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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

The wolf manages to hold the line - barely - after the first swing, but the secondis more than enough to send it sputtering back to whatever ethereal plane spawned it.

Alf is taken aback, though, when he actually feels physical pain from the blow inflicted on the summoned beast. How could that be? What was the nature of these creatures?

His opponent is distracted, though. Time to move in. If only he could direct the wolves to....

On cue, the beasts change their formation, one moving behind the gladiator and the other to his flank. Rather than mindlessly attack, they appear to be doing everything he wants them to.

Almost as if they're extensions of his own will, rather than actual animals of the forest...

((Repositioning will incur possible attacks of opportunity for the one moving behind (which was the AC one). A one-hit kill is unlikely based on what I've seen, but I'll adjust accordingly if it happens))

Aid Another for AC bonus; Aid Another for +2 to attack (1d20+6=8, 1d20+6=23)

Emboldened by this discovery (no time to be frightened of it right now), Alf seizes the chance to move in and attack.

Attack (incl. Flanking and Aid Another), Damage, Trip attempt vs CMD if attack connects (1d20+16=34, 1d8+12=15, 1d20+13=20)

((Should be 22 vs CMD. I wasn't sure if Flanking counted before I rolled))

((Tiberious's CMD is 24, so it misses regardless))

((AoO on the moving wolf, taking as a power attack))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61618]Power Attack AoO: 1D20 + 15 = [2]+15 = 17

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61619]Damage: 1D20 + 9 = [3]+9 = 12

((Oh yeah, are these normal wolves or young wolves? I'd think the hp difference if they're young might be enough to make a difference between living and dying))

Alf's bite is painful, but Tiberious is able to avoid getting taken to the ground. He shouts out in pain, doing what he can to sell the attack.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61620]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [18]+18 = 36

Recognizing that he needs to do something about the flanking attack, he repositions himself in between the two young wolves, and goes into a spinning pirouette of death, seeking to dispatch both of them.

((Five-foot step down-right to put him in between the two wolves, followed by a full-round power attack. First attack on the injured wolf, second attack on the other one.))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61621]_: 1D20 + 15 = [13]+15 = 28

[CODE][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61622]Damage: 1D10 + 9 = [2]+9 = 11

Attack 2: 1D20 + 10 = [2]+10 = 12

((Assuming the second attack misses))
((Young Wolves, but I have Augment Summoning, plus they have temporary HP that comes from my Wolf Shaman class feature. They have 19 HP each including the temp))
((Sorry about the delay, I couldn't stand to do another post from my phone so I waited til I got home))

Again Tiberious cuts down one of the summoned wolves, and again Alf feels the pain of its demise, but at least it's not such a surprise this time.

What is a surprise is being pelted in the back of the head by an empty can.

Alf turns his head and finds a young human boy booing at him with all his might. To Alf's surprise, the kid isn't the only one; it seems that a significant portion of the audience harbors a strong dislike for him.

He reflexively bares his teeth and lets out a low growl in the audience's general direction, but that turns out to be a mistake, as they only boo louder.

Alf shakes it off and goes back to concentrating on the matter at hand. Tiberious is still busy tangling with the last remaining wolf-spawn, so while he's occupied, Alf prowls in a tight perimeter around the gladiator, to a flanking position along with the smaller wolf.

Reminding himself that this is still just sparring and not a life-or-death struggle, he tries to put Tiberious's head in a vice-grip between his jaws and force him to the ground.


Young Wolf's Aid Another to give Alf +2 to attack (1d20+6=25)

Attack Roll (incl. Flanking + Aid Another), Damage, and Trip Attempt vs CMD (1d20+16=34, 1d8+12=14, 1d20+17=37)
((No problem, I know how much writing up posts on a phone sucks. And yeah, I'm prone now))

Finally taken to the ground by the wolf's assault, Tiberious realizes that he's in trouble. Standing up would be too dangerous, so he opts to strike upwards for now.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61628]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [12]+18 = 30

Now that they're approaching the end of the fight, Tiberious attempts to rally the crowd. "Come one everyone! I'm not through, but I'm going to need some serious audience support to get out of this one! Everyone start chanting Thunderface! MAKE IT KNOWN THAT THIS IS A ROAD OF MEN!"

His rally complete, Tiberious tries to force Alf off of him with a few stabs of his scizore.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61629]Power Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [12]+11 = 23

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61630]Damage: 1D10 + 9 = [6]+9 = 15
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61631]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 6 = [12]+6 = 18
Alf takes the stab like a champ, and he is fully prepared to strike back and end this thing, but the unruly crowd is starting to get to him.

He raises his head to look at them and barks/roars in protest, his canine cheeks flushed; he is rattled and finding it very hard to concentrate. He forgets about the wolf-thrall he's created, and so it simply stands there doing nothing.

The more Alf roars and barks at the people, the louder they get, though, and eventually Alf returns to his human form to confront them in a way they can understand.

"WHAT! WHY DO YOU BOO?! WHAT DID I DO???? ONLY SPARRING!" he exclaims, puffing his chest out and addressing no one in particular.

His back is turned to Tiberious.
It turns out that it was just a vocal minority booing so loudly. A lot of the people back in the wagons were more concerned about the man beating up the canine animal. When a spectacle is made of the large wolf suddenly becoming a man, the booing detractors flinch and reel back at what they had just done.
Tiberious sees what Alf is doing, and he loves it. As things were, it had devolved into a short fight of attrition. The winner would have been determined by whoever succumbed to the injuries fastest. Maybe Tiberious would have won, maybe not. He doesn't really know. What he does know is that Alf's making the audience hate him and turning his back to Tiberious has given him an opportunity to stand up and set up a much more exciting finale. Truly, Alf is one of the finest heels he's ever had the pleasure of working with.

Tiberious rises up, practically steaming with hot-bloodedness. He lets his shield and scizore fall to the ground with a loud clang. To handle this situation properly, he absolutely cannot attack Alf from behind.

Perform (act)[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61632]_: 1D20 + 18 = [7]+18 = 25


Once Alf has had a few seconds to figure out that an attack is coming, Tiberious lunges at him.

((I'm going for his signature move here, which is kind of a convoluted process. The intent is to not catch Alf flatfooted, since Tiberious would find that dishonorable. Whether or not he has time to make an AoO is your call, as Tiberious doesn't get improved grapple until level 10. If he succeeds on the grapple, I'll fill in the rest of the signature move.))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61633]Grapple: 1D20 + 16 = [6]+16 = 22
Alf suddenly feels lost as the portion of the crowd he was just yelling at quickly changes their tune. As he scratches his head, Tiberious starts talking, and Alf turns around to look at him.

He watches in abject confusion as the gladiator sloppily comes straight for him. His monk training isn't quite ingrained enough to come automatically, and he can't intercept with an attack of his own.

He can, however, at least offer resistance, and the arms of the men become locked as each one struggles to get control of the grapple from the other ((You didn't hit my CMD)).

Grapple Attempt (1d20+10=15)

((Going strictly by the rules, technically you could get an AoO in too, but given the circumstances I figured you'd be okay with not))
Yeah, I'm absolutely fine with foregoing the AoO. Tiberious is a level away from Improved Unarmed Strike anyway, so an unarmed AoO wouldn't be worth much.))

As the two of them go back and forth, Tiberious redoubles his efforts to get a hold on Alf.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61634]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [15]+18 = 33

((Starting his signature attack. I'm assuming a 33 hits Alf's CMD))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61635]Grapple: 1D20 + 16 = [17]+16 = 33

Still fueled by the crowd, Tiberious gets his form back in check, successfully hooking Alf's arms.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61636]Pin Check: 1D20 + 21 = [19]+21 = 40

Tiberious lifts Alf into the air, so that his head is pointing towards the ground and his legs are pointing into the sky. As he moves Alf into this position, he starts addressing the "audience" again. At least, that's presumably what he's doing, as he's not talking to anyone in particular.

((Oratory roll is pure fluff))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61637]Perform (Oratory): 1D20 + 14 = [12]+14 = 26

"The trail to glory is forged by the sweat of man. The stars align in the heavens for one who will seize the threads that bind them! With my muscles to light the path ahead of me, I reach out for the unknown and make it know what it is to be a man! THIS ENDS HERE! SHINING THUNDERFACE DRIVER!!"

With his theatrics done, Tiberious will proceed to piledrive Alf, maintaining the pin while doing so.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61638]Unarmed Attack: 1D20 + 15 = [13]+15 = 28

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61639]Damage: 1D3 + 4 = [1]+4 = 5

((WELP. All that buildup for almost no damage))
Alf is still flustered, but the damage inflicted by the "Shining Thunderface Driver" at least shakes him out of his cloud of confusion. He is in the middle of a duel, after all.

He starts by trying to get out of this pin.

Attempt to escape Pin (1d20+10=29)

As luck would have it, Tiberious seems to be so convinced that the Striving Thunder Screwdriver was a finishing blow that he loosens his grip enough for Alf to slip free. He moves back, twenty feet from Tiberious, and takes a defensive stance. He also takes a second to center himself and steady his breath. The crowd has once again become background noise to him, regardless of the nature of that noise.

((Defensive stance is pure fluff, I don't actually have any special bonuses))
Tiberious is shocked at this turn of events. Alf not only got up from the Shining Thunderface Buster, he also slipped out of his pin and managed to retreat a fair distance. He punches the ground in frustration, and then it dawns on him. They're fighting on soft, grassy soil. The ground absorbed most of the impact. That's great for making the maneuver less dangerous, but Alf wasn't supposed to get back up.

Or was he? Tiberious realizes the genius of his maneuver now. In walking away from the driver, Alf has set himself up as an unstoppable force of nature and evil. The crowd's had two moments now where the match was supposed to end, only for it to keep on going. At this point, they're wondering if there will be a third. Tiberious doesn't know, himself. Standing up to pursue Alf, he makes a flashy motion of sliding a cestus onto his hand. He then sheds a single, manly tear for the greatest arena worker he's ever encountered, next to himself.

 [url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61640]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [11]+18 = 29

There is no need for words at this point in the duel. Their actions have spoken loud enough to be heard around the world. Tiberious rushes towards Alf and sweeps towards his legs with the hand clutching the cestus, hoping to have more luck tripping him now that he's not a massive wolf.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61642]Trip: 1D20 + 18 = [6]+18 = 24
Hand to hand, man-on-man combat is actually what Alf is most used to these days, and he relishes a chance to put what Stricia has taught him to good use. He nimbly sidesteps Tiberious's trip attempt and retaliates with a jab-cross combination, hoping to Stun Tiberious into submission.

((Expending one use of Stunning Fist on the first attack, and if that one doesn't work, expending another one on the second))

Flurry of Blows: Normal Attack, Damage, Flurry Attack, Damage (1d20+8=21, 1d6+6=11, 1d20+8=13, 1d6+6=10)

((Edit: That should be a 22 to hit and a 14 to hit, respectively. Monks calculate their Flurry bonuses weird.

DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid being Stunned, if that first one hit.

Also, I'm going to bed now. Join us tomorrow for the stunning conclusion!))
((First attack hit, second didn't))

Fort Save: 1D20 + 8 = [11]+8 = 19

The jab catches Tiberious in the face, and he jerks back for dramatic effect, causing the second punch to miss. After the straight sails over him, he slowly raises back forward, making it clear that the stunning aspect of the attack had no affect on him.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61645]Perform (Act): 1D20 + 18 = [20]+18 = 38

Tiberious silenty raises his left arm into the air, signalling to the crowd that now is the time for going hysterical. Raising his striking fist back, he intends to return the punch Alf landed with interest.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61646]Power Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [1]+11 = 12

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=61647]Power Attack 2: 1D20 + 6 = [10]+6 = 16

It turns out telegraphing punches is a huge mistake. The first one doesn't even come close to connecting. The followup presumably blows by as well.

((Didn't see the going to bed part of your post. Until tomorrow, then!))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((This has been a most excellent intermission. So many wrestling gifs I could use but it would pale next to you guy's match description. Bravo!))
<I'm pretty sure the only time we actually visited Southport in QftHR was ten years ago in alternative 1985 when the city was leveled, so it'll be like visiting a brand new place.>

At some point during your trip, you'll be messaged from scrying. After an exchange that confirms the destination as Southport, you are told to head to a storage warehouse by the slums to see the monsters that were discovered and also to have a ship arranged to head to the island.

Southport is a working man's city. Taking in the pungent scent of salt, horse, and smoke, men and women travel about the roads while wagons and carts carry cargo in the streets. Nearly every building here serves a purpose that facilitates a business for traders, fishermen, sailors, merchants, and even the occasional hunter.

Uqualek draws into the Inn stables. He looks back a bit woefully, "Gee, guys.. looks like it'll be awhile before I see all of you again. There isn't much point in me going on that ship, is there? I mean, there isn't any rush is there, let's have some lunch before you head off." If you accept, you will find yourselves entering a dimly comforting establishment made warm only by the fires of the kitchens giving off fumes of meat and stew, seats filled with modest community relaxing after, or between moments of labor in their day. Near the bar is a menu, a wooden board scribbled on it using chalk:
- Goat steak
- Goat tounge
- Goat [s]gizzards[/s] liver
- Goat thigh
- Goat stew
- Grilled fish on a stick
- Chicken egg omlette made with goat cheese
- Sides: Chicken eggs, potatoes (boiled, mashed, or in the stew)
- Drink: Ask bartender for how he can prepare your ale or mead, also cider, goat's milk, or distilled water


While feeling that she should remain neutral in a friendly spar between her two comrades and trying to remain neutral in her body language it is obvious that Stricia is favouring her former student in the battle. She winces when Tiberious lands a hit (and is impressed by the sheer variety and diversity of weapons and combat techniques he has mastered) and clenches her fist with approval every time Alf connects with one of his and, even more so, when he evades or stifles one of Tiberious's attacks. His defense and movement is certainly much much improved.She stifles a cheer when he switches to a very monkish flurry of blows and actually hurts Tiberious with it.
Alf wearily accepts Uqualek's offer to have lunch. He has been stumbling around all morning; the festivities that went on after yesterday's bout with Tiberious have left him severely hung over today.

He lost count of how many ales, beers, wines, and stouts he consumed the night before, but they had done a number on him. So much of a number, in fact, that he has no idea how the fight actually ended. Somehow it doesn't seem to matter much, though. Maybe he'll try to find out later.

He hiccups and his stomach lurches. He grabs it with a woeful groan. Lady whimpers sympathetically and licks Alf's hand. That was his first ever night of drinking, and he was pretty sure that it was also going to be his last.

He requests two of the establishment's freshest goat steaks, cooked rare, and an order of fried eggs.


((It would be pretty hilarious if the end of the fight was so spectacular that everyone who witnessed it is unable to describe it and Alf and Leo never find out how it ended. Just a suggestion :) ))
((I like that idea. I'll definitely have Tiberious go along with it.))

That fight was perfect. Leo thought his days of arena performances were behind him. It just goes to show that some things don't leave your life. It's strange though, he never thought the greatest performance ever to grace an audience would occur outside of an arena.

After the fight, Leo is ecstatic, and eagerly takes part on the festivities that occur afterwards. He praises Alf several times, but doesn't bother to comment on how good at working an audience he is. A master of his caliber simply know that as a fact; congratulating him for it is redundant.

Leo's still feeling a little competitive after the fight, and when he hears that this is Alf's first time drinking, he challenges Alf to a contest, saying he'll drink three drinks to every one of Alf's.

The next morning, Leo wakes up with a hazy memory of the night before and a mild hangover. He remembers it being a great party, but the last thing he can recall is walking off with a group of dwarven women. At least he thinks they were dwarven women, he was pretty drunk. He's fairly certain they had beards though, so dwarven seems like a safe assumption. He also feels like he should be more hungover than he is, but he just chalks that up to another mystery.

Figuring that remembering the events of the party is a wasted effort, he reflects back on the duel. It was perfect in every way. It started dramatically, had several false endings, shifted dominance back and forth, and ended properly with... wait, how did it end again? Between the repeated blows to the head and the small town's worth of alcohol he drank last night, he can't recall the finale. He has a feeling that it was a finale worthy of the duel, but he can't remember what it was, or who won for that matter. Not remembering the finale is a little distressing, but oh well. It was still the finest duel ever had.

Leo accepts Uqualek's offer to have lunch. He's starving by the time they get there, so he orders multiple goat steaks, a goat stew with potatoes in it, and an ale to chase away the remnants of the hangover.
When Tiberious sits down at his table, Alf nods at him and reflects back on the last thing he remembers. Trading punches with the gladiator was only one of the many phases of yesterday's brawl, and in each one Tiberious had proven himself more than capable.

"Good fight yesterday," he says vaguely. "I consider you worthy packmate - friend, rather," he says. "But son, you sure do talk a lot." He smiles and extends his hand, an offer of comradery that he may or may not have already made the previous night.
Leo gladly shakes Alf's hand once it's extended. It may not be the first time they've shaken hands since the fight was over, but even if it's not, that doesn't really matter. "Likewise, Alf. In all of the years I've spent fighting, that was the finest duel I've ever been in."

Leo's amused at Alf commenting on how much he talks. Alf has a better sense of humor than he first thought. Of course he talks a lot, every good duel needs a verbose hero. Naturally, Alf is fully aware of this, given his mastery of working an arena, so Leo takes it as a good joke between friends and fellow performers.

"Haha, that I do, friend, that I do. There's many ways to approach a fight, after all."
Uqualek lets the cheerfulness rub off on him as he sits at the chairless edge of the table, "I wish I could be a strong of a fighter as you guys. All I can do is run away and get scared of hurting a wolf, but I think I've done a lot to get you away from that ground monster at least."
((Wasn't Southport the town were all the rich people partied and kept their yachts? Ah well.))

Despite somewhat anticipating the fight, Draco doesn't really catch much of it as his mind was focusing on other things... specifically the dream from the other night an wondering if maybe it might be a message of some- Wait? The fight is already over, he starts clapping and say "Congratulations!" and heads back into the wagon.

Once they reach Southport, he decides to spend the time waiting for their next ride finding new information about the monsters and possibly even the Orphans. It certainly beats listening to Uqualek talking about how much he sucks again.

Gather information: (1d20+13+2=17)
<I'll have something for Draco in a moment. Also be glad that Uqualek sucks and is too cowardly to fight, I don't really like the whole "DMPC" thing I've heard horror stories about on Paizo boards (and don't really have much interest in playing one).

I'll start typing as soon as this kitten is no longer on my desk.>
Soon after leaving the tavern to avoid the toxic words the centaur brings upon himself, Draco will find himself idling about along the building, watching people come and go. Just as he is about to ask somebody, he'll be met by a jingling noise behind him. After turning around, a man grins at him, draped with all manners of watches over his trench coat. He asks, a voice hoarse with his age, "May I have a bit of your time... to sell you time? Eh-heh that was quite silly to say, wasn't it?"
((I've been in the game with the DMPC that is the reason why DMPC shouldn't exist. I'm sure it can be done, but man, I can live without it.))

"Silly? You should spend an hour with Tiberious. Anyways, what makes you think I want one of your time pieces? I can tell time just fine on my own... what are these gonna do for me?"
"Hm. I have all the hours in the world to spend. Perhaps you know someone who believes he is fashionable, but that is beside the point."

The man reaches into his trenchcoat and pulls out three watches... a golden pocket watch, identical to some of the ones he wears, a stone sundial dangled by a bead necklace, and a pocket watch casing which has had the face of the clock removed, revealing only some left over mechanisms that are built into the casing itself, "These watches tell the time of each timeline.. one for our timeline, one for the timeline which the gods never died, and, well... Heh heh I'm sure this last one speaks for itself. A goddess was born when time had split into three so that she may see the end of each one. A painful life she lives, having already seen the end. Her burden is to keep each branch of time stable so that they may grow fruit to be picked, and maybe... maybe one branch will grow fruit once more. Perhaps this is the strongest of the new gods, but her power dedicated to such a massive cause that would break any ordinary god."

Once he is done, he offers, "Perhaps you know someone that would like the miniature sundial?"

Mike M

Nick N
- Goat steak
- Goat tounge
- Goat gizzards
- Goat thigh
- Goat stew
((You monster. What would Tarkus say?

Also, goat gizzards? What kind of freaky mutant goats are we eating? /zoology major))

Dreadstone orders himself an omelette as he sits himself down at the table with everyone else. Eyeing the wavering Leo and Alf, he's not sure if the two men are suffering from their exhibition match the previous day, or the celebratory drinking afterwards. Either event would be unbefitting conduct, but these two aren't exactly enlisted men and shouldn't be held to the same account.

Besides, they both seem to be suffering plenty for their transgressions. Dreadstone had been out delivering another letter and wood carving to the post office and missed the fight, but from all accounts it had been most spectacular even if no one could really agree on who had won.
((Yeah, DMNPCs are rough. I've had to run them due to player shortages, and just about the only thing I can do to not have them go around solving puzzles for the party is make them really disposable.))

((Hey, got to get rid of mutant goats somehow))

Leo wants to cheer up Uqualek, and tries to think of an inspiring story to do so. He wracks his brain for past experiences, and when he thinks he has something, just launches into it.

"No need to fret Uqualek, you did a great job getting us away from that ground monster! Besides, combat prowess is something anyone can acquire if they want to. Back in the first arena I worked at, there was a young boy named Billy who cleaned the gladiator's pit beneath the arena. He was a small guy who did his job diligently. No one would have ever imagined him fighting in the arena. Then one day, Billy got leprosy. As his skin turned black, his fingers fell off, as did one of his arms, and most of his face. Did Billy give up on life? Not at all! He got his lost arm replaced with a cannon. After that, no one fucked with Billy, because he'd blow a hole through your damn stomach. For three weeks, Billy was the most feared fighter in that arena, until he died from complications arising from not having a face. My point is, anyone can be a fearsome warrior if they believe in themselves!"

After seeing Dreadstone sit down with the group, he'll greet him. "Morning Deadstone! What's on the to-do list for today?"
Draco is find it hard to take any of this seriously... but he was looking for something to distract him anyways, and this strange old man stories seem as good as any.

"So what exactly do these watches do? Telling the time on another plane of existence doesn't seem all that interesting, seeing as one most likely has the same time as our own and the other... I'm guessing was destroyed in such a way even time no longer exists? Not sure about that, but oh well. Can I look into the other time lines, travel to them, maybe some how us them to see this worlds own future, or even past, perhaps? And I suppose I should ask about cost." Draco asks as his inquisitive nature gets the better of him, suddenly finding him self really close to the old man as he tries to get a better look at the sundial, as if he expects it to answer his questions for the clock merchant.
The merchant laughs heartily, the sundial not quite functioning in the least glamorously lit portion of the town, "Oh, young elf boy! The designs are just symbolic of just one of the many things that have happened outside of the material plane, but maybe somebody seeking the truth of the outer planes will see it differently." He hands the sundial over to Draco, "Something is telling me that this story isn't for you, but I'm sure you'll do well to pass it on."

Mike M

Nick N
"Today," Dreadstone says, tucking away his breakfast like a man who doesn't know when next he'll eat, "we check out the warehouse where they found all these critters, and see if we can't get ourselves on a boat out to the island to see where they're comin' from.

"That is, of course, providin' y'all are done beatin' the tar out of each other."
Monster hunting time! Leo is excited to know that the time is nearly upon them. Dispatching monsters fro
town to town was one of his favorite ways of making money when he left the arena.

"Alright, sounds good! Say, one more thing. Do you remember how the fight between me and Alf ended? My memory's a little fuzzy."

He will also pose this question to Alf and Uqualek.
Alf shakes his head. As he eats, he becomes more animated. "I have learned that when training, win or lose does not matter if you learn something and get better. I think the fight was success no matter who winned."

He unexpectedly belches, and covers his mouth. "It WAS a mistake to drink alcohol. Will not do that ever again. But training always useful. Least if you fight hand to hand."

Sensing the disapproving tone coming from Dreadstone, Alf looks the ranger in the eyes. "I am surprised I don't see you train more often. Always good to stay sharp. Especially important for hunters like us."


Stricia nods with approval at Alf. "No experience is wasted if it is learned from"

"As for the end of the fight.." Stricia waves her hands helplessly in an effort to describe it. "It was hard to explain. I think.. it was a draw"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko shakes his head at Uqualek's whining. "I remember when we encountered you in the forest, you looked the most intimidating out of the guards stationed there. Just shows you can be more impressive if you put your mind to it."

He sits down next to Dreadstone and orders a glass of goat milk and a side of chicken eggs and potatoes. Recalling his father's lectures regarding marketable livestock he takes a large drink and speculates on the reason for the goat driven menu, rubbing his milk mustache in contemplation. "I thought goats are usually too valuable to be seen as a meat item. Must be a case of over-breeding."

At the discussion of last night's battle, he waves a fork enthusiastically as he describes what he remembers. Meanwhile his half-eaten breakfast begins to be stealthily devoured by Ozzy, one handful at a time. "Priffy shure..." the sorcerer swallows a mouthful of eggs before continuing.

"Pretty sure it was a stalemate, since you both fell unconscious. I remember T said something about having no choice but to use his ultimate secret technique, another ridiculously unpronounceable phrase preceded by 'Thunderous' ." He rolls his eyes exasperatedly, but a small curve tugs at the side of his mouth as he begins to smirk involuntarily.

"Then Alf did something I couldn't see from the angle I was floating at and fell on top of where Tiberius was laying on the ground. By the time we ran over to see if you guys were okay, the crowd was already roaring and you guys were congratulating each other."

"...hey where did Draco go?"
Leo agrees with Alf and Stricia. "Yeah, the fight was a great success regardless of how it ended. It's a bit of a shame the end's a blur, but a little mystery's never a bad thing."

"Huh, good question. I haven't seen Draco all morning."

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Dreadstone shakes his head at Alf's question. "I train plenty, son. It's just that when you get to be my age it's more about keepin' the mind sharp. I've been shootin' arrows longer than most you fellers been drawin' breath, I'm at a point where I get--what's it called, 'diminishin' returns?' My body don't hold up like it used to. Throwin' down for sport like you two did last night just uses up whatever I got left in me."

Something bumps against his knee under the table. Looking down, he finds that Gnaw has somehow managed to infiltrate the common room. No small feat, given that he has well and truly put Dreadstone's attempt to groom his fur behind him and has fully regressed to the unkempt appearance of when Dreadstone first spied him in the cage.

And was it Dreadstone's imagination, or was Gnaw notably bigger now? Amazing what a regimen of steady meals can do for a survivor like that.

Dreadstone slips his plate with the remnants of his breakfast under the table and let's Gnaw polish it off.
Alf snorts dismissively and rolls his eyes. "You tell yourself you old, then you will be old. You got half your life left, son. Don't waste it acting like you about to fall over and die. As for using body up? That is why there is strength training. Stricia tells me her monk-trainers is much older than you, and could... uh... 'throw down for sport' better than any of us."

Finishing off his meal, he stands up from the bench and stretches. "Feel much better now. Should we find Draco and come for warehouse?"


Stricia's expression changes as she reacts to Alf's rude words to their leader. "Alf. Those are unworthy words. Show respect for those who came before you."
Alf meets Stricia's gaze of disapproval and does not flinch. "I do respect Dreadstone. This is why I tell him how I think. Is the truth unworthy? I do not think so. If he disagree, he can tell me so. We hunting partners, packmates, friends... whatever word you say, we need be honest with each other. Without honest, can't be trust."
And just then, Draco walks in carrying his fancy new sundial. He takes a seat in the nearest chair and swipes some food from the nearest plate. "How's everyone doing today? I meet a crazy old man and he gave me a free sundial that tells me the time in an alternate universe, where the gods didn't die or something. Symbolic-ly. Anyways, whats the plan for today?"
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