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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<It's alright. I felt it was only fair to give a chance.>

<Timeskip time>

You take a few days to procure new armor and weapons, as well as go on the most kickass fever dream while meditating in Kord's temple. It is during this time that the Alydaran brass is able to officially drop charges and convict Charles Montague of crimes against the nation.

You are on your own once more, gathered inside Curly's buggy, which has now been given thin stainless steel plating coated with dye to give the vehicle a distinct Alydaran look, another layer of obfuscation to protect you on your journey. Dreadstone will soon feel that Ruby Keep is coming near that bright afternoon... as dark smoke is visible against the bright blue sky.
As you approach the front gate of the city, it is clearer than the sky above that the front has been broken down. Within the wall surrounding the city, protesting citizens cheer on as The Orphans fight The Keep's military in the streets, aided by giant spiders scaling walls and trampling soldiers.

Your fight begins as well...
Thaddeus's face curls into an angry snarl. The sheer audacity of them to attack his home in such a manner is patently offensive to him. "Those brazen fools," he utters, "Their temerity shall cost them dearly." He closes his fingers around the hilt of the Sunblade and pulls it loose from its scabbard.

Initiative (1d20=15)

((A few questions:

-Since we're witnessing this unfold before we actually get to the battle site proper, do I have time before combat begins to determine whether the Spiders themselves are evil?

-For the same reason, do I have time before combat begins to activate my armor? If it's a choice between one or the other, I'd rather do the armor.

-Are the Drow wearing goggles like the previous ones we ran into above ground?

-From my position on the map, would I be able to charge any of the Drow?))
<Thaddeus would most likely know that most animals are neutral by default.

Yes, they have goggles.

The buggy is considered being on a ledge with other characters in front of you. If you can still make the movement needed for a charge, then you can.

Only Draco or Dreadstone may apply a buff before battle starts for this battle, because from now on if I start a battle I want any buffs to be done within turn order (because I'm noticing "do I have time to apply buffs before battle?" is becoming a repeat event every time I throw up a battle); if you want to apply buffs before a battle, try to do it when you think a battle will be coming up. I'm letting Draco and Dreadstone slide because I put them past the grace point when you had a warning a battle might come up.

You guys would probably be pissed if I started most of my battles with fully buffed enemies off the bat, so hopefully this is fair.>
<You guys would probably be pissed if I started most of my battles with fully buffed enemies off the bat, so hopefully this is fair.>

((If they are expecting a battle, I don't see why they wouldn't. Even Pazio's Adventure Paths has a section where they list the buffs an enemy uses before battle, both the long ones that last hours they just have up all day, and the shorter ones. Although popping round per level buffs can be a bit suspect if they don't know how long it will be before the battle actually starts... If we see a battle coming, I don't see why anyone wouldn't buff up if they think they need it. And with the way play by post games work, the point were we suspect a battle is coming and the point that it starts can often be at the exact same time, unless you go out of your way to avoid that.))

Draco downs his mutagen as they approach the battle field.

Init: (1d20+9=19)
<Including this battle, I've had the assumption that buffs for your enemies were applied the actual turn order, so if we want to discuss whether we should change how I handle buffs on the enemy side in return letting you buff for free independent of turn economy, we will discuss it after this battle so I can make appropriate adjustments.

Also, you are not rolling for initative, you are still going first.>
Draco downs an extract and his body begins disappearing(greater invisibility) as he exits the buggy. Once fully invisible and out of buggy, he studies drow sorcerer A.
Thaddeus hops down out of the buggy. He simultaneously tries to charge forward and trigger the special magical property of his armor, but he is not quite prepared for the effect that the transformation has on him.

He grows to twice his normal size, suddenly standing twelve feet tall. His equipment grows with him, and he is unexpectedly looking down ((maybe?)) at the spiders which previously towered over him.

His momentum from starting with a charge carries him forward, and it's all he can do to maintain his balance. He finally regains his footing in the midst of the enemy combatants.

((Move action to get to D11; Standard action to activate Righteous ability on armor and grow large. Intending to take up squares D10, D11, E10, and E11))
<Just as a fluff correction, Thaddeus is probably as tall as the spiders now but not necessarily bigger overall.

Also, I need to know where Draco moved on the grid after exiting the buggy.>
With the party unexpectedly thrust into combat, Tiberious is eager to test out his newly learned dual-wielding style. As always, he runs in with a bizarrely joyous attitude to combat. "Looks like the festivities are upon us! I bet I can get my kill count the highest!"

With that, he pulls out the spear and mace entrusted to him, and ferociously charges down the field, past the spiders and soldiers, to the rear where the more lightly-armed drow are, seeking to kill as many of the presumed magic-users as he can before they have a chance to begin complicating things. After a few pivots, he finds himself dead-center behind the line of mages and strikes at the central sorcerer with a flurry of stabs and mace swing, going for a quick kill.

((Tiberious is doing a daredevil charge from H10 to A11. Assuming he takes 4 diagonal steps, that should come out to 50 feet of movement, which should be in charge range.for him. From there, he's doing a full round power attack on Sorcerer B, with any excess attacks on an early kill going to sorcerer C. Also, since a large Thaddeus is at D11, I think he'd be threatening that whole block of drow with his attack range, which would mean I was technically flanking Sorcerer A.

Quick question, the page on two-weapon is vague on which attack bonus I use for my off-hand attack, it only says it's at a -2 penalty. I'm assuming it would be my highest BAB modifier then, is that correct? I also don't know whether or not I get attacks equal to my normal-BAB allowed bonus or if it's a constant 1. I'm assuming 1 for this post, I can always edit in another attack if need-be.))

((MID-POST EDIT: Apparently Furious Focus only applies when you're wielding a weapon two-handed. I don't think it'll change anything, but that first attack should be a 35 instead of a 38))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76907]Power Attack 1: 1D20 + 19 = [19]+19 = 38
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76909]Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [2]+13 = 15
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76910]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 12 = [11]+12 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76911]Damage: 1D6 + 14 = [5]+14 = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76912]Off-Hand Power Attack: 1D20 + 19 = [20]+19 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76913]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 19 = [11]+19 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76914]Damage: 1D6 +13 = [3]+13 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76915]Crit Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [5]+13 = 18

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone emerges from the buggy, his black leather armor having been traded in for gleaming mithral, forgoing his foreboding reputation for the practicality of added protection it offers. He has retained his black cloak, however, offering some contrast to his new-found shine.

"Stay down," he commands Curly as he draws a fist full of arrows from his quiver and lets them fly at the spider directly in front of him.

Full attack vs. Giant Spider
Attack 1:  1d20+19+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=34
Damage:  2d8+20+2 (Point Blank, Multishot)=36

Rapid Shot: 1d20+19+1-2=25
Damage: 1d8+10+1=17

Attack 2: 1d20+14+1-2=29
Damage: 1d8+10+1=18

((If the first two attacks should happen to kill it outright, third shot goes toward the second spider))

Heedless of the threat posed by the giant arachnids, Gnaw leaps to the ground and interposes himself between the spider and the horses, snapping his jaws and daring the monstrous creature to act.

((Gnaw will move to F8 and Menace the spider, which to my understanding essentially means he's holding action to attack the moment the spider moves or makes any significant action))
<I'm assuming I'm missing something about Menace because I don't see how Gnaw will be able to attack from that position since he just burned a move action already.

EDIT: OH! I see now. Dreadstone had killed the spider; for whatever reason I thought Gnaw wanted to menace the other one. Re-do Gnaw's turn.>

Mike M

Nick N
Gnaw seems encouraged by the fact that he is apparently so menacing that the spider seems to have died of fright and maybe grew some of the Dark Man's flying pointy things out of its head in the process.

He bounds over to Draco's position and attempts to repeat the process with one of the Sword Men.

((Move to C9, menace adjacent soldier))
The bloodlined sorcerer steps to the right and begins casting a spell, while speaking in Undercommon,
Don't bother with the traitor to our kind! Fight the less heavily armored ones first!
He casts Blur on the Drow swordsman he is near.

Seeing little other option with the beast nearby, the other living sorcerer attempts to make an attempt to retaliate against the quick oppressing human that had leaped to a kill. He steps upward away from the animal and attempts to cast Shocking Grasp against Tiberious.

Shocking Grasp damage (should the spell go off) (5d6=20)

Two of the Drow swordsmen follow up by stepping towards Tiberious as well, and attempting to end him quickly, brandishing longswords made from brilliant crystal. As they slash with a great powered stored within the crystal blades, Tiberious will feel both slashing pain and a chilling sensation against the wounds.

<Weapon has 1d6 Frost Damage as one of its rolls>
Drow Soldier B Attack Rolls (1d20+16=31, 1d20+11=14)
Drow Soldier C Attack Rolls (1d20+16=31, 1d20+11=12)
Damage Rolls (from Drow Soldiers B and C) (1d8+7+1d6=20, 1d8+7+1d6=10)

The third Drow swordsman scoffs at the canine's threat, and disregards any safety to himself as he responds to the dog's threat in turn by attacking it.

Drow Soldier A Attack Rolls (1d20+16=36, 1d20+11=31)
Drow Soldier A Damage Rolls (1d8+7+1d6=9, 1d8+7+1d6=15)

Finally, the remaining spider decides to utilize his own unique strengths to try and grasp the large Paladin by wrapping its legs around him to trap him.

Grapple attempt vs. Thaddeus (1d20+15=22)

<Respond with AoOs and readied attacks as appropriate.>

Attack of Opportunity Power Attack vs Spider; Damage (1d20+15=17, 2d8+13=16)

Thaddeus is able to think quickly and use his sword to parry the spider's attempts to latch onto him, though he cannot say how much damage the sword actually dealt.

"Dreadstone," he calls out, "Keep this spider away from me while I take the heat off of Tiberious!"

He mentally recites a quick prayer, and his blade is empowered as he sweeps it in two downward-oriented arc toward the swordsman immediately in front of him.

((Smite and Power Attack versus Drow Soldier A (First Attack); Damage (1d20+21=33, 2d8+25=38)

Smite and Power Attack versus Drow Soldier A (Second Attack); Damage (1d20+16=30, 2d8+25=36)

((The numbers written in the hyperlink text are correct. I forgot to add my Power Attack damage when I actually rolled the dice, so that isn't factored in on the links))
((To my knowledge, casting a spell within 5 feet of Tiberious would incur an AoO, so I'm making my AoO against Sorcerer A. I think that would force a concentration check or something if it hits.

If for some reason I'm not allowed to make an AoO against the sorcerer, apply it to Soldier B))

((Since he's still under the -3 penalty of Power Attack during the drow's turn, his AoO's going to be lower than the attack rolls on his turn))

Upon seeing the sorcerer ready up a spell, Tiberious stabs out at him.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77050]Attack of Opportunity: 1D20 + 14 = [17]+14 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77051]Damage: 1D6 + 7 = [6]+7 = 13
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77052]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 21 = [5]+21 = 26
Tiberious seizes up as the swords dig into him, and lowers his head, creating the appearance of his life fading away. "So, this is it, huh? A life of glorious victories, and it's two simple soldiers that strike me down. Is this... fate? I wonder. So my thread of fate is to snap. No matter, I've lived a proud life, I have no regrets..."

Tiberious's arms begin to droop. A single tear hits the ground. As the Drow try and figure out what's going on, Tiberious shoots back up and stabs the soldier in front of him.

((Full attack on Soldier B. Since Thaddeus is large, I think flanking is still in effect.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77053]Attack 1: 1D20 + 19 = [2]+19 = 21 [19]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77054]Damage: 1D6 + 7 = [3]+7 = 10
"You fools! You thought it would be that easy? Fate is what a man makes of it!" With that, Tiberious stabs into the drow, leaving the spear held in him this time.

((I'm assuming that first attack missed, but if not, add one to the attack and damage rolls here.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77055]Attack 2: 1D20 + 14 = [17]+14 = 31 [29]
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77056]Damage: 1D6 + 8 = [3]+8 = 11
Tiberious raises his mace into the air. "It'll take much more than that to bring me down. We're just getting started, boys!" Tiberious then tries to make a large, diagonal swing with his mace across the drow's face.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77057]Off-Hand Attack: 1D20 + 20 = [10]+20 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77058]Damage: 1D6 + 10 = [2]+10 = 12

((I forgot to apply the two-handed penalty to the spear attacks. They should be a 19 and 29, respectively))
((Your AoO Attack bonus looks a bit low... It should be at full bab and the two weapon penalty doesn't apply(I only actually found out about this a few days ago myself). Your damage seems low too, especially if you are power attacking, but IDK what damage bonuses you get from your class or what magic bonus you have.))
((Ok, if the two-handed doesn't apply to the AoO, that would have added two to that roll. As for damage, I wasn't power attacking that round, since I've noticed I tend to miss on well-armored enemies when I do. I might do that next round though. For damage, I was just doing the dice roll plus six plus the weapon's enhancement. (a start of one for the spear, and four for the mace). Power attacking would add six to the spear and three to the mace, I think.))

((Wait a second, the 14 was because I subtracted three for the power attack since a full round hadn't passed yet. Doesn't the penalty for that last until my next turn once invoked?))
((using the weaker weapon in you main hand seems like a strange choice, but okay. I'm guessing the +6 is from your str bonus, so does your class get no damage bonus? Guess that kinda makes sense since you seem to get a to of other good shit, but not having the damage to back it up seems kinda off at the same time. Oh well.))
((Well, weaker weapon in the off-hand is because the mace is light. If I swapped hands, I'd go from a -2 to a -4. There's also a fair bit of a roleplay element going on in him using the weapons given to him.

Yeah, gladiators don't really get damage bonuses. They're basically barbarians that trade rage and DR for being really good at combat maneuvers, getting exotic weapons, and a feat track somewhere between fighter and barbarian))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone takes Thaddeus's called shots in stride, shouting back, "I know, I know. This ain't my first rodeo," even as he draws back with two arrows nocked on his bow, taking aim at the giant spider that still... breathes? Spiders breathe, right?

It's a question for biologists and philosophers, because this one is about to cease living regardless.

Full Attack vs. Giant Spider:
Attack 1:  1d20+19+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=28
Damage:  2d8+20+2 (Point Blank, Multishot)=30

Rapid Shot: 1d20+19+1-2=34
Damage: 1d8+10+1=18

Attack 2: 1d20+14+1-2=17
Damage: 1d8+10+1=13

((Unless of course it's AC beats that last shitty attack roll. Incidentally, spiders breathe via book lungs.))

Gnaw is delighted as another foe seems to drop dead of its own accord without him so much as having to bite anything even once. Always one to pride himself on his ferociousness, he is most pleased to have found himself reaching a level where the mere act of threatening his foes causes them to sprout lethal wounds.

((Um, not sure where to put Gnaw right now. Is that sorcerer at A10 still kicking? If he is, Gnaw is going to bite his balls off. If not, he's going to move to A10 and hit the adjacent soldier))

Gnaw Bite vs. Whoever
Damage:  1d6+4=6
((+4 to hit (Charisma bonus) and +10 to damage (my Paladin level)

To-Hit: 10 BAB + 7 Strength mod + 4 weapon enhancement + 4 Smite - 3 Power Attack - 1 size penalty = 21

Damage: 2d8 (Large Bastard Sword) + 7 Strength mod + 4 weapon enhancement + 10 Smite + 6 Power Attack = 2d8 + 27

...looks like I short-changed myself on damage in my previous post, but the guy is dead all the same))
<I buffed it to where it did half the given bonuses for neutral enemies for both fluff reasons (based on Chi) and because I didn't expect Thaddeus to see many evil characters on this campaign.>
<I buffed it to where it did half the given bonuses for neutral enemies for both fluff reasons (based on Chi) and because I didn't expect Thaddeus to see many evil characters on this campaign.>

((Gotcha, I totally forgot about that. So then yeah it would be +2 to hit and +5 to damage if they were neutral))
<Also, I forgot that Thaddeus had taken AoO against the spider, so it is actually dead.>

The Drow Sorcerer remaining steps back a bit, and casts Burning Hands upon the Gladiator and the beast.

Burning Hands Damage (Reflex DC 14 to halve damage) (5d4=10)

The Drow Swordsmen still alive decide it is best to try and down the enlarged Drow traitor to a surface god as the situation calls for it.

Drow Soldier B Attack Roll (1d20+16=28, 1d20+11=31)
Drow Soldier B Crit Confirm (1d20+11=15)
Drow Soldier C Attack Rolls (1d20+16=33, 1d20+11=12)
Damage Rolls (1d8+7+1d6=12, 1d8+7+1d6=19)


As the battle seemingly comes to victory for the party members.. some take notice of what is going on and begin to approach.
<The wagon sprite is just a place holder, but I imagine it does have a canvas cover since it's a modified wagon. I would rule it as an acrobatics for moving across narrow surfaces (in addition to the climb check you'll have to make, which might count as a separate move action, I'm not sure yet)>

Mike M

Nick N
((If it's two checks, I'll probably remain grounded. If I have to burn a move action to get into position, I'll use my standard action to cast Gravity Bow and get ready to go HAM on my next full round attack

EDIT: Fuck, when Mythweavers ate my update, I forgot to fix my prepared spells. I totally had Gravity Bow on deck : /))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77067]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 5 = [16]+5 = 21
Tiberious raises his weapons to guard his unshielded head, splitting the flames in half and taking only superficial burns from them. Between the mere sparks that brushed him and the soldier retreating to change targets the second he got hit, Tiberious bursts out into laughter.

"This is the best the rebel army can do? An army comprised entirely of babies and invalids with fancy weapons? Pathetic!"

Tiberious pirouettes forward, putting himself between the retreating soldier and the sorcerer. Expecting the sorcerer to be an easy kill, he directs his attacks towards him. It's time he sees how a real man attacks someone.

((Five foot step to B12, full round power attack on the sorcerer. If he dies before the attacks are done, put the remaining ones on soldier B))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77068]Power Attack 1: 1D20 + 14 = [11]+14 = 25
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77069]Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [3]+13 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77070]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 10 = [6]+10 = 16
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77073]Damage: 1D6 + 14 = [1]+14 = 15
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77074]Off-Hand Power Attack: 1D20 + 17 = [6]+17 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77075]Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [4]+13 = 17
((Damn, attack rolls weren't too good there))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone hops down from the front of the wagon and takes up position around the corner from the advancing reinforcements. The other assailants well in hand with the rest of the party, Dreadstone takes the opportunity to prepare a welcome for the advancing spiders and foot soldiers. Reaching deep within, he taps into that reservoir of divine energy that he so frequently eschews, feeling the power course through his forearms and bow.

“Come an’ get it,” he mutters as he readies his next volley of arrows.

((Moving to G10, if it doesn’t count as being occupied by the horse, otherwise he’s as close as he can get. Casting Gravity Bow))

Gnaw joins the frolicking fun of ganging up on these poor, unsuspecting men with the dark skin who seem to die so easily along with the rest of his strange, two-legged pack.

Attack vs. Soldier B:  1d20+7=26
Damage:  1d6+4=9
((Gnaw bringing those almost crits.))
Thaddeus takes no great pleasure in striking down living creatures, but there is a certain satisfaction in striking down those who would seek to bring down the town he calls home.

The enemy soldiers poke at him, their swords more like knives while he is in this enlarged state - small, but capable of dealing damage. He takes a moment to infuse himself with Heironeous's holy energy.

Lay on Hands self (5d6=11) ((man what a terrible roll))

Unfortunately the gods seem to be feeling stingy today. Regardless, Thaddeus heeds Draco's words and charges toward the approaching rabble, greeting the frontmost spider with a mighty charge.

Charge and Power Attack vs. Spider; damage (1d20+17=33, 2d8+15=23)

((Charge to M13-14 and N13-14))
<Drow Soldier B is dead.

Thaddeus' charge hits.

Looks like it's my turn again (didn't think it'd be so soon somehow.) Will start going through enemy turns now.>
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