Are they actually muting crowds? What is this? WWE?Fuck the crowd muting!
Congrats to ChrisG For his long awaited victory! What a dominant perfomance
What's the story with this shirtless guy? I missed the GF.
I think he has the speech on his phone? I he translating using an app on his phone?
What's the story with this shirtless guy? I missed the GF.
What happened with SonicFox? I didn't watch MKX
What happened with SonicFox? I didn't watch MKX
morrigan is lame but chris g actually winning evo is pretty good
Soul Fist spam is boring as all fuck, but for me, it's more about ChrisG finally taking it after like 4 years of flubs.
I don't watch much UMvC3 these days but EVO is always hype, so much on the line. So much mastery of resets and combos. I can't watch it all day though.
This poor guy on the mic can't seem to catch his breath.
What happened with SonicFox? I didn't watch MKX
What happened with SonicFox? I didn't watch MKX
I suspect that the audio mixing issues are due to the reverb from the crowd and a lack of crowd mice (from what I can see, anyway). It's not ideal but that echo would sound nasty.
Wow rude -- that's why they put in four hours of Meele in the schedule. :V
Plz don't kill me, I actually kind of like Meele -- just not four hours of it.
Audio mix issues, feed cuts, announcers fucking up, random thuggery... esports.
It sounds like the consensus is that ChrisG winning is the important part here which is cool but man those matches were so completely boring. Doesn't seem very Mahvel to me.
He made it to GF once vs justin, he always proved he could do it one day. The game being dead is meaningless in this situation.when marvel was alive prime chris g was hitting those mid screen infinites no problem and it still wasn't enough
took the game's death for him to win evo but i'm still happy for him
Really excited to play it on PS3/360.So ugly...