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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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Description of the actions during the session:
Started out with kicking England out of France lands in the first war.
Allied with Kabouter since I don't want Burgundy to expand into that area and hamper their expansion so they can be dealt with more easy.

Have generated quite a lot of AE... which is a normal game for me now (England and Aragon in a coalition for now).

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: + 7-8
Vassals or PU: Original + Lorraine
At War With: None


Description of the actions during the session:
Not much happened... beside putting Brittany under France protection in form of a vassalisation.

Otherwise just waiting out the AE that I got on myself.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: + 4 (Diplo annexed)
Vassals or PU: Original + Lorraine + Brittany
At War With: None


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Venice AAR - 02/25/2014

A period of peace and reflection, ending in a swift and bloodless war. Venice spent most of the session waiting for its manpower to build up while dreading the inevitable war with the Ottomans. Naxos was annexed, and Bosnia is getting ready to be annexed. Thanks to a war between Austria and Savoy, I was able to seize Milan as a vassal without incurring a costly war. Although I ended up with a coalition blob of my own (I feel like a real European power now), its a minor one at that. The real problem is the Ottomans. They have annexed Candar, Wallachia, and Serbia, and I fear I'm next on their list. With an army twice my size and a navy that will soon outstrip mine, as well as a 5/5/6 monarch, I'm quickly losing ground. Poland-Lithuania is embroiled in a Peasant War that looks to have depleted their Manpower reserves. If the Turks attack now, I don't think I can win.

Army: 24/24, 16/8/0
Navy: 38/31, 0/14/12/12
Manpower: 22550/22550
Vassals Gained: Milan
Vassals Annexed: Naxos
Provinces Gained: Lombardia, Cremona, Parma


The Birthday Skeleton
AAR - 25/02/2014 Portugal

Description of the actions during the session:

I completed the first colony in Africa and started another one in Cape Verde. Spain saw that I was bored and invited me to war against Algiers. I fought for a while, but then accepted the white peace offer from fellow player Mgoblue201. Meanwhile I received a task to take Casablanca and I had already a claim on Fez, so a war against Morocco was the only logical thing to do next. Besides Casablanca and Fez, I took also Tangiers to have a smooth way to Africa from now on.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 14 (+4)
Vassals or PU: None
At War With: None


Won't stop picking the right nation
For anyone who plans to be absent for an entire session (like Morfeo), I just noticed that there's an option in the menu that will dictate AI behavior for your nation, such as keeping current alliances or declaring war. Not sure if that's new.
If the Turks attack now, I don't think I can win.
I think our combined army actually outnumbers the Ottoman forces. I have 27k soldiers + 15k from my vassals. Your nation will be the perfect bait distraction as I lay siege to Anatolia and take whatever I want help you out.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Assuming we aren't both destroyed by the Ottomans, you can definitely take all of Greece. We'll split their lands between us.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

What we should do, to really make it hurt, is to make separate peaces and release as many vassals as possible during our land grab.

Of course, I'm going to do the old Constantinople Block trick, but they'll probably be able to loop around but not before you take a few provinces. I'll try to mop up any stragglers and take a few provinces as well. We should be able to totally split their army or pingpong it.

Hopefully Poland will finish its Peasant War in time to absorb some Ottoman troops.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The best strategy, I think, is the opposite of what I just suggested: I'll act as the bait, so that the Ottoman forces wither away due to the desert attrition, as you siege down Greece. Either that or we use our combined fleet to divide their army between Europe and Asia, making them much easier to destroy. I believe the Ottomans select naval as their first ideas, so we would have to win naval supremacy through sheer numbers.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I also selected Naval, but I think they'll reach the 50% Force Limit idea before I do.


Won't stop picking the right nation
My naval force limit is 32 or 33. That's really high for the beginning of the game, but I'm sure the Ottomans have already eclipsed it by now.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
No, they're at 30-40 ish. They have less navy than us combined, but that gap will soon close the moment they take the idea.

I should've taken it when I had the chance.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I'd be surprised if they declare war at this point. They were being pretty passive when I only had 20k soldiers (which meant like a 30k disparity between us); as the size of my army increases in relation to theirs, they should be even less willing to declare war. So I think we will have to start a war against them, giving us plenty of time to prepare and catch them at a particularly bad moment.


Won't stop picking the right nation
It's the AI Settings option in the in-game menu. The button is greyed out in single player, so I assume it's only available during the online match.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Awesome news on AI behaviour. I will be in Oslo at thursday for a conference, so probably wont be able to join. I ended the game in a war against Kazan and its allies the Timurids though, so not sure how the AI will handle that. Anyways, do I need to check their strategy, or can Kabouter as host do it?


Might be a good idea for ZZ to just take a look at the map when we load up the game in a bit and see what he wants to pick, anything else would be a bit of a blind choice right now.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I believe the current theory is that OOS errors tend to occur after players hotjoin. So hopefully the errors will be minimal if everyone joins at the same time.


I believe the current theory is that OOS errors tend to occur after players hotjoin. So hopefully the errors will be minimal if everyone joins at the same time.

Yeah, last time when we just rehosted it all worked fine. Also important is clearly that everyone joins *quickly*. Hate the damn lobby crash that invariably occurs when you're hosting for too long without starting the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sweden is good. Although you'll need to start groveling at and licking Morfeo's feet.


I think I will do Sweden because even in my limited time playing Denmark I was having a bit of trouble coordinating my navies without being able to pause all the time like I do in SP.

Sweden seems a little simpler for a MP newb such as myself!!

edit: still going back and forth tho heh! Loading up EU4 now.

edit2: so my internet randomly went out for some reason... its back now!


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Venice AAR - 02/27/2014

WAR... huh.. YEAH!
What is it good for?
Vassalizing Firenze

Most of the game was spent waiting, until Austria attacked someone and I swooped in to steal Firenze from right under their noses, 5/4 Diplomatic Relations be damned. I also "liberated" Croatia in the process, and soon they'll be "unliberated". Bosnia is 50% annexed, which will free up a much needed spot. Austria also declared war on Switzerland so I think this is a good time to steal Graubunden or Liguria (where Milan has a core).

On the eastern front... Ottomans demolished Hungary, taking 7 of their provinces, and now they're in a war with the Timurid empire to the east. They have, by my count, approximately 60k troops. Between Mgo and I, we have enough troops to outnumber the Ottomans. There is also the anti-Ottoman coalition and my allies, Poland-Lithuania, who are just about done with their Peasant War. I think, by the next session, we'll have cut the Turks down to size, as long as the AI doesn't do something god damned stupid.

Army: 24/25, 16/8/0
Navy: 59/47, 0/21/27/12
Manpower: 23620/23620
Vassals Gained: Firenze
Provinces Gained: Pisa, Firenze

Notes on Ottomans
Army: 50~60k, ?/?/?
Navy: 53, 12/22/10/9


The Birthday Skeleton
I have never seen Castile turn on Portugal like that. And now they're allied again?

It seems that all was because they conquered a province from Morocco near my conquered provinces and they got a colonial casus belli (I also got one). I wonder if the latest patch changed something in this area, I might have a look later.

AAR - 28/02/2014 Portugal

Description of the actions during the session:

The session began quietly, after the last war Morocco and Algiers entered in a coalition against me and although I could have beaten both armies I decided to wait for things (read AE) to cool off before getting more provinces from Morocco. Meanwhile Castile was fighting against them and I didn't anticipate what was about to follow after that. I was building my colonies in peace when that war ended and Castile got a province on the Mediterranean Coast right next to my provinces. That brought a colonial casus belli to both of us against each other. While I ignore it, it seems that Castile decided it's time to break the alliance and declare war to materialize it. Luckily the great France was ready to help an old friend (and to stab in the back an dangerous neighbor) so we finally signed the alliance and their great army joined the war. So we won and Castile paid the price of losing 3 provinces (2 to France and the colonial one to me). As soon as they lost the African province they have been willing to be again allies and friends. A much needed peace in a time when England and Burgundy are acting like savages.

Diplomatic state at the end of the session:
Province Count: 16 (+6)
Vassals or PU: None
At War With: None


Did Muscovy make peace with Novgorord?

Yep! We share a nice long border now, horaay!

Sweden: 2/27/14

This session was marked by a drastic change for Sweden, as the new leadership arose. The king is now led by a human, instead of a computer program! The "new" king began his reign by defeating the forces of the Livonian Order, Riga and the Teutonic Order in battle. These meager countries were no match for the mighty Swedish Army. In the aftermath, Sweden gained four provinces along the northern Baltic coast.

In a second, and much more interesting war, the forces of Sweden and the Hansa were pitched against the armies of Denmark, Norway and England. This war was fought over Swedish cores that were under the iron fist of the Dastardly Danes. The great Swedish Army was stretched thin in this war and mercenaries were called in to deal with Danish and Norwegian armies in the South and West, as well as English amphibious landings on the newly captured lands in the East. Orthodox peasants from newly conquered lands were also uppidy at this time, and many thousands rose up in revolt and had to be put down. In the end Sweden was only able to reclaim one core from their Danish enemies as England began to land troops next to his Danish ally and put an end to Sweden's divide and conquer strategy.

Sweden, at the end of this time, has allies in the Hansa, Poland(Lithuania) and England.
Notable enemies include Moscovy (AI) and Denmark(Norway).


Won't stop picking the right nation
It seems that all was because they conquered a province from Morocco near my conquered provinces and they got a colonial casus belli (I also got one). I wonder if the latest patch changed something in this area, I might have a look later.
Did Castile cancel the alliance when you entered the top 10 in score? If so, you might have been a casualty of the nerf to the great power alliances. Because Castile was already allied with Burgundy (who I also assume was considered a great power), they would have been very unlikely to maintain another great power alliance. That might also explain why they were willing to ally you again, because they were no longer allied with Burgundy.


The Birthday Skeleton
Did Castile cancel the alliance when you entered the top 10 in score? If so, you might have been a casualty of the nerf to the great power alliances. Because Castile was already allied with Burgundy (who I also assume was considered a great power), they would have been very unlikely to maintain another great power alliance. That might also explain why they were willing to ally you again, because they were no longer allied with Burgundy.

No, I was in the top 10 since the beginning. I dropped on 11 at some point and then back again, but I don't know how was that synchronized with the events. But for sure it was right after they conquered the province from Morocco and got the colonial casus belli.
If it's indeed linked to the fact that I dropped on 11 and then back again in top 10, it's quite stupid somehow for this to trigger the events.


Gelre AAR 27/02/2014

Okay, a more serious AAR. Wasn't a bad session, but certainly also not the best. On the plus side, I gained Brunswick as a vassal via a war I had started myself, as they were the only country bordering me that wouldn't cause an English or Burgundian warning to trigger. About a year after peace had returned to my realm, Cologne decided the war had taken a lot out of me and that they were going to take a province from my new vassal. This would not be a big deal if not for the fact that Cologne being an elector, Austria had an alliance with them. Thankfully, France was there to help me and with his help I was able to gain Cologne as a vassal as well leading a coalition including Austria to form against me (you would think they'd care more about the Turks or Venetians, but there it is).

On the negative side, my ally France intervened in the war Castile had started against Portugal and incurred serious attrition there, Burgundy saw this as the perfect opportunity to go to war with France and took the English along for a fun ride. It did not take long for 40k troops to attack my only stack, which I was able to only just escape. More worryingly however, Burgundian strength led them to take about 20 base tax worth of provinces from France, and they are now a serious threat to my independence as a result. Unsure how to get out of this one to be honest, not sure we can take Burgundy with the two of us or even with the two of us and Portugal. I also noticed yesterday that Burgundy has a Caesar as an heir (meaning Burgundy is going to be dangerous as hell the coming years), so the inheritance event is unlikely to trigger in this game.

I feel like the Netherlands in May 1940 now tbh :+

No, I was in the top 10 since the beginning. I dropped on 11 at some point and then back again, but I don't know how was that synchronized with the events. But for sure it was right after they conquered the province from Morocco and got the colonial casus belli.
If it's indeed linked to the fact that I dropped on 11 and then back again in top 10, it's quite stupid somehow for this to trigger the events.

It's more likely the AI concluded they want your colonies when they began to border them and felt that without allies, you would be too weak to resist and would have to part with them.


The Birthday Skeleton
It's more likely the AI concluded they want your colonies when they began to border them and felt that without allies, you would be too weak to resist and would have to part with them.

Yeah, that is also my take on it. We had similar armies in numbers, but I didn't manage to upgrade the tech to 6 until just after the war. In addition it all happened so fast that all my army was stuck in Africa and with no way to move them to Europe. I managed to trick their navy to move into the Atlantic at some point (with the cost of half my ships) and have my transporters in Mediterranean Sea and slowly move the army to France after I conquered their colony. I am now rebuilding my army (shouldn't take that much, I lost just 3 regiments in the end, but I need to keep some in the colonies for the revolt risk) and be a part in the future Burgundian war. At list Castile is back on the friendly side.


Won't stop picking the right nation
No, I was in the top 10 since the beginning. I dropped on 11 at some point and then back again, but I don't know how was that synchronized with the events. But for sure it was right after they conquered the province from Morocco and got the colonial casus belli.
If it's indeed linked to the fact that I dropped on 11 and then back again in top 10, it's quite stupid somehow for this to trigger the events.
Castile will always have a colonial CB against Portugal in every game due to the proximity of their colonies, but I've never actually seen them end the alliance on that basis. On the other hand, due to the way great power alliances now work, it's entirely feasible that Castile dropped you because of that other alliance with Burgundy. I believe the same thing happened to me. However, that's supposedly being fixed in patch 1.5.1 so that alliances will not suddenly end on the basis that one country became a great power. It's possible, of course, that the Castilian AI just decided to end the alliance on a whim, as the AI will occasionally do, but the Paradox forums have been reporting a lot of weird alliance shenanigans since the release of 1.5, and it's probably related to the new great power mechanic. Also, it's just an assumption on my part that top 10 equals great power. I'm not entirely sure if that's true.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Every nation in Afro-Eurasia is in trouble with you playing Muscovy :p

I can see why you would say that since the AI have mostly been playing for me, and the AI have been very aggressive, but everybody knows that when Morfeo is back in control, it will be a glorious peaceful coexistance with everybody - a peace that will be enforced upon every war-mongerer by the wise and peace-minded ruler of the peaceful Muscovite.
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