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Anno sorry for making you wait for Evangelion 3.0+1.0

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Subete no aware
Honestly if it's not a live action jdrama featuring the voice actors in high school, then he shouldn't even bother.


Damn, thought part of the reason he made Rebuild was because he was in a much better emotional state than he was when he made the original. Guess that's out of the door now.

It's part of his life. His role in Kaze Tachinu was Miyazaki's way of reaching out to him.


No Anno, we're sorry for not properly appreciating 3.0. Now everyone should write a 3 page apology letter detailing why 3.0 is the best Rebuild film and how it properly reflects Shinji's journey into depression.

Due Date:
Third Impact


Was getting caught part of your plan?
was 3 that bad? i still havent seen it yet.

i actually enjoyed 1 and 2 even though i don't like eva.

It's probably the most visually striking Eva (barring the shitty character animation quality) since End of Evangelion but if you're looking for a coherent transition from 2.0, it is abso-fucking-lutely not it.


not me
I just assumed he meant he was sorry for putting us through Evangelion 3.0

Evangelion 1.0 - OK

Evangelion 2.0 - amazing

Evangelion 3.0 - worst piece of shit anime

yep. 2 was a great rift on eva, especially playing with viewers expectations who had seen the series ("looks like i didn't win this time"). 3 was garbage.


Having thoroughly enjoyed all of Eva to date, 3.0 was rather jarring however I accept it as a rather OTT attempt to convey just how screwed up the world is through Shinji's eyes. (Just looking at the reactions to the film I think Anno did rather well on this front)

Having said that I do hope 3.0+1.0 returns to some semblance of cohesion plot wise, even though that may not adequately represent the world of Evangelion.

Oh well, wait (and wait, and wait) and see I guess.


People are extremely critical of shit(3.0 and the rebuild movies in general) because this is the internet and your opinion is not valid unless it's extreeemee

but seriously, I don't remember 3.0 being that bad. It's a bit out there, meandering, extremely vague in meaning and context, hard to piece together plot-wise, and clearly the most un-Eva part of the whole canon, but it's still pretty neat for what it is. It's also kind of a movie all about exploring the Shinji/Kaworu dynamic so it's kind of satisfying in that way too -- seeing Shinji oddly empowered for once in his miserable life. I remember the opening sequence being really cool, too. I actually just got it on blu-ray last week because I've been watching the Rebuild series again so I'll have to see if it matches up to how I remember it.

I'm so happy to hear some news about the 4th movie, though. So, so happy. All I have to do now is not perish sometime before its release.


People are extremely critical of shit(3.0 and the rebuild movies in general) because this is the internet and your opinion is not valid unless it's extreeemee

but seriously, I don't remember 3.0 being that bad. It's a bit out there, meandering, extremely vague in meaning and context, hard to piece together plot-wise, and clearly the most un-Eva part of the whole canon, but it's still pretty neat for what it is. It's also kind of a movie all about exploring the Shinji/Kaworu dynamic so it's kind of satisfying in that way too -- seeing Shinji oddly empowered for once in his miserable life. I remember the opening sequence being really cool, too. I actually just got it on blu-ray last week because I've been watching the Rebuild series again so I'll have to see if it matches up to how I remember it.

I'm so happy to hear some news about the 4th movie, though. So, so happy. All I have to do now is not perish sometime before its release.

Yeah I quite liked 3.0, especially the first like 3/4ths of it. After reading some shit online the movie made almost complete sense up to that point. Then the last 20 minutes or so happened where literally nothing is explained and you have no idea what the fuck is going on and you're just supposed to accept what's happening. I think it does it on purpose. The viewer is supposed to be in Shinji's shoes and not know what the fuck is going on. I loved the ending though. I loved Shinju's desperation and watching him stand there completely broken as he fucked every time up yet again. Poor kid.

Anno, you can apologize by changing the title back to 4.0. The fuck is 3.0 + 1.0? This ain't math class.


I wanted him to direct a Godzilla movie for years and everybody needs a creative pause sometimes. No need to apologize.
What was bad about 3?

Literally almost everything. The music was good and that was it. 2.22 is my one of my favorite movies ever, and I was hotly anticipating Q for years. It let me down completely. The defense force for it fucking baffles me.

And yeah, it basically tanked my love of the Rebuild movies. There is no way it can possibly be salvaged in the fourth movie, and it really depresses me. 3.33 undid what little character development the first two movies managed to provide, made every character flat as a board, introduced even more characters for no reason, and didn't have a single memorable fight barring the batshit tiger transformation. Every single fight in 2.22 is amazing, so to go from that to 3.33 is upsetting.

3.33 is what a surface level Evangelion fan thinks Evangelion is about. Big dumb robots, depressed teenagers, suffering, a complete lack of any explanations, technobabble, and pseudo "deep" judeochristian bullshit out the ass.


What was bad about 3?

3 is a mess of a film. The way it jumps in time without explanation from 2 is conceptually cool, but the execution could not be worse. Even within itself, the story is almost incoherent and it's really tough to even parse what's happening or why.

All that being said, it's almost a kind of beautiful mess. It's completely surprising and out of left field. It's also an extremely visually striking film and is a good watch if just for that.

I'm really interested to see where they go from there. Do they try to fill in the 2.0~3.0 gap and try to make the film series coherent or do they just jump off from the end of 3 and right a sort of duolgoy out of that. I kind of hope for the later because the last thing 4.0 needs is more baggage to deal with.


semen stains the mountaintops
The only thing I thought was kind of bad about 3 was that it was a bit too slow at the start but after 20 or so minutes, it becomes amazing. I loved that it's completely different than the anime, too.


was 3 that bad? i still havent seen it yet.

i actually enjoyed 1 and 2 even though i don't like eva.

I didn't believe anyone who told me that 3 was bad. Figured it was just over-exaggeration. It's bad. But like the first twenty minutes are good


TBH jump 2.0 to 3.0 is make sense

it supposed to be Shinji story and between those timeline. Shinji is stuck in the robot


While I've lost almost all interest in the franchise after the third film was such a disappointment (especially as it was nothing at all like the preview at the end of the second film said it would be) I do hope he does hurry up and finish the fourth one. I do want to see what he can come up with, but so much damage has already been done with the last film (and a little with the second film too) that I don't know if a fourth will make me excited for evangelion the way i was way back in the 90s again. That being said, the new Godzilla looks amazing and looking forward to seeing that in a few weeks.


So do the parenthesis there imply that redoing it is a possibility

Because I want the 3.0 preview we saw at the end of 2.0 ;_;

I think everyone wants to see that film. I really want to know what the heck went on where that was just basically that trailer was shown, swept away like it never happened and no one ever talks about it. I really want to know why such a huge change in story direction happened? But considering its Anno and the history of this franchise its not surprising it happened. But yeah I want that 3.0 and not the one we got.


not me
What was bad about 3?

Well, the bullshit started when the preview trailer for 3.0 at the end of 2.0 showed some enticing snippets about a semi-post apocalyptic world after the almost-Third Impact at the end of 2.0. None of that's actually in 3.0. Instead we pick up after most of the plot movement and important stuff has already happened, including an actual Third Impact inexplicably happening off-screen between 2.0 and 3.0 that happens because of vague or unexplained reasons. Let me repeat, the world ends off-screen and the only explanation is a bunch of mystical nonsense. You're a Mass Effect player, I know, so it's analogous to
if ME3 had stopped before Earth and then ME4 picked up post-Synthesis with no explanation

But the poor/nonexistent explanation is only one problem, and frankly if that was all there was to it, 3.0 probably would have been salvageable. Unfortunately, the movie also suffers from bad pacing on top of this. Worst of all, character motivations and actions are either unclear or don't make sense. The film quickly institutes an idiot plot, wherein the eventual conflict is easily preventable by someone simply talking to Shinji for 5 minutes. Instead, Misato's poor and inexplicable behavior leads to Shinji making bad decisions which lead to a final fight that doesn't make any sense. It's difficult to get invested in Shinji's state of mind when no one in the movie is acting like an actual human being might if they had an ounce of sense.

Also, the movie spends a lot of time developing this Rei copy, but I honestly have no idea why I'm supposed to care. This is either the second or fourth time the viewer has been subjected to this "Rei clone learning to be human" stuff and it's incredibly stale by now. And what's Asuka doing this whole movie besides being mad at Shinji? Any character development? No, because no one besides Shinji and a half-assed Rei clone gets any character development. Much better to have an interminable amount of scenes where Shinji angsts about life and stares longingly/blankly at Kaworu/Rei in some order or fashion.

Another personal gripe I have which is more subjective comes down to the purpose of the Rebuild. At the end of 3.0 we're back where we were at the end of the series. Yes, that's the point, but is it a worthwhile point? Are we compelled by Shinji becoming comatose again because he's depressed? I'm certainly not. 2.0 was skewing towards ways that this cycle was going to be different, which was both exciting as a series watcher (I mean shit, who didn't think "Wait this is now?!" when the Third Impact started and Kaworu descended? Who wasn't pleasantly surprised that the characters showed real emotional improvement during the 2nd movie, and horrified when the poster child for this improvement (Asuka) climbed into a mech we all knew was doomed?) and as someone who simply likes good action and plot movement. Why not just continue diverging from the series like 2.0 did? Is the message really just about cyclically fucking things up? This was already gleaned from the series and makes the whole Rebuild redundant except for a cash grab.

4.0 might alleviate that final concern somewhat, but it won't retroactively make 3.0 compelling to watch. It'll just mean 3.0 was intentionally a shitty movie.


3.0 was a real piece of Quality. I never thought that I could hate Shinji even more. I will read a summary of the previous installments before I watch 4.0 in 20##.


I just assumed he meant he was sorry for putting us through Evangelion 3.0

Evangelion 1.0 - OK

Evangelion 2.0 - amazing

Evangelion 3.0 - worst piece of shit anime


Hey, everyone loved eva 2.0 so lets take eva 3.0 in a totally different direction and make it shit, because, hey, we cant have everyone loving eva cant we?

Not Spaceghost

I am curious to aee how he closes out the shit show he created with 3.0

I liked 3.0 the most not because of its quality but rather because he tried something new with eva.

1.0 was just a movie version of the first few episodes with all the substance sucked out of the characters and 2.0 was the same but with some new stuff.


2.22 or whatever was so awesome, especially for people that watched the original series. Everything I want EVA to be.

3.0 was terrible.


I loved how everyone was pissed at Shinji at the start of the movie and would go out of their way to not tell him anything about what the fuck is going on. I don't think I have ever felt that level of aggravation about a piece of media outside of a daytime tv soap.


I didn't realize there was so much hate for 3.0. I watched it a few months back and thought it was really good. Actually like it better than the first 2 movies. Can't wait for the 4th.
As someone who watched Rebuild before the original series, 3.33 wasn't awful, but then I guess I kinda saw what is going for when I finished the series, and it just missed the mark. Crazy and weird for the sake of it doesn't work, and that's exactly what 3.33 felt like.


“Up until then, after doing the third entry Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, I thought I wasn’t going to make any more”

So, what you're saying is, you have no plan what the heck you are doing with these movies either.

I'm still doing this.

It's not like you're missing much. The first movie is just a recap of the first few episodes, the second one is great, but everything good it has done was undone by the craptacular third movie.


What was bad about 3?

I don't think it's bad, but it's a movie designed to make you feel bad. It goes in the complete opposite direction of 2.0, which was much more uplifting, hopeful and even somewhat shounen-y. 3.0 is much bleaker and more miserable, and everything that seemed good and cool in 2.0 is now the source of so much misfortune in 3.0.

I mean, the movie itself skips over a ton of plot in the aftermath 2.0, barely explains any of the changes and the explanations that are put forth are as barebones and obfuscating as possible, which is frustrating. But more than that, I think the reason it leaves such a sour taste in so many people's mouths is because it's meant to leave a sour taste about Shinji's world now.

No wonder the movie made Anno so depressed! Or maybe the movie is the way it is because Anno became depressed at the time.

“Up until then, after doing the third entry Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, I thought I wasn’t going to make any more”

So, what you're saying is, you have no plan what the heck you are doing with these movies either.

There was a plan for the series back in the early days (one that involved all four movies being out by like 2009 :lol) but I think once Anno started getting a lot more money to use, and a lot more ideas started popping into his head, he ditched that plan. Like, originally, movies 1-3 were all meant to be streamlined recaps of the series, with the fourth being a new ending. I think Anno became bored of pretty quickly and decided as long he was doing new Eva, he wanted to take it in a new direction.
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