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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Seeing Thaddeus take the full brunt of the new unit's attack, Tiberious feels a sense of urgency, thinking that things could start going south if the blinking Drow doesn't die immediately so he and Draco go get over there. Tiberious begins swinging furiously, hoping to put him down in a short time.

((Five foot step to C13, full round power attack. For the blink, I'll operate under the assumption that a roll of 0-50 is a miss, and a 51-100 is a potential hit.))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77076]hit/miss: 1D100 = [66] = 66
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77077]Power Attack 1: 1D20 + 12 = [12]+12 = 24
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77078]Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [2]+13 = 15
((If first attack missed, subtract one from the rolls on attack 2))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77079]hit/miss: 1D100 = [57] = 57
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77080]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 8 = [14]+8 = 22
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77081]Damage: 1D6 + 14 = [6]+14 = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77083]hit/miss: 1D100 = [75] = 75
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77084]Off-Hand Power Attack: 1D20 + 15 = [13]+15 = 28
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77085]Damage: 1D6 + 13 = [4]+13 = 17
<Blur is actually a weak form of concealment, the same as the Cloak of Displacement Muun had. It's 20% and you won every d% roll.

He is still alive.>
Fort save to avoid unconsciousness (1d20+15=27)

Lay on Hands self (this time with correct number of dice and proper modifiers) (6d6+12=31)

First Attack of Full Attack Action; damage (1d20+15=26, 2d8+15=21)

Second attack of Full Round Action; damage (1d20+10=27, 2d8+15=23)

Thaddeus grits his teeth as a bevy of very sharp, very well-aimed arrows slide through the joints of his armour and dig into his flesh. One of the spiders manages to do the same, injecting him with poison and threatening to grab, but Thaddeus shrugs off the grab and nullifies the poison through sheer force of will. He cannot die here.

Delving deep into his reservoir of holy energy, Thaddeus wills many of his wounds closed, then resumes his mission to destroy the enemies before him.

((Swift action to Lay on Hands, Full Attack action. Both are directed toward the spider I charged, or if the first is enough to kill it then the second will be directed toward the other spider. Also those are both Power Attacks; I didn't label them as such but the die modifiers are correct for it.

54 HP remaining (out of 96 total); AC is back at 30.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Forgot to mention it earlier, but Gnaw rolled an 11 on his reflex save for a total of 19))

Gnaw looks on in puzzlement as the last remaining dark skinned chew toys with the pointy things seems to somehow simultaneous be there, yet not at the same time. He wonders if he can bite it!

((Five foot step to C11))
Bite vs. Drow Soldier:  1d20+7=13
It turns out he can't! Maybe he'll try again in a moment...


Dreadstone ((Who had previously moved to G10 last turn to cast Gravity Bow, but that's not currently reflected on the map, BTW)) gasps at Thaddeus's brazen charge at the incoming spiders and archers from their south. His mystically augmented size is an advantage in close combat, but it also makes him a target. Looking to even the odds, he aims some well-placed arrows into the enemy ranks.

((Five-foot step to G11, priortizing the giant spider *not* charged by Thaddeus. If I should happen to kill it with an attack to spare, then the one he did charge, or one of the archers if the other spider is dead too.))

Full Round Attack vs. Giant Spider
Attack 1: 1d20+19-2 (Rapid Shot)=36
Damage:  4d6+20 (Gravity Bow + Multi Shot)=34

Rapid Shot:  1d20+19-2=36 ((Rolling so many 19s today, WTF...))
Damage:  2d6+10=14

Attack 2:  1d20+14-2=25
Damage:  2d6+10=19
<Both spiders are still alive.>

Soon, what had begun as a usual round of casual slaying of enemies, is soon beginning to look bad as the reinforcements prolong the battle and begin to inflict heavy damage.

Things are beginning to look bad for you as the rebel army perseveres.

One of the archers speaks in their native Undercommon,
Do not hold back my brothers, he has made his decision to fight for the surface.
They begin firing on Thaddeus once more.

Drow Archer A Attack Rolls vs. Thaddeus (1d20+16=25, 1d20+11=31) - Crit
Drow Archer A Crit Confirm (1d20+11=26)
Drow Archer B Attack Rolls vs. Thaddeus (1d20+16=17, 1d20+11=21)
Drow Archer C Attack Rolls vs. Thaddeus (1d20+16=32, 1d20+11=28)
Drow Archer D Attack Rolls vs. Thaddeus (1d20+16=35, 1d20+11=24)

Drow Archer A Damage Roll (Weapon Damage + Shock Damage) (1d8+3+1d6=13)
Drow Archer C Damage Roll (Weapon Damage + Shock Damage) (1d8+3+1d6=15)
Drow Archer D Damage Roll (Weapon Damage + Shock Damage) (1d8+3+1d6=13)

The spiders, in turn, make one last attempt at Thaddeus' life before they themselves will die.

Bite Attack, Damage, Grab Check If hit, Poison DC 18 to avoid becoming unconscious (1d20+11=25, 2d6+12=15, 1d20+15=31)
Bite Attack, Damage, Grab Check If hit, Poison DC 18 to avoid becoming unconscious (1d20+11=13, 2d6+12=17, 1d20+15=28)
<Both spiders miss>


Soon, after miraculously being saved by the sheer luck granted to him by the spell cast upon him, the remaining Drow swordsman reveals his thoughts in common, "I have spent the remainder of my luck fighting you." He, if allowed, will Withdraw from combat (only Draco gets an AoO on him as he retreats, but he will be removed from battle either way.)

Tiberious looks at the retreating Drow, then down at his weapons. His assimilation of fighting with two weapons has been a relative success: the Avatar of Kord would be proud. With spiders in the distance, Tiberious tucks away his spear and mace and begins a vicious charge, drawing his deadly falcata to strike down one of the two spiders.

((Normal charge to N12, power attack on Giant Spider C))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77303]Power Attack: 1D20 + 20 = [16]+20 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77304]Damage: 1D8 + 20 = [7]+20 = 27

Tiberious hopefully kills the first spider with his introduction to the Southern front. Turning to an Injured Thaddeus, he says "Treat your wounds and focus on the archers! They're the real threat here. Besides," a bloodthirsty glint appears in his eyes, "I've got something in mind for the other spider."
Lay on Hands self (6d6+12=34)

First Attack of full-round attack with Power Attack; damage (1d20+15=22, 2d8+15=26)

Second Attack of full-round attack with Power Attack; damage (1d20+10=15, 2d8+15=30)

Thaddeus both feels and looks like a pin cushion. He glances downward to see at least 6 arrows protruding from his body. Or is it 12? He has lost so much blood...

Everything is beginning to look hazy and distorted. He is sluggish. It would be much easier to just lay down and take a nap....

But of course Thaddeus has never taken the easy path. Yet again he drinks from the pool of healing energy, and again his wounds heal up; though his healing is not quite keeping pace with the damage being done to him, it does remedy his dampened senses, and it is enough to buy him and the others some time.

He strikes mercilessly against the arachnid menace.

((I'll start with the one I've been attacking the whole time. Once (or if) one of them dies, I want to take a five foot step closer to the archers.

47 HP remaining, still 30 AC.

Edit: Crazy how we both posted at the same time. If Tiberious's charge made it so that I only had to attack once before both spiders were taken down, I want to instead move forward to be adjacent to as many archers as possible))

Thaddeus hears what Tiberious is saying to him, but he cannot change the direction of his blade in time to adjust his tactics just yet. "Fear not, Tiberious, I will get to the archers soon enough."
((I have Reach, so even if they 5-step back I can still AoO one of them *evil laugh*
<No combat reflexes and 11 Dex.

Draco feels let this man leave is to risky, so attempts to stop his exit... nonlethaly.

Non-lethal Studied Attack vs FFAC;Damage;Studied Strike: (1d20+14+2+4+1+5-4=35, 1d6+4+7+5=20, 4d6=17)

Hit or miss, Draco breaks into a run towards the reinforcements.
((It's kinda iffy, but I think I can charge between those two. If not I just walk there and do nothing.))

Studied Attack vs FFAC;Damage: (1d20+14+2+4+1+5+2=46, 1d6+4+7+5=20)
Crit confirm;extra crit damage: (1d20+14+2+4+1+5+2=35, 1d6+4+7=17)


((Thats still 1 AoO for him, so someone is gonna hate thier life.))
((Mam I am just not on top of things today. I haven't been applying DR. Pretty sure I've been hit 9 times total so I'm actually at 92 HP, sorry))
<I already applied damage, but I still feel curious, can you not charge through teammates or something?>

((No, you cannot charge through teammates.
>If any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement, slows movement, or contains a creature (even an ally), you can't charge. Helpless creatures don't stop a charge.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, I'm at a computer and can use the ditzie map and everything, but I don't know how to change it and save it. Dreadstone 5-foot stepping to H11, Gnaw moving his maximum distance to K11))

The spiders dead and the initial contingent of soldiers and sorcerers lying dead or having fled, Dreadstone takes another step along the side of the wagon and cues up another round of arrows to pelt the archers coming up from behind as the rest of his party comes charging past to engage them.

Good, good. Let Dreadstone rain death from above while the men with the swords get into their personal space and prevent them from returning the favor.

"Heads up!" he warns, black arrows slicing in an arc through the air toward the besieged Drow archers.

Full Round Attack vs. Poor Drow Archer Bastard
Attack 1: 1d20+19+4 (Favored Enemy) -2 (Rapid Shot)=32
Damage: 4d6+20 (Multi Shot)=32

Rapid Shot: 1d20+19+4-2=29
Damage: 2d6+10=17

Attack 2:  1d20+14+4-2=30
Damage: 2d6+10=18
((after you move your token around, just press enter and it will save and reload the page, the pages new url will be the one you want to copy. you can also double click the tokens for extra options, but i only use that for deleting stuff.))
<You can also hold shift and click-drag to resize when size-based changes come into play.

Dreadstone, in what order are you targeting the Archers?>
<Map to reference soft cover. Mind you, these guys *do* have precise shot but still apply AC bonus as they are relevant regardless>

As others begin to approach, one calls out,
The armored one is too sturdy, we can take out the injured brute before we are done for!

They spread out and begin firing on Tiberious, hoping to cause more permanent damage before the battle is ultimately over for them.

Drow Archer A Attack Rolls (1d20+16=31, 1d20+11=17)
Drow Archer B Attack Rolls (1d20+16=32, 1d20+11=25)
Drow Archer C Attack Rolls (1d20+16=18, 1d20+11=13)
Drow Archer D Attack Rolls (1d20+16=25, 1d20+11=31) - Crit
Drow Archer D Crit confirm (1d20+11=12) - Not confirmed

Damage Rolls (1d8+3+1d6=13, 1d8+3+1d6=15, 1d8+3+1d6=13)
((Since Tiberious charged last turn and doesn't have his shield out, the 25s would hit.))

The arrows bear into Tiberious, doing severe damage. However, he presses on, refusing to go down. He pushes forward to the archer that's taken heavy abuse from Dreadstone, looking to put him down for good.

((Power attack on the Drow Dreadstone targeted last turn))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77333]Power Attack: 1D20 + 18 = [13]+18 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77334]Damage: 1D8 + 20 = [6]+20 = 26
<Dead as well. I think I'm gonna call this battle a wrap.

The Drow Swordsmen all had +4 Frost Longswords, the Archers had +3 Shock Longbows (the non-composite variety).>

As your fight draws to an end and your enemies are slain before you in a true realization of war, the noise of the crowds surround you once more, and it becomes apparent once more that there are still civilians around, some in support of the rebellion and others trying to flee or find places to protect themselves. So far, none of the rebels have attacked any of these people.

It is only momentarily that a squad of Ruby Keep troops arrive onto the scene to survey the happenings. The commanding officer steps through the similarly red suited men, with eyes piercing daggers; it is Godfrey..

His actions extend beyond your capacity to process what is actually happening. He throws up his hand into the air and swats it pointed forward. He snarls a command to his men, "These are traitors to the kingdom and known criminals working with Lucretia Sapphire's army! The so-called knight is a disgusting black elf like the rest of them and the story of Hell's Warden is a mockery of the military! They'll be put on trial as corpses hung to dry." He looks behind him to see his men hesitate, and "DO AS I SAY OR YOU WILL BE BRANDED TRAITOR AS WELL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!?"

With a weak will, Ruby Keep's own men surround you with spears and blade, and begin to attack you.


Attacks vs. Thaddeus (1d20+8=20, 1d8+6=9)
Attacks vs. Tiberious (1d20+8=11, 1d8+6=11)
Attacks vs. Dreadstone (1d20+8=9, 1d8+6=8)
Attacks vs. Gnaw (1d20+8=22, 1d8+6=12)

Despite their great numbers, they are horribly outmatched by your defensive technique.

What do you wish to do? Kill them? Let yourselves get beat up?
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77339]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 19 = [4]+19 = 23

Still gravely injured from the fight with the drow, a bloody Tiberious makes a spectacle of deflecting the soldiers attacks, but does not begin to cut them down just yet. As confident as he is in his ability to fight, he can't afford to take many more sword wounds, so they better come up with a solution fast, lest he be forced to kill his way to safety. Normally not a big deal, but these being reluctant guards puts a damper on that, not to mention that he may get chewed out by Dreadstone for killing Ruby Keep guards.

Attempting to end this without killing them, Tiberious tries to leverage his superior combat position to make them stand down.

"You fools! Think about what you see and what that half-man who commands you is saying! If we were working with Lucretia, why would we have just killed a good ten or so of her men? We are no traitors to Ruby Keep. Well, I guess that's true if the Keep's not in Lucretia's hands. If you're taking calls from her dogs, then that would make us traitors to them, and the way that dreg's carrying himself, I'd say he might well be in league with her. Now, stand down. I don't want this to end in your deaths, which is how this will end if you insist on fighting."

((Not sure if that would be diplomacy or intimidate. I'll just do one roll since I have the same modifier on both of them.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77340]Diplomacy/Intimidate: 1D20 + 15 = [19]+15 = 34
Thaddeus blinks in confusion as this strange little man plays out what appears to be some kind of twisted revenge fantasy.

He prepares to guard against an onslaught, but these men are either holding back, or they are woefully incompetent. The doubt coloring their faces makes the former far more likely in Thaddeus's eyes.

He easily parries a clumsy swing, and winces as one of them manages to score a hit on Dreadstone's unfortunate feral companion. Tiberious appears to be in far worse shape, though, so he kneels down and lightly taps the gladiator's forehead, instilling him with holy energy.

Lay on Hands @ Tiberious (6d6=28) ((Heal 28 HP))

He takes a short moment to decide between addressing the instigator, or appealing to the unwilling followers.

It's not a difficult decision.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the Ruby Keep City Watch," he says with sincerity, "We are not your enemies. Think long and hard about who your captain has just ordered you to attack. I am a Paladin of Heironeous, the patron deity of the Kingdom itself. Some of you no doubt remember the Cathedral in its glory days. If you'll look closely at the armour I wear, it is nothing like that of your attackers."

He gestures toward the black-skinned Tiefling. "And Dreadstone - the one you may know as Hell's Warden - is the man who brought the Rune Killer to justice, all those years ago. Whatever legends you've heard about this man pale in comparison to the wave of terror wrought by that maniac, I assure you."

He puts away his sword and shield and spreads his arms in a gesture of good will. "I know not what this sad little man has against me and my comrades, but I personally swear to you on my own life that we are here to fight FOR the kingdom, and to bring down the rebels that were brazen enough to attack our homeland. Now please, make way for us, so that we may see the Queen. We have urgent information for her."

((How is Dortumn reacting to all this, by the way?))

Diplomacy check (1d20+19=34)
<He's not with you right now. In fact, you should be wondering where he's at since he and Forrester went to Ruby Keep while you were still in Alydar.>

((Oooooh. I think I just assumed that the two of them reunited with us alongside Curly. My bad - maybe Draco or Dreadstone can mention the two of them in their RP posts?))

Mike M

Nick N
((That's some damn good loot they all dropped, but are we going to be able to pick them up while we're being attacked?))

Dreadstone effortlessly dodges the soldier's blow, though his face darkens as he hears Gnaw whine in pain as one of the other's sword strikes true. His face twisting into an expression of anger and outrage, Dreadstone pins the soldier's sword to the ground beneath his boot and fixes him with the glare of his silver eyes, but remains silent. There's nothing he could possibly say that would he could say that Thaddeus has not already put far better than the tiefling could manage.

((Oooooh. I think I just assumed that the two of them reunited with us alongside Curly. My bad - maybe Draco or Dreadstone can mention the two of them in their RP posts?))
((Let's get out of this part we're they're trying to kill us before we go asking about Dortumn, I think))
Godfrey addresses the arguments, at the his men, "The oaf is lying! They have no proof that these lumps of coal scattered around them are those they killed!"

He gives answer in light of Thaddeus' words, again directed at his own men, "This man is a blight to his faith. His god would be offended to have an evil creature within his church and should have smote him himself! They want to see the Queen so that they can assassinate her." He sweeps his arm dismissively, "What 'justice' that was done to the Rune Killer supposedly was the same twisted teethling justice enacted upon the acting prince!!"

Unfortunately, despite the strong arguments, the orders given force them to continue on with their attack.

Attacks vs. Thaddeus (1d20+6=19, 1d8+6=11)
Attacks vs. Tiberious (1d20+6=21, 1d8+6=10)
Attacks vs. Dreadstone (1d20+6=17, 1d8+6=11)
Attacks vs. Gnaw (1d20+6=24, 1d8+6=9)
Thaddeus rolls his eyes. Still kneeling down, he reaches over to bestow healing upon Gnaw.

((Not in a position to easily roll dice, but Mike M, if you want to roll 6d6, that's how much he'll get healed))

He recalls that Ruby Keep was not the only entrance to the underground caverns mentioned. Maybe they'll have better luck in Iron Hill.

"Very well," he sighs. "We do not wish any harm upon you. If you refuse to take us to the Queen, we'll have to complete our mission some other way."

He deactivates his armour's ability and shrinks to a more manageable size. He makes eye contact with Dreadstone and shrugs, waiting before he actually moves to leave.
((Woops, used my old strength bonus for perform last time. Not that it matters for a fluff roll))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77342]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 21 = [2]+21 = 23
Again, Tiberious makes a spectacle out of deflecting the soldiers' blows, making a game of seeing how close he can let the blades get before dodging or parrying them.

Upon hearing Godfrey's rebuke, he bursts out into laughter. "Why aren't you all laughing too? Did you hear what that guy just said? The dead drow weren't killed by us? What, does he think another battalion of guards rolled through here right before you all arrived, killed them, and left us in varying degrees of injury without losing a single one of their members in the process? Or maybe he thinks they were planted. Oh gee, I wonder how that meeting would have gone. 'Hey Lucretia, we want to get inside Ruby Keep, but we need a decoy. How about you kill ten of your men and scatter their corpses in front of the city so we can claim responsibility? Oh, and make sure to have some other people shoot and cut us so it looks like a fight happened. As long as there aren't witnesses, what could go wrong?'

"And he said that with a straight face! A straight goddamn face!" Tiberious puts his weapon away and begins applauding. "All right everyone, let's give a big round of applause for your commanding officer, the man with the biggest pair of balls I've ever seen in my life. Man, if I could deliver wild ideas that well, I wouldn't have had to get good at fighting in the first place."
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=77343]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 15 = [18]+15 = 33
<Yep. This is actually the same kind of battle as from the prison at the beginning of the game where I represent a collection of enemies as one attack roll, and I do that to each character.>
<Yep. This is actually the same kind of battle as from the prison at the beginning of the game where I represent a collection of enemies as one attack roll, and I do that to each character.>

((Okay. My last RP post still stands, I'll just handle it more deliberately (ie with individual diplomacy checks and/or nonlethal bullrushing) if I do decide to try and leave))
Godfrey draws his sword, starting to become incredibly irritable in reaction to the strongman overly jovial haughtiness. It is apparent that he was pushed over the edge, and approaches Tiberious with haste. He hisses to his men, fuming, "Restrain him!!! We'll see how loudly you can laugh when I remove your tounge and shove it down your throat!!"

Despite Godfrey's approach, by now the men begin shaking their heads, "We can't do this sir!", "I question your authority, sir!"

Looking all about, the CO points his sword around, "It is this kind of brainwashing that gave Lucretia an army! OUR army!! Are you saying that you want to join her as well!?" Godfrey moves to one of his defiant men, and places the blade of his sword at his neck, "Are you openly defying my ORDERS!?"

Just after that moment, Dreadstone will notice an eerily familiar voice speak out from behind the crowd of red, "I believe you're acting a bit out of line, commander." Salutes are given to a man hopping a crutch onto the battle field, holding a crossbow in his hand pointed at Godfrey, "But that isn't new for you, now is it?" Godfrey turns over to see the crossbow pointed at him, and snarls, "You would point a weapon at your superior, Rotorson!?"


<I debated putting Rotorson in this scene because you don't need him to bail you out, but I decided that he would be good to give you some direction and insight afterward.>
Just as Draco was preparing to do something about Godfrey, someone else interrupts, so the half-elf decides to hold off on doing anything for now.
<Sorry about that DeadPhoenix, I honestly wasn't sure if anybody was gonna post so I just went ahead and moved on. I actually do want to know what you were gonna do though.>
<Sorry about that DeadPhoenix, I honestly wasn't sure if anybody was gonna post so I just went ahead and moved on. I actually do want to know what you were gonna do though.>

((Something that would have thrown this whole thing off(probably trying to hold Godfrey hostage), but w/e, i was busy with my other campaign yesterday and forgot to post after.))
((And to think, we could have had a Lovegood 2.0!))

Tiberious watches Godfrey's tantrum with increasing bemusement. As he ramps up, Tiberious thinks about other things he can do to further agitate the man, possibly getting the CO to take a swing at him. His thoughts are put on hold with the arrival of another officer, seemingly of lower rank but more respected, telling the screaming baby to stand down.

"Finally, a voice of reason!"
<Well, Thaddeus already knows about Rotorson because Dreadstone already told Thadds about him. If you want to have a soldier or two around that Thaddeus might know, feel free.>
((This feels more like a Dreadstone character moment, so we'll say that Thaddeus doesn't personally know anyone, and may have just seen some of the guys around occasionally))

Thaddeus raises an eyebrow. "Rotorson?" he mouths quietly. That sounds familiar somehow...

A vague recollection finds him, and he looks to Dreadstone. His eyes widen as he remembers the name escaping the ranger's lips during the boat ride. Speechless for the moment, he waits for a reaction from his fr...

Friend? Yes, that sounds right.
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