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Anno sorry for making you wait for Evangelion 3.0+1.0

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I loved how everyone was pissed at Shinji at the start of the movie and would go out of their way to not tell him anything about what the fuck is going on. I don't think I have ever felt that level of aggravation about a piece of media outside of a daytime tv soap.

Yup, if they took five minutes to actually TELL HIM WTF IS GOING ON, they would've avoided all the problems they ran into towards the end.
So wait, did 3.0 essentially finish the series, or what? I always assumed there was to be four parts.

Only watched 1.0 years ago and decided to wait til it was done.

"End of" is going to be tough to beat.


not me
I still haven't watched 3.0 and think thread makes me wonder if I should even bother.

If I could tell my past self to avoid it, at this point I would. Maybe it'll fit better as part of a four-movie series, but right now it's a bad movie that ruins 2's build up.


Evangelion as a whole is a very entertaining work from an ousider's perspective. I came to this party pretty late but I knew most of the plot from my history with Super Robot Wars and and was informed of the creator/fan war going on.

So to me - someone who's not invested in the series, the screwed up relationship between Anno and his fandom, was well worth the price of admission for seeing 3.0

I'm unbelievably stoked for 3.0+1.0 not just to see how Anno flips off his fandom one last time but to see that
half-n-half EVA
. That shit looked hilarious.


“Up until then, after doing the third entry Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, I thought I wasn’t going to make any more”

So, what you're saying is, you have no plan what the heck you are doing with these movies either.

He stopped because of his depression, not because he didn't have a plan.


I'm unbelievably stoked for 3.0+1.0 not just to see how Anno flips off his fandom one last time but to see that
half-n-half EVA
. That shit looked hilarious.

I think that the
half 08/half 02
design is likely to be left on the cutting room floor kind of like some stuff from the 3 preview at the end of 2 didn't make it into the third film. If anything that design is a sign of how creatively exhausted Anno was at the end of 3.0, barely being able to muster anything interesting or original, he mashed together two existing designs and said "fuck it, send it out". Who knows, at that point maybe he even thought he could never make another Eva movie again.


I don't think it's bad, but it's a movie designed to make you feel bad. It goes in the complete opposite direction of 2.0, which was much more uplifting, hopeful and even somewhat shounen-y. 3.0 is much bleaker and more miserable, and everything that seemed good and cool in 2.0 is now the source of so much misfortune in 3.0.

I mean, the movie itself skips over a ton of plot in the aftermath 2.0, barely explains any of the changes and the explanations that are put forth are as barebones and obfuscating as possible, which is frustrating. But more than that, I think the reason it leaves such a sour taste in so many people's mouths is because it's meant to leave a sour taste about Shinji's world now.

No wonder the movie made Anno so depressed! Or maybe the movie is the way it is because Anno became depressed at the time.

I don't think people disliked 3.0 because it was bleak or because it made the viewer feel bad. To the contrary, that's the kind of atmosphere people expect from Evangelion in the first place. No one wanted Rebuild to be a series of happy movies, that just wouldn't be Evangelion.

Reasons a lot of people dislike the movie are things like this:

I loved how everyone was pissed at Shinji at the start of the movie and would go out of their way to not tell him anything about what the fuck is going on. I don't think I have ever felt that level of aggravation about a piece of media outside of a daytime tv soap.

The entire movie feels like it's build upon people treating Shinji like shit because he did what they encouraged him to do without explaining anything that happened. It's dumb and illogical.

Which is a shame, because the concept of the movie is actually pretty interesting, but the execution is severely lacking.


Neo Member
The whole Evangelion movie experience is just a way to milk money, not including End of Evangelion. I would say the television series was a mess and EoE saved it by being such a great movie. The new movies are even more of a mess than the television series and delaying the movie doesn't give me much hope for 3.0+1.0, sadly.


I don't think people disliked 3.0 because it was bleak or because it made the viewer feel bad. To the contrary, that's the kind of atmosphere people expect from Evangelion in the first place. No one wanted Rebuild to be a series of happy movies, that just wouldn't be Evangelion.

Reasons a lot of people dislike the movie are things like this:

The entire movie feels like it's build upon people treating Shinji like shit because he did what they encouraged him to do without explaining anything that happened. It's dumb and illogical.

Which is a shame, because the concept of the movie is actually pretty interesting, but the execution is severely lacking.

I'm not saying there aren't filmmaking/writing-driven reasons people to dislike the movie -- I pointed out some myself. But I do feel like the way it makes people feel is definitely part of the negative response. I've seen posters just on GAF talk about how they felt 2.0 was building up to a more hopeful, heroic shounen-esque Shinji, that then plummeted in 3.0.

And I don't mean 2.0 was a "happy" movie, but happy relatively -- closer in tone to the first half of the TV series, while 3.0 is closer in tone to the second half (but even more extreme).


Maybe there is an explicit reason they don't explain to Shinji the extent of his power. He's an emotionally unstable teenager who has the power to remake or wipe out human existence. They were probably operating under the assumption that any knowledge the subject has of his powers is a total liability because he can't be trusted either way.

Not to mention they've had 14 years to harden their hatred and mistrust for Ikari's son. It's actually a mercy(and possibly an outright stupid move) that they kept him locked up as opposed to just outright killing him. There was no incentive to include Shinji's compliance in their plans by telling him anything about what happened because they intended to keep him locked away so not to be an active player in their feud with the new NERV.


What was bad about 3?

Ignores the interesting new world that exists outside shinji's POV (which is everything because he spends his entire time in isolation,) wastes most of the film on exposition, has characters acting stupid or unexplainable just to move the plot. Has a great ending action sequence and an intriguing sequel hook, but it's too little too late to save the rest of the film.

One can try to explain it away as just being art so everything is permissible, but in that case it's not even worth judging the film on a personal basis. It's an invaluable piece for talking about Anno, though, so it's definitely old school Eva in that sense.

On a side note, it was awesome seeing the behind the scenes on The Wind Rises. So cool that Miyazaki gave Anno a huge voice acting role.


3.0 was just a remake of EoE, but instead of slaughtering all the characters literally they just did it metaphorically.

It's like poetry.


Maybe there is an explicit reason they don't explain to Shinji the extent of his power. He's an emotionally unstable teenager who has the power to remake or wipe out human existence. They were probably operating under the assumption that any knowledge the subject has of his powers is a total liability because he can't be trusted either way.

Not to mention they've had 14 years to harden their hatred and mistrust for Ikari's son. It's actually a mercy(and possibly an outright stupid move) that they kept him locked up as opposed to just outright killing him. There was no incentive to include Shinji's compliance in their plans by telling him anything about what happened because they intended to keep him locked away so not to be an active player in their feud with the new NERV.

The people mistrusting him are people close to him though. They know, or should know, firsthand that Shinji's not some player in this political game. He's an introverted, little kid who, by the by, hates the mastermind of the new NERV.

Apprehension, for sure, would be an understandable reaction - Maybe Shinji's an unwitting pawn in it all. Open contempt though? Come on.

I realize there's a greater story the movie's trying to tell but allot of the points clashing with pre-established relationships does the movie no favors.


So these 1.0, 2.0 are like remakes right? What's with this one, is it a remake or a new installation to the series?

1.0 is basically a flat shot-by-shot retelling of the first episodes of Evangelion, with tiny itsy-bitsy changes to make you question what's going to happen.

2.0 is when things really start to change, and by the end the original timeline is off the rails and you've never seen Evangelion like this before.

3.0 slams the brakes hard on that idea, but the brakes are sort of broken so it smashes into a wall. The final wreck is still mildly interesting though, so... some of us are wondering how Anno will pick up the pieces and transfer them to a new vehicle.


So these 1.0, 2.0 are like remakes right? What's with this one, is it a remake or a new installation to the series?

1.0 is more or less a remake of the first 1/4th of the series.
2.0 is a big departure from this point in the series that has similar elements to the series but changes variables in big events, introduces new characters, and overall has a vastly different outcome than the events to this point in the series.
3.0 is just its own thing. Completely new concepts and story beats, very different character dynamics, and is building a totally different conclusion to the story than the series/EoE did.

Spoiler reason for this(not explicit but heavily implied):
third impact from EoE is the catalyst for the rebuild series. The rebuild series world is the new reality that formed(or that Shinji possibly chose) after the third impact from the last world.

The people mistrusting him are people close to him though. They know, or should know, firsthand that Shinji's not some player in this political game. He's an introverted, little kid who, by the by, hates the mastermind of the new NERV.
Open contempt though? Come on.

I think by that point Misato especially is so resolute in her duties that she no longer has those feelings for Shinji. Her experience living through the trauma of the Second Impact and watching someone close to her almost wipe out the entire world in the same way tells her that A)If Shinji almost caused Third Impact, it's actually possible that he or someone like him was involved in Second Impact meaning this is the Xth time she has let this happen since the chain of impacts and new realities being created could potentially be stuck in a loop B) she can't fuck around, she can't let her guard down, and she certainly can't let her feelings for Shinji weigh on her anymore. For someone in Misato's position, the contempt towards Shinji is so understandable imo. It's almost a reflection of how the viewer feels towards Shinji at the end of 2.0("oh ffs, not again shinji...")


I don't think people disliked 3.0 because it was bleak or because it made the viewer feel bad. To the contrary, that's the kind of atmosphere people expect from Evangelion in the first place. No one wanted Rebuild to be a series of happy movies, that just wouldn't be Evangelion.

Reasons a lot of people dislike the movie are things like this:

The entire movie feels like it's build upon people treating Shinji like shit because he did what they encouraged him to do without explaining anything that happened. It's dumb and illogical.

Which is a shame, because the concept of the movie is actually pretty interesting, but the execution is severely lacking.

Exactly. They fucked up the world doing shit they had no business doing, now kids have to pilot robots because the same adults fucked everything up can't even clean up their own mess. Now some years later, they're essentially shitting on Shinji for doing what you pushed him to do. No wonder he got the fuck out of there when the people closest to him in all that shit turned on him.


So can I watch from 2.0 and expect something better/different? I told my friend to watch the series and he stopped before the last 2 episodes. I told him to skip those and watch EoE. He said it was one of the worst movies ever but I think that's because he can't open to movies that aren't really up his alley.


So can I watch from 2.0 and expect something better/different? I told my friend to watch the series and he stopped before the last 2 episodes. I told him to skip those and watch EoE. He said it was one of the worst movies ever but I think that's because he can't open to movies that aren't really up his alley.

1.0 ends after the fight with Ramiel(big diamond angel that Shinji needs to use the energy sniper on). The very last scene in 1.0 is where it diverges with the original story.

IMO if you really want to skip stuff you've seen, I would skip everything in 1.0 except for the angel fights themselves(because they are a spectacle to behold with modern animation/cgi and because there are some cool differences... especially in the Ramiel fight, that make them worth watching in the new movie series) and the very end of 1.0. Then proceed to 2.0 and watch the entire thing because everything is different enough to feel like a totally new story from that point on.

Everyone is right that 2.0 is the best of the series so far, so yes, see all of 2.0.
So can I watch from 2.0 and expect something better/different? I told my friend to watch the series and he stopped before the last 2 episodes. I told him to skip those and watch EoE. He said it was one of the worst movies ever but I think that's because he can't open to movies that aren't really up his alley.
1.0 is mostly a retread, but there are small differences throughout the movie, with there being some big divergences in the last 30 minutes or so. Its not even two hours, it's a good movie with great soundtrack, just watch it.

2.0 has even better music, a million times more spectacle, great character interaction, and huge divergences from the original series. Still some of the suffering like in the series, but more of in a "earn your happy ending" sort of way.

Then 3.0 shits all over it to be deep and edgy. Garbage movie with good production values. Watch the first two and make up your own continuation in your head


Correct me if I'm wrong.

I remember when the series was announced in like 2006 with the idea to release a new movie each year starting in 2007.

So the last movie would've been released in 2011, yet we're 5 years past that and for all we know the last movie isn't even in production.

They probably just scratched all the ideas for 3.0+1.0 (what they showed of it in 3.33 so awful, so that's okay), wouldn't be the first time seeing how nothing of 3.0 that was shown in 2.22 actually happen in 3.0.
I here I am, still dreaming of a new evangelion based on the Manga, ala FMA Brotherhood.

For the record, 1.0 gave me hopes, 2.0 made me stop after 10 minutes, call a friend more fan than me come to watch together, then cry asking "please make it stop", and with 3.0... I guess I did not care anymore. 2.0 gave me hopes until that crappy song started playing, but 3.00 goes downhill pretty fast and I had lost my hopes my hopes from the beginning.

We will still meet for the fourth, if we are still alive. For now I just want a fan sub of Godzilla fast. No hopes of that one come to national theatres.


Ōkami;210735321 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong.

I remember when the series was announced in like 2006 with the idea to release a new movie each year starting in 2007.

So the last movie would've been released in 2011, yet we're 5 years past that and for all we know the last movie isn't even in production.

They probably just scratched all the ideas for 3.0+1.0 (what they showed of it in 3.33 so awful, so that's okay), wouldn't be the first time seeing how nothing of 3.0 that was shown in 2.22 actually happen in 3.0.

2.0 and 3.0 all underwent drastic story changes and rewrites during production (though some ideas, like Mari and the Wunder, seem like they'd always been kicking around to some extent).

The movies were originally supposed to come out much closer together because the first three were all meant to be streamlined recaps of the series, not just the first one. By the time 2.0 came around, Anno -- for whatever reason -- decided to move Rebuild in a new direction and diverge from the TV series.


The movies were originally supposed to come out much closer together because the first three were all meant to be streamlined recaps of the series, not just the first one. By the time 2.0 came around, Anno -- for whatever reason -- decided to move Rebuild in a new direction and diverge from the TV series.

Eh... the first movie already had enough hints of the direction the next two appear to be taking the story in. (
a continuation of the original, not a remake


I just re-watched 3.33 for the first time in years, this time the English dub... it was really good! Better than I remember anyways! I can totally see why most people don't like it, but it surprises me how much I enjoyed it this time around.
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