No it doesn't. Doom 3 BFG contains only Ultimate Doom and Doom II.It's a better idea to get the Doom 3 BFG Edition because it's not much more expensive and it also includes the Classic Dooms.
How smooth does Walking Dead run on Vita ? Would love to replay it at some point.
CTRL + F "Dragon's Crown"
0 results found.
Only useful if you're from UK, or they ship. But a good deal non the less... crown&catGroupId=
Is Spelunky still cross-buy on Vita and PS3? I'm pretty sure that it used to be. Was that in the EU too?
I know that at one point Limbo was cross-buy, but that Playdead dropped the feature after a while. Did Mossmouth do the same thing here? All the evidence on the Sony store suggests that it's no longer cross-buy.
It's just as bad as the PS3 ver.
Out of stock, dude
I'm trying to buy Sonic Generations, but I downloaded the hour trial a while ago, and it's stuck shown as purchased, any advice on how to go about this?
Have you played the trial? You have to let the hour run out to be able to purchase it.
I don't think so. As far as I know you have to use up that hour to purchase it and you can only do that by starting the game once.
Maybe there's some game installation data you can delete?
I asked earlier in the thread but I don't think I got a reply. I'm just really curious about this and would love an answer.
If you look on the PSN store right now, the PS3 version of Spelunky is €14.99, whereas the PS Vita version is €4.99. So, to me that strongly suggests that the two are no longer cross-buy. Anybody know?
Page listing doesn't mention cross buy anywhere but I bought the Vita version and I have this in my download list so...
Hope that helps![]()
For people thinking of getting this they've already confirmed that it's coming to the PS3 & PS4 and although they haven't confirmed CrossBuy yet Roll7 have said that they're looking into it.bombshell said:OlliOlli
Was £7.99/9.99/AU$14.45, now £3.19/3.99/AU$5.85
Additional 20% discount for PS Plus members
Defiently getting The Oddboxx, wondering if Zone of the Enders 2 HD or Zone of the Enders Collection is worth getting? Any sugestions?
What does "Virtues Last Reward: Complete Collection" mean? There is no "incomplete" version whatsoever.
Those sweet sweet avatars though.
I saw the same thing with Guacamelee, where it's 8 for the Vita version but 5 for the PS3 version and like Spelunky I think it's cross-buy. I don't understand why they've done this, it's a pretty serious mistake.
Get ZoE 2 HD, it's fuck awesome.
ZoE 1 is a decent port but has frame rate issues, and is more of a...well just think of it as the Ground Zeroes of the ZoE series.
Thanks, really don't wanna play another Ground Zeroes
Definitely. I was up until 2am playing this, it really is a great game and I'm kinda disappointed in myself that I hadn't given this series a chance before.
Huge thanks to Big_Al for his impressions, wouldn't have bought it otherwise.
So as someone who's never played a Tales game in his life, is Xillia a good game in general? Is the narrative decent, or is it rather generic?
So as someone who's never played a Tales game in his life, is Xillia a good game in general? Is the narrative decent, or is it rather generic?
All the stuff i'm interested in I already own, just bought Xillia and MGS HD collection last month.
Ni No Kuni for 6.99 is a god damn steal if you don't own it already. Buy it if you're even remotely interested!
It's just as bad as the PS3 ver.
Runs great on the Vita, plus it have included the 100 DAYS DLC
I should get The Wolf Among Us 7,19€ looks like a great prize.
so is that all the games or are there still more to come? kinda confused by that announcement the other day...
Seriously, when do Europeans get a good price for peace Walker on vita?
Your avatar is amazing and takes me back. Still proud to have beaten that game back in the day.
Oh and tears from the US here, waiting on a sale of MGS HD collection or at least MGS3 alone
May I ask what makes OlliOlli so good?
Is it mainly for skateboard fans? Coz I hate skateboard games, but I keep hearing positive things about it.