<Sorry about the delay. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the break.>
Whenever each of the individuals find time, easily so, during the week to sign up to the tournament, they'll find more detailed rules laid out for them than the basic ones on the flyer:
- One versus One duels where, unlike real combat, initiative is re-rolled every turn
- Up to sixteen entrants in the bracket, qualifiers the day before to determine which sixteen make it
- Prizes will be given to the top eight entrants, weighed towards the higher rank (1st place winner receives 8,500 gold pieces)
- Both warriors and magicians of any type are allowed to compete, in spirit of Emerald Bay's history
Then as the flyer continues, they'll see a header titled "Entrants Are Not Allowed to" and another list describing these things:
Entrants may not be allowed to
- Bring healing potions or healing wands (other types of alchemenal flasks are allowed, healing through spells are allowed)
- Due to recently instated anti-animal fighting laws, bring an animal companion; summoned creature spells are still allowed, but the resulting creature will be a physical illusion cast by the arena and not brought from its home plane
- Casting spells above the set maximum level of 4 (this refers to a spell's level, not caster level)
- Cast any spell of the Necromancy type (even simply having Necromancy as a studied school if caught will result from a lifetime ban from the tournament, even if a Necromancy spell is never cast)
Indeed some of these rules may seem strange to the entrants, and some seem loose enough that loopholes can be exploited.
As Lone Wolf and Stricia have predicted, the qualifiers are full of unimpressive ruffians only serving to embarrass themselves. However, not all of them are complete pushovers, as of the sixteen that have earned their right to enter the main event, the other twelve entering are strong enough to put on a fight, but there is yet any insurmountable challenge. Niko, Lone Wolf, Draco, and Stricia all manage to qualify for the main event.
Finally, after several days of preparation and waiting, the day of the tournament arrives.
Dreadstone will find Dortumn waiting outside. "Follow me," the Ruby Keep Field Marshall commands, ready and expecting Dreadstone to enter with him independent of the activity of the crowds. The others are at the arena itself already, sitting at the side just as the tournament begins.
The arena itself is a marvel of magical technology. Although the construction itself is typical of a coliseum, the magical surroundings put in place are already incredibly apparent this end of year winter. The sky appears a brilliant blue and pristine cotton clouds overhead, and the air is warm. The climate has been altered to facilitate the less than ideal weather conditions that the warriors would have otherwise had to fight in and also keeps the ground sturdy. The audience appreciates this too, able to enjoy a day of summer before going back to the difficult winter.
Dortumn would lead Dreadstone around the top edge, just above the bloody nose seats. Trumpets blare triumphantly, giving the dwarf a moment's pause for him to look to the private viewing box that hangs over the arena circle closely. As a man walks to the opening in the box, Dortumn taps Dreadstone's shoulder and nods over, "Let's give a listen before we go in."
When the man begins speaking, his image appears in the sky, giving an up close for everyone to see his expressions by, and his voice echoes through the grand space of the stadium. He boldly calls out to everyone, "Greetings, people of Emerald Bay! Thank you for allowing me to be a guest in this city and at this event. Time and time again we've seen personal tales of victory and growth within these walls, and men become heroes overnight. I know that I will enjoy the friendly competition we'll see today, having come all this way to see it. My only regret is that the woman I was to wed, Princess Lucille, is not here to share this joy with me." Indeed, this man* was a man that was almost prince of Ruby Keep, but now is only a ruler by proxy and only holds direct control over military affairs.
<*ThLunarian... What is this guy's name? I couldn't ask you for obvious reasons and I couldn't find it in the last game.>