Mine certainly is,, been living here for 10 years and the first manager was fine, but after 4 years she was replaced by a new manager who is the nastiest most picky bitch I have ever came across. She does these "random inspections" and ALWAYS finds something to bitch about. Like she isn't satisfied unless she can find something to bitch about. Just a few months ago she came by, looked around and pointed to the living room ceiling fan and literally yelled out "YOU NEED TO CLEAN THAT!!!" and huffed off. And just last week, I was walking around the complex playing Pokemon Go, sat down on the bench in front of the manager's office for a whopping two minutes to catch a few pokemon and pokestops and as I got up and was leaving no less she busts out from the main door yelling "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??"" I just showed her my phone told her playing Pokemon Go and without saying anything just walked right back in to her office.
Like JFC do people like her just straight up go out of their way to find something, anything to bitch about?
Bro, let me give you some solid proven life advice on how to deal with people like that.
You lay some obvious "Dirty" bait for them that will draw their eye quickly so they can get it out of their system that they feel have achieved something, got their power trip and then fuck the fuck off quickly. For example, splash a little soda on the outside of the kitchen door, let it dry so there's a stain that can easily be wiped off in seconds, not too much but enough to be noticeable and enough for you to live with until the next "random inspection".
She will come in, see that obvious stain, get her power trip and won't have to look deeper for anything else.
When I was young I used to have to clean fast food restaurant kitchens late at night (2AM) and there was always at least one manager on duty that did the inspections before allowing you to go howm that was exactly as you described your manager to be. First the obvious thing to do was to do the best job you could. Except that never worked as they just started digging deeper until they found something. So I learned to do a good job and then leave a blatant obvious "How could you miss that?" blob of ketchup on part of the counter. They saw it told me to clean it properly and moved on to the rest of the kitchen. They didn't start opening cupboards or pulling out equipment like they would if you did a perfect job.
Worked 100% of the time with every jobsworth manager.