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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

<You would've had a bit of time at least (I still need to draw something and I was seeing if Dreadstone was gonna bite my Piano Bar invite)>

Mike M

Nick N
Following the whiffs of information that he comes across, Dreadstone finds himself returning to the Piano Bar, the very same establishment that he was politely asked to quit the previous evening. During the midday hours, it might not be so populated so that the bounty hunter's presence might cause the proprietor issues, but Dreadstone would not be bothered even if it did. He had little sympathy for those who made it their live's work to cater to the unlawful.

The bar is dimly lit inside, even more so than the shadowed alley outside. While most people would probably need to allow their eyes to adjust, the tiefling's vision has no such requirement. He walks straight up to the bartender, ignoring the look of dismay brought on by his return.

"I'll make this quick," he says, cutting off any objection the bartender might offer. "No way does a city this size not have some unauthorized offsite betting going on during the tournament. I just want to be pointed in the right direction."
The tender is reading a news flyer that day, his own business dull during the day when most of his customers would still be passed out or sickly near death from their hangovers. When a visitor makes the front door jingle with the bell attached, he naturally looks just like he would for anyone, and lo and behold, there is the dark shadow that cast over his tavern the other night. He crumples his news flyer, grumbling to himself, "Didn't need to hear about puppies drowning anyhow.."

He turns to face Dreadstone, "You've got guts coming back here. It's your life." Hearing the information requested, he explains, a bit of a rant coming up, "Damned right people bet on who they think will win, but come on now, it's just a little coin between buddies. This isn't your jousting court back in Ruby Keep where they've got the results tightly gripped by the loinbells; it's a volunteer tournament. Anybody can enter. Nobody is sponsored. In fact, nobody bothers to bet when the sure winner comes up because who's gonna bet against that? Don't get me wrong, some matches do get fixed but it's usually just between winners working together to share their prizes, and even then the tournament organizers already crack down on any collusion."

Mike M

Nick N
Slightly disheartened that there doesn't seem to be that much opportunity for freelance law enforcement in Emerald Bay, Dreadstone decides he might as well head to the arena and watch the tournament.

Maybe if he's lucky, some poor sap will try and pickpocket him.
<Sorry about the delay. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the break.>

Whenever each of the individuals find time, easily so, during the week to sign up to the tournament, they'll find more detailed rules laid out for them than the basic ones on the flyer:

- One versus One duels where, unlike real combat, initiative is re-rolled every turn
- Up to sixteen entrants in the bracket, qualifiers the day before to determine which sixteen make it
- Prizes will be given to the top eight entrants, weighed towards the higher rank (1st place winner receives 8,500 gold pieces)
- Both warriors and magicians of any type are allowed to compete, in spirit of Emerald Bay's history​

Then as the flyer continues, they'll see a header titled "Entrants Are Not Allowed to" and another list describing these things:

Entrants may not be allowed to
- Bring healing potions or healing wands (other types of alchemenal flasks are allowed, healing through spells are allowed)
- Due to recently instated anti-animal fighting laws, bring an animal companion; summoned creature spells are still allowed, but the resulting creature will be a physical illusion cast by the arena and not brought from its home plane
- Casting spells above the set maximum level of 4 (this refers to a spell's level, not caster level)
- Cast any spell of the Necromancy type (even simply having Necromancy as a studied school if caught will result from a lifetime ban from the tournament, even if a Necromancy spell is never cast)​

Indeed some of these rules may seem strange to the entrants, and some seem loose enough that loopholes can be exploited.

As Lone Wolf and Stricia have predicted, the qualifiers are full of unimpressive ruffians only serving to embarrass themselves. However, not all of them are complete pushovers, as of the sixteen that have earned their right to enter the main event, the other twelve entering are strong enough to put on a fight, but there is yet any insurmountable challenge. Niko, Lone Wolf, Draco, and Stricia all manage to qualify for the main event.

Finally, after several days of preparation and waiting, the day of the tournament arrives.

Dreadstone will find Dortumn waiting outside. "Follow me," the Ruby Keep Field Marshall commands, ready and expecting Dreadstone to enter with him independent of the activity of the crowds. The others are at the arena itself already, sitting at the side just as the tournament begins.

The arena itself is a marvel of magical technology. Although the construction itself is typical of a coliseum, the magical surroundings put in place are already incredibly apparent this end of year winter. The sky appears a brilliant blue and pristine cotton clouds overhead, and the air is warm. The climate has been altered to facilitate the less than ideal weather conditions that the warriors would have otherwise had to fight in and also keeps the ground sturdy. The audience appreciates this too, able to enjoy a day of summer before going back to the difficult winter.

Dortumn would lead Dreadstone around the top edge, just above the bloody nose seats. Trumpets blare triumphantly, giving the dwarf a moment's pause for him to look to the private viewing box that hangs over the arena circle closely. As a man walks to the opening in the box, Dortumn taps Dreadstone's shoulder and nods over, "Let's give a listen before we go in."

When the man begins speaking, his image appears in the sky, giving an up close for everyone to see his expressions by, and his voice echoes through the grand space of the stadium. He boldly calls out to everyone, "Greetings, people of Emerald Bay! Thank you for allowing me to be a guest in this city and at this event. Time and time again we've seen personal tales of victory and growth within these walls, and men become heroes overnight. I know that I will enjoy the friendly competition we'll see today, having come all this way to see it. My only regret is that the woman I was to wed, Princess Lucille, is not here to share this joy with me." Indeed, this man* was a man that was almost prince of Ruby Keep, but now is only a ruler by proxy and only holds direct control over military affairs.

<*ThLunarian... What is this guy's name? I couldn't ask you for obvious reasons and I couldn't find it in the last game.>
I'm assuming you're not talking about Percy. I don't think I ever gave the name of the guy who was supposed to marry her before the party kidnapped her. If I had a name in mind for him, I've forgotten it, so feel free to make something up

Lone Wolf is kneeling in front of Lady in the area backstage where combatants have been designated to lounge about while they're not fighting, trying to calm her down.

"Easy, Lady," he says as she whimpers and begs. "This is one-to-one fight. No outside help can help. Even you. I will not die, and be back soon." She stands awkwardly on her hind legs and rests her front paws on Lone Wolf's shoulders, licking his face and continuing to whine. He puts his arms around her and rubs her fur as a last gesture of affection before standing up and turning away.

He can smell the nervous energy of his fellow combatants nearby. With only a few exceptions, they are all fidgety and lacking in confidence. Lone Wolf has no such problem. This sort of contest is what he was born to win.

It was a contest like this which awarded him leadership of his pack, and in turn, his leadership propelled that pack to the very top of the food chain. Even before becoming touched by the gods, Lone Wolf had stood toe to toe with foes that would wipe the floor with a normal wolf, and had come out on top every time.

He had no reason to believe that this would be any different.

Today, Lone Wolf would become the leader of Emerald Bay.


<are potions free or standard actions? What is the schedule of the final four rounds? All in one day or consecutive days? Basically do daily abilities get to refresh between fights or not?>


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko tightens the straps on his bandoleer and waits quietly for the tournament to begin. Marveling at the magical aura of the arena, he suppresses the urge to illuminate the source of the climate control by reminding himself he needs to save his energy for the trials ahead. He recognizes the announcer as Marcallus Billem, the reluctant bachelor of Ruby Keep. Smiling to himself he becomes more anxious than ever to begin, excited to display his power for such a high profile spectator.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone shoots Dortumn an arched eyebrow of surprise at Billem's appearance, but otherwise remains silent. He doesn't want to give the stern dwarf any more material to needle him about with his disapproving commentary.

The acting regent of the kingdom... That was a very important sponsor indeed. Dreadstone supposes he ought to feel flattered about being requested. No wonder Dortumn has been so sore about Dreadstone's service history.


Stricia ignores the announcement to focus on her meditation. She is no stranger to competition having gone through many trails and rankings at the monastery where she grew up. These had not started well for her, mocked by her fellow students for her differently coloured skin and shunned by most of the teachers for the same reason. But with an almost mulish stubbornness she had mastered what the monastery had to teach; growing faster, stronger, and more skilled. By the time she had been sent out on her mission it was routine for her to dominate the classmates who has previously bullied and harassed her.

But she had always known what she would face there as all of them had practiced the same art. Here she did not have that luxury and worried if she would be able to show the flexibility and intelligence needed to overcome the unknown skills and strengths of her opponents. Of if her own skills and strengths were an even match for them in the first place.

Not to mention at the monastery there was no huge noisy audience of revelers watching every moment.

Taking a deep breath Stricia focuses on what she can control, herself, and remembers her training: Sharp Mind, Strong Body, Settled Soul.
((Abilities refresh after every match? I am okay with this... more so if i don't have to re... drink my hour per level extracts. And if I can re-pick my prepared extracts before each match even better.))

Draco checks and rechecks his equipment, extracts and potions while running mock battles in his head, prepping himself for the on coming battles ahead. The wanna-be prince is a special guest? He's not surprised, Ayldar isn't the only place that cares more about who you are related to then who you are, but it's still sad that such an honor is given to a man whose greatest accomplishment is being left at the altar.
<I don't think you would run out of time on your extracts. You can't pick new spells or extracts though, just have them refreshed.

When the acting leader retreats into the confines of the viewing box is when the tournament system begins playing out its matches between the participants showing up. The sky is once again 'clear', and the voice of the regent is replaced by a boastful announcer driving along the audience and commentating on the show.

Dortumn leads Dreadstone towards an entrance to the farthest side of the arena, which takes him through an extra hallway, finely decorated and spotted with guards to allow persons of importance, which today include Dreadstone and the Field Marshal, inside. Just before the two step close to a door at the end, Dortumn turns and warns the tiefling, a bit of gruff in his voice, "Best be on your behavior, lad. I can't save you if you don't. He wants to see you alone." He then pats Dreadstone's shoulder to usher him forward. The guards would then allow him in.

As Dreadstone awaits confirmation of passage from the guards at the last door, one of them leans forward with a nearly hateful and untrustworthy voice, "Don't bother trying anything while you're in there, tiefling. This whole stadium is protected."

Once Dreadstone is finally allowed in, Marcallus looks over to the door opening and sees the shadowy figure coming in. Dreadstone looked every bit like the gossip foretold, if not more so in person. The nobleman looks over and calls over, "So you're the one keeping my streets clean." With a tug of his finger, a well dressed servant pours a drink in opposite glasses for the both of them. Marcallus looks over to Dreadstone while taking his own drink, saying, "I hope the long trip was worth me admitting that you've done a fine job," he gestures over, "Go ahead, have a seat. Have a drink as well, there's enough to feel a buzz by the time this tournament finally finishes."


<First artwork on my new, better tablet!>

Meanwhile, the rest of you slowly climb your way through the brackets. You face a variety of opponents both magical, with a fighting style, or a mixture of both, but nobody willing to seek victory more than you have been thus far.

As fates would have it... eventually you will find yourself facing someone you know.. eventually the announcer calls out the names of you, and one of the people you've fought with at the goblin ambush like fate intertwining once more.


<To save a bit of time, I'm going to do two matches at once (canonically they happen at different times):

Niko vs. Stricia
Lone Wolf vs. Draco

The winners of these matches will then fight a match of their own.

You may type out a story of what the prior matches might've been for you until now.

You will start roughly 60 ft of each other, and neither of you are flatfooted starting out. Roll initiative and decide your action, and be sure to roll initiative every turn after that.>
Draco's plan to go on the defensive has been working very well for him so far. He is already hard enough to hit with his natural speed and mithral armor, but the magic shield and the illusion that makes his exact location hard to pin point have made him damn near untouchable. The ablative barrier however, makes him damn near invincible, even if they do hit. If he hadn't read the rules over and over again himself, he'd be sure he was breaking them. Better yet, he's still got a few tricks up his sleeve just in case...

...But it looks like it might be time for his just-in-case back-up plan. Lone wolf is not only formidable at hand to hand fighting, but he has magic as well. Not to mention a wolf buddy, plus several more he can conjure from other planes. Worst yet, he can transform into a wolf himself. But you know what they say... fight fire with fire. Before the match, Draco takes out a vial unlike any of his others and says to himself, "Try to keep it together this time okay?" and then downs it.

As Draco enters the arena, Lone Wolf probably notices he looks a bit different. In some ways he looks a bit more... elfish. He looks more lithe and his ear seem a bit more pointy, but he is also sporting some seriously hairy mutton chops(still not beard or mustache though) and a wild look in his eyes, though still every bit as intelligent as normal.

"Hey 'Lone' Wolf! Did I ever mention your name makes no sense? You are always hanging out with that wolf, Lady I think you called her. Ever consider changing your name to 'In a committed relationship wolf'?"

He then pulls out his scimitar and gets into a fighting stance and awaits the signal to begin the round.

Init: (1d20+7=15)
Draco drinks an extract and suddenly his body appears blurred, shifting, and wavering. He then moves 30' towards Lone Wolf.

((That might change depending on what Lone Wolf does if he goes first. BTW the mysterious vial from before was a mutagen. Investigators can pick that up with a talent, it is very nice. Also, I assume the ablative barrier is still active because its hour per level... if not he can just drink it again before the match(unless GM says otherwise of course).))
((If daily abilities refresh between rounds, does this also apply to prepared spells for the day? I'm assuming it applies to Wild Shape, but I want to confirm that, too))
<Let's just say this: Every new round counts as a new day except for choosing new spells (so that there isn't counterpicking spells just to counter a certain person). Once the tournament is over we'll just say that everybody's abilities (including Wild Shape) have been exhausted.>
<Oh, and ablative barrier would still be effect but for the new round = new day rule it would go away after your fight with Lone Wolf. I think I'll give everyone a single action they can do before a round starts to account for how they're doing pre-battle preparations.>
Lone Wolf's first opponent is a heavily-armored... person, whose gender is indeterminate due to the unwieldy helmet covering its head. It's wielding a long chain with a spiked ball at the end - a weapon that Lone Wolf has never seen before, and he is fascinated by its damage-dealing potential.

He never gets a chance to see what it can do, though. After biding his time, easily backing off as the armored foe advances, Lone Wolf works out the timing that would be required to move in and strike. Opting to remain in his human form for this bout due to the increased flexibility afforded by opposable digits, he maneuvers around the deadly spiked chain and delivers a precision strike to the narrow spot of flesh between helmet and armor - a fatal blow in normal circumstances, which in this case merely knocks the opponent out cold. He never found out whether it was a male or female.

Lone Wolf's second opponent is slightly more imposing - an unarmored man with zealous eyes. The fight has hardly begun before Lone Wolf finds himself being assaulted by pillars of flame, hailstorms, and lightning strikes. Realizing that speed will be of utmost importance here, he transforms into his canine form and begins to circle the arena as fast as he can, while the ruthless sorcerer relentlessly hurls bolts, flames, and other magical conjurations his way.

Finally, though, the magic-wielder exhausts his powers. He actually attempts to chase after Lone Wolf with a gauntleted fist, but without his magic to protect him, he easily succumbs to a few well-placed bites to the torso.

Now is the time for his first true test of the tournament, as he watches Draco emerge from the lounge area on the opposite side of the arena.

Lone Wolf is unprovoked by Draco's attempt at taunting, using the extra time afforded him to study his opponent carefully.

The potion-swilling knife wielder was still something of a mystery to Lone Wolf, having been the only traveling companion that he hadn't gotten to know during the journey, and his somewhat unkempt appearance was something of a surprise, as was the unusual blurriness surrounding him.

Initiative (1d20+1=9)

He allows the wily man to approach, and when enough distance has closed between them he decides to send out a scout. He bellows a potent howl into the air, and is surprised by how the spell filters through the arena's magical wards. A shimmering, ethereal image of a wolf enters the arena as if from nowhere and charges Draco from the opposite direction that Lone Wolf stands in. Lone Wolf himself backs up 15 feet, forcing Draco to choose between fighting off the summoned creature or continuing his advance.

((Move action: move back 15 feet, lraving 45 feet between him and Draco. Standard action: Cast Summon Nature's Ally 2, conjuring a single Wolf.

Wolf charges Draco.

Summoned Wolf attack, damage, and free trip attempt (Trip attempt is vs CMD)(1d20+6=22, 1d6+3=9, 1d20+4=13)

Initiative check for next round so that Draco knows whether or not he goes first (1d20+1=7)))
The wolf that is summoned appears different than normal, like somebody's idea of what a wolf looks like more than what would normally appear when Lone Wolf casts the spell. Otherwise, it obeys Lone Wolf's commands the same way and can physically affect Draco the way he would want.

<Remember to roll concealment, Draco.>
((Blur does not require me to roll concealment... though since that wolf beat my ac, he will need to. Or do you want me to roll concealment for him? Either way the trip fails for sure, so I'm not on the ground at least.))

Init: (1d20+7=22)
Draco decides to remove the wolf as a problem as quickly as possible. Its not too tough, but if it puts him on the ground, he could be in trouble real quick. He takes a moment to study the wolf, then suddenly spins around and stabs the wolf, aiming right for the heart. Then he takes a 5' step towards Wolf.

Attack;Damage: (1d20+8+1+2=21, 1d6+5+2=8)
And if that hits...
Studied Strike damage: (1d6=4)

Init for next turn: (1d20+7=13)


<These aren't the semifinals right?>

Stricia fared better than she dared hope in the tournament; her speed and strength managing to overwhelm her opponents before they could muster a counter.

Looking at the remaining combatants she can't help but break out in a grin. The familiar faces of her follow warriors from the bandit skirmish not only cheers her in this unfamiliar place but their success in getting to the final four in the tournament speaks to how skilled they are. She has by chance fallen in among exemplary fighters. Her suspicion that this continent was chock full of regular folk that would easily outstrip the skills that she had spent her whole life gaining eases as do the doubts that she has been plagued with. She has much to learn about the wonders of the world, this is true, but perhaps she will find it in herself to be a match for them after all.

Before the match Stricia seeks out Niko and salutes him with a half bow as befitting a respected opponent. "I hope to learn much from our fight Master Niko."

As preparation she drinks a potion of Mage Armor before combat begins

Initiative: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4347911/]1d20+6=14[/url]

At the start of the round Stricia charges right at Nico and moves into a jumping kick designed to stun...

Attack Roll:
And whiffs completely grimacing at her complete failure to connect
Damage Roll:
Stunning First DC15 to save

<Ones everywhere, Ones as far as the eye can see>
((Actually I think these are the semifinals, if I understood KM correctly.

Concealment roll for the Summoned Wolf's attack last round(1d100=56)

Are we doing Low = Miss, or High = Miss for concealment?

Now that I'm on a laptop, I just want to make sure I understand all these mechanics correctly. Draco's ablative thing means that, since all damage is nonlethal in the arena, he has DR 5, which will be able to absorb up to 20 damage total before it goes away because it's Caster Level 4.

Since the Summoned Wolf just hit Draco for 9 damage, the Ablative thing soaked up 5 of it, meaning that Draco takes 4 damage and the Ablative thing is down to 15 protection total. Does that all sound correct?))

Lone Wolf raises an eyebrow as Draco cuts into his ally. Resisting the urge to abandon his strategy and tend to his comrade-in-arms, he tries to remind himself that this time, the wolves he summons aren't real creatures, and thus don't feel any pain.

Instead, he signals for the summoned wolf to press its attack, and initiates his own canine transformation before letting out another mystical howl. A second summoned wolf shimmers into existence on the opposite side of the arena, and as their pack leader readies his own charge, the two creatures rush in for a pincer attack.

((Standard Action: Cast Summon Nature's Ally 2 to conjure Summoned Wolf #2. Move Action: Activate Wild Shape to assume Wolf form.

Summoned Wolf 1 takes a 5-foot-step to be diagonal to Draco and holds his standard action.

Summoned Wolf 2 Charges at Draco.

Summoned Wolf 2 Attack (including Flanking), Damage, Trip Attempt, and Concealment Roll (1d20+8=10 vs AC, 1d6+3=8, 1d20+4=9 vs CMD, 1d100=63%)

Summoned Wolf 1 then uses his Standard Action to attack Draco.

Summoned Wolf 1 Attack Roll (including Flanking), Damage, Trip Attempt, and Concealment (1d20+6=19 vs AC, 1d6+3=8, 1d20+4=17 vs CMD, 1d100=24%)

Initiative for Round 3 (1d20+1=17)

I... guess that means I go again? I'll wait for Dead Phoenix to relay the outcome of that second attack so I don't advance too quickly))
((My AC is 21 right now, so those attacks miss. Also the spells says its total amount only decreases when you convert lethal damage into non lethal. But I can live with a change, in this unique situation.))
<Based on the writing it seemed like the ablative armor would only dissolve if it was converting lethal damage into non-lethal damage, but I'm going to make an exception to that rule and have it dissolve while in the arena. Outside the arena, the spell will work as written.>

<Also, the defender is technically the one that makes a concealment roll which is why I was thinking ThLunarian was waiting for DeadPhoenix to roll it a turn earlier, and why I made sure to remind him:

Concealment gives the subject of a successful attack a 20% chance that the attacker missed because of the concealment. Make the attack normally—if the attacker hits, the defender must make a miss chance d% roll to avoid being struck.

Either one can roll though. If anything I would prefer the attacker to do so.

Finally I think I'll go with low=failure.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((@Stricia's attack, aren't we starting off 60ft away from each other?))

Beginning Rounds
Despite the relative ease of the beginning rounds, Niko pulls no punches in unleashing his abilities with panache. Pulling a dazed and confused opponent out of the dirt, he pats the defeated student on the shoulder. "Your speed needs work and you definitely need some kind of a close range option." As his name is called for the third time, he cracks his knuckles and slips on a pair of leather gloves eager once more to put his ambition on display for all to see.

Niko's visual splendor unleashes in a firework display of magic that dazzles and burns the retinas of a seasoned archer. Testing the bounds of the magical arena he summons up a cacophony of sound to reverberate through the stadium, shaking the very foundations of earth and stone and causing the burly dwarf warrior before him to fall to his knees. A plume of emerald flame explodes from the center of the arena, engulfing the stunned dwarf in a funeral pyre that is as lethal as it is real...not that the unconscious warrior knew enough to discern illusion from reality.

- - -

Smiling and laughing his way through the beginning rounds of the tournament, Niko only becomes serious once he hears the name of the female monk. He is not surprised to see her make it this far along and responds in a serious but respectful tone. "Well met, Stricia. I have seen your battles. Your will and body appear to be made of the same immovable stone. You fight well. But can you dance?"

At these last words Niko smiles and puts the hood of his cloak up as the announcer fires the shot that begins their match.

((Niko casts Mage Armor as his pre-round action)).


1d20+7 &#8594; [18,7] = (25)

Turning around Niko rushes 30ft backwards as quickly as he can, before twisting back and casting Grease (Reflex DC:15) underneath the charging monk's feet.
((AC 21? Good god. Time to switch tactics...))

Lone Wolf is flabberghasted by Draco's seemingly casual deflection of blows from all sides, but fortunately the investigator is at least being kept busy, leaving an opening. As the summoned wolves circle around Draco, Lone Wolf takes advantage of the opportunity and charges into Flanking position....

((Both Summoned Wolves are going to use Aid Another in an attempt to add +2 to my Attack Roll.

Summoned Wolf 1 Aid Another, and Summoned Wolf 2 Aid Another (1d20+6=7, 1d20+6=24)

This will give me a total of +2 to my attack roll. Summoned Wolf 1 will then 5-step to the opposite side of Draco from that which Lone Wolf is facing.

Lone Wolf will then Charge at Draco.

Attack Roll (including Charge, Flanking, and Aid Another bonus), Damage Roll, Trip Attempt, Concealment (1d20+14=32 vs AC, 1d6+4=9, 1d20+8=22 vs CMD, 1d100=95)

Initiative for Round 4 (1d20+1=4)
((Wow, been playing PF for years, never noticed that, and there have been a lot of concealment rolls...

Also, Stricia would be able to charge you(and get -2 ac, +2 attack of course), as she is still a few levels from getting 60' movement range I imagine.))
((@Stricia's attack, aren't we starting off 60ft away from each other?))
<Good catch, but if she used a charge full round action (double move speed + a single attack), and judging by the writing I think she did, then she could have done that.>


<yeah, it was a full charge that would get me 80 feet of movement. Of course, since Niko beat my initiative and moved back to a distance of 90 it wouldn't work. I should change my move to account for that and the grease right?>

 reflex save [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4348150/]1d20+7=19[/url]
< safe from grease at least.>
<I'm actually not sure if Niko could have made that Grease, unless he wanted to place it on some random spot on the ground, because the range is only 35 at his caster level.>
((and now that i see TL's ninja post, I should probably do mine... Dat action economy bro.))

Draco find's himself on the ground. This is very, very bad and exactly what he did not want happen. The question is, does he remove the extra bodies, or go for their leader first? For now he'll go with getting rid of one of the wolves.

Attack;Damage: (1d20+8+1=14, 1d6+5=7)
Inspiration added to attack roll: (1d6=2)
((welp... that's a 16-4 thanks to being on the ground on summoned wolf 1. I suspect this won't end well.))

Regardless of how his attack turn's out, the investigator jumps to his feet, (provoking up to tree AoOs...) and takes a 5' step next to Lone Wolf to get himself out of easy flanking range.

Init round 4: (1d20+7=27)
((I think its safe to say I go first, but I'll see how TL does with his AoO's first(i am so screwed).))


<alright i will wait for jackbens clarification and then rework my first round. Should i reroll any attack i would make? Don't want anyone to be cheated out of a natural one>
Lone Wolf's bite to Draco's leg gives him leverage to savagely throw the investigator to the ground. Even while prone, however, the foe is not helpless, swiping at the already-injured summoned wolf and narrowly missing.

When he attempts to get to his feet, however, all three Wolves pounce in unison.

Summoned Wolf 1 Attack of Opportunity Roll, Damage Roll, and Concealment (1d20+6=8, 1d6+3=8, 1d100=86)

Summoned Wolf 2 Attack of Opportunity, Damage, and Concealment Roll (1d20+4=8, 1d6+3=9, 1d100=45)

Lone Wolf Attack of Opportunity, Damage Roll, Concealment (1d20+10=26, 1d6+5=6, 1d100=7)

...And by feinting at the exact right moment, Draco is able to outmaneuver all three of them.

((I just realized that I miscalculated my damage bonus on the attack where I hit and knocked you down, so you actually should have taken 1 additional damage. Sorry about that.

And yeah, I think a 27 beats a 4 in initiative pretty handily heh))

Mike M

Nick N
((Meanwhile on a lark I was writing out Dreadstone's life story, and with only the first story beat completed, I'm already 2K words or so in.

Somebody stop me.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Trashing that previous scenario in his mind, Niko blinks and comes back to the reality of his battle against Stricia. Appearing to get the drop on her, he still rushes back 30 feet but this time casts a different, more devious spell from his arsenal. "Down you go!" The ground underneath the monk suddenly gives way, the earth crumbling underneath her and falling into a dark pit.

Create Pit (Reflex DC 15 to not fall in).
Lone Wolf growls in frustration, realizing that the spell-like effect that Draco just activated is only going to make things more difficult for him. He directs his allies to execute the same attack plan as last time, and the three wolves circle around their target; Lone Wolf strikes as soon as he is able.

((Round 4 actions:

Summoned Wolf 1 Aid Another, and Summon Wolf 2 Aid Another (1d20+4=14, 1d20+6=26)

This will give me a total of +4 to my attack roll.

Lone Wolf's Attack Roll (Aid Another + Flanking bonuses), Damage Roll, Trip Attempt, and Concealment Roll (1d20+14=29 vs AC, 1d6+5=9, 1d20+8=19 vs CMD, 1d100=32)

Initiative Roll for Round 5 (1d20+1=18), which should mean I go again, but again I'll wait to see what the results of that attack were.))
Having spent most of this battle nipping at Draco's legs, this time he catches the alchemist off-guard by leaping in an upward arc. His paws push into Draco's chest as his teeth sink into flesh, once again leaving the elf lying on the ground.

The wolf pack seizes the initiative and goes in for the kill...

((Round 5 Actions:

Summoned Wolf 1 attack, damage, and concealment (1d20+4=10, 1d6+3=9, 1d100=54)

Summoned Wolf 2 Attack (incl. Flanking), Damage, and Concealment (1d20+6=19, 1d6+3=8, 1d100=22)

Lone Wolf Attack (incl. Flanking), Damage, and Concealment (1d20+10=24, 1d6+5=10, 1d100=43)

Initiative for Round 6 (1d20+1=18)))
((Yeah the first wolf would have gone away after last round and the second one will go away at the end of this round. Honestly I forgot about the duration until you just brought it up; sorry about that.))

The first wolf dissipates into nothingness after trying, and failing, to attack Draco. The elf stands up to get out of the way, and as he does, the two remaining packmates open fire.

Summoned Wolf 2 Attack of Opportunity (incl. Flanking), Damage, and Concealment (1d20+6=13, 1d6+3=7, 1d100=46)

Lone Wolf Attack of Opportunity (incl. Flanking), Damage, and Concealment (1d20+10=14, 1d6+5=10, 1d100=32)

Once again, the wily alchemist is able to get out of the way of both attacks, but Lone Wolf and his remaining ally press the attack while they still have a numbers advantage.

((Round 6 actions:

Summoned Wolf 2 Aid Another Attack Roll(1d20+6=12)

Gives a +2 bonus to my attack.

Lone Wolf attack roll (incl. Flanking and Aid Another bonus), Damage, Trip Attempt, and Concealment (1d20+12=28 vs AC, 1d6+5=7, 1d20+8=26 vs CMD, 1d100=60)))

With that, the second Summoned Wolf disappears into the aether, leaving only Draco and Lone Wolf remaining in the arena.

((Initiative for Round 7 (1d20+1=11)

I have to go to bed now, sorry))
((god damn, my barrier is down, so that is full damage leaving me at 0 hp exactly. Assuming that doesn't end it for me automatically...))

Draco makes one last attempt save his own ass, and downs an extract of cure light wounds(This probably gets another AoO. Its not clear, but I'm pretty sure drinking a potion does, so probably).

HP healed: (1d8+4=10)

Init round 8: (1d20+7=18)

((Going first, this time. yay.))

Draco hops to his feet again(I assume this doesn't provoke an AoO. IDK with the whole rerolling init every round thing...) steps away from Lone Wolf and downs his last extract.

HP Heal: (1d8+4=8)

Init Round 9: (1d20+7=8)
((Good damn my rolls))
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