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ESPN Strategy Thread.... (Please no trolling/defending this time)



Look, if you hate the game, fine. Can the folks who enjoy it discuss it in peace?

I wrote this up for the GA league but I might as well post it here. Please no trolling in this thread cos I'd like to keep it on topic :)


Just cos I'm a nice guy, I'll share some tips with everyone. I'm pretty sure I lead the league in INTs and pass deflections and if you look at my online profile, you'll see my turnover +/- is +9. So for you doubters, this is credible info :)

Pass Defense (My specialty):

The Golden Rule - First things first, for the most part, you want to avoid controlling DBs (especially cornerbacks) BEFORE the pass comes near them. It seems like VC wanted to simplify the defense this year so manually controlling a player and going for a tip/INT is not nearly as effective as it used to be. The best way to play pass defense this year is to wait till the ball gets near the reciver and hit Y to make the closest defender make the best play on the ball. This will result in a tip, INT or hit (if the guy makes the catch) and you can jar the ball loose if you time it right. Do NOT depend on the AI to make a play for you. For example, if the QB throws a lazy floater and the defender's ball awareness is not high, he probably won't make the auto-pick. On the other hand, if you press Y right as it's getting to the WR, he will eat it up.

Exceptions to the Golden Rule - There are times when you have to control the DBs before a reception though. Like if you get badly burned on a lob, you can try to turbo to the spot with the closest DB while it hangs to pick it off or at least hit the reciever for a drop. In general, it's best to play as the d-line (with no cheese. just the usual swim moves and spins). If you really like playing DBs, stick to LBs or safeties but I don't recommend it against a pass-happy offense.

TE Whores - For the guys who like to throw to their TE, assign either outside LB to cover him all game. Chose the OLB with the higher coverage stat.

Zone Is Your Friend - Contrary to what some think, the zone is not "broken". In fact, man coverage will get you burned a lot if your opponent has fast WRs. And maybe it's just me but the majority of my INTs are in zone coverage.

Scout Your Opponent - Check the season stats and see which WR your current opponent likes to whore. Assign your best CB to him all game. If he whores 2, assign your second best CB to the guy with less receptions. A few things about this:

- Never assign players to more than 2 WRs
- If both recievers are closely rated, look at their speed and catch ratings and match that accordingly with your CBs speed and coverage
- Never assign LBs or safeties to a WR

Know Your Plays - Again this goes to scouting. Check out your opponent's play-by-plays and figure out what part of the field he likes to throw to. Flip your plays to have more DBs in that part of the field. It's almost like calling a double team but the player on offense won't usually see it till it's too late. The cool thing is you can also flip before the snap by hitting Y and the flip button so survey the formation and see what he likes to do with his recievers.

Defensive Adjustments - Always hit L to see the possible recievers. For the guys who like to run the screen plays, it's best to hit A or X to assign a lineman or LB to cover the HB or FB if you think they will pass to them cos that can burn you for huge yardage.

Nickel Blitz - If you're the type that blitzes all game, this won't work. Let the guy get comfortable in the pocket and bust him up with your favorite blitz from this formation when you see no potential blockers in the backfield.

Double Teams - This should be a last resort for someone who is just destroying you with a certain reciever. It kinda hurts your run defense and leaves you vulnerable in the middle if the WR in question is lining up on the outsides. Try everything else first and you shouldn't have to use this.

I hope this helps (it works for me ^_^) and I'll give my Run Defense tips in a reply later :)

I figured out a few more things about pass defense in my league game tonight but I'm too tired to type it out now. I'll bump the thread tomorrow. Feel free to post your own tips and strategy (offense and defense) in here too. (Copy and paste if you posted in the last thread)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Let people be warned...People who post crap like "DBs run in circles around the WR", "Madden is better!!!", and the likes will be banned for a month.

If you are having real problems with how to do something in ESPN ask away... but just posting in here to try and prove that Madden is a better game will get you some bench time!

(I hope Konex remembers this when there are Madden threads....)


Run Defense

I don't claim to be a guru at Run D but when Tiki Barber gets 200 yards after he barely gets 20 on me an hour earlier (I used the same team the Giants owner played in his league game), it's time to drop some knowledge..

Depth Chart - The first thing you wanna do is go through your depth chart and make sure no lower rated player is starting over a higher rated player. VC decided not to start non-marquee guys who joined new teams this offseason but that will be fixed in the September 7th roster update. Till then, you might wanna make sure no 68 rated DE is starting over one rated 75 lol

The Golden Rule - A very good player once told me that that best defense to a good RB is to score early and often. If you let Ricky Williams get 30 carries, you will get trucked on. Make the other player go to the air to beat you. In my experience, guys who like to run it all day do so cos they suck at passing. Always try to score first on these guys and they might just abandon their gameplan which will give you an advantage.

Research The Target - Are you up against a speed back or a power back? The way you defend Marshall Faulk will vary slightly from the way you defend Jamal Lewis. Also, determine if the opposing team uses the fullback as the RB (i.e the way some folks use Allstot) or if they are used interchangeably (The way DM and I use our runners in the league). As far as league play goes, you can scout the other team and look for tendencies. Does he like to throw to the RBs? What direction does he like to run? What's the pass/rush ratio. You gotta keep these things in mind to come up with a run-stop gameplan.

Inside Job - In the defensive matchup menu, assign your inside linebacker to the RB or FB which you feel is the greater threat. You might wanna check the depth chart but you want the guy with the best speed and tackle rating. The middle of the field is vulnerable to the passing attack this way but on an obvious passing down, you can adjust him to cover any TE on the fly.

Look for tendencies - Again, if you look closely at the season stats, you can pick out important things. Does he usually run on first down? Does he like to run even if it's 3rd and 5+ yards? Tendencies you can spot in-game are what formation he likes to run out of and similar things. A lot of players get predictable so be on the lookout.

Shift when necessary - If you think he's coming up the middle, shift your d-line in. Not sure? Shift your d-line one way and shift yout LBs the opposite way. This will work best if you are studying the way he lines up to run. After a while, you can even shift one way and have CBs hot-blitzing from the other side and he'll run right into them. If your opponent likes to run screen plays to the RB, this will help against that.

Bear Defense - This is the best formation to stop the short runs with but some of the plays will get you burned if you get passed on. My favorites are Bear zones with 2 DBs blitzing on either zide and at least one safty deep. There are several with 3 guys deep but I suggest experimenting with the plays to find the right one. Bear-man with 2 DBs in a zone works well in a situation where he could run or pass. The thing about the Bear formation is when you get beat, YOU GET BEAT!!! So be careful but that's just from my experience though

4-3 Defense - This is a nice "safe" formation to call plays from against the run but you will get ripped up on the deep pass (even in a full zone) so you gotta know when to call this too. This is not a run-stuffer like Bear but it'll contain the medium pass as well. 4-3 man to man plays with a blizter or two can really do damage if you KNOW it's a run.

Dime Defense - Yes this is technically pass defense but when you're not sure what your opponent is gonna do and he has at least 3 potential recievers (Running backs not included) on the field, it's pretty "safe" to call a dime play with a shallow zone if you kinda feel like he should pass but think he might run. Adjust your DE on the fly to the RB or FB (depending on who your ILB is assigned to and this should stop any screen play or run. Note: Dime is not run defense but with d-line, LB and DB shifting, you can make it a "safe" defense.

Play Flipping - Just like pass defense, you can flip the play to have more defenders on the side you think he's running to.

I hope this helps. Good luck :)


I promise you won't beat me again. I've discovered something big but I will try it on a pass-freak like you before I share :)



How many times have I heard that...man I ain't even played the game since Madden came out and I still beat you both times we played :D


Junior Ace
Blackace said:
Let people be warned...People who post crap like "DBs run in circles around the WR" will be banned for a month.

Guess FMT won't be seen 'round these parts. As for that page, Konex, it's pretty much common sense. I was hoping it'd be a little more in depth.


First tragedy, then farce.
After this weeks game, I will write a report on how I kept bog under 75 yards rushing... I cant tell you my master plan until then however.


A new theory about run defense:

If you're playing a rusher and you can't seem to get the "Golden Rule" of rushing (discussed above) to work, switch to plan B.

Ditch Your Passing Game - Get grimy and play ugly ball as well. The thing with guys who run 30+ times a game is that they kill you in TOP so their defense stays fresh while yours doesn't so when they actually do pass you'll probably get burned!

Look at these stats from my tourney game with Solrak:

The Box Score:

1 2 3 4 OT T
Chicago 7 0 0 0 3 10
Denver 0 7 0 0 0 7

It was a defensive struggle but he played smarter and won in OT

The Warning Signs:

Time of Possession 16:25 6:37

You will NOT win many games with this much disparity in TOP

The X Factor:

T. Jones 40 168 4.2 11 0

Like I said above, if you let a guy get 30 attempts on you, you will get trucked. It DOESN'T matter who the RB is!

The Breakdown:

The worst thing you can run into is a guy that likes to rush who ALSO plays good defense and I encountered that tonight. He ran 41 times and passed 10 times while I only had 22 plays TOTAL (13 rushing).

The question is, why would he pass if he's doing so well on the ground? The answer is, HE WON'T LOL!!! I played right into his hands by not abandoning my passing game and playing smashmouth football as well. This resulted in quick 3 and outs when I actually GOT THE BALL LOL!!!

In summary, if you're playing someone who is running all game and you can't make them pass, give them a taste of their own medicine and try to wear their defense down too. I will try this against Solrak next time we play and report the results

PS: Great game, Solrak!
Cloudy said:
The question is, why would he pass if he's doing so well on the ground? The answer is, HE WON'T LOL!!! I played right into his hands by not abandoning my passing game and playing smashmouth football as well. This resulted in quick 3 and outs when I actually GOT THE BALL LOL!!!

In summary, if you're playing someone who is running all game and you can't make them pass, give them a taste of their own medicine and try to wear their defense down too. I will try this against Solrak next time we play and report the results

On many occasions...the only way that I would consider passing would be if I saw something in the defense that I think would be favorable to one of my passing plays.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Solrak,just admit it......you throw like a girl!!!!! :p


jobber said:
someone post a great weekly prep

From the espn boards:

i found a weekly prep that works very well on a gamespot.com faq sheet and here it is, oh yeah i only tried the original setting with 2nd friday choice so and it works very well but you try the others as well

good luck!!!!!!!

[V. The Original Weekly Preparation Setting]
Meeting-- Happy
Conference-- Happy
Coaching-- Coverages
Film/ 2/ ALL WRS/ Coverage
Film/ 2/ All DTs/ Pass Blocking Schemes
Film/ 3/ All DEs/ Pass Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All TEs/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All QBs/ Coverages
Film/ 3/ All CBs/ Route Combinations
Film/ 3/ All Cs/ Blitz Packages
Film/ 2/ All Gs/ Blitz Packages
Film/ 2/ All Ts/ Blitz Packages
Film/ 1/ All FBs/ Blitz Packages
Film/ 1/ All OLBs/ Pass Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All FSs/ Route Combinations
Weights/ 2 /All DTs/ Hamstring and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All SSs/ Arms
Weights/ 1/ All CBs/ Hamstring and Quads
Alternative/ 2/ All SSs/ Stretching/Flexibility
**Note: Conference isn't available every week (appears randomly)**

Full Drill/ 1/ 2nd Team /No Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st Team/ No Pads
Film/ 2/ All WRs/ Coverages
Weights/ 1/ All DTs/ Arms
7 on 7/ 2/ All/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Cs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Gs/ Pass protection
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DTs/ Pursuit Drills
Pos Drill/ 1/ All OLBs/ Beat the Block

7 on 7/ 1/ All/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 2nd Team/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st Team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 3/ All Ts/ The Big Sled
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DEs/ Recognition
Pos drill/ 2/ All WRs/ Wide Receiver Release

7 on 7/ 1/ All/ Full Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 3rd team/ No Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 1st team/ Partial Pads
Film/ 1/ All SSs/ Run/pass Distribution
Film/ 3/ All WRs/ Man/zone Tendencies
Weights/ 1/ all CBs/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All DTs/ Arms
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Cs/ Enemies at the Gate
Pos Drill/ 2/ All Gs/ Enemies at the Gate
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DTs/ Special Move Focus
Pos Drill/ 1/ All CBs/ Pattern recognition
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DEs/ Get off the ball

Day Off-- 1/2 Day Off
7 on 7/ 2/ All/ No Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WRs/ Pattern Depths
Pos Drill/ 1/ All HBs/ Tire Relay
Pos Drill/ 1/ All TEs/ The Gauntlet
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FBs/ The Gauntlet
Pos Drill/ 2/ All FSs/ Ball Reaction


(if your willing to risk getting injured, but gain some more overall rating
points here's another way to use Friday)

2nd Friday choice:
Film/ 3/ All ILBs/ run blocking schemes
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WRs/ pattern depths
Pos Drill/ 3/ All Ts/ pass protection
7 on 7/ 3/ All/ no pads
Pos Drill/ 3/ All TEs/ the gauntlet
Pos Drill/ 2/ All FBs
Pos Drill/ 3/ All FSs/ ball reaction

[VI. About The Equal Overall Rating Growth Setting]

This setting gives all your players an overall growth of 2 rating points or
higher. With this setting all your players will have an equal amount of time
working on drills, so custimization for your team is even easier.

All your players will be having 2 hours of position drills each week, most of
your players will be having 1 hour of film study and weights, and everyone
will be having at least one full team drills.

This setting does not give any of your players time off, but that can be fixed
by taking out the full drills and some positon drills on Friday.

[VII. The Equal Overall Rating Growth Setting]

Meeting-- Happy
Coaching- Coverages
Film/ 1/ All QBs/ Coverages
Film/ 1/ All Cs/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All Gs/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All Ts/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All FBs/ Fronts
Film/ 1/ All DTs/ RUn Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All DEs/ Run Blocking Schemes
Film/ 1/ All OLBs/ Run/Pass Distribution
Film/ 1/ All ILBs/ Run/Pass Distribution
Film/ 1/ All CBs/ Route Combinations
Film/ 1/ All SSs/ Route Combinations
Film/ 1/ All FSs/ Route Combinations
Film/ 2/ All TEs/ Man/Zone Tendecies
Weights/ 1/ All QBs/ Shoulders
Weights/ 1/ All HBs/ Hamstings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All WRs/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All FSs/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All SSs/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All CBs/ Calves and Ankles
Weights/ 1/ All DEs/ Hamstings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All DTs/ Hamstings and Quads
Weights/ 1/ All OLBs/ Arms
Weights/ 1/ All ILBs/ Arms

7 on 7/ 3/ All/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st team/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 2nd team/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 3rdteam/ Partial Pads

7 on 7/ 3/ All/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 1st team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All QBs/ Routes and Combinations
Pos Drill/ 1/ All HBs/ The Gauntlet
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FBs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WRs/ Wide Receiver Release
Pos Drill/ 1/ All TEs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Cs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Gs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Ts/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DTs/ Get Off The Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DEs/ Get Off The Ball

7 on 7/ 3/ All/ Partial Pads
Full Drill/ 2/ 1st Team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 2/ All OLBs/ Beat the Block
Pos Drill/ 2/ All ILBs/ Beat the Block
Pos Drill/ 1/ All CBs/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All SSs/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FSs/ Backpedaling

Full Drill/ 1/ 1st team/ No Pads
Full Drill/ 1/ 2nd team/ Partial Pads
Pos Drill/ 1/ All QBs/ Routes and Progressions
Pos Drill/ 1/ All HBs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FBs/ Tire Relay
Pos Drill/ 1/ All WRs/ Pattern Depths
Pos Drill/ 1/ All TEs/ Tire Relay
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Cs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Gs/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All Ts/ Run Blocking
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DTs/ Get Off the Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All DEs/ Get Off the Ball
Pos Drill/ 1/ All SSs/ Backpedaling
Pos Drill/ 1/ All FSs/ Backpedaling


Why don't you break down the game that i beat you 35-3? :p

I didn't do this in our league game cause I was trying different things, but if you want to beatdown kotex here is my protip:

Take an inside linebacker and control him manually. Doesn't matter who. He thinks he has an open inside slant with Smith all the time and repeatedly audiables to this play. Use the white button to knock down the pass and it is usually 3 and out for mr kotex. The passing game in ESPN is so floaty that if he passes to the outside, you usually have time to react to knock down the pass. That is, if the dbs weren't, you know.


In summary, if you're playing someone who is running all game and you can't make them pass, give them a taste of their own medicine and try to wear their defense down too. I will try this against Solrak next time we play and report the results

Well, I tried the theory on Solrak in the current tourney and I'm happy to report that it completely threw his game off balance :D

The Box Score:

1 2 3 4 T
Chicago 0 0 0 0 0
Denver 0 10 0 3 13

The tables were turned in this game. See why below...

The Telltale Signs:

Time of Possession 6:57 13:03

Like I said above, you will NOT win many games with a big disparity in TOP. My whole philosophy this game was to keep Solrak's offense off the field if I scored first and I did that to perfection...

The X Factor:

Q. Griffin 19 125 6.6 19 0

The Breakdown:

To stop good runners, score first and keep them off the field while giving them a taste of their own medicine on defense :D
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