In line for the event.
More pictures!
In line for the event.
In short: Vanquish part 2. I'm sick and tired of seeing reviews raving up scores because of the visuals and production values - those features are meant to wow the intended audience but the critics are supposed to overlook through the fluff and break down the gameplay mechanics. Aside from a few reviews I've read, everything else reads like a summary you see at the back of the gaming case. In other words: Fucking. Useless.
See that write up by the OP? That's how previews should be done and reviews are essentially the finishing touch. If reviews were even half as detailed as this, it would be much more beneficial to me as a consumer.
Didn't vanquish review well?
But Jim Sterling famously gave it a 5.
My assumption based on the 4-6 trailer in the demo is there's a section of the game you work with Joseph, as he's in some of the trailer and there's this sequence Sebastian and Joseph breaking out this kid named Weiser or Leiser or something like that via ambulance. Bit those were all cutscenes, so hard to tell. It actually might be the kid you rescue as he seems important and could see him as a Sherry/Ashley thing in some sections.
RE4/5 are actually tank controls, but the behind the shoulder camera disguises them. The characters move identically to the rest of the series. But tank controls are most commonly associated with old-school fixed camera games, which I am very acquainted with.
Mostly, yeah, it has an 84 on Metacritic.
But Jim Sterling famously gave it a 5, which is almost as bad as IGN's infamous 3 for God Hand.
I guarantee it.
People don't like the learning curve and adapting to the game for whatever reason.
Mostly, yeah, it has an 84 on Metacritic.
But Jim Sterling famously gave it a 5, which is almost as bad as IGN's infamous 3 for God Hand.
The demo made me curious about some things. I was running through a hall and then heard this REALLY creepy clown laugh echoing through the halls, then suddenly all the enemies in the manor were all wearing clown masks. I have no idea what was up with that.
Clowns aren't scary. Oh wait....
Those were the masks, the clown laugh echoed through the hall and then suddenly all the enemies were wearing them.Clowns aren't scary. Oh wait....
Yeah, those impressions sound great, thank you very much!
And that even more solidifies my feelings that this game will review pretty poorly, but be adored by fans. The game seems like it's actually trying to do something kind of new, but the games press seems so quick to write it off.
Awesome shirt man.I got my tshirt in the mail today! One step closer to the EVIL!
Oh shit. According to the one hour demo headshots don't work on these types of enemies. You have to blow their legs off. What you mentioned is interesting though.Those were the masks, the clown laugh echoed through the hall and then suddenly all the enemies were wearing them.
Is anyone else excited about the story? It's rare for me to care about stories in games unless it's a visual novel, but this one intrigues the hell out of me....
I'm really fascinated with Ruvic and I wanna know more! The whole mystery and "what the hell is going on" vibe reminds me of the original Resident Evil.
There are two aiming modes, the proper aiming mode, and a 'free shoot' mode. The first aiming mode make the camera zoom in behind the shoulder, you move slower but shoot more precisely. How close behind the shoulder depends on the area you're in. Tight corridors will put it almost in a FPS mode, default is a bit closer than RE4, but not by much, sometimes more pulled back.
So what's the difference with free shoot mode? It doesn't go into behind the shoulder zoom in?
Forgot to type about the free shoot aiming mode. Outside of regular 'RE4-style ahooting', you can also shoot in a mode where you don't aim down your sights, just pull out your gun. You move almost as fast as you regularly so but your accuracy is way lower, and I can imagine it'd only be useful in emergency situations where you don't have the time to take proper aim, IE crowds cornering you or an enemy is waaaay too close.
Yeah I guess that's true, I normally only associate tank controls with fixed camera angles. But I guess your point is totally valid.
I'm just very picky about what I call tank controls and what I don't because I am always worried that that label is going to scare people away haha.
I got my tshirt in the mail today! One step closer to the EVIL!
Dat shirt son. Gimme it lol.
Looks great.
Totally agree mate. Not long nowYeah. Again, last game I was this excited for and got shirts, art books, etc for was Alan Wake. I got a feeling, TEW is going to blow my mind and be very, very special!
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
Def my man, I just went to my comic book shop and ordered the 4 prequel comics that are being released over the next few weeks.![]()
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
The fix is in, Dusk is clearly on the 'inside', what with all these elaborate impressions and all, gotta get him that Xbone to show off to all of neogaf *wink wink*. At least, thats what my cynical gut reaction would say....ahem
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
I have much love for Platinum, and I think 5 is too low, but I generally agreed with everything he said in that review. I loved the demo, but after buying the game I don't believe that game is really what everybody tells themselves it is.
Event wasn't scary, and they had a flashing light for seizures and warning, if you're at the event you may be recorded for marketing use warning.Did they have a warning for people with health conditions? That looks like it was great. I guess if you call walking into Walmart and checking out their game section scary, then I've had a similar experience.
Event wasn't scary, and they had a flashing light for seizures and warning, if you're at the event you may be recorded for marketing use warning.
It wasn't scary but was kind of cool. Actors were into it, and so were the people there. I got to finish the demo and they didn't boot people off demo machines.
And it was the same demo, as a heads-up.
Nah, it was more like... A thenatic role-playing demo area? Though the actors did a few scared. I was startled when I was in a restroom stall and suddenly heard a a creak behind me and a gloves hand come from around the door. Was one of the Hainted Actors. And the actor for the chainsaw enemy would sometimes just stand around corners. Boxman was near the food stand and didn't scare, he just did various things on tool of an actor corpse who responded an would even stay in character if you went Ito his butcher shop area.There was basically a haunted house you walked through?
Guys prepare to get super jealous, just won one of the three Evil Within Xbox Ones.
Nah, it was more like... A thenatic role-playing demo area? Though the actors did a few scared. I was startled when I was in a restroom stall and suddenly heard a a creak behind me and a gloves hand come from around the door. Was one of the Hainted Actors. And the actor for the chainsaw enemy would sometimes just stand around corners. Boxman was near the food stand and didn't scare, he just did various things on tool of an actor corpse who responded an would even stay in character if you went Ito his butcher shop area.
Some of the actors would pert over your shoulder while you played.