Between 5 and 6 PM EST, Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays.
Well, that's sleeping time for me. Oh well.
Between 5 and 6 PM EST, Tuesdays/Thursdays/Saturdays.
Should we start a sepperate thread in community instead of clutter this one down?
Castile - FACE
Burgundy - fanboi
Scotland - RugMonkey
Venice - Archnemesis
Naples - Colkate
Poland - Manik
Wallachia - KingSnake
Georgia - Wink
Novgorod - Crab
Hosokawa - Mgoblue201 (He is free to change to japan though since Ming is right next door)
Viyanagar - Toma
Ming - Kabouter
Probably a good idea.
Down the road it would be awesome to first play CK2 and then go to EU4 game... would be awesome forum experience.
Down the road it would be awesome to first play CK2 and then go to EU4 game... would be awesome forum experience.
This is a crazy good idea. I like it.
This wont work that well, because if we start with 10 players in CK2, only 3-4 might survive the ordeal at the end and then you start EU4 with 3-4 huge nations. You might as well play CK2 with an extended timeline or EU4 with bigger nations.
Are we using GAF mumble or something to smite each other, or is the risk of being to "cute" against each other to high then?
Also, to start off, fuck you Castille.
*Casus Belli gained against France!*
*They insulted us*
I, erm, accidentally picked Algiers.
I, erm, accidentally picked Algiers.
Guys, while I love Paradox games, I'm soured on buying them day one after the mess that was Victoria 2. Would you say that EU4 as it is now merits being purchased, in part due to having very little problems?
Different question. I am allied with Scotland and we are winning against England that they started. Despite unticking the "Negotiates for me"-box, they were able to end the war without my consent, why?
The war leader can always end the war.
The box basically means that the war leader can't negotiate terms for you (as in, they wont make England give provinces to you, nor will they make you release nations or give provinces to england or her allies.)
Achievements 24/51
New Achievements done:
Viva La Revolucion - Have rebels you support enforce their demands
The big blue blob - As France, annex all french cores
Ah, thanks.
Question about battles:
2. Morale determines who wins battles, but what decides wheter defeated troops die or just retreat? The AI often loses without taking too many casualties, my guys die like flies when I lose.
Damn those Austrians and their habit to go to war with half of Europa at the same time. 4 wars at the same time, over a dozen participants ? What is it, WW1 The Prequel ? It's ridiculous.
Trade efficiency mainly comes through tech, though there are a few other things you can do to improve it such as the trade idea path or the east Indian trade decision.Quick question, how do I up my trade efficiency?
Also I keep getting negative diplo points becuase of relationships, what is that referring to?
Same thing happens to me. I'm trying to live in peace with the North American tribes, but I keep getting the border friction event (for claims I don't even want), which turns all my relations with them to -200. So now every time I want to launch a war in Asia I have to deal with a coalition of the Shawnee, Iroquois, Great Britain, and a few others, and the coalition never breaks up no matter how many times it's defeated.The coalition system leads to some really silly shit sometimes, honestly. I'm expanding in North America and therefore the Iroquois and Shawnee are in a coalition against me. That makes sense, but what doesn't is me declaring war on them and then suddenly Spain, Vijayanagar and half the HRE jumping in to protect them. As soon as I get provinces adjacent to someone, they suddenly get paranoid and want to align against me because I'm very powerful, not because I'm making threatening moves towards them or their allies. If the diplomacy system was more intricate you could imagine dividing up the New World into spheres with other colonizers, and people in Europe wouldn't be lifting a finger to save pagan tribes on a continent they have no contact with.
In my experience Austria always exhausts itself through continual warfare. And these are not the most intelligent wars to get involved in either. Austria shouldn't be launching preemptive strikes against a rather formidable Hungary so early in the game over basically nothing. I've seen Austria's entire army get decimated this way.
In my experience Austria always exhausts itself through continual warfare. And these are not the most intelligent wars to get involved in either. Austria shouldn't be launching preemptive strikes against a rather formidable Hungary so early in the game over basically nothing. I've seen Austria's entire army get decimated this way.
I finally did it!How could you not have annexed the ottos by now
You are a disappointment to us all
I was mostly responding to the other poster there. In my own experience, they tend to do alright, they usually have a strong enough manpower base (esp with Burgundy) to avoid imploding. I don't see them go into the Balkans all that much though. I have seen Bohemia eat them, blob Bohemia happens a fairly regularly in my games.In my Muscovy (now Russia) game, Austria is absurdly powerful. They've pushed deep into the Balkans, have all but two imperial reforms, have huge armies and a very good set of allies and it's only around 1610. Don't know about you Basileus, but in most games I play, Austria becomes incredibly powerful and stays that way throughout the game.
How do you know when you're supposed to honor an alliance and go to war? I've missed it every time in every game and I've realized it is ruining my diplomatic relations.
I am obsessed with "winning" a Byzantium game and it's devouring all my free time.
How do you know when you're supposed to honor an alliance and go to war? I've missed it every time in every game and I've realized it is ruining my diplomatic relations.
If only it were that easy.When you receive a call to arms, you then can either honor it or refuses it.
I don't like that historical conquests for Russia seem impossible, you basically have to game the system by creating/feeding/annexing vassals if you don't want to get fucked over by crazy overextension. And even that doesn't always work, the hordes in Central Asia give you no good vassalizing opportunities, and by the time you're that far, you've so many provinces that coring takes ages.
There should probably be some waves of decisions that gives Russia claims/cores on the steppes. And same continent colonizing needs to be reworked in terms of over-extension. Russia shouldn't get over-extension for its colonies just because there is a land connection, the same applies to a bunch of non-European countries.
Coring time should be affected by province tax value only. Maybe with a tech level based multiplier (like Naval maintenance).You get missions for huge amounts of claims. It's not enough. Problem is simply coring time ramps up so quickly.
Coring time should be affected by province tax value only. Maybe with a tech level based multiplier (like Naval maintenance).
I don't think they will change that. The increasing coring time corresponding to the number of provinces you own is one of the ways they try to stop snowballing.
But I don't really care for the I find the "everything must be a core" design. I'd prefer cores to be hard to get, but over-extension scale to empire size. That way you could actually live with uncored territory, but that territory would be unproductive.
I would prefer overextension be proportional to the size of the empire as well. It makes no sense that three non-cores give me overextension and empire-wide instability as a massive ass Russia.