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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of Hotjoining for Glory

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Venice AAR - 03/27/2014

Summary: What a productive session. The war with Austria got me three key provinces so I no longer have to ferry my troops everywhere. Although manpower was low, most of my armies were at full health so I could start watching my pool fill up immediately. With Diplomatic Tech 17, I finally have enough colonial range to start coring my African provinces. Venice is now a real colonial power!

Unfortunately, toward the end of the session I initiated an ill conceived war against Hungary and Savoy. Savoy put a drain on my resources, but it was really Hungary that threw me for a loop. Despite having half the number of troops, they managed to totally destroy my stacks with their 6/4/x/x generals and likely full manpower. I managed to take a few provinces from Savoy, but was unable to beat back the Hungarians afterwards. I had to beg Morfeo, the Chuck Norris of Peace, for help, and together we're going to peace the fuck out of Hungary.

Army: 72/74, 40/7/25
Navy: 92/101, 10/52/10/20
Manpower: -34,706/58,330
Provinces Gained: Gorz, Lika, Moderna, Siena, Waldstatte, Sierra Leone


Won't stop picking the right nation
World map as of July 3rd, 1616:


Won't stop picking the right nation
I'm surprised at how quickly the Americas were colonized. Even after a few decades I haven't even finished colonizing Java yet (for some reason my colonist's chance is really low).


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I'm surprised at how quickly the Americas were colonized. Even after a few decades I haven't even finished colonizing Java yet (for some reason my colonist's chance is really low).

Tropics mallus, and you probably don't have all those sweet colonial events the English do.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Was that recently changed? It never went this slow before. Now it's taking more than a decade just to finish one colony. The colonist chance starts at zero percent and even at 300 or 400 population is almost negligible.


Was that recently changed? It never went this slow before. Now it's taking more than a decade just to finish one colony. The colonist chance starts at zero percent and even at 300 or 400 population is almost negligible.

Can't speak for South America, but for North America: Conquest of native nations + colonial nations colonizing themselves + taking both exploration and expansion (=3 colonists) + North America not having the severe jungle colonization penalty (which is why colonizing Java is so slow, there's a little icon at the top of the province info screen when you select an uncolonized one). Plus, you know, there's still a gigantic hole in the middle of North America :p.

Was that recently changed? It never went this slow before. Now it's taking more than a decade just to finish one colony. The colonist chance starts at zero percent and even at 300 or 400 population is almost negligible.

Tropical gives -25% colonist chance and -25 colonial growth. North America does have arid and arctic provinces, but those only penalize colonial growth, and even then not as severe as tropical does. The colonist chance penalty is the really painful one anyway for tropical.


The Birthday Skeleton
I focused on colonization, so I took the exploration and expansion ideas and that speeds up things dramatically. But it took a while to colonize the African ones. Fortunately I had 2 colonists quite fast.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I should have been doing something else with my colonist, then. It's a huge waste just to leave it at zero percent for several years.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Unfortunately, toward the end of the session I initiated an ill conceived war against Hungary and Savoy. Savoy put a drain on my resources, but it was really Hungary that threw me for a loop. Despite having half the number of troops, they managed to totally destroy my stacks with their 6/4/x/x generals and likely full manpower. I managed to take a few provinces from Savoy, but was unable to beat back the Hungarians afterwards. I had to beg Morfeo, the Chuck Norris of Peace, for help, and together we're going to peace the fuck out of Hungary.

Always ready to help a like-minded peace-lover defending against the aggressive barbarian magyar hordes.


Remember for tomorrow you 'muricans, we start one hour earlier.

Ah yes. This means I may be a few minutes late for Tuesday since I have class that ends just as we are supposed to start.

I also am planning on going to drop-in ultimate Frisbee on Thursday but should be back in time.


Please don't start without me if possible! I will be back by 15 after at the latest. There is a peace deal I need to accept and I'm scared the AI will mess it up heh


Please don't start without me if possible! I will be back by 15 after at the latest. There is a peace deal I need to accept and I'm scared the AI will mess it up heh

I can do the peace deal in SP real quick if you want (this doesn't mess up the save right?), what do you want? Vassal?
Edit: Nvm, we're just going to wait for you.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Venice AAR - 04/01/2014

Summary: Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuue.



Army: 84/87, 44/8/32
Navy: 110/106, 10/70/10/20
Manpower: 26,914/95,630
Provinces Gained: Wolof, Futa Jallon, Bambuk, Bure, Segu, Konstanz, Breisgau, Romagna, Ferrara, Torontal, Zagreb, Varasd


Things getting slightly more heated each session! I wonder what the first human vs human war will be.

How did it go down last session?


Things getting slightly more heated each session! I wonder what the first human vs human war will be.

How did it go down last session?

Aside from the dismantling of Venice after repeated aggression against Poland, I think it was largely a stalemate. Human players are far harder to beat and will more easily rally against an aggressor. Rewards rarely merit the cost of such attacks, especially when considering that fighting a war like that is likely to exhaust the parties involved, opening them up for attack by other opportunistic players. I rather envy Mgo and Morfeo, as they will be able to expand for the rest of the game without attacking any other human players, without being forced to go overseas. I imagine there will eventually be somewhat of a player run on Asia though as expansion opportunities dry up in Europe and Africa.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Yeah, its a big barrier to war other humans as they can mount much more serious defense than the AI and also talk to the other players and possibly creating a coalition of human players against any aggressor. And as Kabouter said, this is preceicely what happend with Archenemesis as Venice last game when he started to bully Poland. Cazzy mobilised the other players against Venice - which ended up being completely taken over by the player-controled Naples/Byzantium.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Human-human wars are almost impossible to win and as such just don't happen. Humans have the ability to continuously say "no" to any peace deal that is sub-100%. The only way to force them to accept a peace deal is to get 100%. Pushing all the way to 100% is so difficult and so shattering in terms of resources, that if there is any opposing human player they'll just savage the person originally pushing for 100% because that person will now be in a really weak position. For human-human wars to succeed, the aggressor needs to be absolutely sure that their "bloc" is capable of beating every other bloc at the same time. Two problems with that: a) there's no real way of being 'sure' how reliable your bloc is, and b) blocs tend to be equal sized disparate groupings, so even if you could rely on your bloc totally, its unlikely they'd be willing or able to help you.

The way to fix this would be to force human players to accept peace deals that are worth less than the current war-score, or something akin to that. Basically subject human players to similar constraints to the AI. Also, tilting war-score further in favour of winning battles as opposed to winning sieges would help.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Strange things can occur when the number of princes gets really low and there isn't a strong nation within the HRE. In EU3 I would occasionally see the electors vote for a non-European nation, like Ethiopia or a Catholic daimyo.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The empire of Venice falls, after 231 glorious years.


The empire of Venice falls, not able to handle sharing a border with the great Scandinavian nation!


I was expecting just a quick war for Hungary. I didn't think all of Venice would be occupied.

Well I wanted Hungary's cores as well. And France wants some stuff for his participation. And in general wars with humans wont end until 100% because they can just keep declining the peace deal.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
What a joke. The cowardly Scandinavians did not dare to attack Glorious Venice without every power in the world backing them.


What a joke. The cowardly Scandinavians did not dare to attack Glorious Venice without every power in the world backing them.

Hey man, I took international relations class I know the importance of diplomacy. Especially when I doubt my RTS skills :p

Also, you insult the great empires of Russia and Portugal! GB joining was also not really my doing.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Sorry to see mighty Venice fall, but I guess every good thing has to end. Looking forward to have u back for next game Haly!


Won't stop picking the right nation
Well I wanted Hungary's cores as well. And France wants some stuff for his participation. And in general wars with humans wont end until 100% because they can just keep declining the peace deal.
Well, that depends. If a player is convinced that he's just going to keep losing more and more ground to the other humans, then he has no incentive to reach a peace deal until fully occupied 100%. If, on the other hand, a fair deal can be reached, and that player is convinced that the deal is better than the pain of being fully occupied, then he might agree to it, especially if the neutral parties will hold both sides to that deal.

Anyway, I think Haly could still come back from this if he chooses to continue playing. I don't necessarily want to see the demise of Venice. It would have been much, much harder, if not completely impossible, to conquer Anatolia without Haly's help.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Wait, Haly is quitting? That's too bad. It's not like your completely out man you will still have some power.

Some manpower and zero room to expand, sure, especially with the alliance blob surrounding me. Why bother even playing?

That said, I do have some idea of what I want to do before I stop playing as Venice so I'm not out just yet.


Yeah I can play for a bit potentially. I just need a few hours before the exam to go over my notes on last time!

Just join for the first five minutes and set up the peace deal you want, and then study? Wouldn't want you to fail an exam because of EU4.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Maybe a solution can be reached here then, what is your suggestion MGO?
That depends on what fanboi and ZZMitch want from the war; beyond that, the peace deal probably shouldn't be too punitive. If Haly does keep playing, I don't think that future expansion is completely impossible for him. Yes, Venice is in the most vulnerable situation, since it's surrounded by every other player, but as we saw in the current war, the diplomatic situation can change very quickly.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Yeah wow. I played fucking atrocious down there, guess Im just not used to fighting huge wars like this without being able to pause (and a nice girl doing her best to distract me). Will be interesting to see how this continues.

And no matter how this end, I would like to say to Mgo that I have no hard feelings for the declaration of war, and hope you feel the same.
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