have to climb on a series of crates and run across an elevated gap along a pipe. Then, once you have them, instead of letting you jump off the pipe, you have to run along the pipe again and climb down.

There have been several instances like this so far, and it's inane and really reminds you that you are, in fact, playing a video game.
The platforming in this game is definitely automated and on rails... it's kinda crazy that you literally cannot jump to your death.
until later on with the shit in the way


So in the first chapter Monkey disappeared when he got his equipment and when the worker dies for telling him stuff, but hasn't happened again. Anyone experience that? It worked fine in the demo. But so far just got to Chapter 3 and loving the game.


Jocchan said:
Well, I don't really remember anyone calling Enslaved a hack'n'slash (it would have been completely stupid, but please feel free to correct me if I missed it), maybe just Heavenly Sword, and I believe we can both agree a comparison between HS and DMC's gameplay isn't completely unjustified despite their obvious differences.
But let's assume for a moment someone was indeed so stupid to diss Enslaved as a bad hack'n'slash, something it's clearly not: would it be worth bringing this up multiple times in different threads, when it's just the opinion of someone who didn't understand the game? I'm asking because it sounds dangerously like a strawman argument retreaded ad nauseam to dismiss the opinion of the "haters", and even though I'm mostly lurking in this thread to read impressions I have to admit it's getting kinda tiresome.
I'm not saying this is your goal, of course, just voicing my opinion on the matter (and I'd be really glad to be wrong).

God no, last thing I want to start is a "let us look for imaginary haters" game. Instead, I am just promptly going to take the opportunity and RAAAGE about Chapter 5 boss, for whom, if you play it on hard, you need PERFECT execution and ALL the spare ammo you get. I got there with 2 normal and 3 stun ammo left, and all the ammo refill on the map was not enough if I even missed 1 (!) stun timing, and that means restart.

After an hour of fail, I had to scale back to normal to this specific stage, very funny...
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