When is HK bluray version coming out? ;_;
So ready for this. By coincidence I just finished rewatching the series and 1.0, 2.0.
When is HK bluray version coming out? ;_;
What about End of Evangelion?
No English subs on the Blu-ray then?
I haven't watched Evangelion since the original NGE on VHS. Is it worth it to start at these new ones even though I've basically forgotten all the deeper parts of the story?
It's a remake of the series done in four theatrical releases (proper budget this time). If you are a fan, you owe it to yourself to check it out.
I haven't watched Evangelion since the original NGE on VHS. Is it worth it to start at these new ones even though I've basically forgotten all the deeper parts of the story?
Thank you. I've picked up the blu-ray many times then put it down because I'm not into anime like I used to be... but I really, really loved the original series.
I haven't watched Evangelion since the original NGE on VHS. Is it worth it to start at these new ones even though I've basically forgotten all the deeper parts of the story?
I was in a similar situation, well maybe I remembered some of the stuff better than you see to. Anyway, I've started on the films the past month and enjoyed it. If you enjoyed it the first time through (series) and think you still like that sort of thing, I'd say give it go.
I think it's good I put off watching the first two since I've heard of the remakes (this thread is part of what reminded of it and I cracked), means I don't have to wait a ton between each one. Well I guess after I watch 3 it could be a while if they miss the schedule with 4.
It totally needs a re-release BTW... the Manga DVD is fugly.
True. At this point I'd like a blu-ray, though.Yeah. It would have been nice to have gotten the Renewal version of End of Evangelion.
God I would love a BD release of EoE. Especially since I missed out on the Manga pressing of the DVD years ago, and those are now going for insane pricesEoE needs a BD release so badly. Hopefully it'll come out when UHD is available. 4K madness all the way.
That looked terrible.
I have only watched the first Rebuild movie, are the others any good?
That looked terrible.
God I would love a BD release of EoE. Especially since I missed out on the Manga pressing of the DVD years ago, and those are now going for insane prices
Really hoping the HK disc has subs![]()
That looked terrible.
I have only watched the first Rebuild movie, are the others any good?
Don't worry, it won't be in the movie at all.
It's incredible how bad 3.33 is.
How is the movie bad? Is there any way of telling me without spoiling major plot points? I liked the first two.
How is the movie bad? Is there any way of telling me without spoiling major plot points? I liked the first two.
It's incredible how bad 3.33 is.
3.33 is one of the worst anime movies I've ever seen. I don't watch many so probably it is the worst. I liked 1.11 and 2.22 so this was really unexpected.
You easily break the movie's plot when you think about it.
It's a near-incomprehensible mess of nothingness. Plot is threadbare and characters are total shit.
God's Message is amazing, I should watch Nadia..Best music, best action, coolest sequence in the movie
God's Message is amazing, I should watch Nadia.
CG EVA's are the worst thing to ever happen
CG EVA's are the worst thing to ever happen
Man I'm not too sure. The things I loved about Eva are things others usually hate so I guess I'm gonna have to see this for myself when my copy arrives. Here's hoping!
If worse comes to worse I'll still enjoy the soundtrack, animation and hey I still have the original series! No one can take that away from me![]()
Opinions on this film seem pretty divisive. It's either amazing or terrible with little in between.
That footage is almost definitely unfinished and probably won't even be in FINAL anyway.