Oh Austria, you can be so amusing sometimes. Taking me on while I've got the BBB on my side? How do you like carpet sieges now, Habsburgs?
Well, that was a fun session. After fixing up the damage the AI had done to my country, I quickly swooped in and took the last remaining minor in the Balkans, Montenegro. I then noticed that Tuscany, who were busy being a pain, embargoing me, rivaling me etc, were allied with Hungary, a three province nation with 5k troops.
So plans were quickly put in motion, and after a deal was struck with our Polish friends, Venice declared war on Hungary and promptly marched into Tuscany. Our allies Ferrera got Modena, I got war reparations, and the Tuscan fleet lay at the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Result.
The Austrians then decided that this was a good time to strike against Venice, and rather promptly took their war goal of Lika. I was rather worried at this point, until I saw a French 30k stack marching towards Austria, with another 20k stack coming up right behind it. The Austrians were hunted down and wiped out to a man, and the carpet siege began. Venice did rather well from the peace treaty, gaining two provinces, uniting Venice's Italian and Balkan lands, as well as cutting Austria off from the sea. And that's where the night ended.
Next time, I'll have to avoid the coalition that's probably going to form against me, avoid the Ottomans, and somehow retake Brescia from those very annoying Milanese. Also, I'll have to build up my navy some more. I've only got the second biggest navy in the world now. Shameful.
Provinces Gained: Zeta, Gorz, Krain
Provinces Lost: None!