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Ex Subway pitchman Jared Fogle attacked in bloody Colorado prison brawl

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Even the worst shouldn't haven to deal with such shitty situations within prison. Shit's fucked all around.

Then don't commit crimes? Prison is supposed to be a shitty situation, otherwise people wouldn't care about breaking the law and going there.

I know in Denmark the prisoners get to play nintendo 64 and eat great meals but they don't deserve it. They should be living a shitty life, it's fucking prison.


I'm more than ok with pedophiles getting beaten

Awesome. What about murders? Child murders?

Can the state beat them directly or does it have to be done by other prisoners? Maybe we can just bring back public whipping and sentence them to lashes.
Then don't commit crimes? Prison is supposed to be a shitty situation, otherwise people wouldn't care about breaking the law and going there.

I know in Denmark the prisoners get to play nintendo 64 and eat great meals but they don't deserve it. They should be living a shitty life, it's fucking prison.
Man, some of you guys need help.
Then don't commit crimes? Prison is supposed to be a shitty situation, otherwise people wouldn't care about breaking the law and going there.

I know in Denmark the prisoners get to play nintendo 64 and eat great meals but they don't deserve it. They should be living a shitty life, it's fucking prison.

No. They should be living the life policymakers decide.


Prison is supposed to be a shitty situation

They should be living a shitty life, it's fucking prison.

Exactly! That way the inmates can get angrier and angrier at society, building up rage and resentment, getting new criminal skills, getting more violent and hopeless.

That way, when they are released, they will become great members of society!
Then don't commit crimes? Prison is supposed to be a shitty situation, otherwise people wouldn't care about breaking the law and going there.

I know in Denmark the prisoners get to play nintendo 64 and eat great meals but they don't deserve it. They should be living a shitty life, it's fucking prison.

This kind of thinking is what causes crime recidivism rates to skyrocket. Experiencing shitty lives in prison doesn't cause someone to be an angel when they get out. It just gives them more baggage than they did before they went in.
This violence happens to much less deserving people every day in prison. Sure, in this particular case he more than deserves to get beaten up sometimes. But what people think a person deserves shouldn't be how a civilized justice system should work. I once read a news article here in the UK about a sexting case between a 20 year old dude and his 17 year old girlfriend. Guy got arrested and convicted for being a 'child sex offender'. I'm very curious to know if in GAF's view people like that guy in that particular case deserve regular beatings, considering that according to the law someone like that is technically still a 'paedophile', even though this sexting took place within a consensual sexual relationship. If you're OK with pedos getting beaten surely the guy in the article deserves it too. Where can you draw the line when it comes to justifying violence?


And condemning prison violence is sympathizing with criminals now? Wow.
Apparently so. As I stated previously, I don't feel sorry for Fogle whatsoever, the guy is pure scum, but I don't condone the idea of violence behind bars. Prisoners are there for negative behaviour in the first place, so why the hell does the system allow yet more negative behaviour to go on?

Can they honestly expect a prisoner to be released and settle back in to the community when they're leaving with a mind full of negative energy? It's beyond fucked up, and it needs to be stopped. But, yeah, if you're against violence in prisons, you sympathise and support Fogle.



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Look, nobody is going to feel sorry for a kiddie diddler who bragged that his celebrity made him untouchable. But I know goddamn well some of you feeling elation at this are in threads about police hemming up innocent people raging against the machine.

The real reason it's terrible to be all "prison should be a hellhole" is that we can't know for sure how many people in jail deserve to be there. Yes, Fogle deserves to be in jail and rates precisely zero sympathy. But how many people are living in that hellhole that were railroaded by racism, classism, crooked cops, pay-for-play judges, lazy DAs, etc?

We see these posts every single day. Each day brings to light more and more institutional abuse. Yet the same people who know the system is fucked are more than happy to passively support prison rape and de facto murder of patrons under state supervision because they still have this fantasy in their heads that "if you're in a jail, you deserve it."
Why is a famous pedophile in general pop., even in a "low-security" prison?

FCI Englewood is a low-security but also a sex offender management program (SOMP) prison. In SOMP prisons sex offenders exist at a much higher concentration compared to a regular prison. Because of the safety in numbers and the desire of inmates to not be transferred to a medium or high security prison, sex offenders can fairly safely associate with each other where a prisoner in a higher security prison would probably have to be kept in protective custody.


It's unfortunate for a lot of people obviously, but this is objectively a good thing that occurred here and it's disturbing that there's a lot of people acting like it ain't

Agreed he's gotten of so lightly as well, I was expecting a least a broken jaw or something like that.

Maybe next time.
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