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ESPN NBA 2K5 and the $20 Strategy


The price is right, but is the strategy on target

Now that Visual Concepts and ESPN Videogames have confirmed that ESPN NBA 2K5 will retail for $19.99, GameDAILYBiz decided to take a look at the company's latest strategy.

What was the impetus for selling these sports titles (starting with ESPN NFL 2K5) at such a low price? How has the plan worked so far and will it continue? To find out more, we spoke with ESPN Videogames' Matt Atwood and analyst Michael Pachter from Wedbush Morgan Securities.

Budget Price, Big Budget Games
Pachter says that ESPN "is going to try to market the games at little or no profit, probably thin profit, and gain share." He continued, "They're trying to win over customers, either converts from EA Sports games or new people who would like to play sports games but don't want to pay $50; then their intention is to slowly increase the price of the game."

According to Atwood, the new strategy was not a reaction by ESPN Videogames to EA Sports. "The goal here is to know us and appreciate our quality, said Atwood." "Our games review very well. NBA has been number one rated for the last two years, so we're confident in our product." Atwood insists that NBA is "not a budget game at a budget price," but rather "a critically acclaimed game that we are putting more resources than we ever have into development and marketing."

Nevertheless, we asked if ESPN was worried that NBA 2K5 or their other sports titles might be viewed as budget titles by less informed casual gamers. To offset this perception, Atwood says ESPN is counting on word of mouth as well as "heavy" marketing. "If the quality is there...People will tell people because it's such a great value."

Pachter agrees. "If Ralph Lauren is 50 bucks and Gap is 20 bucks -- you know what? -- you think about it before you buy the Ralph Lauren brand. Why pay 50 bucks for a brand name when ours is just as good?"

Franchise Mode
Atwood sees the strategy as a long-term one, and thus far ESPN Videogames is "very pleased" with the results of ESPN NFL 2K5, despite the fact that EA's Madden NFL 2005 is still the number one seller at the higher price of $49.99. "It's been a great year for us."

Pachter points out that "the effects on EA aren't going to be felt in the first million units...it's the last million units where they're vulnerable because the purchaser of those last million units is not the hardcore gamer -- it's mom."

Pachter believes that ESPN actually has an advantage because there's only so much you can do with team sports. "There are very few opportunities in videogames to compete on price," but because sports games are so similar, price could be the difference maker.

What about EA?
There's also the issue of brand-name recognition. Pachter reminded us that the ESPN name shouldn't be taken lightly, and that it could actually have more of an impact on the success of the non-football games because those titles aren't up against the Madden brand.

So will EA Sports eventually have to cut the price of Madden? Pachter said, "I think they have to; If I were there I would do so."

As for Take-Two Interactive's involvement in this strategy, we asked Atwood how ESPN feels about their contributions. "Take 2 has been a great partner, a phenomenal partner," said Atwood. "They have such great connections in distribution, so the relationship with them has definitely been to our advanatge."

Interestingly, Pachter believes that "Take 2 revived the whole franchise," and could even wind up owning these sports franchises, whenever the ESPN license comes up for renewal. "Ultimately, I think that Take 2 will look at acquiring the studio."

ESPN NBA 2K5 ships on October 5 for the Xbox and PlayStation 2.

Electronic Arts could not be reached for comment on this story.
If they think people will still stick with them after they raise the price to $29.99-$39.99, they are going to be in for a surprise. I think $20 is about as much as someone is willing to spend readily on an item unless they really want it. If new DVD's released for $30 would nearly as many people buy them?
Alex Anderson said:
If they think people will still stick with them after they raise the price to $29.99-$39.99, they are going to be in for a surprise. I think $20 is about as much as someone is willing to spend readily on an item unless they really want it. If new DVD's released for $30 would nearly as many people buy them?

IAWTP, Sega/Take-Two is better off maintaining the quality and price and undercutting Madden's immense marketshare (and hopefully forcing EA to cut price). As long as there's a marketshare change, I think as gamers we're better off in that case, as it should force the existing games to become better and allow more new games to enter into the market.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
This is just a desperate move by Sega to gain ground in the sports arena against EA. A lot of people I know who bought 2k5 this year did so because it was cheaper and Madden wasn't worth the extra $30. What happens when that shrinks to an extra $25? Then $20? Even at over twice the price, Madden destroyed 2k5 in sales, though I don't know the numbers for hockey and basketball. If EA says "we'll lower our games to $40", which I don't believe they need to do, then Sega might as well give up. The brand recognition for Madden is too strong to overcome.

When I go to the local gamestore to pick up Madden at release, the line is out the door. For 2k5? Hardly anything. It's not that Madden is a far superior game to 2k5 (though I do think it is better), it's just that everyone who likes football and plays videogames has played Madden; why switch? For most adults, $30 isn't much money, especially when you consider how much time will be put into the game, so being $30 cheaper doesn't have the same effect.

Sega just needs to make a football game that is significantly better than Madden. Not a little better, I mean night and day better.
A lot of this echoes what I have been saying for a while now, which is good to see people making money off of common sense. Especially the part about the other EA games not named Madden, as EA is weaker there. It's quite possible that NHL2k5 will outsell NHL 2005 for instance. Only, they should slowly raise the price, for the next generation. I think they can easily get people to pay full price for the games with next gen visuals and features.

That analyst last part is pure speculation by the analyst. Sure, Take Two would love to have VC, but it remains to be seen that Sega would make such a humungously stupid move. VC is pure gold and is likely to outperform any sports competitors on a next gen system because of their technical skill. If Sega has any inclination to be a worldwide top company, it will need developers making games in other countries that know how to make them the best. So it would be stupid for Sega to sell them. First, VC was not performing well, so they need to be sold, now that they have proven that people view their games as quality games being sold at a budget price, with the potential to make a lot of money, and now they still need to be sold? I don't follow that logic.


That analyst last part is pure speculation by the analyst. Sure, Take Two would love to have VC, but it remains to be seen that Sega would make such a humungously stupid move. VC is pure gold and is likely to outperform any sports competitors on a next gen system because of their technical skill.

If Sega(Sammy) were going to get rid of VC,they'd have done it already. If Sega did ever decide to get out of sports games,they'd likely just switch VC to developing non-sports games as VC has a history(and future" in non sports development. However,given that Sega has expanded their sports lineup to include the far less popular text based sims,I think it's unlikely that we'll see them abandon the traditional sports games anytime soon.


keep your strippers out of my American football
"Take 2 has been a great partner, a phenomenal partner," said Atwood. "They have such great connections in distribution, so the relationship with them has definitely been to our advanatge."

Are you telling me that throughout all these years, Sega doesn't have these same or even better connections? Just a thought.
dskillzhtown said:
Are you telling me that throughout all these years, Sega doesn't have these same or even better connections? Just a thought.

Take-2 has their own distribution company, Jack of All Games. It's the largest VG distributor in the US and is the exclusive distributor of the GTA games. Finally, they also are one of the main distributors to the mom and pop and discount stores.

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dskillzhtown said:
Are you telling me that throughout all these years, Sega doesn't have these same or even better connections? Just a thought.
fyi: Take Two and Jack of All Games (a MAJOR distributor of all types of games in the Northeast) operate in the same building in Manhattan. There is definetly some kind of relationship there.

Edit: sonycowboy beat me to it
BlackClouds said:
That analyst last part is pure speculation by the analyst. Sure, Take Two would love to have VC, but it remains to be seen that Sega would make such a humungously stupid move. VC is pure gold and is likely to outperform any sports competitors on a next gen system because of their technical skill...So it would be stupid for Sega to sell them.

The following is excerpted from another report by Gamedaily / Gigex:

You really want to know what is behind the Sega, Take-Two Interactive deal, and I have all of the details for you.

This year Take-Two Interactive is distributing NFL 2K5, and in year two of the deal they are co-funding the development of the game with Sega. In 2006, the third year of the deal, Take-Two has the option to buy Visual Concepts. Sega doesn't want to be in the sports business and they haven't kept that a secret... they want to make entertainment titles.

Source: http://www.gigex.com/general/feature/general.asp?id=333&source=00001
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