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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61266]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 4 = [16]+4 = 20

((Wow, and I was just hoping to beat a 15))

Tiberious is just barely able to transition out of his pose and avoid the worst of the debris as the giant... thing bursts out of the ground before him. He's pretty sure that he hasn't killed one of these before. Oh well, first time for everything!

"Look alive everyone! Time to show this creature what real men do to things that try and get the drop on them!"


The thunderous sound drowns out Niko and gives Stricia enough warning to shift and dodge around the rain of debris. The cloud of dust makes it hard for her to see what is happening with the rest of the group but Tiberious' loud boasts let her know that he is alright at least.

Explosion reflex: 1D20+9 = [15]+9 = 24

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Reflex save:  1d20+7=24
Gnaw Reflex save: 1d20+7=25

While fighting in the woods is the preferred setting for most rangers, Dreadstone's specialized training had focused on urban environments.

Still, his years of combat instinct serve him well as he spins on his heel to take cover behind a tall and mighty tree at the first signs of rumbling, protecting himself from the eruption of stones and debris from the ground.

But wait, where's Gnaw? He was right next to Dreadstone before...

Gnaw sticks his head out from a hollow log, the hair on his hackles standing on end as he itches to pick a fight with whatever has arrived, no matter how overmatched the alley dog might be.
When the dust settles and visibility becomes more stable, looking down upon the group is a giant... man, made of the earth it had came from and towers nearly as high as the trees all about the surrounding meadow. Seeing now that there are warriors that dare challenge him, the earth formed creature's voice looms loudly over you, saying, "For my leader, my will is simple... You must be broken."

<Roll initiative. You are in the surprise round, anybody that met the 20 DC is allowed to participate in the surprise round. The monster had rolled 12 on his initiative.>


<Alex, since you're new here, I figure I should point out that I like to draw my own stuff, like this sprite I whipped up once I knew what kind of battle to put you guys in. Also, I couldn't be bothered to put a lot of work into it but I hastily made a light amount of leaves on the trees since I figure enough time has passed that I figure a slow transition in seasons is in order.>
((Yeah, I've seen some of the sprites back from when I was just lurking. I like them, they're a nice touch))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61276]Initiative: 1D20 + 2 = [20]+2 = 22
In response to the elemental, Tiberious shouts back, "Then I hope you're ready to die for your master, giant!"

Perform (Act):  [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61277]_: 1D20 + 18 = [17]+18 = 35

Tiberious will take a 5-foot step forward and quick draw his flying blade. This should leave him his full round attack to take. ((If I'm reading the chart right, a 5-foot step will put him within 10 feet of the earth elemental, which would let the flying blade hit it since it's a weapon with reach.))

Attack 1: [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61278]_: 1D20 + 14 = [3]+14 = 17
Damage:  [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61279]_: 1D12 + 6 = [9]+6 = 15

((I made an error in calculating his attack with the flying blade, so that 17 should be a 16.))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61280]Attack 2: 1D20 + 9 = [20]+9 = 29
((Not that it matters, but same error, so that should be a 28. Sweet jesus, what's with all the nat 20s?))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61281]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 8 = [8]+8 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61282]Damage: 1D12 + 6 = [9]+6 = 15

Stepping forward to confront the large creature before the party, Tiberious draws a blade tied to a long rope while many of the people around him are still reacting to the emergence of the giant man-like thing. He makes a show of twirling the flying blade around, as if the party is the audience of one of his arena fights. Amidst the showmanship, he lashes the blade out at the foe twice, hopefully ripping away chunks of it in the process.
<First attack misses, and the crit doesn't confirm. What is the damage for the 2nd attack?

Also, since perform has several uses in combat and I'm not fully versed in the Gladiator class yet, you'll have to tell me what you're using your perform for (if it's more than fluff, of course).>
((Damage on the second attack is 15. I just put it right under the crit confirm, since I figured it wouldn't confirm. The perform is generally to see if he can add his charisma modifier to combat maneuvers. In this case, the flying blade has a performance quality attached to it, so I rolled his perform check to see if I could add my charisma modifier to his attack rolls.))
<I see now on the damage, it looked like you were rolling crit damage. Successful performs add charisma to your attack roll, got it.>

The first strike of the strange weapon tinks helplessly off of the hardened exterior of the monster. It is only on the second hit that it chips away at the surface.
((More specifically, perform only affects the attack roll of the flying blade and the scizore. His other weapons don't have the perform attribute, but he'd still get his charisma modifier added to combat maneuvers regardless of what weapon he's using at the time.))
((Alf initiative is 7; Lady's is 14.

Lady will move to the bad guy and attack. She got a total of 7 vs AC))

Tiberious's reply distracts Alf, causing him to turn his head. When he does, the sudden explosion of dirt catches him entirely off guard. A spray of pebbles pounds into his flesh as he loses his balance, falling hard on his back.

Lady is spared any ill effects thanks to being in the back, and she wastes no time leaping over her packmate and charging toward the monstrosity.

Unfortunately, she has no idea where the creature is vulnerable, and nearly chips her tooth on the patch of granite that is its ankle.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone Initiative:  1d20+2=15
Gnaw Initiative:  1d20+3=8

Dreadstone whistles a high-pitched signal to Gnaw, waving his hand in a circular motion as he does. Gnaw recognizes this as the signal to surround their opponent, and tears off through the underbrush, only to emerge once more behind the strange Stone Man and attack.

((Gnaw to D3, should be flanking with Tiberius, right?))

Bite vs. Golem:  1d20+7+2(Flanking)=19
Damage:  1d6+4+2(Flanking)=12

Meanwhile, Dreadstone closes his eyes and leans against the tree. He doesn't often call upon the divine energies that he has at his disposal, and this one he has in mind in particular he has not used for years now. He just needs to find his center, deep down, and...


With an inhuman howl, Dreadstone unleashes a hidden reservoir of energy within himself, feeling it's power course through his muscles. It won't last long, but may provide a badly needed edge.

((Dreadstone casts Hunter's Howl on himself since he doesn't have a level 3 slot for Instant Enemy yet))


((Wait a minute, is the Golem getting to act in the surprise round? I assumed he was, if not then everybody's waiting on me?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Wait a minute, is the Golem getting to act in the surprise round? I assumed he was, if not then everybody's waiting on me?)) yes
v v v
<Roll initiative. You are in the surprise round, anybody that met the 20 DC is allowed to participate in the surprise round. The monster had rolled 12 on his initiative.>



Seeing the adversary they're facing Stricia downs a potion of Enlarge Person; growing to a giant that can go toe to toe with the fearsome adversary. Though large Stricia is still dwarfed by the sheer scale of their foe and the increase in size and heft leaves her feeling slower and clumsier. She concentrates her life force to enhance her ability to defend herself ((lose 2 dex and -1 to AC to drop to 17 AC, ki dodge brings it up to 21)) and takes advantage of her increased reach to try and neutralize the earth creature with a grapple.

((Improved Grapple so no AOO, with size bonuses etc the CMB is +15))

grapple on huge creature: 1D20+15 = [10]+15 = 25
<Unless you metagame (which I know one of you did, tsk tsk), you don't know what this monster actually is.

Also, it is acting in the surprise round.

Gnaw does not get a flanking bonus even if positioned properly. You don't know why yet, he just doesn't.

Also, I am sure Dreadstone and Stricia provoke AoO. Not entirely sure on Dreadstone but there should be a vote which one I take the AoO for.>
((If we're voting on who gets AoO'd, I don't want to really throw anyone under the bus, so I'll just roll a D100, with 0-50 being Dreadstone and 51-100 being Stricia.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61308]_: 1D100 = [62] = 62

Well, I guess I'm voting Stricia then))
<Hmm, Stricia isn't moving to initiate grapple (she's enlarging first) so I'll just go ahead and take it on Dreadstone.

Gnaw misses. Stricia fails to initiate grapple.>

Attack of Opportunity vs. Dreadstone (1d20+18=28, 2d8+10+5=23)

When Dreadstone attempts to cast a spell, the earthly monster stretches its limb to punch him in the everywhere.

When one of the humans enlarges herself to attempt to challenge the monstrous size, he still sits much larger than she is. He grasps his hands together and slams against the challenger with all of his might.

Power Attack Full Attack vs. Stricia (1d20+18-3=33, 2d8+10+5+6=30, 1d20+18-3=34, 2d8+10+5+6=28)

<Welp... You guys might want to run. I might even undo this action because it doesn't feel right.>

Mike M

Nick N
<Yeah... I'm gonna want you guys to run for sure.

Oh, and before anybody gets any ideas, this was not intended to wall you from going to the camp.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Azih, is Stricia KO'd? We may need to drag her unconscious body away, though that would likely provoke another AoO. If you are prone, are you allowed to make any other action besides standing up?))
((Holy shit. I'm probably going to regret this, but here goes nothing))

In a matter of seconds, the giant creature takes control of the fight, as the thing has decided it's some kind of professional boxer, and that everyone present has spoken ill of its mother. Any intelligent person would shift into fleeing at this point. Tiberious is not an intelligent person. Sensing an opportunity for a heroic last stand, he plans on trading blows with this thing to rally the party. In the very least, he'll cover their escape if they don't collectively go insane with him.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61310]_: 1D20 + 18 = [17]+18 = 35

Putting his body into the swings of his flying blade, Tiberious tries to provoke the huge beast. "You haven't won yet, monster! It is when things are most dire that men buckle down and show their worth! ARE YOU WORTH MORE THAN ME, FIEND?!"

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61311]Power Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [14]+11 = 25

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61313]_: 1D12 + 10 = [2]+10 = 12
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61314]_: 1D20 + 6 = [1]+6 = 7

<You can take actions while prone, you just get an AC penalty against melee attacks (which is how Loinel got whipped) and you need to stand up to move.>
((Ok, I didn't see your post before I typed that up KM. I can just not do that for his turn, though if Stricia is KO'd, it would probably be good to have someone cover the escape anyway))
((Well guys, you have one turn. Pretty sure Tiberious can't survive two rounds against this thing. If he dies, remember him as he was, not as the meat puddle he will be))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Is anyone within range to touch Niko? I can cast Dimension Door and get some of us the fuck out of here, then cast fly or haste to help anyone else retreat.))
((Oh man, this is so rules lawyery, but w/e. First off, unless a creature as combat reflexes, they can not make aoos while flat footed, which everyone is in combat until their first turn. also, unless he was pouncing or has some other ability, you can only make a single standard action during a surprise round, which means no full attacks. and also Stria could not grapple since she used a potion. however drinking a potion does provoke an aoo(normally... was this something we changed? i know in the pervious campaign we made drinking potions a move action, but i don't know if we change the aoo rules related to it.).))

((Anyawys... whats the knowledge for this thing(i ask as if its not clearly planes)?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Stricia is mobile, and everyone else can run away. I'd say save Tiberius?)?
((My only shot to try that would be to cast a ranged debuff or hazard spell on the monster, all my helpful spells are touch range.))

((Not sure where we are in turn order but here is Niko's round 1 action))

The sound of screams, roars and exploding earth ring in the sorcerer's ears. He watches in horror as Dreadstone is smashed into a tree and the large Stricia is pummeled to near death. Seeing Tiberius make a brave stand to catch the stone construct's attention, Niko's adrenaline allows only one reaction. He uses the wand granted to him by Aurius to cast dimension door & escape at least 300 feet in the opposite direction.
<I'm just gonna say that Tiberius and the Elemental are locked into battle, and you guys can roleplay your escape out (there are actions you can take to avoid AoO, and those that are forced to take AoO can survive it.)>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((So is there some death wish context going on here? Because otherwise, if the elemental is really distracted, Niko can stand up and do all sorts of shit from range to attempt to help Tiberius escape))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I don't even know how this will work in terms of time duration and rounds but here goes nothing. Even if I end up being able to pull away the gladiator's broken body, there is a chance we can revive him, right? I want to cast fly upon myself, then mirror image, then move as quickly as I can after that to get near so I can attempt to help.))

Immediately following his teleportation, Niko stands up and takes a deep breath. Feeling the hair upon his arms begin to stand, a ripple of energy flows through his body. Suddenly, he begins to rise above the ground. "Damn your charades Tiberius! This isn't a game!"

((His proceeding actions would be as follows))

The sorcerer then places his hands in front of his face and performs a series of movements to access his his multiple form distraction technique.

Mirror Image: 1d4+2 &#8594; [2,2] = (4)

Four identical versions of the sorcerer suddenly materialize in a puff of smoke, appearing to float right next to him and spread out in formation to fly towards the elemental and the stalwart gladiator. They halt 30 feet away from the elemental and begin to cast a spell, in hopes to knock the giant off guard to give the real Niko enough time to carry Tiberius to safety.

((Grease most likely, or Create Pit, but I don't know if any of this will even be allowed so I'll wait.))
((Going to wait for everyone else to RP their escape, because I realized while writing mine that it will be important to know how the others react))
<@Niko: I am not at myy comp to rule check but all the elemental would have ti do is drag the body into the earth with him (it treats the ground as like swimming). If tiberiius wants to live, he has to choose to do so icly while still alive>
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