Evolution 2015 IOT2I - The GODS have fallen - Final day July 19th

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Finding all sorts of top players to remove from my twitter feeds tonight. Shit like this is disgusting and hugely disrespectful. Sadface :(

Hate attitudes like that. If you don't want him to win then level up and beat him. He's apparently doing a lot more for the game and community than the crybabies anyways.


you think she of all people wouldn't act like that considering her situation

but I guess a non american winning Marvel is literally the most disgusting thing in the world

Eh, the Americans only have themselves to blame. They haven't been going as hard on the game as they did in past years.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Penultimate year for sf4 so that means it's still the main event next year? Was hoping for sf5
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