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Ever have jealousy issues?

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I just found out my ex has a new boy toy, and I am overwhelmed with a feeling of jealousy that I don't think I've experienced before. Is this a common happening?


When I'm at work, I'm jealous of people who snap and slaughter people for being annoying.

But if I did that, my store would just be dead body storage...

"Who would win, Naruto or the Wing Gundam?"

Shoot me.
yep once some girl gave my girl a teddy bear for some secret admirer. I told my GF to give it back to the girl and tell her to return it to the admirer. But i made sure to decapitate the teddy bear first.



I used to, but I've gotten better. I almost ruined a good relationship because of my jealousy issues, and I just had to find myself to really fix the problem. I can't really explain how it happened.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Any girl I vaguely like I think is mine. Not that I'm deluded enough to think they're all dating me, I just think they're, you know...mine. If any other guy is taking them out (who I don't know) or anything I get a pang of jealousy, even if he's just a friend like I am.

I don't show it as I'm fully aware that my reaction is over the top and, if I know the girl for a long enough time, it fades to nothing, but yeah, for a while I get stupidly jealous of everything.

Unless I'm in a relationship myself. Then it doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's truly pathetic.

White Man

I have a mixture of jealousy/bitterness/hatred for people born into money. Fate's dumb luck dictates that they will never know what is the most limiting and depressing factor of American life.
If a guy wants my girl so bad he'll do anything for her, I'll give her to him (they always come back though).

If my girl falls for one of my 'homies' (this is really the only word I can use to describe them and I'm not black or a wannabe), then I don't mind, they can be together, no problem. I can understand why she would want to be with him, it's fine.

If my girl is attracted to some dumbass, I get a bit flustered. I wouldn't call it jealousy per se. But if I dont understand why she would be attracted to some ugly dipshit that has no charm or humor, if I can't understand it, I have a hard time accepting it. He was also bullying me while I was growing up. When I heard about it I felt something, and I have a hard time describing it but I guess you could call it jealousy.

FYI: She never went out with him or anything. She just said she used to be in love with him before, it made me laugh at first, but made an impact somewhere when she told me she 'could see herself becoming fuck friends with him'. Which freaked me out and flat out disgusted me. We're still together though and I forgot about it, mostly. If she had said that about pretty much any other decent looking, charming guy, I wouldn't care at all. But being told that about the guy that used to make you feel like shit everyday... it sort of hurts.

I dunno, is it jealousy?
Nope, never gotten jealous over anyone, although I was almost involved with a girl that wouldn't even let me be within 3 feet of another girl alone. Thank *god* that didn't play out.


Mama Smurf said:
Any girl I vaguely like I think is mine. Not that I'm deluded enough to think they're all dating me, I just think they're, you know...mine. If any other guy is taking them out (who I don't know) or anything I get a pang of jealousy, even if he's just a friend like I am.

yeah that's kinda how I am...especially because almost all the guys my [friends that are girls] know are either total idiots or assholes, usually both...

although recently I've learned to just not give a shit. works out a lot better. =)


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I sometimes wish the people who win the really large lottery jackpots would be struck by lightning for winning instead of me. Often this occurs even when it was a lottery that is not sold in my state. I think I am justified at least for the one fat guy one or two years ago who was already a construction millionaire and won over $100M after tax/lump-sum, and claimed he was going to give a lot to his church.
I'll tell you what really pises me off, where I live jobs arent the easiest thing to come by, and I (as I have mentioned in another topic) have a very shitty job, so I am constantly looking for something better. Buw I have had so many times where complete fucktards, and usualy also cronic pot heads keep on getting jobs at places where I have had an interview. I am SICK of this SHIT, in fact just erlier today I was very pissed about this. I always have good interviews, but I dont know what the fuck is going on, because the managers always tell me they have more interviews to do, but most times I can tell i have made a good impression, and yet for some reason I NEVER hear back from these people. THAN it seems to ALWAYS happens that these previously mentioned peices of shit that couldent be normal to save there lives end up getting the jobs, it's happend to me like 3 times in the last year alone. I am just geting sick of this FUCKING SHIT. I dont do the whole drug thing, I have good interviews, BUT NO, the pot head gets the job. Like a perfect example of this was at my job there was this one guy who almost all the staff hated, he would debliberataly be an asshole to evryone for no reason, he was psycotic, and you could tellhe had messed up his mind with drugs. But he fianaly got him self fired for threatining to punch my manager (which though I hate the guy, I gotta say I liked that part, wish he had of) But anyway I had meanwhile had an interview at Home Depot, to help myself get a better chance at getting the job I said I even said I was willing to work on the night crew (plus pay was better) And when i told them that the interviewer's intrest in my went from normal to really intrested, she even introduced me to the manager after the interview, and he even interviewed me him self.

Than like a week later I decided to follow up on the interview, so I called, I was told that they unfoutinatly had people from the day shit transfer over to night crew, I was pissed, but understanding, and unfourtinatly they wernt hiring for anythign else. They told me that when anything opend I would be called. Fast forward a month later or so, I had just found out from this pricks girlfriend (who also works where I do) that he had gotten a job at Home Depot, night crew, he had just started 2 weeks ago.

~Black Deatha
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