Started a new game a few days ago. Totally hooked again.
This is such a stupidly amazing game. The AE change had me not expanding fast enough though. Playing as Aragon, and the only place I ended up expanding to was getting Bearn and Navarra.
I picked Portugal, Tuscany, and Savoy as my core allies, thinking it would set me up for a good fight against Castille. However, the moment Naples claimed independence, Castille quickly buddied up with them, and in just under a year, Austria ended up claiming the throne in Naples while they were still allied with Castille, who also guaranteed their independence.
Castille then also allied with Tuscany, who seems to favor them despite me helping secure the upper half of the Italian peninsula, including Milan, for them.
So now, if I war with Castille, I'm facing Castille, Naples, Tuscany, and Austria. It's only France and myself on our side, with Portugal not interested in taking part. Of course, I didn't know that's how it would shake our prior to declaring war, and now I'm doing everything I can to hang on and squeak out with maybe losing trade power for a little while.