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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"Yeah, something like that. I left the arena a while ago because I wanted to travel the world helping people against bad stuff. That eventually led me to Deadstone and company. The worst I have to deal with there is Deadstone disagreeing with me on how to approach fights, and that's not so bad. I'd take it over a crazy officer any day."

On getting his healing paid for, he says "Thanks! Don't underestimate your own role though, the soldiers seem to respect you, and working a crowd's always important."
Draco's landing registers as mildly unusual for Thaddeus, but not enough to give him pause.

"Draco! You were closer than any of us. Did you see what happened to the..."

He trails off as the clues become obvious. The slight footprints on the cobblestone, the indentations on Draco's clothing that suggest someone is leaning on him, and the slight hint of magic in the air combine to tell him that there is an invisible person accompanying Draco. And who else would it be if not...

"Your Majesty," says Thaddeus. He faces the general direction of where he estimates the Queen to be standing and kneels. "Sir Thaddeus Birchwood at your service. We intended to bring you urgent news, but it appears we arrive late.

"Fortunately, we do not come empty-handed. We have a plan to bring down the rebels once and for all, but it will require a small amount of help from you." He looks around uneasily. "May we speak in a more private location, away from prying eyes and ears?"
<Keep in mind that Tiberious is in another location at the present moment. I am thinking of putting things on hold for a moment while I work things out behind the scenes.>
<I'm playing Baldur's Gate and I was able to kill a man with a tavern and even chase him to a corner and kill him while he was trying to run away.

None of the people in the tavern gave a crap.

No wonder a lot of the consequences in my game seem harsh.>
The healers at the temple are quick to dismiss Rotorson's bargain, "We can do our part here in the temple. You should already have militarized healers to send into danger, there isn't any need for unnecessary risks."

"I can go." A young voice says. Tiberious will notice an elven girl, still a kid, offering to take up the task of helping the party.


"I need to prove that I'm cut out to travel the world you say is so dangerous! I know there is something out there calling me, I just know it."

The healer that they are with naturally objects, "Child, please! We know not of what that symbol on your hand means! You are still much too young..."

"I'm still as powerful of a healer as anyone else! Going out into this war will prove it." She begins to gather her things and walks up to Tiberious and Curly's group, "Take me to your leader."

<This is Dreadstone's cohort (since he wanted a healer). He hasn't statted her or given her items yet, so I don't know what spell resources she brings right away.>
Tiberious's reaction is basically the opposite of the other healers, and he openly invites her to come along on a dangerous journey.

"Sure thing! Let's go on and get out of here so we can track down the others."

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolling up the healer's sheet now. May take me a bit since I don't know shit about clerics, and Leadership looks a bit more complex than it did in D&D, heh. She looks like a Chloe, though! We'll call her Chloe Silverlight.))
The strange young cleric climbs into the back of the buggy, ignoring the pleading of the priest telling her to come back. Curly begins to sound off to the priest, "Not to fear, you will not be fined for any breaches of life insurance policy that may incur as a result of the Cleric's willingness to put herself in danger. I'm sure something can be found under a good Samaratan Clause." He begins to rev up the buggy, "Hurry, Tiberious! We should return back."


As the Queen begins to recover, she begins to speak, starting with uncertainy about her saviors, "You do not seem like guards from my Kingdom..." Though Thaddeus is still of rank, his armor defies appearance, lending to her confusion, "I must know what authority you hold."

Only several moments after it begins to seem calm, a scout comes back and reports to Dreadstone, "Sir, not every one of The Orphans have withdrawn. There are still units focused on getting to our position. They might know by now that the Queen is with us. We are doing our best to hold them back."

Suddenly, the Queen tumbles over with no encouragement from anyone. That second later, the rest of you still at the battle site will begin to feel a tremor at your own feet.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone struggles to keep his footing as the ground starts to rumble, Gnaw whining in distress as he hunkers close to the ground to prevent falling over himself.

"Get th'Queen outta here!" he bellows to the nearest soldiers. "The Orphans are tryin' somethin'! Somethin' big!"

He steps up to the half elf cleric that Rotorson has assigned to his unit, unslinging his bow and drawing his arrows from his quiver. "Introductions will have t'come later. You wanted t'prove yerself? Yer about t'get yer chance."
Thaddeus's eyes narrow. He draws the Dawnbringer and scans the area for anything amiss that might coincide with these tremors.

Perception (1d20+1=15)

"Draco," he says, "If you are still able to fly, bring the Queen to the top floor of the highest tower in the castle." He nods in that general direction, remaining on high alert for the next threat to present itself. "If not, then the three of us ought to form a protective ring around her. This area is far too compromised to risk parading her about in the open."
With swift reaction and great movement, Draco is able to deftly clear himself away from the ground crashing upward, giving entrance to the Earth Elemental behind the curtain of dirt and gravel showering about.

Dreadstone and Gnaw are knocked back momentarily, and Thaddeus is collapsed in some of the rubble.

The familiar elemental looks down upon you once again with a sculpted expression, "I hope to see if your past defeats have molded you into worthy foes."

Boss Music

<Draco may get both a surprise attack and attack before the elemental does. For first turn, the rest of you must wait until after the Elemental, and Thaddeus is considered prone.

Map. Draco can choose his own starting position.>
Draco sees the earth elemental pop out of the ground and immediately runs over to Thaddeus to help him out of the rubble as quickly as possible. Once he is standing, Draco hands him an extract of Blur and says "Drink this, it'll make you a bit harder to hit, but keep yourself in his face, while I give Dread a little something as well."

((This is my surprise rounds and a move/standard action in our normal turn to give Thaddeus the extract, then I'll use a move action to get over Dread stone.))

"Backup Dread!"

((This jerk has reach, right? I need to do a Full Retreat to fall back without provoking AoO?))

((He has 15 ft of reach, withdrawing won't be enough because you will have to exit two squares he threatens. might as well just do a normal move and fire off a shot.))
((Sorry, I can't tell if 'helping Thaddeus out of the rubble' was flavor text or an actual action. Am I still prone?

Also do I have Blur, or Ablative Barrier on me? And if it's Ablative Barrier, what caster level are we working with? And I'm guessing the +2 armor bonus does NOT stack with my current armor?))
((Ok neat. Well that lets me take my turn, but I would still like to know about Blur or Ablative Barrier. I think DP was saying that if his knowledge check told him that the Earth Elemental had Tremorsense, he would cast Ablative Armor, and otherwise it would be Blur.))

Thaddeus gladly accepts Draco's assistance in emerging from the debris. He holds his sword overhead, and a blast of light repels all remaining dirt and rocks from the blade, leaving it pristine and glowing.

"Heironeous," he says, "Grant me the speed to outmaneuver this abomination and protect the Queen from harm!"

((I'm using my Divine Bond to put the 'Speed' enhancement on my sword, which will give me the equivalent of an extra Haste attack each round))
((yeah, lets just go with the Ablative barrier. caster level 10, so you should take 50 non-lethal damage(making for a sick combo with your lay on hands).))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oof, once again this guy is punching Dreadstone the fuck out. Should I just take a double move action to put some distance and eat the AoO to get at a range where I can keep running from him and take pot shots, maybe? I might be near death just getting away from this guy only to have him come up and punch me again...))
Thaddeus winces as the monster's earthen arms slam into Dreadstone and the poor little pup.

"Darren, Draco, both of you get behind me and away from this... thing! It won't go after you as long as I am in its way, and I can absorb its hits far better than either of you. And if you can manage, tell Gnaw to get away, too - I doubt his claws and teeth are a match for the defenses of this beast!"

He positions his shield as best he can and braces for impact.
((43, but if he's hitting for a third of my HP at a time, it won't go far))

((Damn dude, you barely have more hp then me... what is your con? or are your HP rolls just that bad?))

((Also, I should probably point out that due to alchemy being worst magic, the extract I gave Thaddeus doesn't do anything until he takes a standard action to actually drink it(which might provoke an AoO... but you can probably take it... actually if you were to provoke an aoo he wouldn't be able to take one on Dreadstone unless he somehow has Combat reflexes).))
((Unfortunately I already took my Standard action to activate my sword, so Dreadstone is going to have to go before I get to go again.

Also I already spent a turn doing basically nothing so I'm not sure I want to do that again. I already have DR 5 anyway thanks to my armor, so that plus my Lay on Hands should keep me sturdy for a good long while. I'll keep the extract on hand but I'm not gonna use it. I'd rather attack 3 times))

Mike M

Nick N
((Con is only 12. I haven't been investing in any constitution boosting gear since I tended to stay rooted in the back, which worked so long as I stayed out of melee range of giant rock monsters : ( Probavly some bad hit due rolls in there too

Fuck it, double move action, running 60ft due south for Dreadstone, 80ft for Gnaw.))
<I recalculated the damage bonus this guy should get, Dreadstone and Gnaw actually take two less damage from last round's Cleave.>

Attack of Opportunity (1d20+24=33, 2d10+11=19)

With a fist raised, the Elemental thrusts his knuckles forward into Dreadstone's body, sending him flying across the streets. Gnaw darts after.

The buggy finally arrives on the scene with Tiberious in tow. Curly exclaims, "Oh no! The outsider that had attacked the camp site! Tiberious, you're needed to fight right now." The half-orc assistant suggests, "We should do our part and get the queen to safety while you fight."

<Tiberious and Chloe are now in the battle, and may take their turns immediately.

Tiberious's eyes light up as he sees the earth elemental. He's been looking forward to killing this thing for a long time now. He jumps out of the wagon and pulls out his shield, rushing forward with minimal concern for counter attacks from the giant foe.

"You wanted to see the world, newbie? Watch closely, you're about to get a huge taste of it!"

((Drawing his shield and moving to L14 as that's as close as he can get in a single turn without daredevil charge. Not sure if it has any AoOs left, but if there are, there are worse people to incur them.

Also, quick question, are there any rules against grabs on really big enemies, either homebrew or official? I'll probably redo my turn to daredevil charge if there are since that would interfere with what he plans on doing next turn.))
((Only shield since I'm thinking about going for the longshot grab next turn but could use the max AC for now. He has quick draw so he can take out a weapon as a quick (free or swift is the right term, I think) action later when necessary))
((Keep in mind if you do not have two hands free, you take a -4 on your grapple check.))

Draco runs over to Dreadstone, "Here, take this extract of haste, it should help." and hands him a vial.

Mike M

Nick N
"Lieutenant Redstone!" Chloe shouts leaping from the coach with the heavy thud of plate mail concealed beneath her clerical vestments. With heavy step, she runs toward the battered tiefling, his blood red and vibrant against his dark skin. "Sir, I'm Medical Specialist Silverlight. Commander Rotorson has assigned me to your unit."

"Swell, Dreadstone grunts, accepting her offered hand to pull himself up. "Th'more th'merr--augh!"

"Sir!" Chloe cries, "You're injured!"

"Just my bones an'organs," Dreadstone says, standing on wavering legs. "Just patch me up an'--"

Dreadstone pauses as he takes in the sight of this slight half-elven girl dressed in almost comically oversized plate armor with a long sword at her side. "You said yer a medical specialist?"

Chloe nods eagerly. "Can't spell 'combat medic' without combat, sir! Now wait a moment, and I'll get you good as new."

((At a speed of only 20ft, it took her a double move action to get adjacent to Dreadstone.))

((Incidentally, NaNo book is done, resuming normal posting schedule))
Thaddeus breathes a small sigh of relief when Tiberious charges in next to him. He was prepared to face down this creature one on one if need be, but the gladiator's sudden appearance will certainly ease that burden.

"Your words are as empty as your soil," Thaddeus announces defiantly, even though it probably wasn't talking to him since it said 'human'. "Mankind ill needs a landscape such as you!"

First Attack and Damage (Power Attack and Smite) (1d20+16=30, 1d10+18=24)

Second Attack and Damage (Power Attack and Smite) (1d20+11=24, 1d10+18=19)

Haste Attack and Damage (Power Attack and Smite) (1d20+16=22, 1d10+18=23)
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