true...but the suits do inhibit/censor and prevent the (true FGC) hype, all because now there's outside money being "invested" into a scene that is constantly being told it needs to expand.
look at KBR today, and how he wasn't allowed to get on the mic. why do you think that was? it's because EVO's so big, that even while it still being run by the canons and wiz, it's now highly visible, and allowing the potential for an FGC-style pop-off would be bad for business. now amplify that 100-fold when big business steps in, and that's what happens. that and the scene gets watered down...ala adam sessler on commentary in 2010, or having to subscribe to IGN in 2009 in order to watch EVO.
the point is, the bigger the FGC gets, the more people who just got in will feel like they know what's best for the scene. the truth is, the scene doesn't NEED the attention of MLG, ESPN, IGN or thousands of stream views. we're talking about a scene that has sustained itself at one point on games that were 10 years old.
the question is, what is "growth"?