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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Brooding in a dark corner of the wagon, Niko bunches up the herbs Ozzy has collected for him onto a rectangular slip of paper. He steals a glance at Dreadstone before continuing. With a concentrated look on his face, the sorcerer attempts to roll the grasses into the paper to form a cylinder from which he may inhale the mixture of burnt essences. Making a mess, he attempts to light the floppy joint with one of his signature green flames, only to succeed in burning his lip and coughing erratically from the dark and choking smoke.
((If the road congestion was intended to move us toward Iron Hill, you can just summarize what keeps us from heading to the north camp and gives us the idea of going that way. Otherwise, we could always just go there after the camp. I'm fine with going to Iron Hill, but if that's not the direction things are going, I don't object to a summary))

<Nah, it's actually to slow down your progress a bit but not actually stop you (so I can barely fit some events into a reasonable time frame).

Actually, I will go ahead and RP with one character but I think i'm dry on other stuff>

Everyone is in the inn now, though it is highly late and rest has become mandatory after the stifled progress and half of the party having traveled on their feet.

Stricia will find the blacksmith from Rosewood in the inn here, his large and gritty appearance easily spotted from within the crowds inside the building. As it turns out attempting to put a city's population, or even just a small part of it in a building can be troublesome.

Mike M

Nick N
((Just to fill some time then...))

Though he lasts longer than some of the other members, Dreadstone eventually succumbs to cabin fever in the slow moving wagon and hops out to stretch his legs. Gnaw, spying some small furry creature in the underbrush, tears off after it in a fury of barking and gnashing teeth.

"I'll be back in a bit," he informs Uqualek. "I don't reckon you'll be goin' anywhere without me anyway."

Boots crunching on gravel, Dreadstone moves upstream against the flood of refugees fleeing the situation in Rosewood. No one spares him a second glance as he passes between the stalled wagons, everyone entirely too occupied with their self preservation to spend any effort on tending to their prejudices against tieflings.

Dreadstone pauses to roll himself a cigarette, leaning up against a tree to savor its flavor as he stares out into the woods. Ever watchful. Ever ready.

"You like to work drab, don't you?" asks a baritone voice from behind him. Turning to look over his shoulder, Dreadstone finds the speaker sitting in the driver's seat of an expensive-looking enclosed wagon. A huge man, bigger than Tiberius, though more than twice the age if the silver hair is anything to go by. In his youth, he could have been quite formidable.

Hells, he was still formidable.

"Pardon?" Dreadstone asks, at a loss for any other response.

"I was referring to your attire, sir," the driver says, waving his hand at Dreadstone. "Black on black on black. A tad bit much, wouldn't you say?"

"My eyes are silver," Dreadstone grunts in response.

"Be that as it may, I cannot in good conscious let you carry on like that. I would be remiss in my duties to not lend you my aid."

Dreadstone doesn't quite put his hand to his weapon, but this entire conversation seems... Odd. "An' what duties might that be?" he inquires.

Grinning, the man stands to his full height -- gods damn, he really is massive -- and bows. "Lance Valmer, tailor of some renown."

Dreadstone grunts once more. "Never heard of you."

"Of course not," Lance says as he climbs down to the ground. "If you were aware of my talents, you would not be wearing that dreadful thing that you are."

Lance circles to the back of his wagon and opens the door. "Well, come on then. I haven't got all day."

Dreadstone slowly rounds to the back of the wagon. From all appearances, it is exactly what he would have expected of a tailor, packed with clothes, fabric, and dressing dolls. Lance hops in and starts rummaging through his wares. Snapping his fingers at Dreadstone , he commands, "Your cloak. Off with it."

Dreadstone complies, removing his cloak and handing it to the giant tailor, who falls upon it with needle, thread, and fabric. "I know who you are," he says softly.

"Lots of people do," Dreadstone responds. "I'm kinda distinctive."

Lance nods knowingly as his fingers fly over Dreadstone's cloak. "You're the lad who brought in the Rune Killer," he continues. "I imagine that must have been difficult for you."

Dreadstone stiffens at the mention. The Rune Killer case had was nearly 20 years ago, and had left an impact far beyond simply being the case that had allowed Dreadstone to make his name for himself after leaving the force. But most of those details were not widely known.

"You might say that," the ranger says evenly.

Lance nods again. "That was a nasty piece of work," he comments. "Me and my own may not have always had our interests aligned with the Ruby Guard, but there isn't a person alive out of the Narrows who didn't let out a sigh of relief when you hauled that bastard in to the constabulary. Bringing him in alive took real sand."

Dreadstone scoffs. "Friend, you're entirely too soft to be worryin' about the goin' ons of the Narrows."

A look flashes over the tailor's face, one that speaks of a life far more dangerous than sewing clothes. But it passes, just as quickly. "We all come from somewhere, Darren. Some of us just put more distance between us and our origin. Now here, try this on again."

Lance hands Dreadstone back his cloak. It's little changed, except for a hemming of red fabric that crosses his chest just below his collarbone. "Not much difference," he notes.

"Yes, well I am a tailor, not a worker of miracles. Still, it is a marked improvement, as would be noted by anyone with any degree of refinement. Now off with you, and be sure to tell your friends to ask for Lance!"

Dreadstone departs the strange man's wagon and returns to Uqualek. It's only later at the inn that he realizes that the man had called him Darren.
<I would say that deserves a trait

Thwarter of the Rune Killer
Your accomplishments date back to different times, when it seemed like there was no hope to catch this man.

+3 Charisma for people that know who you are.​

Mike M

Nick N
((Just part of my overwrought backstory that I think only Azih has seen part of. Plus, hey, cameo from an NPC from the last game!))
((Nice tale. Granted, I'm afraid to see what you consider dark now. Definitely looking forward to the next one))

Though he's not sure why most of the party felt the need to finish the trip on foot, Tiberious eventually realizes that he probably went overboard in teasing Niko. He'll go find Niko and attempt an apology, either in the wagon or before he passes out for the night.

((In the event that Tiberious just ends up making things worse, it goes without saying that he is not a clever man))

"So, I might have gone a bit overboard with the whole sexy kindergarten number. Sorry about that. You know, the traffic was getting bad for most of us. Really though, if I knew your tastes were a touchy subject, I'd have lightened up on it. No harm in any of that."


((Yeah Dreadstone did not have the best of childhoods))

Stricia recognizes the blacksmith and makes her way over to him and bows in greeting. "Master Blacksmith. Are you well?"
<Lovegood is a teenager, btw.>

The blacksmith looks to the woman, saying to her, not bothering to ease into discussion, "War is about to happen, but I support neither side. Neither the soldiers and the rebels are backed by the gods of war. Neither will win."


Stricia nods. "The old gods are dead but the power of the divine has not disappeared. It seems like new gods are rising. If a new god of war appeared would you take it for a deity or keep faith with the brothers?"
((Just occurred to me that all this in-game downtime is a good opportunity to try and teach Lady a new trick.

Going for 'Track':

Handle Animal: (1d20+9=15)

That would be a failure. Frown town.

As a side note... I've started writing a sequel story to Quest for the Holy Relics. No idea how far I will get (I'm only 6 pages in right now), but with the ideas in my head so far it's looking to be a long, involved story. Seems a bit silly to write so much about something that only a very few people are at all invested in, but... hey, it's good practice!))
<You won't know why yet but I always imagined the 3rd game in this universe would tie into Quest of the Holy Relics a lot more, depending on whatever the DM for it does.>

Mike M

Nick N
As a side note... I've started writing a sequel story to Quest for the Holy Relics. No idea how far I will get (I'm only 6 pages in right now), but with the ideas in my head so far it's looking to be a long, involved story. Seems a bit silly to write so much about something that only a very few people are at all invested in, but... hey, it's good practice!))

((I'm reasonably sure that between my side story about Val and the art heist and my planned Dreadstone episodes, I'm halfway to a novel of this stuff. Closer still if you count the multi-thousand word posts like what happened while Val was dead, the epilogue, the love hotel in Sigil, Valentino's trial, etc.))
<Looks like I'll have a little something for this trip after all, but I'll need time to prepare it.

For now we can talk about why Muun is a better character than Sarm.>

Mike M

Nick N
<Looks like I'll have a little something for this trip after all, but I'll need time to prepare it.

For now we can talk about why Muun is a better character than Sarm.>
((Oh here we go again...

Actually, I'm going back and forth between Dreadstone and Val. Val's origin was insanely derivative of another work, and his portrayal was borderline Marysueish, but damned if I didn't love writing him. Dreadstone is more grounded in every way, and arguably has a more rounded story to him, but damn is he a straight man's straight man. Definitely not as fun, but may actually be the better character on objective analysis.))
<Both of your characters are equally cool at least. I have to choose between a prequel-era boring Jedi or a Rebel Alliance pilot that get stuff done while being chased by Tie Interceptors.>
((In the last game, I enjoyed playing as the villains. Coming up with ways to taunt the party in between rounds was lots of fun. Ssssset and Valentino were probably my top favorites out of the bad guys, even if Valentino didn't really last long. Also I'm giving another honorable mention to J'baana, the Khajit merchant in Sigil. I don't think any of the NPCs in the other game were particularly deep as characters, but I'm okay with that.

I'm really enjoying playing as Alf now that I've gotten into the groove of it. IMO at least, he's firing on all cylinders. Doesn't have much of a background to draw from, but that's by design, as it lets him be a lot more dynamic and develop on the fly))
((I think limited or lax background is the way to go. Then again, all the campaigns I've been involved with involve a lot of making up stuff as we all go along. I also agree on evil characters being fun to roleplay. One of my friends managed to make everyone in the campaign I was running evil, and that was a blast.

But yeah, my experience with actually rolling characters is limited, though I'm enjoying Tiberious so far. He's a tamer version of the kind of characters my best friend is prone to making.))
After going to bed that night, you are at the camp you learned of the very next night. After surveying the area, you find that it is similarly guarded as the prison with only a handful of patrol and spear men walking around the walls, and archers looking down from the top of the center building. Knowing that these Drow pose little threat compared to yourself, you go ahead and become invisible to sneak inside the camp, to look for the prisoner that you've been seeking for so long.

Luckily, the dogs on the inside of the walls have fallen asleep, and the lock to the main door is easily picked. Entering inside, you see giant spiders atop the upper floor, patrolling the area, but with your invisibility you get in with ease.

Strangely, the prison has nobody inside of it this time. Not like the last time you visited the prison, maybe because you personally freed everyone already. Remembering the back room, you decide to try and see if she is there. You went all of this way out here just to get her back, and you are certain that there is no other possible place she could be. Opening the door, you see a girl shackled against the wall, as beautiful as ever from the last time you have seen her. The red haired girl looks up to you, with a shine in her eyes like her grandmother's, calling out softly, "D-draco..." It is that moment, a light shines upon you both, like a breakaway into freedom and forever.

It is then your blurry vision begins to take in the morning light shining through the window nearby. Sadly enough, that was a dream.

<Just so it's clear, only Draco had this dream. That should be obvious but just so that "divine visions" are ruled out.>

<Backgrounds are overrated, IMO. Both of my characters had very minimal backgrounds last game but I was still able to do a lot with them. Plus a minimal background is less chance of clashing with the overall game's needs.>


((Stricia is pretty young and all of her background happened in a land far away so it's unlikely to come up. I kinda imagine her going through her formative years as a young adult during this campaign right now though and it's working out well. The role play with Alf is actually really great for what i imagine she will grow up into... As long as she survives of course.))
Draco gets up and stares at nothing for a few moments then suddenly punches the wall in a fit of misplaced anger "Owwwww!" He says as he attempts to shake the pain out of his fist, "If she'd seen that, I would not hear the end of it for weeks. Oh Maria... Wait! Calm yourself Draco, we've been down the road already and we are not going back. And the talking to yourself thing? Yeah, that needs to stop too. But as long as I'm thinking about it, now is as good a time as any..." The investigator proceeds to get himself dressed then heads out to search for Dreadstone.

Once found, he attempts to waits till none of the others are around, then approaches the ranger and asks, "Hey 'boss', this is coming out of nowhere, but I was wondering if there was any chance in your years of hunting down criminals, you ever come across a man with a snake tattoo that reach from his head all the way down his left arm?"
Dreadstone would recall flyers from a couple of years back asking to watch out for somebody with that description here and there in Ruby Keep, but he would have never ran into anybody with a tattoo of that exact description.
Once that short discussion ends on a flat note, you depart for the forest in order to make a beeline for what you think is Forrester's location.

The trip into the forest is uneventful for a little while.. until the trees and the ground become uneven enough that it becomes ideal to leave the wagon and continue on foot and continue towards your destination. Time fades the sky into darkness, leaving barely any sight to see all about in your approach.

Just as it would seem like this trip would lead to getting lost, you see a couple of men.. Ruby Keep uniformed men, one grasping the other to leverage him as the two limp away.
<Perception check to see if anything else can be learned about the Ruby Keep men from a look, will post Tiberious's response after seeing if that warrants anything>
Perception [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61262]_: 1D20 + 4 = [12]+4 = 16
Tiberus has probably seen worse injuries done to others in his youth, considering that these two men are still alive. One man has a gash in his leg, and the other slashing wounds through his clothing.
"Oh, well those injuries don't look too bad from here! Just a few cuts. Still, we should probably go help them and see what injured them. Maybe they were hurt by the rebels we're after or something."

((I was planning on having Tiberious get into character and leave the wagon to talk to them, but I feel like I should wait for the others to post before doing that))

((And I'm blind. They already left the wagon. Still, should probably wait before charging over to them))
"Greetings," Alf calls out from afar. He throws his hands up and waves at the men, casually walking in their direction. "You look hurt. Need help?"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61265]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 14 = [16]+14 = 30

Stepping forward with one foot and directing a hard stare at the injured men, Tiberious shouts back "Run? RUN?! What is it that has wounded you? We shall crush it where it stands! A MAN DOES NOT SHY AWAY IN THE FACE OF ADVERSITY!"
Alf scrunches his brow and throws a surprised glance at Tiberious. He then looks back at the two men. "What he says. We not scared. Come here and I will heal you, and you can run or stay as you wish."
"Listen! We ambushed our enemies and drove them off, but they took many of us down in return because...!"

You hear a low rumble. The man doesn't hesitate to scream furiously, even in the face of unparalleled confidence in the man chanting his pride, "GO! RUN! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!"
In response to Alf's glance, Tiberious turns to him and quietly says "Eh, can't introduce myself to people out of character. That's just bad form."

Hearing the rumbling, Tiberious draws his silvery longsword and shield. "Besides, looks like we're on the hook for a real fight now. I can't pack it up and run after that number."


bitch I'm taking calls.
After the silence of their trek through the forest, Niko pulls down his hood at the sound of shouts, his eyes alert to danger. Sharing a quick glance with the others, he finds himself keen to follow their advice. "Then come with-"

us!" He motions for the two soldiers to follow so they can retreat in haste. "Are there others in danger?"

"Alf I can heal them with my wand, but if danger is as close as he says we'll likely need to move quickly. I'll do what I can to help in advance." Niko begins to cast mage armor upon himself and Stricia as he continues to run through stategy. "Unless there are others still under attack, we should get these two to safety before we rush into an unknown situation."
In response to Alf's glance, Tiberious turns to him and quietly
After the silence of their trek through the forest, Niko pulls down his hood at the sound of shouts, his eyes alert to danger. Sharing a quick glance with the others, he finds himself keen to follow their advice. "Then come with
It is about these points that you are cut off.

<I'm gonna BRB, then have further instructions.>
The ground before you explodes violently in a geyser of dirt and stone, plowing upward a figure molded from the very earth itself; its powering entrance sends the two men flying from its sheer mass.

<Everybody make a reflex save, DC 20. Failure means taking 1d8 damage from either debris or being knocked back, and failure by 5 or more leaves you prone.>
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