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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Fun story: I had meant to make a post last night, but came home to find that I had been roped into serving my sister-in-law’s ex-husband with court summons. So that was a 90 minute drive out of town, where we called the non-emergency line of the police department to ask for an escort in case things got ugly. The cop shows up, we explain the situation, show him the papers, and he tells us he and his partner will serve him, because the guy has an outstanding warrant, so they’re going to arrest him while they’re at it. So we sat around in the parking lot of a deli for like an hour waiting for the cops to come back and tell us they had served the papers and arrested the guy. Then when I finally got home, my daughter stole my jeans and ran through the house screaming “You’ll never get your pants back!” Good times.))

((Rolled 6d6 to restore 20hp to Gnaw))

Dreadstone once more swats aside the lazy swing of the soldier. He can’t tell if the young man—scarcely more than a boy, really—lacks the skill and training to land a blow, or if his heart just simply isn’t in it. Dreadstone steps inside the arc of the swing and grips the man’s wrist with his hand. “Yer tryin’ my patience, son,” he growls.

He doesn’t know what to do. They’re surrounded on all sides, but they can’t just start killing these poor fools just for following orders. They could take out Godfrey, but that wouldn’t do anything but make them any better than the monsters that he was claiming them to be. Still, if there were no other option, perhaps he could put an end to it. It would cost him everything, and there would be no guarantee that the others would escape the blame, but what else can they do?

As Dreadstone’s hand slinks toward his quiver, a familiar voice cuts through the chaos and seems to break the spell that Godfrey has over the situation. The ranger’s jaw hangs agape to see Rotorson appear on the scene. When last they had parted ways, Dreadstone had hated this man more than anything in the world, a hatred so intense that the heat of its flames consumed their prior years of friendship like dry kindling. That was a different time, though, and the fire had long gone cold. There was no telling the extent of the damage it had done in its wake, however…

Pushing past the soldier, Dreadstone makes his way to the showdown between Rotorson and Godfrey, nodding at his former friend and rival in acknowledgement. “I do believe yer bein’ relieved of command, Godfrey,” he says. “Try an’ not make a big production outta it.”
Finally realizing that all of his support had abandoned him all about him, he nods carefully with a face nearly stapled shut by his frustration and anger, "Very well... I'll simply get a new unit under my command. If you want to be discharged from the military and eventually arrested for disrupting the protection of The Keep, then so be it." Finally, if allowed, the officer begins to depart, managing to bump into Draco just after turning himself around, but not letting it stop him.

Rotorson, a man starting to become withered by aging looks to his old friend, and says to the dark hero, "I'm probably gonna get in a heap of trouble for that, but anything to try and make up for some of our past differences."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone clasps Rotorson's forearm and draws him in for a fraternal thumping of fists on each other's back. "It's good t'see you 'gain, Rotorson," he says. "I wish it could be under better circumstances, but we ain't got time to reminisce. These bastard Orphans have tunneled up under Ruby Keep like a pack'a angry moles. We need t'shut 'em down."
The man does his best to keep his footing as he grasps the other man with his only good arm, "I know.. I know.. I just want a moment to talk to you and the boys about the state of our military.." He finally lets go and props himself onto his crutch. "I know I got that promotion before you, Darren. We all knew it tore you up and spit you out. I thought I had it easy..."

He goes on, "But the fact of the matter is, and everyone should hear this too.." he motions over some of the Keep military men, "..that being a ranking officer in the military isn't all that is cracked up to be. Nobody up high is interested in getting anything done, all of the men with medals and insignas are men like me, born under a good name and brought in for show. It's just aristocrats and nobles trying to buy their way into having trophies of decorated rank that aren't good for anything but looking good in front of royalty."

He looks to Darren once more, "You didn't deserve to be promoted Darren.. No, you got something much better. You had freedom. You had the freedom to take down the Rune Killer, and you did, because the brass couldn't hold you back."

Once his little speech is over, he says, "I'm still injured, so I need you to lead these men. The reason the Orphans attacked today is because The Queen tried to give a speech to the protesters visiting the city at the main plaza, and now she's boxed in. No doubt that's where you need to go to find her. Also, the dwarven officer and the elven girl he was with were both imprisoned, apparently for killing Marcallus Billem. They were supposed to be put on trial but I think there's gonna be a change of plans, don't you think?"
"The Queen is in danger?!" Thaddeus exclaims. "Dreadstone. The rest of us will be able to move much faster alone than you will with these men. I know this city like the back of my hand; shall I lead Draco and Tiberius to the Plaza, while you mobilize and come up behind us? I have a plan that I believe will give you an advantage when you arrive."
"A change of plans? I like the way you think!" Tiberious moves to give Rotorson a hearty slap on the back, but reconsiders when remembering that he's on a crutch. Instead, he goes for a handshake. "I don't know much about armies and... what's that word you used again? Breakousy types, but this army could use more men like you in its upper ranks."

Looking to Thaddeus, he says "I'm ready when you are, lead the way."
Thaddeus motions Draco and Tiberius to follow him, though it takes him a moment to figure out where the invisible investigator is.

"We won't be able to do much damage on our own," he explains as they hurry along the streets. "Our job will be to create a weak point in the enemy forces precisely where Dreadstone and his men will arrive. To do that, we'll need a distraction.

"Leo, I believe a performance is in order. Once we determine the approach that Dreadstone will use, your job will be to draw as many of the Orphans as possible away from that area. The trick will be to gather attention without actually getting yourself killed; I'll leave that part to you."

He turns to Draco (or at least to the empty space where he imagines Draco will be). "And you, Draco, shall employ your talents to their fullest and sneak through the enemy barricade to reach the Queen. If you so happen to eliminate a few Orphans along the way, so be it.

" And I, " he concludes, "will double back once we have surveyed the plaza and relay intelligence to Dreadstone, so to solidify our advantage."

He pauses to look at the others. "Are we in agreement?"
Tiberious thinks about the idea of running through the city with an angry horde of Orphans following him. While not as exciting as killing an angry horde of Orphans, it still sounds like a good time.

"A performance to draw them away, huh? Sounds excellent! They won't even know they're being duped until they're at the city limits!"

Wanting to make sure he's good to go before their plan is set into motion, Tiberious drinks a few of his potions of cure moderate wounds to ease his still substantial injuries
((Music for my last post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I38ivU3K5IY&index=53&list=PLE635CE311265AF7C

And don't worry, improvisation is what a DM is made for :)
At worst you can just make all the consequences of everything pure fluff that ends up with us in the battle you had planned anyway, just maybe with battling armies in the background

Thaddeus blinks. "City limits? I was thinking more along the lines of you approaching them from a direction opposite from that of the main street that Dreadstone will use, and drawing the enemy toward your position to leave the back door open, so to speak, but... if you want to draw them further away, I suppose that might also be effective."
Tiberious processes Thaddeus's words for a minute, and says "OH! Yeah, what you said does seem easier. All right then, let's get going! Just tell me where Deadstone's leading the troops and I'll clear a path."

((I'm in a class so it may be a bit before I can type up Orphan provoking))
As the group nears the main plaza, Thaddeus can see a horde of Orphan rebels up ahead. He slows down slightly. "Right. I imagine our army will come in this direction, as the streets are rather wide and it is a relatively straight path. Leo, go through that alley over there and cross over into the other main street, then make a right on the next road you see. That ought to bring you to the opposite entrance of the plaza, where I will leave the rest to you."

He turns to Draco. "There's an alley over there that should criss-cross with another alley that will lead you into the plaza and allow you to bypass the blockade ahead."

He gives each of them a hearty handshake. "I suspect we'll meet again in the heat of battle. Gods be with you."

With that, he tries to get closer to the plaza to ascertain as much as he can about troop positioning and the general layout of the area, without catching the attention of too many enemy soldiers.
<BTW, I just want to say that it wasn't my intention to deter you from utilizing the soldiers, I just wanted to point out that you weren't obligated to split up just because they're around, but since you guys want to split up anyway, I will allow it.>
Leo pays close attention to Thaddeus's instructions. "Ok, I think I've got it. Hold on a second! I just had a great idea for how to piss them all off. I need to double back to the site of our last battle and get a prop, so just hold on for a few minutes, ok?"

Tiberious comes back full of excitement, lugging the bodies of one of the dead drow sorcerers with him. A few turns put him on the appropriate side of the plaza. Stepping out with Drow corpse in hand, he prepares to give the most offensive speech he's ever given.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77527]Perform (Oratory): 1D20 + 17 = [9]+17 = 26
"All right you bunch of pussies, listen closely! Your little party's over, and the lot of you are going to die! Your precious Excalibur's not here to save you from me, and I'm getting pretty damn good at killing you lot. Don't take my word for it though, ask a friend!"

With that, Tiberious brandishes the corpse of the Drow sorceror and begins to treat it as if it's a dummy in a ventriloquism act. "Yessiree! He's not lying guys. I was just minding my own business outside the city, brooding and fantasizing about spiders like we all do-"

Tiberious interrupts the corpse puppet with a gasp. "So that's where Driders come from!" He tilts the corpse so that it's looking at him, and continues on with his insulting performance. "Well duh, how did you think they were made, magic? Though I guess to us Drow, spiders are plenty magical..."

Tiberious then goes into an impromptu song about the forbidden love between Drow and arachnids, complete with jazz hands and a two-man conga line consisting of himself and the dead Drow.

When the orphans in the plaza begin to eventually move towards Tiberious, he'll drop the corpse and take off, making sure not to run too fast and lose them. As he leads them on a wild goose chase to clear a path for Dreadstone and the army, he says "That's right, come and get me you freaky, cave-dwelling assholes!"
Whispers are given between Drow among the rebels. "What kind of fool is this, making a mockery of us?", "He's making a corpse a play thing! I can't think of a greater dishonor for our own!" Some of the rebels separate from their larger unit, but not all of them, to give chase as expected.
Tiberious does what he can to make the chase a lengthy one, trying to stay just out of their reach, jumping and climbing over crates, spinning down alleys to lead them farther away, and so on.

Damn, I was hoping to draw more of them, he thinks while being pursued. No matter, hopefully I've made enough of a distraction for the others to do their parts.

Mike M

Nick N
As Thaddeus leads Draco and Leo through the winding streets of Ruby Keep towards the plaza to begin the first phase of the plan, Dreadstone scrambles on top of Curly's wagon, balancing himself on two of the supports that give the covered wagon its shape. Nocking one of his whistling arrows in his bow, Dreadstone raises his aim to the heavens and lets it loose, a sharp, shrill noise that instantly pauses all the ambient conversation and draws the attention of the milling soldiers to him.

"Listen up," he calls out. "I ain't no good at makin' speeches an' such, so I'll keep this short. If yer here, it's 'cause you haven't followed Godfrey back to whatever hole his sorry hide crawled outta. If yer here, it's 'cause you know that there's been an infection festerin' in th'Keep, an'men like Godfrey are the symptom. An' us? We're th'cure. Now we got a queen an' some other good folk who need savin', we got a rebellion t'put down like dogs, an'we got a day t'save, but not a whole lotta time t'do it in. So make for the plaza, double time."

Dreadstone holds his bow aloft and shouts the creed of the city guard of Ruby Keep, words he has not uttered in more than a decade but seem as natural to him as his own skin. "For the throne! For the people! For the Keep!"
With a spear raised, one of the young soldiers yells, "Then we will start a rebellion of our own! One against the enemies! We'll fight them as we see fit!"

As Tiberious returns, so do the warriors he had baited. In tandem, a line of archers stand in front of the alleyway and begin pelting The Orphans bottle necked and trapped within the small confine. Swordsmen gleefully begin to pick up the crystal weapons dropped by fallen Drow admiring them and eager to put them to good use.

All the while, Curly's half-orc assistant begins helping Rotorson into the car, with Curly himself beginning to start the engine, "We trust you to handle the situation well! We will get your friend to a healer as quickly as possible." The pink Kobold with them holds a crossbow, nodding and propping itself onto the front of the vehicle, ready to act as a makeshift turret to protect the buggy with.

<Dreadstone, I was not intending to give you this at first, but after your post I think it makes sense. Add Leadership to your list of feats.

Also, I made mention of a healer just now. Just in true D&D fashion, since you are currently in a city, if you can make your way to a temple (of Heironeous I presume), you may spend gold to heal your wounds.>
Inching as close to the scene as he dares, Thaddeus suppresses his distaste for Leo's macabre puppet show, pleased that it appears to have worked: the ranks of Orphans at the mouth of the plaza have thinned considerably. With no way to keep track of Draco's progress, he can only hope that the half-elf has not been discovered.

He takes a rushed but studious survey of troop positioning and hostage condition, then runs as fast as his armour allows. Halfway back, he meets Dreadstone and the encroaching army.

"Tiberious has drawn some of them away from our approach," he explains, "And I sent Draco to infiltrate the plaza and get close to the Queen."

He then proceeds to relay all the information he could glean. With that out of the way, he falls in line with the rest of the army, behind Dreadstone.
Draco disappears into the dark alley way and then chugs a couple extracts... Fly and Heroism to be exact. Using a combination of stealth and his current ability to fly, he wanders through the alleyways and streets, heading for the queens location while staying well out of sight of the drow.

Inspired Stealth: (1d20+14+2+1d6=41)

((Wow... my stealth is a little better then I thought. It seems unlikely I'll be found by most perception rolls, so I guess the question is how far can I make it flying at 120 ft per round for 10 minutes? Keeping in mind Draco is not just flying over head in the sky like an idiot, so getting around buildings and drow(and occasional going over the buildings and drow) so that may slow him down... still gonna be pretty damn fast
Shadows cast over above the streets, but those that take notice and look upward to catch sight of what is above fail to notice Draco scouring the streets of Ruby Keep to rapidly make his way to the plaza.

In his rush, he is able to make it to a gated court where protesters are held back by Ruby Keep soldiers. In front of a building is a podium with a staircase from either side leading up to it, and an elderly figure of royalty currently speaking to the protesters from it, her voice amplified by a magical device.

Draco can her the Queen mid-speech. She states, "...we cannot continue to be divided among ourselves and destroy all that we have built over.. the course of..." Her words begin to trail as a figure boldly strides onto the plaza straight from the building behind her, and a march of elite soldiers, the same ones that had ambushed the party on the island pour out onto the scene. Excalibur walks to the stand, the very steps of her walking giving way to taking presence away from the Queen. With the Queen backed off, Excalibur welcomes herself to a speech of her own:

Citizens of Ruby Keep, visitors from Rosewood sympathetic to our cause, and any others present today. Do not be alarmed by this sudden attack, we have heard your cries for revolution and intend to deliver fully liberation from an old government and liberation from a throne with no heir. If any that is not a soldier or warrior that has been slain by my army, I will execute the one that had hurt the innocent with my own hand, publicly.

After today, the throne of Ruby Keep will no longer be occupied by former-Queen Lahvine Caunce. Her absence will give way for a new form of government, one that will allow cities around the country to no longer be ruled by Ruby Keep's regulations or taxation, one that will abandon the bias granted by the gods and allow what are perceived as lesser races to have a place as citizens and workers, a new society that does not brand individuals as evil because of their birth. We cannot stop a man from hating another, but what we can do is give everyone a chance to become successful, a chance to live normal, healthy lives. We have seen this once with the Half-orcs eradicating slaving and trafficking, it shall be done again.

It is not just the half-orcs, or the tieflings, or the drow, it is anyone that suffers the misgivings of the nobility and their greed. Other cities, other kingdoms have already abandoned the concept of serfs and squires, it is Ruby Keep's turn to do the same. A person's name will be rendered meaningless as is their status as royalty. A man with royalty should not be more important than the man that does his job better. I am sure many of you soldiers in front of me even now understand this well, as well as many workers here whose opportunities may have been hindered by the influence by nepotism.

Once I have begun rule over Ruby Keep and have instated changes to the social order, I will relieve myself of the duty and give the Kingdom to you, the people. A Kingdom should not be ruled by one person, but the people as a collective, able to share thoughts and decide on changes best for everyone.​

The protesters begin to cheer and clap at the speech given today. Draco will be able to see that the Queen is still near the scene.
Draco pops a few more extracts(Expeditious Retreat, Shield, Eagle's Splendor) during the little speech from Excalibur, then heads towards the stand, stopping next to the queen to hand her a vial, "I've got friends waiting for you over there" pointing in the direction they should be and probably being a bit more specific IC then I am being right now, "Once I start talking, drink this, it'll turn you invisible for a short time, and use my distraction to get the hell out of here." Once he reaches the stand, he begins a speech of his own.

"Alright everybody! Let's hear it for the great liberator Excalibur! How would you like to hear about some of her amazing exploits? Back on a quaint little island I recently visited, my friends discovered a group of men involve in a series of horrible experiments to turn common animals, and some not so common, into fully intelligent creatures, who were then locked up 'for their own good'. I bet we will be hearing a lot of that when she is 'temporarily' ruler of Ruby Bay! Because absolute power isn't known for corrupting absolutely or anything like that, am I right guys?

Oh, by the way, you may be wondering how she was making intelligent animals? She found an underground cave filled with the blood of the dead gods, and has been using it for who knows what else, but probably nothing bad... I mean, if she was a crazy bitch with aspirations to take over as ruler of this country or the world, would she be friends with mad alchemists and the Thieves Guild? I for one can't think of a better person to lead a campaign of death, destruction and deceit across the land.

So everyone, lets prepare for a world free of rulers, expect Miss Excalibur until an unspecified time of course, and free from taxation, but don't forget to prepare your mandatory donation to your super intelligent monkey over lords every month."

Inspired Diplomacy: (1d20+18+2+1d6=42)

Draco doesn't expect this to turn everyone around but it should give the queen time to escape and it convince a few people... although with that roll...
((I had a couple ideas of what to do here(take the queen and run, attempt to solo Excalibur), but I apparently went with the one full of sarcasm because its the only thing I know.))
Draco grabs the queen and flies off into the sunset/to his allies, he probably uses stealth or something. The queen is also invisible i guess.
<There you go. It was actually what I was expecting you to do.>

As the investigator swoops in to give words contrary to Excalibur's speech and swoop in to collect the Queen, he is successful in getting her out. Excalibur simply watches as he flies away. She turns to her audience and begins to tell her supporters, "It is true, I have made uncouth alliances in order to develop an army strong enough to fight a war, but that is why I wish to relinquish the role of leadership to the people as soon as the dream of revolution and change has been fulfilled: I am not fit to rule or stand as a moral inspiration, it is the next generation of children that grow under a brighter sky with new ideas that are the true leaders of the future. As for the intelligent animals, many have already been set free and we have no intention of putting any more in captivity. Any that you see fighting with us today are soldiers of choice much like any person." After saying that, she and her troops teleport away.
<Unfortunately, yes, I am at a loss because while it doesn't seem like it to you guys, Draco actually did disrupt my plans for what I had in mind at the plaza.

I'll be able to continue once you regroup.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone arrives with the cavalry, only to find that they have largely been rendered surplus to requirements.

"Field Marshall Dortumn," he says, addressing the soldier nearest to him. "An elf woman named Forrester. They were set to be executed, find 'em and free 'em."
After the dust settles, Tiberious heads back to where Dreadstone and the army are located, still feeling proud of his impromptu puppet show and subsequent chase. It was like a big, fun game of tag where everyone wanted to kill him! If the next step of their plan involves more fun games than the last one, he'll hardly know what to do with himself.

At some point before or after regrouping, Tiberious will make his way to a temple to have his remaining wounds treated.
As the Drow begin to fall back, the people continue to celebrate. Although what Draco had said at the plaza had stirred controversy among the small collection of people that witnessed the words, many of the protesters and sympathizers see the events of today as a victory.

This does not mean that Excalibur had turned everyone to her cause. Many in their homes and along the houses watch woefully as chaos spreads through their home, especially by men and women that aren't native to the Kingdom City's premises.

Draco has not returned with the Queen yet, and Tiberious will eventually find Rotorson being healed up at the temple of Heironeous, with Curly and the others nearby.
Tiberious makes his way into the temple, wanting to make sure he's ready to go for whatever the next round of action is. While doing so, he runs into Rotorson and the others. Ever the talkative one, he tries to chat with Rotorson while getting healed.

"You know, when I first saw you come out and stand up against that screaming manbaby, I assumed the crutch was for a long-standing injury. I guess I wasn't the only one that took a beating today!" Tiberious laughs at the concept of injuries. It might not be funny to the others, but the near-death run-in was a source of excitement for him.

"Well, it seems like everything went as good as it could. Draco should be taking the queen to safety right about now."
"It's a recent injury," he explains, "but most of the healers were tied up. These folks here seemed willing to pay for the healing for me so there's that."
Tiberious isn't surprised to hear that most of the healers are tied up. It's probably been a busy day for them, what with the rebellion and all.

"Yeah, I'm surprised I was able to find a healer myself,. I figured I'd just have some small wounds for a while. Prepaid healing's always a plus! You've got to take that when you get it. Healing was paid for us most of the time back in the arena, though that was kind of out of necessity."
After his fly wears off and making sure no one is following him, Draco tries to find thew rest of the party, bringing the queen with him of course.
As soon as Draco manages to drift into a safe landing, small bursts of dirt poof from the surface of the city's cobbled street, and Draco will feel the Queen stumble awkwardly. Nobody is able to see her horrified face while she is completely invisible.


"That Godfrey... He's everything wrong with the system. I take it you don't have to put up with that, with the way you look? Some kind of merc'?" As his wounds are tended to, another priest comes to ask Tiberious, "Are you here to purchase healing for yourself?"

Rotorson interjects, "Why don't I just pull some strings while I'm still an officer and get one of you healers hired and compensated? Probably a lot more help than I would be, at least."
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