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Evolution 2017 The Fighting Game Tournament of the Year (Read OP, No Game Whining)


That was a completely normal Bayo combo for the last stock, I don't know why anyone is so surprised.

ZeRo SDI'd that combo like a motherfucker. You could tell cause throughout the set Salem failed to get ladder kills and Diddy was consistently falling out of hitboxes diagonally away from it, including in the final kill. Salem is just fucking amazing at adapting and chasing SDI.


Unconfirmed Member
Wierd the representation stops at FF13, not that I care all that much about FF15's protagonist.


Well that was lame.

I kinda hope Capcom has more than just a character and a stage...but that would be setting myself up for disappointment.
Square seem like they wasted money to me. EVO people seem like they don't care about Dissidia neither of the last two had a presence there and this one looks even worse that busy ass UI.


eh i don't think there is any point of denying that she is a little O.P

so was the monkey she kicked off the top of the stage

people should quit acting like some shit you can do in your underwear at home is the same as doing it to the best player to ever play the game when he has such a giant lead he can kill you in one hit and the stakes are the world championship and tens of thousands of dollars are on the line while you're smack dab in the middle of a goddamn stadium where every single person is watching you


I don't know Smash 4, but a KO off the top at 40%, is that not broken? What am I missing here?

I'm confused too... :/

Bayo is BS but if she starts a combo from the ground you can normally escape it if you know what you are doing. The issue was that Zero did a bad recovery from the ledge and put himself directly above Bayo and Salem read it and punished optimally. Zero probably would have survived on any stage other than Town and City too.


Will QA for food.
Amazing how Bayo has taken almost no huge tournaments before this, but people still call her BS. It's so tough to be consistent with her and Salem is amazing with it. ZeRo himself would tell you he should have played better and there were panic moves in the end that led to the possibility of 'Bayo BS'
Quoting myself because reasons

would like to know the commentary situation as well

People been talking shit about Smash since it started and nobody has been banned lmao

At least one dude got banned. Hopefully someone comes back through with a lawn mower.

We do this every year. Just respect other games and other communities. No one cares if you don't like it. Leave the thread, no one's wondering where you went. It's insane.

Yeah, it's probably because Shouta is the only fgc mod, so no one else really looks at the thread. And obviously Shouta can't be here 24/7. maybe we need more fgc mods, or at least more monitoring the thread during Majors

And agreed; nobody gives a fuck if you're going to get food, or take a nap, or a bath, or whatever inane bullshit some people have posted to passive-aggressively let everyone know how much they don't like whatever game is being shown.
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