As a Patriots fan, this brings a giant smile to my face
You just stole this post:
As a Patriots fan this made me smile. =)
Way to live up to the standards set by your favorite team.
As a Patriots fan, this brings a giant smile to my face
As a Patriots fan this made me smile. =)
You just stole this post:
Way to live up to the standards set by your favorite team.
You just stole this post:
Way to live up to the standards set by your favorite team.
Reminder that Do Your Job is airing at 8pm tomorrow on NFL network. Can't wait! How about you?
That won't happenYou know what can't be appealed? the NFL asterisk'ing their Superbowls. Make it happen NFL.
Conference ChampsHow many rings did your team get for only losing by 3?
How many were you alive to see?Three NFL Championships
One of which was against the Lombardi Packers
They didnt sue ESPN for the "11 of 12 deflated football " and "2 PSI bellow the rules" report that came from NFL sources...
Because Kraft didn't want to sue the NFL (as stated in the ESPN report, which I'm guessing many here have not actually fully read). If Kraft sued ESPN, ESPN would simply have told the Patriots the sources, which were the NFL (and someone, more importantly, who would have been in a position to know), and then they would have had to sue the NFL. Which Kraft didn't out of deference to the NFL / as a thank you for Spygate being swept under the rug.
The biggest reason for this not being "NFL hit job" is that it throws the NFL under the bus as hard as the Patriots; if not harder.
Maybe Kraft doesnt want to sue over this either? My point is just because Pats are not suing doesnt mean ESPN information is correct.
If it were provably false - they would sue just to get ESPN to retract it. At this point, the best for the Patriots - multiple former employees are all lying about the same thing. If ESPN made up that former Patriots employees told them about cheating, that lawsuit would be happening right this instant.
Also - will point out that the Patriots have not denied much, if any, of the report's accuracy.
Guess I'm not seeing what's new.
1. We all know the Patriots recorded those tapes and cheated whenever they could.
2. Even with this, delusional Patriots fans will continue to deny that it ever happened.
Most football teams are just football teams. That's a subject that can only go so far. The Pats are an almost decade long cover up that continues to be in the middle of shady behavior. It's not really a wonder why people are more interested in the Patriots actions.Is it me, or do non-pats fans spend more time thinking about the patriots than they do their own teams?
and if your team had that many championships you'ed be screaming that through the rooftops
jealousy is a hell of a thing
Is it me, or do non-pats fans spend more time thinking about the patriots than they do their own teams?
The crying is just oh so wonderful... Yes losing teams, the Patriots legally taping signals is the reason your team imploded.
It's laughable and pretty sad that people like Jaebee can't accept that they support a losing franchise so they take it out on the Pats.
Proving that your 'fanhood' is legitimate is some of the most ridiculous shit on message boards. Just stop. You're already behind because I assume you root for the Chargers and that religious nutjob Rivers!
That won't happen
Right. Deflategate only makes sense in the context that the pats have been given a zero-tolerance policy on shenanigans after having so much success cheating in the past.
Double secret probation, as it were. Given Belichick's record, they'll have another controversy in another few years. Curious to what new rules they'll flaunt...
What's incredibly interesting is that the Patriots response doesn't refer to them stealing sheets being incorrect at all. They very specifically don't mention that being false. They talk about "general" things - but refer specifically to the debunked report about the Rams super bowl and the erroneous deflate-gate numbers.
Is it me, or do non-pats fans spend more time thinking about the patriots than they do their own teams?
Actually they were illegally taping signals even after being told to not tape them. As to whether that taping actually provided any benefit? That's the question. And yes, I get that they were taping them from a different place on the field than where you're "allowed" to tape them. I get that that seems pretty stupid. Be that as it may, there was proof that they taped the signals from an illegal location and that they continued to do so even after being told to stop, until Mangini basically had the one dude cornered by NFL security.
Does this apply to Gata actually being a Jag fan?Sorry, Gata, I couldn't resist.
No, it won't happen. If that was going to happen, it would have required a different Commish and it would have happened when Spygate came to light. Someone with enough backbone to see the league through whatever scandal may have come about. Goodell was too new in the job and too dependent on Kraft to be the guy to take such a stand. And that's only if such a stand was warranted. But of course without the tapes no one will ever know. That's why stories like this will continue, because we can fill in all the blanks on what might be on those destroyed tapes with speculation and allegation.
By the way, speaking of the tapes, I see you've asked about how the tapes could have been destroyed in 2007 but then viewed in 2008. If I read the article correctly, the six tapes in the Patriot conference room (aka secret lair that only a couple people had a key to) were destroyed, but later when Specter dug up Walsh, Walsh admitted he still had 8 tapes. Those were the tapes that were viewed in 2008. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Hopefully this is the last we'll hear of this until Belichick and Brady are inducted in the HoF on the same day and we have to hear all the speculation come to light again. It will be interesting to see whether all of this has an impact on their invocation. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they aren't voted in in their first year of eligibility, sort of out of spite.
Now, all of this being said, I read the ESPN article. I want to call out something about the Steelers' bit. If I'm remembering the article correctly, Ward (and I know Harrison has said this too) are convinced the Pats knew their plays, were even lining up before the Steelers' players were when certain audibles were called. The same article indicates the Steelers hadn't changed defensive signals all year. So, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Stealing signals is like what half the team is doing while the other half is on the field. I used to play college baseball. We would watch the opponent's 3rd base coach trying to figure out what he was calling. Why the hell do you think a 3rd base coach touches about 18 places on his body? He's trying to conceal the fucking signal to bunt, or steal, or hit and run or whatever. Most of the time it boils down to "if the 2nd place I touch is my left knee and then follow up with any part of my face, bunt"... and then you can pretty much change that from game to game.
So the Steelers DIDN'T CHANGE DEFENSIVE SIGNALS FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON and they're FUCKING SURPRISED the other team knew what they were calling?
FFS Cowher... smdh
Edit: Oh, and Pats fans, we still have six rings. So fuck right off about being the best NFL team. And if we go back beyond the Super Bowl era, I'm sure eznark can tell us about how many chips the Pack have.
Not even a Pats fan but it's obvious ESPN is trying to cover it's ass and the NFL's after the whole Deflategate debacle. ESPN is a joke.
The shit the Patriots get accused of never gets taken care of appropriately, so there are always tons of loose ends. People are going to talk about it until those loose ends get tied up.
Remind me how many championships did the Chargers win?
Oh hey, it's asshole Boston sportsfan #11293929 reporting for duty.
Its true though so what's the deal? Hownos that different? The proof there is jerry rice straight up admitting to it. How about Jerry's qb?
"Everybody is trying to do something different. Our offensive linemen used to spray silicone on their shirts until they got caught. Once you get caught, you get caught. Period."
Silicone and stickum... Hmm what else? Who knows. Who cares?
This guy is just literally posting "UR TEAM SUX" over and over. Not really sure what he's trying to accomplish aside from attracting others' ire.
Oh hey, it's asshole Boston sportsfan #11293929 reporting for duty.
This guy is just posting "UR TEAM SUX" (para.) over and over. Not really sure what he's trying to accomplish aside from attracting others' ire.
The difference? Pats cut Hernandez.
When I quoted the post it said nothing about Jerry Rice, so I pared it down to what I was replying to. I could have picked any of his posts though, it's essentially the same shit over and over.Umm no you edited that post. His point was that even though the chargers also got caught cheating, they still didn't win. I get what you're saying, but you're manipulating the post to fit your narrative.
The pats are successful and a bunch of the owners are CHILDREN (jerry jones, chuck pagano, etc.) who do and say outrageous things hypocritically on a regular basis.
Nobody cried foul about the falcons pumping in crowd noise... and why not? They straight up said they did it. Lets take speakergate (just as stupid as any other "gate name") and give that to the pats instead of deflate gate. Do you think people would've reacted differently? The answer is obvious. This is exactly why pats fans like the people in this thread and others believe a big factor in this is patriot hate. It could be any minor scandal and the pats are scum for doing it.
Ravens are a class above the Patriots.
This is going to be a bad year for Pats, except more earth shattering news/scandals to come out this year. It's going to wreck people here.
Only a clueless fool would compare Ray Lewis to Hernandez.
People are claiming they stole playsheets? Nothing would surprise me when it comes to the Patriots but man that is audacious.
A funny excerpt to me is the rummaging through trash cans in hotel rooms... um seriously? Is that even possible? How would they have access to those rooms? Would they dress up in maid outfits? Did they pull a watergate when the team was out at night... how did they know which rooms? Why didn't the maids do their job and empty the trash. They may have been paying off the maids who were emptying the trash, in maid outfits no less.
Incredibly Naive