EU PSN: Easter Sale begins today (PS3, PS Vita and Cross-Buy titles)


Considered Spelunky for a portable copy, but couldn't justify it as I've already got a copy on Steam.
I was pretty much on the same boat, but picking up Vita and playing a few rounds (as if, hours at a time) is just so easy. Add to that, the Vita's d-pad is just godly. You just notice yourself doing things at such easy. Vita = the ultimate Spelunky machine.


Anyone downloaded playstation all stars for vita and having trouble installing it? I've tried 3 times now and I keep getting an error message at 15% :-/


For Vita... Olli Olli & Let's Fish! Hooked On

For PS3... The Wolf Among Us

Before the end of the month, I'm sure this list will include Spelunky, Terraria, Retro City Rampsge, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed & Virtua Tennis 4

Most of the remaining titles I already own somehow, hopefully some more titles are added in the coming weeks.


Picked up The Walking Dead season one for Vita since I've been meaning to replay that. Halfway through episode one and I've been trying to make some different choices and see the other possible outcomes. The game fits Vita very well, easy to pick up and continue and the graphics are very close to the home console versions. My main problem is the techincal issues, not that those weren't apparent in the other versions (AND in The Wolf Among Us... Get your shit together Telltale!) but they are quite bad at times, sometimes the game just locks up for a few seconds when making a 'bigger choice' per se and it's very frustrating. Oh well, it's still very much playable and definitely worth the sale price (which was about 7€ for me).

Oh yeah, what else should I pick up? I have around 10€ left on my PS wallet. I tried out Terraria and Dustforce, both are kind of tempting...


Virtue's last reward, yay or nay?

Yay if you like visual novels or games with crazy wacky stories.
It'd be best to play is' prequel 999 (on iOS or NDS), but if you aren't able VLR can still be enjoyed on its own despite spoiling stuff from 999.
Just make sure not to read any of the bonus/gold files until AFTER you finish the game.


Seriously, when do Europeans get a good price for peace Walker on vita?
I bought mgs 2 and 3 on ps2.
i bought mgs Hd collection on ps3 and vita.
And now I'm supposed to pay 20€ again just to play pw on the vita while the version for ps3 is 14,99.
it's just never included in these sales :(

What the hell?

I'm on the same boat. I will just wait longer.


I feel so bad for saying this, but looking at my backlog I don't see myself playing any of those games in the near future. Guess best thing to do would be not buying anything right now and wait for PS+ or a later sale.


I feel so bad for saying this, but looking at my backlog I don't see myself playing any of those games in the near future. Guess best thing to do would be not buying anything right now and wait for PS+ or a later sale.

Oi EU PSN won't have the same discounts again and the chances of a similar sale may be 1 year away!
Let the backlog rise, LET IT RISE!


Everyone with a Vita should buy New Little King's Story.

The game is really good. Especially when you're a fan of the Pikmin games. I just can't stop playing it.


Everyone with a Vita should buy New Little King's Story.

The game is really good. Especially when you're a fan of the Pikmin games. I just can't stop playing it.

I sort disagree with the first sentence.

I bought the game cause I really enjoyed the Wii version, but the framerate in this version is awful whenever you have more than 5-7 characters on screen.
Wish I had read about it before I bought it.

If you aren't sensible to bad framerates then yeah, it's probably a good buy, otherwise beware.


I'm having kind of a strange problem over here. While I'm logged in the web store I see Virtue's Last Reward in the bottom of the list, but when I'm on my Vita, Virtue's Last Reward Complete is nowhere to be seen in the Easter Sale tab and searching for it only shows the regular edition (which is full price).
Anyone else with similar problem? I'd purchase it from the web store, but I don't want to end up with a game I cannot download from my Vita...


I'm having kind of a strange problem over here. While I'm logged in the web store I see Virtue's Last Reward in the bottom of the list, but when I'm on my Vita, Virtue's Last Reward Complete is nowhere to be seen in the Easter Sale tab and searching for it only shows the regular edition (which is full price).
Anyone else with similar problem? I'd purchase it from the web store, but I don't want to end up with a game I cannot download from my Vita...

I had this issue as well, I bought it from the web store and then downloaded the game via the Vita without any issues. Already played a few hours of the game and everything.


I had this issue as well, I bought it from the web store and then downloaded the game via the Vita without any issues. Already played a few hours of the game and everything.

Thanks for the reply! I'll get it in the next few days, as I'm playing through 999 (again) and I want to finish it before jumping to Virtue's Last Reward.


Ni No Kuni for under 10 bucks I just could not resist.

Get this, I've never played an RPG before (not my thing, until now hopefully) but the art and general feels of this nearly got me to buy early on, but at this price I have to give it a shot.

Started last night, put it on easy and we'll see how I go.

Bonus: The 4yo daughter has decided to sit and watch me play through it, so I really have to make sure I get into it now.

Any tips for a first time RPGer and is this game gonna be too hard or what?


Thanks for the reply! I'll get it in the next few days, as I'm playing through 999 (again) and I want to finish it before jumping to Virtue's Last Reward.

No issues man.

I should had probably done that myself, forgot most of 999 storyline to be honest, just recall the general idea and the big plot twists.


Ni No Kuni for under 10 bucks I just could not resist.

Get this, I've never played an RPG before (not my thing, until now hopefully) but the art and general feels of this nearly got me to buy early on, but at this price I have to give it a shot.

Started last night, put it on easy and we'll see how I go.

Bonus: The 4yo daughter has decided to sit and watch me play through it, so I really have to make sure I get into it now.

Any tips for a first time RPGer and is this game gonna be too hard or what?

Na, it's not too hard. Just make sure you get some decent familiars, there are various guides out there with recommendations. Not sure what other genres/games you've played but RPGs tend to take quite a bit longer than other games to complete (think Ni No Kuni is ~45 hours) so you could find yourself getting a bit tired of it halfway through but I'd stick with it, it's an excellent game imo.


Na, it's not too hard. Just make sure you get some decent familiars, there are various guides out there with recommendations. Not sure what other genres/games you've played but RPGs tend to take quite a bit longer than other games to complete (think Ni No Kuni is ~45 hours) so you could find yourself getting a bit tired of it halfway through but I'd stick with it, it's an excellent game imo.

Thanks bud. So far the game is doing a good job of teaching me all the systems and yes I know it will take a while to beat but so far it looks like exactly what I need. Been getting stale of everything else at the moment, having a new game/genre to learn and play is getting me motivated all over again. Really enjoying it so far.


The only Metal Gear games I have played were the one for the PS1 and the two PSP ones. Should I get the HD collection, do those games hold up well today? Also, should I go for PS3 or Vita? I don't mind not having Peace Walker, I've already played it on PSP.
God of War: Ascension
Was £29.99/€39.99/$49.95, now £15.99/€19.99/$24.95

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Was £39.99/€59.99/$89.95, now £19.99/€24.99/$29.95
New deals:


Below offers end 23rd April 2014

God of War: Ascension
Was £29.99/€39.99/$49.95, now £15.99/€19.99/$24.95

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Was £39.99/€59.99/$89.95, now £19.99/€24.99/$29.95

Ratchet & Clank™: All 4 One
Was £15.99/€19.99/$24.95, now £7.99/€9.99/$12.95

Wonderbook™: Walking With Dinosaurs
Was £15.99/€19.99/$24.95, now £7.99/€9.99/$12.95
PS Vita

Resistance: Burning Skies
Was £19.99/€24.99/$32.95, now £9.99/€12.99/$18.45

Below offers end 30th April 2014

Dead Island Game of the Year Edition (not available in Germany)
Was £15.99/€19.99/$24.95, now £9.99/€12.99/$18.45

Dead Island Riptide (not available in Germany)
Was £19.99/€29.99/$39.95, now £15.99/€19.99/$24.95

Deadly Premonition: Director’s Cut Gold Edition (Not available in New Zealand)
Was £19.99/€24.99/$29.95, now £13.99/€17.99/$26.45

Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two (not available in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Sweden)
Was £19.99/€24.99/$29.95, now £9.89/€12.49/$18.25

Metro: Last Light
Was £29.99/€39.99/$49.95, now £15.99/€19.99/$24.95

MX vs ATV: Alive
Was £28.49/€34.99/$51.95, now £12.99/€16.99/$24.95

Ride to Hell Retribution (not available in South Africa)
Was £15.99/€19.99/$24.95, now £9.99/€12.99/$18.45

Shaun White Snowboarding (not available in Turkey)
Was £10.99/€14.99/$17.95, now £3.99/€4.99/$7.35

Shaun White Skateboarding
Was £11.99/€14.99/$21.95, now £3.99/€4.99/$7.35

PS Vita

Below offers end 7th May 2014

Was £2.39/€2.99/$4.35, now £0.40/€0.49/$0.65

Crazy Market – Vitamin Super Pack
Was £2.39/€2.99/$4.35, now £0.40/€0.49/$0.65

Crazy Market – Coin Doubler
Was £2.39/€2.99/$4.35, now £0.40/€0.49/$0.65

Flying Hamster HD
Was £2.39/€2.99/$4.35, now £0.40/€0.49/$0.65
PS Vita

Below offers end 14th May 2014

Draw Slasher
Was £3.99/€4.99/$7.35, now £1.99/€2.49/$3.65


Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Was £39.99/€59.99/$89.95, now £19.99/€24.99/$29.95

C'mon, just $20 or less and you've got yourself a deal!

The only Metal Gear games I have played were the one for the PS1 and the two PSP ones. Should I get the HD collection, do those games hold up well today? Also, should I go for PS3 or Vita? I don't mind not having Peace Walker, I've already played it on PSP.

Yes, they hold up really well. They were graphical marvels back in the PS2 era and the port job was fantastic. PS3 has by far the best performance, 60fps on both games, beautiful graphics and my recommendation. Peace Walker is also a huge improvement with the improved resolution, framerate and online play. Not that the Vita versions are bad - they're definitely playable - but unless you really want portability, they're best experienced on console.


The only Metal Gear games I have played were the one for the PS1 and the two PSP ones. Should I get the HD collection, do those games hold up well today? Also, should I go for PS3 or Vita? I don't mind not having Peace Walker, I've already played it on PSP.

Yeah I would recommend it. I played the HD collection on both and I preferred it on Vita, then again I usually go for the Vita option most of the time anyway because of the instant play/suspend feature. Both versions are great, haven't noticed any performance issues with either one, so it's mostly down to whether you prefer gaming on the PS3 or the Vita in general.


Lightning Returns is tempting, but nope, not yet. Physical I'd buy at that price and with them dropping it that fast, I'm sure it's gonna go much lower digital too. € 14,99 and I'll bite.


Both versions are great, haven't noticed any performance issues with either one, so it's mostly down to whether you prefer gaming on the PS3 or the Vita in general.

Vita is stable, but runs at a lower non-native resolution (720x448) and runs MGS3 and some parts of MGS2 at 30fps whereas PS3 runs them both at 60fps. Every version has some dips, though mostly unnoticeable. The DS3's analog controls and extra buttons also help, especially when you're doing more of the challenging stuff like VR Missions. PS3 version does have benefits in gameplay over the Vita version.


It has been cheaper on PSN before, think I got it for €7 in a previous sale.

It's not a terrible game, but it's not great, I have trouble saying it was even worth €7.

I would get it at 7€ - unluckily I've never seen it at that price

Tempted by The Flying Hamster being 50cent


Enjoying Earth Defence Force on Vita tons even if it is B grade quality surprised the frame rate is decent most of the time also. Played it on 360 originally but seems more suited better portable play since you can get in a quick few missions when you have some spare time.
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