We have a similar team, having a Dancer in front helps a lot, constant healing is amazing for the fortress(I had 4 points in Regen, 1 in proficiency, and the rest in the evade up one)
Whenever my dancer wasn't dancing(she only needs to dance once every four turns) she would use items to heal the party. I believe the dancer is a better healer than the Medic when it comes to long fights, the dancer only uses 6tp every 4 turns to keep healing while the most basic healing spell of a Medic is 5tp PER turn. AND the Dancer also does decent damage while the Medic does SHIT damage
well I'll try again later. I'll replace my Sniper with my Dancer.
I got exposed to Atelier by a combination of a glowing import review for Iris and NISA picking it up while I was more positive about them. And HOLY CRAP IT'S AN ALMOST FULLY 2D JRPG HITTING PS2 I GOTTA GET IT. Then the PS3 games went 3D, but at least Totori onwards has very good 3D given the studio's apparently small size, even Rorona didn't look TOO bad.
lol no joke some dude on GameFAQs posted pics of the LE stuff of Rorona and I'm like "I'm in". I didn't even watch any gameplay vids. The only thing in my pockets were the promise of a bunch of collectibles and that the game is all about the item creation. Bless that guy.
But I can level up again and gain them back? Or are the skill points permanently lost?
naw they aren't permanent. I've rested my Medic like three times.
Your username from Chihayafuru? Great show but recently, I read some translator blog and apparently, Impassionate is the wrong word to use.
This is how I did it:
Landsknecht: attacks with Electric Link (volt-type)
Fortress: attacks with Bolt Strike (volt-type)
Runemaster: casts Volt Rune to lower enemy's resistance to volt, then Lightning
Dancer: cycles between Attack Tango, Guard Tango, Regen Waltz
Medic: meh
I'm gonna have a hard time against bosses who are strong to volt >_>
snaaaaaaap I should rest my Dancer and put some points in Regen Waltz.