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Evolution 2015 IOT2I - The GODS have fallen - Final day July 19th

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I haven't and I never will. These folks have way more skill than I could ever hope to achieve. However, I can speak as an observer and from my own mentality. That rule doesn't seem right. What if it was one and one and he lost simply because of a stick malfunctioning? I would rather lose to someone more skilled than I rather than take a cheap win due to some bullshit technicality. I would have told that judge to eat a
, and if I lost then I went down trying.

If I ever played you in tournament I would take advantage of your pride and pause all day.
I personally do not like the manufactured and monotone feel of Esports competitive tournaments. The presentation is usually top notch but the commentary and raw emotions the players displays is not on the same level as FGC tournaments.

I'm going to be so dead at work. Going to need like a six pack of monster or something to keep me awake.

Jeff Gerstmann put it best

When fighting game players come together for something like EVO they make eSports look like a shameless corporate cashgrab by comparison.


I disagree.
I personally do not like the manufactured and monotone feel of Esports competitive tournaments. The presentation is usually top notch but the commentary and raw emotions the players displays is not on the same level as FGC tournaments.

I'm going to be so dead at work. Going to need like a six pack of monster or something to keep me awake.

Yup nailed it this is why I fucking love the FGC and going to tournaments and even watching from home shit is always so raw so real.

Also, go sugar free monster kind of helps not to deal with a sugar crash as well haha. I'd take two monsters and lots and lots of water. :D


Gamer taking a round was fine there. Razor and their random build quality is to blame to be honest. I honestly felt bad for Momochi there and if he lost because of Razor can you imagine?

On another aside I wonder if Ono watched and saw Elena healing like that and thought that was anything but a scam. That was really absurd how quickly she can build "heal" meter. It's too the point which I think Elena should be banned from tournament play.

If anyone should be mad it's Infiltration because he beat Gamer no less than six times?

Nah. It's annoying & a real drain on time, but not OP to the point that she should be banned.


I agree, those feel like they were created by companies rather than the communities. also, MOBAs are boring as fuck to watch. SC2 is more tolerable.

The fact that fighting game tournaments are very much an in-person thing also helps a lot. A big chunk of esports are done online and you almost never see that for a fighting game.
Hey remember Infrit

i actually had him in mind. Dude never did anything after that run

Gamer taking a round was fine there. Razor and their random build quality is to blame to be honest. I honestly felt bad for Momochi there and if he lost because of Razor can you imagine?

On another aside I wonder if Ono watched and saw Elena healing like that and thought that was anything but a scam. That was really absurd how quickly she can build "heal" meter. It's too the point which I think Elena should be banned from tournament play.

If anyone should be mad it's Infiltration because he beat Gamer no less than six times?

lol what? elena isn't op. heal isn't op. Nothing in sf4 is ban worthy.

There has only been one time a character (that wasn't console exclusive or bug) that has been ban due to being op. That was ST/HDR akuma and that was because it was a legit 9-1 against most of the cast.


I personally do not like the manufactured and monotone feel of Esports competitive tournaments. The presentation is usually top notch but the commentary and raw emotions the players displays is not on the same level as FGC tournaments.

For sure, FGC has the most hype and genuine feel.


Hey, guys... Hoping for your perspective:

Man, I loved watching Evo this weekend. Being there would undoubtedly be even better. Seems like there's a communal love about these games and about this event that you can't get anywhere else.

Or can you? League of Legends, Dota 2, StarCraft have the biggest tournaments in gaming. I can't get into these games, so I don't have the same perspective on those tournaments that I do on Evo.

Is the community and passion surrounding fighting game tournaments special, unique, unlike anything elsewhere in gaming? Or do the League, et al events offer the same kind of magic for that audience? Curious to hear from anyone that loves both kinds of games.

Im super biased but I personally think it's special in a large part because of the fact that the fgc is a grassroots community that started doing it out of passion and would continue to do so if the recent money from this year wasn't there. Esports guys live in houses grinding it out while a lot of these dudes work jobs while doing this as their hobby. Maybe huge money will corrupt that I dno.


Neo Member
I haven't and I never will. These folks have way more skill than I could ever hope to achieve. However, I can speak as an observer and from my own mentality. That rule doesn't seem right. What if it was one and one and he lost simply because of a stick malfunctioning? I would rather lose to someone more skilled than I rather than take a cheap win due to some bullshit technicality. I would have told that judge to eat a
, and if I lost then I went down trying.

you know what? i can respect that it's your opinion as someone who admits they haven't, nor ever will enter a fighting game. it's just like anything else competitive though, and at the highest levels, you'll take whatever advantages you can get, regardless of if they were or weren't of your own creation. in defense of the grand finals though, EVO did the right thing by taking that decision out of the competitor's hands...this prevents the person who took the round to not feel bad, and prevents the person who's losing the round from lobbying his case to his opponent.


Hey, guys... Hoping for your perspective:

Man, I loved watching Evo this weekend. Being there would undoubtedly be even better. Seems like there's a communal love about these games and about this event that you can't get anywhere else.

Or can you? League of Legends, Dota 2, StarCraft have the biggest tournaments in gaming. I can't get into these games, so I don't have the same perspective on those tournaments that I do on Evo.

Is the community and passion surrounding fighting game tournaments special, unique, unlike anything elsewhere in gaming? Or do the League, et al events offer the same kind of magic for that audience? Curious to hear from anyone that loves both kinds of games.

the whole hype thing is overblown. idk why you guys act like it's golf or the spelling bee

Basically the entire SF bracket was getting hated on until Losers Finals. Shit, even for the first half of the set people were hating on it because it was "boring" since Gamerbee had about 25 heals in 6 rounds.

I can't speak for Dota or LoL as I rarely watch them but people do get hyped in CS. The crowd and the casters. It happens less frequently because of the nature of being 5v5, it's much harder to have a hype moment but they exist.


Hey, guys... Hoping for your perspective:

Man, I loved watching Evo this weekend. Being there would undoubtedly be even better. Seems like there's a communal love about these games and about this event that you can't get anywhere else.

Or can you? League of Legends, Dota 2, StarCraft have the biggest tournaments in gaming. I can't get into these games, so I don't have the same perspective on those tournaments that I do on Evo.

Is the community and passion surrounding fighting game tournaments special, unique, unlike anything elsewhere in gaming? Or do the League, et al events offer the same kind of magic for that audience? Curious to hear from anyone that loves both kinds of games.

I think a lot of it has to do with how "legible" a game is.

I think fighting games mechanics, goals, and techniques are more immediately understandable to non-players. Pretty much everything you need to know is on screen at all times, and the more invisible elements of fighting games (e.g. spacing, prediction) are analogous to things we're already familiar with from the world of sports. It's a huge happy accident.


relies on auto-aim
You guys are thinking too much.
Player Count + Eyeballs + What you can sell to viewers is what matters.

Way more stuff to sell to more people who spend more if it's LoL, Dota 2, CS:GO. We'll ignore SC2
this anime salty suite is hilarious

tora vs shana is hilarious

are they offering gachapon for winners?
I think they get some snacks and a gachaegg for moneymatching and losing horribly
$200 if they win or double or something?


But esports IS a shameless corporate cash grab. if it was not for the suits, it would have never taken off. The FGC is something grassroots and if it keeps true to it's roots could be profitable and something just out of love.


For sure, FGC has the most hype and genuine feel.
I agree. In a fighting game it's you against another person. No sniping them from across a map, no relying on team mates, ect.

And the audience can see this. It's a fight. And it's plain as day. Makes it easier to spectate and feel the hype.
But esports IS a shameless corporate cash grab. if it was not for the suits, it would have never taken off. The FGC is something grassroots and if it keeps true to it's roots could be profitable and something just out of love.
Wrong. But I'm about to sleep so I'll hit you up tomorrow if i remember
Bruce Hsiang ゲマビ ‏@GamerBeeTW 18s
Boss says we can get merried now, thank everyone cheer for me, you are the best, and I am sorry, really sorry

He played it like a Champ.


People are going to give them shit for this but honestly, they kinda had to delete that first tweet considering the anti-semitic shit getting at-replied to it. This is a decent way to handle it: Acknowledge the fuck up, thank the competition, congratulate the guy using your product.

They should shit on them because their build quality is very random. I'm surprised it took this long for them to be exposed. They make good products but the build quality has always been suspect.


Jeff Gerstmann put it best

Yeah, I don't really get the allure of what MLG does. It feels so phony. So does LOL and DOTA 2. I just don't get the appeal of MOBA. It's like 'hey, this shit has a lot of money behind it, so you should like it as much as other big name IP's.'
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