For this and other deaths, watch them all here.
Sean Bean has been beheaded, pulled apart by horses, crushed by a flaming satellite dish, and skewered with an anchor, but theres one onscreen death that stands above all.
As Boromir in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Bean takes three arrows to the chest while defending the Hobbits from brutal Uruk-hai. Its my favorite death scene, and Ive done a few, he says, laughing. You couldnt ask for a more heroic death.
Director Peter Jackson considered using CG arrows, but he ultimately opted for the old-fashioned approach: sticking arrows into a metal breastplate under Beans clothes. As soon as Jackson called Action! Bean would mime getting shot.
For that final moment with Aragorn, he and Viggo Mortensen met with Jackson and co-screenwriter Fran Walsh the night before shooting. Over beers and a bottle of wine, they came up with Boromirs dying words: My brother, my captain, my king.
As for his actual dying breath? Bean has a few guidelines for how to make a death scene believable.
You cant show off, he explains. You cant be vain or posing . Because every time you die, its a big fing moment! Take it from the expert.
For this and other deaths, watch them all here.