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Enslaved: Odyssey to the West |OT| I Die, You Die.


Does Gaf go to John's fruit emporium and video games or something and get games from the guy who doesn't know when the release day is or something?


D: All you gaffers who bought the game early are making me jelaous.
No retailer around here has the game yet.


thetechkid said:
Does Gaf go to John's fruit emporium and video games or something and get games from the guy who doesn't know when the release day is or something?

I bought Killzone 2 two weeks before the actual release date. That was an extreme case. Almost every game is on sale a few days early around here.

Anyways I'm currently in chapter 12. My mini-review on Enslaved coming soon.


Despera said:
I bought Killzone 3 two weeks before the actual release date. That was an extreme case. Almost every game is on sale a few days early around here.

Anyways I'm currently in chapter 12. My mini-review on Enslaved coming soon.
More like 5 months early :p I just preordered this game based on the reviews and the word of mouth, putting aside my middling demo impressions.


The Praiseworthy said:
anyway... the game reminds of ICO mixed with Uncharted and PoP ... Can't wait to see what the game holds for me :)

That sounds damn good :) I am picking this up day one, we need more blue skies and greenery in our games.
razorman said:
That sounds damn good :) I am picking this up day one, we need more blue skies and greenery in our games.

People are bitching for the same old same ole gloomy games we are getting this generation... and when a game like Enslaved is being made they don't support it and instead they wait for the game to bomb in sales to give it a chance!!!

Seriously this is MADNESS :\


Just ordered this game based on the reviews here. I had been on the fence, and the stuff that is being said here pushed me over to the purchase side.


The Praiseworthy said:
Got my copy... :D :

anyway... the game reminds of ICO mixed with Uncharted and PoP ... Can't wait to see what the game holds for me :)

Yes, I agree, the game has elements from all those games. Uncharted (climbing, jumping, quick inner thoughts); PoP (partnership, environment, platforming); and ICO(cammera control - the camera is more loose allowing you to view vistas and surroundings, while not having centered character, and there is definitely ICO atmosphere in the game as well, although more in the first chapters than in the later ones - the resemblance here is accomplished by having almost no music and heavily relying on natural sound effects (birds, wind, far away echoes), also that feeling of loneliness (Enslaved: city forgotten by humanity - ICO: abandoned castle) is present, although subdued. As far as influences go, the last chapter in the game reminded me of Gears of War, with its look and feel. :D


The Praiseworthy said:
People are bitching for the same old same ole gloomy games we are getting this generation... and when a game like Enslaved is being made they don't support it and instead they wait for the game to bomb in sales to give it a chance!!!

Seriously this is MADNESS :\

They're the same people who complain about their underwear being stinky, but then forget to buy Frebreeze when they go out shopping.

K' Dash

I just finished it and I have a couple of comments, not Spoilers really but I'll tag'em anyway

No extras?, really?, no extra costumes, figurines, extra modes or a reason to play it again? shame on you Ninja Theory :mad:

Now the spoilers:

I was dissapointed to not going to Pyramid to fight a REAL final boss, I tought the leviathan section was the prelude to a big bad last chapter with a gigantic final boss ala Shadow of the Colossus :(

Apart from that the game is fucking great and gorgeous.


Ugh so what happened? I tried out the demo expecting it to suck and it turned out to be really awesome. Lol. Getting this as soon as I can. Perhaps there is hope for DMC.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Will be supporting this game in order to support more blue sky gaming. Man this gen has been dreary.


Just finished the game a second ago in approx. an 8 and a half hours. Here are my thoughts with NO SPOILERS whatsoever:-

- The story isn't that amazing, but good enough to keep your interest. Not much is explained here and I was expecting much more by the end of the game.

- Combat is very basic. Keep in mind that I was playing on Hard, yet I rarely died. There aren't that many boss fights either. Bosses are frightening at first glance, but once you figure out the strategy they become underwhelmingly easy. If there is one boss that I can classify as challenging it would be the first boss.

- You collect orbs in order to purchase Upgrades. You can upgrade your Shield, Staff, Health and Combat efficiency. Nothing much to talk about here, it's as basic as the combat.

- Platforming is hilariously stupid. Earlier in the game all you have to do is spam the jump button and Monkey will do a perfect leap every time. Later however you'll be required to time your jumps correctly, but don't think for a second that this offers some kind of challenge. If you can't figure out where you need to jump next, all you have to do is rotate the analog stick, spam the jump button and VIOLA! Another perfect platforming segment. Then comes the Cloud, a hover board-like device that Monkey uses to go around fast. This serves as a fun mini-game, but its usability is limited to a few areas, and I mean a few areas.

- Characters are awesome and their interactions are kept short and sweet. Their animations are smooth (most of the time) and the VA is great. Too bad the game left a lot to be desired when it comes to character development. Many cutscenes later on in the game feel rushed just to give you some quick development between characters, and later after that cutscenes just feel... rushed.

- Graphics are great, and in some areas even excellent. Problem is that later in the game the framerate slows to a crawl in some sections and texture pop-in worsens a bit too. There are some strange glitches here and there, but we already heard about the technical issues with the game so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

The experience as a whole has it's ups and downs, but it all averages out and the game is something between decent and pretty good. The game suffers from some repetitiveness, but not as bad as Assassin's Creed or Alan Wake. The ending however is pure WTF material.

If I had to end my mini-review with a score then Enslaved is a

Now that I'm done with this, it's time for some Castlevania!
Amazon's giving out $10 gift cards for pre-ordering the game now, btw. It's not quite the Kmart deal or even the $20 deal they were doing up until a couple days ago, but it's a nice consolation for those who don't have Kmarts in there area
(or are dumb like me and pre-ordered Enslaved while drunk and now cannot cancel their orders)
I'm about halfway through the game. Love it so far. Will give rating when I finish it tonight.

+ Graphics can be drop-dead gorgeous at times.
+ Voice acting and story are really engaging so far.
+ Upgrade/orb system is good; nice variety to combat.

- Platforming is far too automatic.
- Imprecision of controls (although I didn't hate this much as I thought I was going to).
- Music is great but it seems really sparse; too few songs!

Ninja Theory obviously played a lot of Uncharted 2 while making this; and while it doesn't stand up to that game (very few do), it scratches that same itch.
I just played through the demo (PS3) and was surprised by how bad the game looked. I don't think it was the framerate either, the game just didn't look quite right. I mean the art direction is brilliant (IMHO) but it's like the game is either subHD or they're using some kind of noise/grain filter or something else because the image quality was terrible. It was especially noticeable because I spent the evening playing a number of different games/demos back to back (including the new Castlevania demo). Has anyone else noticed something similar? Nobody else has really mentioned anything apart from the poor framerate which surprises me. TBH the framerate didn't bother me too much!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I think I'm going to buy this game rather than Castlevania, after playing both demos. If anyone remembers my posts on this game, they'd know I was pretty critical about it, but in the end I felt both demos were average in terms of gameplay, but I'm much more curious what will happen throughout this game than CloS. Reading reviews that confirm that story is solid and engaging throughout and characters well acted and likable, helped cement this.

endlessflood said:
Has anyone else noticed something similar? Nobody else has really mentioned anything apart from the poor framerate which surprises me. TBH the framerate didn't bother me too much!
No, you're definitely right. Image quality problems were brought up a lot in the demo thread. They are not unique to PS3 version either, and a lot of UE3 games suffer from that kind of look. Overblown lighting highlights characteristic to the default use of the engine don't help with this grungyness either.
Chapter 8 was so awesome. Graphically and gameplay wise. The
in particular.

But who else hated Chapter 9? The
stuttered for me all the time and the
boss fight - Dog chasing you was hampered by so many technical hiccups including mines that literally popped up on you. ugh
Just beat the game over the weekend. Without spoiling anything, the game was great overall. Combat was kind of wonky at times. The roll/dodge felt really weird, needed to give you more distance from enemies. The platforming was pretty darn straight forward and simple. Along the same lines as uncharted 2, but at least in that you could miss a jump, or jump in the wrong direction.

I got really attached to the characters and the interaction between them. But there are parts of the games story that felt unfinished and rushed. I have to replay it to fully grasp more details of the story. Some parts were pretty vague.

But even with the problems the game has, it is refreshing to play an original IP and not another sequel to a franchise.
DaBuddaDa said:
The framerate on PS3 is decent, but it's a little smoother on the Xbox 360. If you have both systems, the Xbox 360 version is the way to go.
Noted.. Wasn't impressed with the game due to the abysmal framerate on the PS3 demo. Guess I'll try the 360 version.
So there's a noticeable performance difference between the 2 versions? I figured I'd get PS3 because...I barely use my PS3 but if it's suck in comparison I guess I'll try to switch.
jonnybryce said:
So there's a noticeable performance difference between the 2 versions? I figured I'd get PS3 because...I barely use my PS3 but if it's suck in comparison I guess I'll try to switch.
Yeah I'm going with PS3 for Castlevania and 360 for this.

I was just watching the making of thing for this, and Gollum (Andy Serkis) is co-directing this. When in the hell did he become a video game designer?


THE Caffeinated said:

I was just watching the making of thing for this, and Gollum (Andy Serkis) is co-directing this. When in the hell did he become a video game designer?

He (co)directed the cut scenes. Nothing to do with game design.

Anyway i hope the game sells a lot because it deserves it. And hope they make a sequel.


THE Caffeinated said:

I was just watching the making of thing for this, and Gollum (Andy Serkis) is co-directing this. When in the hell did he become a video game designer?
Enslaved is 75% storytelling, acting/motion capture, voice acting, etc. Andy was in a leadership position in those areas. He's not a "video game designer" as in making decisions about the combat or enemy placement or shooting mechanics.


I played the demo and I have to say, very pleased.

Great and imaginative visual design (still hate Monkey's design though), not to mention that the game looks gorgeous. I was also surprised that this game is actually kind of funny. :d

Gameplay itself feels less fresh, but the combat felt good and satisfying while the platforming held my hand to much.

If I find this one for a good price, I'll won't hesitate. Too bad Castelvania and Fallout New Vegas and Vanquish appear this month, if it wasn't for one of those I would have bought it full price.


This came out of nowhere for me. Amazing demo, very high quality cutscenes/voice acting/animation, very gripping and enjoyable, like uncharted. I need to buy it.


Registered User
Expecting my game to arrive in a few hours, can't wait. Hopefully Amazon sends me my soundtrack code before too long.


keltickennedy said:
Yeah. Random as hell.
not even
a hint that
the way it did
. If they
thrown in a
few unexplained situations or dropped
a few hints
something then I could

So out of
Einbroch said:
There was not even a hint that
Pyramid functioned the way it did
. If they would've thrown in a few unexplained situations or dropped a few hints or something then I could have bought it.

So out of left field.

Can you fuck off with the spoilers?


The Interrobanger said:
Can you fuck off with the spoilers?
Um. How is that a spoiler? Pyramid is the major enemy in the game, they tell you within, oh, I don't know, ten seconds of playing the game? And I didn't say anything.

Over-sensitive much? But fine, I'll spoiler tag my entire post.
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