OP, having read a couple of your threads now I'm going to employ some pop psychology to suggest you seem to be making these threads to help find a way out of your overall situation, not just the specific focus of this or previous threads.
It seems obvious you feel trapped, but you lack the courage and perhaps the life skills to change (that isn't an insult).
However, these threads are sprinkled with just enough "suck it up and stick it out" advice that you can justify not changing the status quo, and can avoid the unpleasantness and work that will be involved in liberating yourself from your situation.
Your time is being wasted. You are spending 6 hours a week in church when you are a non believer. You are pursuing a degree at an institution which by all accounts is not respected. You are taking "science" classes which not only have nothing to do with your degree, but are seemingly filled with misinformation. Count up all the hours a week you spend doing stuff you disagree with or don't enjoy or you feel is a waste. Extrapolate it across the next few years. Think about the resulting number.
On top of that both your parents and university seem critical of your beliefs and are trying to get you to conform to beliefs and behaviors you don't agree with. They are even telling you what to think. You might even be surrounded all day, every day, with people you don't enjoy being around.
This is a time in your life where you could be discovering and pursuing your passions, exploring your own thoughts and beliefs, discussing ideas openly with others, expanding your network, and becoming confident in yourself as an individual. You are not doing this. And you yourself are helping other people suppress that personal growth. If you don't make a stand and change now, will you find other excuses in the future to not rock the boat in the future?
Stop wasting your time.
This may be just another voice telling you what to do, but get a job, move out, and transfer schools. It will be hard. Very hard. But it won't be anywhere near as hard as living the rest of your life with no sense of individuality, stunted life skills and a worthless education.