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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((That last scene is especially eerie for me. My best friend has an underage sister who used to live in an actual town called Southport, and she is currently visiting that town. I just opened Facebook and the first thing I saw was:

"Sitting at the pool at my hotel with momma and sister. Nice to be back in southport :D"))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I blame KM entirely))

Spotting Tiberius among the crowd Niko approaches the gladiator. He clears his throat, and speaks with a deeper tone of voice. "Nothing new to report. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything else out about the situation here or abroad. I know the noise and crowds probably bother Alf, and I've never known Dreadstone to be a party goer." With some amusement he tries to imagine the tiefling wearing a party hat. "Anyway, hopefully we can move on from here sooner rather than later.
Tiberious jokingly hits Niko on the arm, saying "Of course, of course. You were gathering information for another purpose, weren't you?"

After laughing for a little bit, he'll agree that they should move on. "Let's go see if we can find Alf or something, I think we're done in here, unless you weren't done 'probing information' from the little lady."
<@ThLunarian: That might've been where you got the name "Southport" from, even by accident. I had completely forgotten that Rosewood armor was a thing when coming up with the town, but the name was in my subconscious.>
Outside, there is a sizable number of people scattered along the outside of the inn, sitting around and generally trying to keep themselves warm. Fires are built away from the building and away from the wagons. The sounds of harmonica fill the air from one of these fires, an older man well bearded playing away from the inn to allow himself to be heard more easily. Around this man are some dogs that sit with him, smaller than Lady but larger than smaller breeds and with slender builds.
Alf observes the bearded man for a minute or two, listening to the comparatively soothing harmonica melody that seems to have entranced a local pack of dogs. After deciding that there's no danger, he approaches the man.

"Hello," he says, "I am called Alf. May I join you for some time?"

He extends his hand awkwardly, after he's already asked his question.
Alf has a seat and produces a piece of jerky from one of his pockets. He takes a big bite and chews for a minute as he ponders the question.

"Don't know, really," he finally admits. "Traveling with my pack - my friends -, and they going to rescue a woman we met once from some Drow so I go with them. Don't understand why, though. We know it is a trap. She probably ain't there."

Alf notices one of the dogs inching in, motivated by the jerky. He rips off a chunk of it and tosses it to the animal.

"These dogs your pets?" he asks. "Or something else? They seem to like your music, Son."
"Sounds like a handful of trouble if you ask me."

When referred to as 'son', the aging man gives a hearty laugh, "Oh no, I'm not a 'son' anymore. I'm more of a gramps to most people now. Good to see a youngin' trying to take off a few of my years though! As for my dogs, they're my hunin' dogs. They help spot critters and chase them up trees for me to catch."
The bearded man's lesson on colloquialism is lost on Alf, especially after the next part.

The beard had obstructed his view earlier, but now that Alf makes a point to look him in the eyes, it's confirmed. "You are a Hunter," he says excitedly. "A pack leader. Not just lone Hunter like Dreadstone - you are like me! I am a pack leader also! Well... I was."

He frowns and looks down. "Old pack fell apart. Now just part of new pack. Don't have real leader - least not one who earns it. One who did earn, does not want. And a female! Best fighter I ever met. Can you believe it?!"

He says nothing for a minute. Finally he looks back up at the man. "What game you like to hunt? And where? You stay around these parts or you a traveler?"
"Pack leader? No.. I hunt on my own. Well, sometimes with a buddy, but we're not like wolves. We just do it because we do. No worrying about leading or following who, just spending the nights out in the woods and survivin' off the land." He puts away his musical instrument and uncorks a leather flask he carries, "I mostly hunt smaller critters. The dogs here chase them and make them go up trees where I want'em. Best friends I could have, these pups, and the best bred I know of."
Alf gestures to the dogs. "You not alone. These are your pack. Help you hunt and follow you? You are their leader."

He takes another bite of jerky. "That is the way it was for me too, living off the land and just survive. But now I don't think I can go back. I think.... I think my destiny is more."

Alf contemplates quietly for a minute, looking at the ground and thinking. When he finishes his bite, he puts the rest of the meat on the ground for the dogs. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for conversation, and good hunting." With a smile, he goes back into the inn to join the rest of the party.
"Well hang on a moment there, Alf, boy." The man raises a bow as he explains, "I might have trained these dogs, but we go into the hunt as buddies, not me as a leader. I couldn't catch the racoons I do without them, and they don't get shelter from the rain without me. With friends, you don't need a leader."
Listing all about him, he picks up bits of gossip that is relevant:

"When will it be safe to go back?", "Probably when we get word that the fighting is done."
"I heard a lot of protesters went east to crowd around the Kingdom."

It should become apparent by this point that the party's actions have given means for the Kingdom and the city to respond, and apparently with haste as the evacuation must have started soon after they left.

<I really need to think of something to RP with Draco with sometime.>


((No real time today guys))

Stricia eavesdrops on the various bards and storytellers listening to their tales. It seemed to her that whatever new divine powers may be emerging spoke first to them. Muunfae and a god of chaos both she had learned of from tale-spinners.
The next morning once everyone is ready to leave, Lovegood and her band can be seen. She looks over and waves you off as you begin to depart (much to Nicholas' despair), and soon they depart back towards Emerald bay while your wagon heads the opposite direction towards the east.

However, progress is more difficult to make on the roads now as vehicles line the road en masse due to the evacuation.
After a few hours of the wagon making slow progress, Tiberious starts to feel antsy.

"So, is there anything we can do to speed this up? We don't seem to be getting anywhere right now."

Trying to not get enraged about it, he turns to Niko and says "If all the other wagons on the road were driven by little girls, I bet you'd have a solution in no time!"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs in exasperation. Hopefully Tiberius proves himself worth the near-constant disruption.

Pulling out his notebook, Dreadstone attempts to compare the camp's location against the map. The way this traffic is going, it may simply be faster to cover the remaining distance on foot.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Just when he is sure the ego drag is behind him, Niko is blindsided by a quip from Tiberius. His own patience tested by the tedium of the slow moving travel, the sorcerer retorts with some snark of his own. "Well Tibs, since you seem to like theater so much, why don't you put on a wig and convince me yourself? I bet you can come up with a real sultry accent too."
Getting caught up in the escalation and refusing to back down from a challenge, Tiberious does a flip back into his set of makeshift disguise equipment, looking for things he thinks would make him look like a little girl.

Perform (Disguise): [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61228]_: 1D20 +10 = [8]+10 = 18

((Nailed it:

Jumping back out with a shoddy wig and a tutu far too small for him, Tiberious starts talking in a sarcastic falsetto:

"Ooh, Niko, I just turned 5, Niko. My parents are off getting me registered for sexy kindergarten. You aren't going to do anything bad while they're gone, are you?"
<Uh... yeah I'm gonna have to ask we not go too far with the joking here. If I have to question what I'm reading, I probably don't want to see it go farther than that.>
Alf's jaw hangs slightly agape. He looks at Lady, then at Stricia, then at Draco, then at Dreadstone, then at Gnaw, and then back to Lady.

"Uh," he says. He looks like he wants to say something else. Nothing is coming out.

Eventually he gives up and hops out of the cart. Lady follows, and the two take a walk up the road, past the traffic jam.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I laughed so loud my coworkers asked what was so funny. I didn't even know where to begin...hahaha))

Once the wagon has neared the next stop, Niko realizes in a mix of horror and incredulity that the gladiator has every intention of living up to his sarcastic challenge. Ozzy begins to run in circles as the sorcerer's right eye twitches, his face reddening by the second. Just as it seems he might explode in anger, the sorcerer slowly pulls the hood of his cloak over his head, "You've got quite the imagination, newbie. I'm sure you'll come up with something that passes for genuine personality very soon."

Hopping off the wagon, Niko treks the remaining distance to the inn on foot. He attempts to secure a spot to sit near the fireplace so he can pout in relative comfort.
Changing back into normal clothes, Tiberious takes a second to wonder why everyone always leaves places before he does. Dismissing any possibility that he could be the problem, Tiberious shrugs and follows along with the party.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko spins around and confronts the confused centaur. "I thought you said we were almost to the next inn? If we're close and you need to stop and rest again I'd rather walk the rest of the way,"
Draco doesn't leave his seat on the wagon, but responds anyways, "Away from Little Miss Tiberious. ...The less you know the better. It look like its worth walking from here Dread?"
Tiberious has barely gotten out of the wagon when Uqualek calls out.

"I thought we were all just walking to the next stop because traffic was so bad. But if you don't feel safe taking the wagon there, I can get back in and ride the rest of the way."
((I think we're still not very far away from the first inn, hence the traffic jam))

"Need some air. Be back in ten minutes," Alf says to Uqualek. "If you start go faster, just pick me up."


Stricia stays in the wagon slightly amused that someone has gotten under Niko's skin. "Is there something we could do to clear this congestion?" She asks.
<I'm gonna apologize if nothing is really happening right now, been fairly distracted lately and I haven't thought about what I actually want to do here.>
<I've convinced myself that this distraction is probably just going to end up as more of a chore for me to make into something interesting. I am thinking of writing a summary of events you guys would witness so I can focus more on other parts of the game and actually be motivated.>
<I just want to make sure you guys are okay with me summarizing this whole arc. I actually would've preferred you guys went to Iron Hill, at least there would have been somebody new to talk to and something new to learn (and I had an idea for it).>
((If the road congestion was intended to move us toward Iron Hill, you can just summarize what keeps us from heading to the north camp and gives us the idea of going that way. Otherwise, we could always just go there after the camp. I'm fine with going to Iron Hill, but if that's not the direction things are going, I don't object to a summary))
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