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Eric Trump: Ivanka influenced Syria strike decision

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listen to the mad man
And by the way, he was anti doing anything with Syria two years ago. Then a leader gasses their own people, women and children.

erm, he had gassed his own people, women and children at that point too, that's why your father was expressing an opinion about syria at all


This is oddly dismissive. Trumps family seems to have alot of influence over him. I mean, look at Kushner.

They're just creating a stupid story to throw accountability around and make the situation look more humane "“Ivanka is a mother of three kids and she has influence"... lol. ... as long as enough suckers fall for their cheap diversion tactics, it's worth it. So what if she uttered a sentence in her fathers ear. A strike carried out that fast is obviously something planned and executed by the military starting from the top.


Ew! How quickly she pulled her hand away is pretty telling of how uncomfortable she probably was.
Not that I believe this, but isn't she getting an office in the WH months after Trump said she definitely isn't getting an office there?
Amazing that he even thought it's a good idea to share this.

The Trumps must live in a total bubble.

Oh God yeah, it's crazy. Donald himself is, I think, by the far the worst, but you can tell time and again that these people have no connection whatsoever to reality most of the time.

Sushi Nao

Ivanka is simply a bridging tactic to facilitate an acceptance heuristic for ambivalent voters. A beautiful white woman projected to have compassion can ameliorate a great deal of bad public perception.

I had a classmate tell me that feminism won because Ivanka had a place of power.


"I don't get involved in politics but..."

WTF is no one in this family capable of keeping their mouth shut? And reading it, it seems like he thought this was going to reflect well on his Sister and Father, instead of pointing out what a soft-headed, easily manipulated jackass Trump is.
Wow, so the airstrikes was negative and somebody just have to take the blame. I didn't know handbag designer could have that much of an influence.


I have a hard time believing this anyways. Our great leader didn't even take the time to raise his own kids- why would he care what they think?


You clearly never read Ivanka's shitty book.

That really does sound like a rough childhood. Like I remember that time where my parents were so broke because my dad got laid off that we ate noodles for like a month and were worried about starving let alone paying our bills.

But that doesn't compare to Ivanka's brave story really, I mean what does?
Oh daddy, you simply must send the bombs to Syria. I would like it ever so much.

If you don't, I shall be so cross, I shan't leave my room for the ball.


He cares great deal about what Ivanka has to say or show.

So when Ivanka set up a meeting between him and Al Gore on climate change, that made a difference? How's that whole "women's rights" stuff Ivanka is trying to get him to enact? How's that working out?


So when Ivanka set up a meeting between him and Al Gore on climate change, that made a difference? How's that whole "women's rights" stuff Ivanka is trying to get him to enact? How's that working out?

Are those things she actually is pushing her dad to do behind closed doors and not just PR?


I think Eric may actually believe Assad hadn't used any chemical weapons against Syrian civilians until last week.


Are those things she actually is pushing her dad to do behind closed doors and not just PR?

Like? If you can give us one example of something Ivanka is actually doing behind the scenes that makes a difference I'd agree with you.

Ivanka probably has more influence on his father through her husband than directly.


There are so many levels of wrong here:

1. Nepotism
2. That you have to be a "mother" or "parent of children" to be affected by the attack
3. BTW that is similar to how Republicans do empathy - back when they all came out against Trump for his Access Hollywood clip they said: "as a father and husband...."
4. Ivanka having so much influence
5. Still won't let refugees in could have saved those kids

Did I miss anything?


There are so many levels of wrong here:

1. Nepotism
2. That you have to be a "mother" or "parent of children" to be affected by the attack
3. BTW that is similar to how Republicans do empathy - back when they all came out against Trump for his Access Hollywood clip they said: "as a father and husband...."
4. Ivanka having so much influence
5. Still won't let refugees in could have saved those kids

Did I miss anything?

Just that if Obama even hinted of doing something like this, the streets would run red with blood.
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