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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N

Dreadstone Initiative: 1d20+2=10
Gnaw Initiative:  1d20+4=8
((Really ought to invest in gear to up my DEX bonuses...))


Stricia has only been at sea once before when she was heading out from Gozhou. Then as now it gave her a sense of peace. Her cares and worries put on hold as there is no action that she could possibly take to make the boat go any faster.

Her calm doesn't last long.

Stricia sea initiative: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9

((Niko save us!))
Eventually the ship is isolated from the confines of civilization, gently pulled by the breeze along the blackened bed glistening beautifully by the moonlight's watch; the sound of splashing softly gives beat to the rhythm of the ship's movement, lulling most into a calm relaxation.

Onnabelle Spiegel, the Mrs. of the two captains, looks ahead past the ship past the wheel she grasps to watch a slow journey come to a past each second of the way. She gives a confidence that nothing shall shatter her poise or break the peace that has drifted over the deck.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Just as he is beginning to doze off, Niko's sorcerer senses begin tingling and he retrieves a wand from his cloak as Ozzy begins to dash around the deck looking for any sign of trouble. Casting fly on himself in the process and beginning to float around the ship, they are both unable to find any sign of danger in the sparkling sea. The strong smell of salt and the cool breeze of the night air calms his nerves and he stares out at the moon reflected on the surface with a confused feeling. What could have caused this instinctual feeling of danger?

((welp, so much for that clutch init roll))

Landing gently on the boat so as not to wake anyone, Niko finds himself approaching the monk with a patient curiosity.

"Your wisdom is such that I sometimes forget you came here from lands far off, Stricia. This kind of journey is not your first. What was your experience like travelling to the northern kingdom for the first time?"
((We all got baited))

Oblivious to the tension around him, Tiberious focuses deeply on the last bit of his performance mopping. Launching into a flashy series of twirls, he ends the number by mopping the last part of the deck, tossing the mop into the air, and sliding on his knees to catch it.

"And that is the tale of how Boletaria Cormyr was founded, as told by a mop!" Looking around, Tiberious realizes that few, if any, people were paying attention to him. Upset that his show was disregarded, Tiberious opts to climb to the top mast and just watch the ocean for a while.


"Eastern kingdom" Stricia corrects Niko gently. "Gozhou is to the West, parts of it lie even farther North than this continent."

She thinks back to her first journey which truly wasn't very long ago even though it has started to feel like a different lifetime.

"Gozhou is a very large land and very isolated from the rest of the world. There is only one port in Gozhou that sends ships here and even that is shunned as a place for thieves and smugglers and pirates. When I set out on my mission it was the first time I had ever been out of the monastery and it's surroundings and it was a very long walk before I found a trade caravan that was heading in the direction of the port town. It was very far away. I earned some pay as a caravan guard and when I finally got there I spent quite a few months just learning your tongue and finding out as much about this place as I could. Eventually when I felt ready I made arrangements on a ship that was coming here. I thought it was headed straight for Emerald Bay but they must have truly been smugglers as they dropped me off on a rocky Northern Shore from where I made my way to the inn which is where we met."

"It was a hard journey and I learned much but..." here Stricia smiles "it feels like my journey has gotten even harder since. It must mean that I am learning very much"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone attempts to sequester himself in his cabin, trying to ignore the constant swaying of his surroundings. He's not exactly accustomed to luxury, but he doesn't think it would be an unreasonable request that the world take a moment to kindly just hold still for a bloody moment.

The interior of the boat smells of salt, pitch, sweat, and other odors he cannot identify. It is also small and cramped, ill suited for a man with horns and a tail. He was used to the efficient use of space of the military barracks, but that had at least been one large room jam packed with beds. The addition of walls to the equation enhanced not just the privacy, but also the crushing claustrophobia.

He needs a smoke now

Dreadstone practically bursts out onto the deck, drawing the curious glances of the crew members on deck who see no reason for his apparent urgency. Fingers trembling, he rolls and lights a cigarette, sucking down its foul-tasting smoke with gusto.

His nerves steadied for the time being, he casts a furtive glance at Onnabelle. The physical resemblance is striking, but the personality was nothing alike. Staring out over the endless expanse of steely blue ocean waters, Dreadstone loses himself in his memories as he retraces the broken road that has led him here.


Gnaw has grown tired of chasing rats in the hold. They never stray far from some handy hole or crevice to scamper into when they see him coming, and he is too big to follow after them.

He's pretty sure he saw some sausages hanging in the galley...
Alf is not having a good time.

He is not deathly afraid, as he was at first upon boarding the vessel, but the improvement is only marginal.

He spends much of his time laid up in his bunk, to minimize his chances of falling off the edge of the boat every time a sharp turn is made. Occasionally he comes out to the deck for some fresh air, but still he keeps his distance from the edges of the ship.

If requested, he'll help perform a chore, with the caveat that he won't venture anywhere near the edge under any circumstance.

Alf is not being social at all, actively avoiding conversation with anyone, but if he is specifically approached then he'll oblige whoever it is that's trying to speak to him.
Draco spend his time, when not working or otherwise busy, just looking at the sea. For all his traveling, he's never actually spent all that much in the water, much less left the continent, so this is quite the unique experience for him... he just hops his swimming skills aren't put to the test.
That night eventually overstays its welcome with nothing of interest happening. As with camping, it can be assumed the group eventually takes shifts to keep somebody on watch at all times.

Regardless of when Stricia decides to turn in for the night, at some point the sundial will drop from her person and collide with the bedside candle, knocking it over. While this does not set anything on fire with the flame hovering just above the surface, it does set a peculiar placement of the flame right behind the outer edge of the dial that is used to cast a shadow to tell time... With the flame so perfectly between the two sides of the dial like that, save for a slight glow nearly the entire sundial is cast in shadow.


Morning finds the most pleasant of awakenings for everyone, with morning light and breeze in tandem to awaken the body, the sky glowing with pink behind the clouds blanketing the waking sun in the horizon. Now Jonkin is on captain duty, and is currently making sure everything is in order with the ship crew and functions, the wheel he is absent from having a brace locked in place to prevent it from spinning on its own.

The next few days will be a repetition of this night and day pattern. The guests of the ship will be invited to have lunch with the other crewmen. While "eating" what is considered "food" whipped up from the "kitchen", the men also use the tables in the room to play card games of the gambling sort, using coin from their own pocket or bits of bread broken up as bets and rewards.


Stricia tells the rest about the odd occurrence and the next night tries to repeat the phenomenon so they can give their opinion. ((I imagine Niko or Draco might have some insight))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko whispers to himself quietly as he reviews his hand, "Huntsman, Champion, Jester, Forest Elf..." and discards the Forest Elf to draw three more cards: "Beast, Sparrow, Spy." Laughing at the mismatched collection fate has dealt, he reluctantly relinquishes a small pile of copper and folds his hand. "You've the devil's luck Pete, but I've naught a favor from god nor demon." He smirks as he steps away from the table to allow another of the crew to take his place.

Slightly concerned for Alf, the sorcerer is nonetheless unsure what to do for the alpha wolf in such circumstances. Curious how someone braver than anyone he has ever met can still be cowed by the elements. Perhaps rather than a weakness, it is a respect for the power of nature that generates this healthy fear. Nodding to himself, he approaches the druid with intentions to set him straight.

After a discussion of the history of sea travel and mercantile trading, the bulk of which he is not sure how he got on to talking about, Niko struggles to reach a more sympathetic conclusion. "Stupid books my father made me read are leaking out here...but uh. Well, it truly is rather frightening to consider the worst, but also somewhat exciting, don't you think?" The sorcerer is reminded of the things often quoted in these circumstance. "Man could do with less arrogance over the dominion of the elements, least they are consumed by them...or so they say." He shrugs nonchalantly and pats the deck of the ship. "Hopefully we won't have to put that to the test."

Ozzy stares up at the sorcerer standing next to Alf with what can only be described as a look of disappointment. "Gee, why don't you explain it better than!" Blinking, the weasel returns to washing what is presumably rat blood from his whiskers before scampering off into the dark recesses of the hold. "Sorry Alf, I'm not so good at the inspiration thing. For what it's worth, I don't think we'll be much longer."

Studying Stricia's sundial he raises an eyebrow in curiosity as she describes its queer behavior the night before. "I've not seen many sundials before...but do they not normally respond to light by leaving a single shadow, to indicate the time of day?" Levitating it in the air before them, he tests the stone device by creating a ball of green light in his hand, and moving it around the dial at different angles.
Alf listens to Niko talk for a while, nodding occasionally but unable to respond. The big words and complex sentences that the sorcerer is so fond of are finally starting to make sense to Alf, but he is not yet at the point where the process is automatic, so he is left with no opportunity to get a word in.

When Niko finally finishes, Alf takes a few seconds to mentally catch up. He says, "I never gave up control of self to manmade... thing. If I in a building and it burns? I can leave. If I in a wagon and it crash? No problem, I can walk."

He takes a deep breath. "If I am in a boat and it sinks? Ain't nothing I can do. Going to drown and can't stop it. I ain't a good swimmer - least not good enough to get to shore from here."

He fidgets uncomfortably. "I expect eventually I get used to it. Trying to do monk meditations to calm down. Not helping as much as I want though. Maybe should ask Stricia for guidance." He sighs. "Thank you for trying cheer me up, Son."
Leo decides to sit down and play the card game for a bit. He has no idea how card games work, so he just defaults to going all in every game. This quickly gets him ejected from the table.

Stricia's description of what the sundial did makes Leo curious. Figuring out the workings of a fancy magical doodad is something well over his head, but he takes a stab at trying to guess what it was doing anyway.

"Hmm, Draco said something about the watch telling the time of another world, didn't he? The flames floating off the ground sounds like something magical, and the way you say it perfectly lined up with the sundial... I've got it! It was telling you the time in a parallel version of our world entirely made out of fire! That's the only thing that would make sense. I wonder if our fire selves are sailing across a sea made out of lava right now..."

Mike M

Nick N
((Moving my sister-in-law and nephew the fuck out of my house this weekend, so I'm not going to be able to post much))
Studying Stricia's sundial he raises an eyebrow in curiosity as she describes its queer behavior the night before. "I've not seen many sundials before...but do they not normally respond to light by leaving a single shadow, to indicate the time of day?" Levitating it in the air before them, he tests the stone device by creating a ball of green light in his hand, and moving it around the dial at different angles.
The interaction between light and surfaces works as intended of a primitive tool.
"I for one think Leo is onto something. Niko! Find a way to the plane of fire so we can enlist the help of our fire-selves. The orphans will never see it coming..."


bitch I'm taking calls.
Disappointed by his short experiment's failure to shed metaphorical light on the situation, Niko shakes his head at Draco's response. "Leo leads. If his name was Donatello we might have had a chance." He hovers the sundial carefully back into Stricia's hands. "I am stumped for now, but definitely think it's related to the rhyme Draco heard when acquiring it. Probably. Will need to think of another test to put it through first..."

The sorcerer steps away to pace the deck and think about a solution to this riddle. He is distracted by looking out into the water for turtles.

((Finals the next two days so expect light posting from me.))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone snaps his fingers irritably. "Enough with the cockamamie sundial," he scolds. "We need to focus here and gather our wits. Now, we know they've got giant spiders and gorgons, anyone got a guess of what more we can expect?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Hearing Dreadstone snap, Niko quickly focuses on the ranger's command. "I guess that would depend on what people know about the island itself. I'm guessing if the Orphans or orphan-hired mercs are shipping the monsters from this island, it's likely not heavily populated." He looks around for Onabell or Jonkin.

"Come to think of it we don't even know if the island has a name or history. Or how they know the monsters come from there."
<I am assuming you'll want to ask Jonkin something... right? If not I'll move on since the players from the previous game haven't figured out the story being told with the sundial.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I was gonna let someone else ask instead of hogging all the plays.))

Niko approaches Jonkin at the wheel and asks about the history of the island they are headed to. "Captain, may I borrow your ear a moment?" He clears his throat and proceeds to ask if Jonkin is not adverse to the request. "The island we seek, does it have a name or history? My companions and I were also wondering if you or Onnabell knew how the Keep's forces in Southport figured out that is where the monsters were coming from."
The good captain seems free to give over the shoulder glances to the boy and speaking to him, while at the same time keeping at the wheel, "Nobody's going to name an isle without knowin' what's there. As for how they knew? Hell I guess they asked. I'm getting paid to take you there either way so I can't complain if it's the wrong pimple in water."
((I feel your pain Jackben. I've been on the exam gauntlet for about a week now. Got a little longer to go.))

Leo is so overjoyed at Draco actually taking something he said seriously that the sarcasm flies fully over his head. When Dreadstone orders the party to contemplate what monsters they'll find on the island, Leo's mind combines this with the parallel, fiery timeline still in his head. Giant spiders and gorgons made out of fire sound bad, definitely... Oh shit! What if in their attempts to find their counterparts made out of fire, they encounter a batallion of fire-based orphans that combine together to make a giant orphan volcano that is a champion of evil? Distraught at this new possibility, Leo seeks out anything that can be used to store water and begins filling them with gallons of ocean water. If anyone asks him why he's doing this, he'll say "We'll need all the water we can get for when the volcano orphan arrives." Leo sounds genuinely concerned and distraught when saying this.
<The plot is literally 2deep4tiberius>

Pointing out into the distance, the captain yells for a cabin boy. Getting what he wants, he tells the man, "Supply boat in the horizon. Going to detour to the ten to meet with it. Tell everyone, and give them a good slap if you catch'em slackin'."

After some bit of travel, the ship meets up with another anchored to a full stop. It is here the crew restocks on food and barrels of drinkable water to continue their voyage comfortably. It is here various trinkets and souvenirs from the far cry away from the chilly weather of the main land as well as miscellaneous tools such as nets or thick cloth and needle.
Alf isn't sure how long this trip is supposed to take, but to him, the fact that they're meeting up with another ship to refill their supplies means that it's going to be a lot longer than he hoped.

He swallows his pride and finds his old teacher.

"Stricia," he says, "I tire to feeling this way. Travels on water scare me more than I want them to. I hear you sometimes talk about meditations that monks do, meditations to calm your mind and feel better. You taught me to create defense; can you teach me more of these meditations as well? I wish to learn more from you and your ways."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone observes the loading of goods, nodding approvingly at the sailors' efficiency. He has no authority over them, but it still feels like he has some measure of control. It helps soothe his mounting anxiety as he becomes increasingly cognizant of the fact he's about to mount an expedition into a wilderness full of giant monsters.

All in a day's work for a conventional ranger, but Dreadstone's never been more than a couple days' travel from civilization. Being so far out of his element makes the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

The gods of this world may be dead and gone, but Dreadstone offers a fleeting prayer to those of Draco's sundial world that this ends quickly and with a minimum of casualties.
((In all fairness, the plots to most things are 2deep4tiberious))

In Leo's attempts to prepare for the impending attack of fiery things, he notices that Dreadstone and Alf seem stressed too. The looming threat of volcano people must be getting to them too. How could it not? The amount of teamwork needed for dozens if not hundreds of people to combine into a volcano is intimidating in and of itself. Leo decides that he should try and help calm their nerves. After all, if there's anything he's good at, it's burying negative emotions, so he feels almost obligated to help them in the art of suppression.

Whichever one of them Leo can find first, he'll strike up conversation with. "I know this is a scary situation and all, but it's ok, we've got this! I've found that whenever fear or anxiety come up, the best way to handle it is burying it under layers and layers of other stuff. It's practically not there at that point. And who knows? Maybe we can stop them before they have a chance to fuse into a volcano."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone makes this exact face at Leo
For a moment, Leo thinks he didn't do a good enough job in trying to help Dreadstone deal with volcano-people related stress. The look of shear confusion has him thinking that he didn't do a good enough job explaining how to bury things. But then it dawns on him: Dreadstone looks as confused as Leo does when people ask him about his parents. That must mean Dreadstone mastered the art of suppressing problems while Leo was still telling him about it! He must be some kind of suppressing prodigy. That, or it was a skill he already knew. The details don't matter, Leo's just glad to see a good outcome.

"Wow, you're really good at that, Deadstone! I should go get more water ready, let me know when we're landing!"


Stricia notes Alf's pallid complexion with concern. She had thought he had just been spending time with Lady but she admits to herself that she hadn't been paying much attention and had instead been enjoying the seclusion afforded by gazing at the open sea.

"Lady does not seem to be fearful. I wonder if you would have been if you had not gained your new powers..." Stricia places her palm against her collar bone and continues. "I am taught that fear comes from different sources. One comes from the body and this I think every living being is familiar with. It is in our reactions to loud noises, fire, another hostile creature, sharp objects... everything that brings pain our body avoids by instinct. Much of what I have taught you of defense comes from a balance of not giving in to these fears, but not ignoring them either and instead using them to inform your reactions, your avoidance."

Stricia leans forward and taps Alf's forehead with an index finger. "The fear you are experiencing comes instead from the mind and is perhaps a new experience for you. It is not a reaction to an imminent danger, but an imagined potential danger. There is nothing to react to now, nothing to fight or flee from, and yet your mind with its endless worries is making you react like there is. Not pleasant, yes?"

"The mind is a wonderful thing, it thinks and plans, it allows us to learn and know in a way that the body does not. But it chatters and obsesses incessantly and it does not stop. It can overwhelm you if you let it. Just like the body can make you freeze or flinch in reaction to imminent danger, the mind can make you shiver and sweat in reaction to imagined ones."

She pats the railing next to her inviting Alf to come stand with her and look out at the endless horizon. "It is hard to ignore the body when it reacts in a way that is not helpful. It is harder still to ignore the mind when it is doing the same thing. Knowing that you can do so is the first step in doing so. It's a step you have just taken. So look." Stricia sweeps out her hand to indicate the ocean. "The sea is calm and the horizons are clear. It is just the sea and sky. Empty. Do the same to your thoughts. They are yours to control. Calm them, clear them... and then empty them out. The mind has done what is should by thinking and informing you of what that the sea may bring. Now that you know them it is time for it to rest. It is up to you to make it do so. Your mediatations will come easier with practice but for now just look" So saying Stricia falls silent and expects Alf to do so as well. After five minutes that pass very quickly for Stricia (they may or may not for Alf) she looks at him and grins. "Don't ignore what your mind is telling you though."

"Learn to swim. That will help too."
Days and nights drift by with nothing to offer the eager warriors, marrying them to a life of repetitive chores and watching the life of the sun as it dresses in clouds; senses dull, boredom settles in like a disease killing the heart, and tension spikes.

The screams of calling reach even to the depths of the ship, announcing the sight of land 'on yonder'. They induce urgency among the crew and yourselves, suggestion preparation. Galloping footsteps race to the hold as if their lives depended on it.

Once seen, a silhouette is faded in the soft mist of the distance, giving focus in the endless and lonely surroundings that have caged the party for so long.

Captain Onnabelle approaches with high spirits, "This is it! There is a beachside we will dock at, and after we do we will set up camp for ourselves. We'll wait for you there while you explore the island."


bitch I'm taking calls.

Startled from a day-dream, Niko drops the worn out broom he was holding at the sound of shouts and the pounding of running feet. 'Could it be true?' His heart begins to beat at the thought of finally reaching their destination. 'No more stale bread and foul tasting rum, hours of cleaning and chores, arguments about who is cheat at cards or whose turn it is to swab the deck...'

These joyous thoughts energize his movements as he rushes with the others toward the stairs. Amid the stampede, Ozzy springs off the ground and finds purchase on the sorcerer's cloak, climbing onto his shoulder as they ascend in haste. Catching rats and nibbling at the stores of food must begin to wear on the weasel's instinct for a challenge. "You're heavier than I remember" Niko remarks, only to be met with a sharp bite on his neck.

Rising onto the deck he cannot help but join in crowding the sides of the ship as they stare out at the island emerging before them.

"Land hooooooooooooo!"
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